Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1135: Qin Guo sent troops

After reading the letter, Xuan Wei hesitated.

Tang Yi reminded: "I heard that before the imperial poisoning in the Qi Guochao Tang, it was this Shao Liu'er begging the ghost doctor disciple to make the imperial poisoning of the imperial family in Qi."

Xuan Wei: "I naturally know this matter, maybe even more than you know some details of the princess pleading on her knees, just because you know ... that Mr. Wuxin does not necessarily get shots repeatedly, in case it doesn't work, the situation of clear skies is sent. There is even more helplessness there. Can he wait until he comes back alive?

Tang Yi: "Are there any other options for Xianggong?"

"Yes!" Xuan Wei sighed in heaven.

Tang Yi: "The pointers are eloquent and must be certain, otherwise there is no need to work on a dying person, it has no meaning."

Xuan Wei turned around, suddenly grabbed Tang Yi ’s arm, and cautioned: “In the early years, many people persuaded me to ascend the throne. It ’s one thing for me not to usurp the throne, and the other is that I do n’t want to harm the clear sky. Once I came to power, the three major factions There is no clear sky, so this matter must not be made known to the three major factions. Now that I am about to ascend to the throne, the attention of the three major factions will be diverted, which is a good opportunity for the clear sky to escape. Sister, you go to Qi State to meet Qi Huang personally , Shangqingzong must help me safely deliver the clear sky. "

Tang Yigong said: "Shang Qingzong will do his utmost to live up to the trust of his husband!" Afterwards hesitated a bit, "I'm just saying nothing in front of Emperor Qi!"

Without saying anything, Xuan Wei turned around and walked quickly to the case, wrote a letter in person and handed it to Tang Yi, so that he could present it to Qi Huang Hao Yuntu ...

At the grand ceremony, Xuan Wei, wearing a royal robe, ascended the throne, accepted the worship of the ministers, and officially became the Queen of the Patriotic Kingdom, and officially took full control of the power of the Patriotic Kingdom.

The news of the Queen's ascending the throne quickly spread to the entire Patriotic Kingdom. I don't know how many people expected her, hoping she could turn the tide.

Xuan Chengtian, who was under house arrest in Lenggong, received a briefing and laughed back in the sky. "Xuan Wei, bitch, and wolf child's ambitions are finally exposed! Bitches, God will take you ..."

Various curses echoed in the cold palace, but no one ignored it.

After ascending the throne, the three major schools of Wei Guo found something wrong and found that Ximen Qingtian was gone. It stands to reason that Tang Yi should be with Xuan Wei after the poison in Ximen Qingkong, but Tang Yi was gone. The three major factions immediately investigated them, but they didn't know where they were. They found that even some of the important members of the Qing sect were gone.

The large manned birds in the palace were also missing three. Their whereabouts were unknown, so they inquired about Xuanwei. Xuanwei was vague, not to mention!

In this situation, the three factions could not express their intention to get rid of Ximen Qingtian. Xuanwei refused to answer, and they could not take Xuanwei.

One thing after another, the whereabouts of Ximen Qingtian were quickly forgotten by everyone.

Qin Guo came to the news. Although Qin Guo did not send troops directly, he planned to take over Xi Pingguan to clarify the interests of controlling Xi Pingguan.

The main points it clarified, as Meng Shanming told Qin, were not implemented in time according to Meng Shanming's reminder, which was delayed for a long time.

Qin Guo meant to control the Xiping Pass first to prepare for the subsequent preparation of the army to enter the Guardian State.

After deliberation by Wei Guojun and his ministers, in order to get Qin Guo to send troops, he decided to give Xi Pingguan control to Qin Guo.

It was not easy to make this decision. Whoever controlled the Xiping Pass held the passage of the army of the seven east and west countries. Once this control was handed over to Qin State, it almost meant that it would be lost forever. It may not be returned to Wei Guo, how can the meat bite in the mouth be easily loosened, unless it is snatched back.

However, this is the situation, Wei Guo had to compromise.

Of course, it is not now. The Weiguo must see the main players of Qin State arrive at Xiping Pass before they can hand over Xiping Pass. Offensive and easy to change hands.

Also, if it is not certain that Qin Guoqing sent troops, Weiguo cannot hand over. This may be the last retreat of some people in Weiguo. Once defeated, they may have to withdraw from Xipingguan to the territory of the Eastern Four Kingdoms.

Regardless of Qin's willingness to allow the Weiguo to enter, the Weiguo defeated troops must retreat from Xiping, and it is unrealistic for a large number of defeated troops to take the sea.

Faced with Wei Guo's attitude, Qin's envoys had no choice but to faithfully reply to Qin's court ...

Within the territory of Qin State, General Tian Zhengyang led the army and rushed to Xipingguan.

The reason why he is willing to send troops is also forced by Xuan Wei to do nothing.

When Xuan Wei shot, Qin Guo could still procrastinate at first. Afterwards, he found something was wrong. The food supply of Qin Guo was suddenly tense. Now it is too late to cultivate. Not to mention that it is too late for the time of tillage and harvest. First of all, if the people do not suffer, it is not that you can grow the land if you let it.

Selling physical strength and doing some craft work can make more money and fill your stomach better. Why go to farm?

At this time Qin Guo realized that Wei Guo had dug a pit for Qin Guo long ago. In his early years, he thought that Wei Guo sold grain at a low price in order to pay Qin Guo a good deal. Now he realizes that this is not the case.

Wei Guo has secretly pinched Qin's neck with an invisible big hand in a way of surrendering his soldiers without fighting, and can always control Qin's situation.

Do n’t send troops to join the war, do n’t say that Qin will soon be in chaos because of a large area of ​​famine. Once Jin is in control of Xipingguan, do n’t expect Jin Congress to raise his hand. Leveled.

The reflected Yu Cang's face was dark, only to realize that these people in a new country are still too tender.

Realizing the immense crisis, the two generals, Tian Zhengyang and Ma Chang'an, dared not pull the skin anymore. There were no eggs under the nest, and Yu Cang would not allow them to pull the skin again!

On the one hand, troops were mobilized, and the deployment of various combat materials suddenly rose quickly.

On the one hand, they urgently implemented policies to force the people to resume cultivation on a large scale. Although they knew it was late, it was impossible not to do so.


"Princess, Qin State has sent troops!" In the tunnel, Shao San Province issued an emergency report to the Shishi.

"What?" Shao Pingbo, who was sitting indoors looking at various sources of information, stood up in shock and asked anxiously: "Did the court not spread the rumors in Jin State as I arranged?"

Shao Sansheng: "It's spread, but the rumors didn't work. Wei Guo shot!"

Shao Pingbo hurriedly pulled the news and looked at it, which detailed the news returned by the spies from Qin Guo's side and described the plight that Qin Guo faced after Wei Guo suddenly tightened the rope.

After reading the news, Shao Pingbo quickly turned to look at the map, first found the location where Yin Chujun probably arrived, and then found Tian Zhengyang where he probably arrived. His finger tapped gently at Xipingguan.

His eyes flashed, and after staring for a while, he said slowly: "The voice is loud and the elephant is invisible. At first, I thought that Wei Guo wanted to make a good deal with Qin Guo behind him, in order to avoid the enemy from the back and belly. I didn't expect it to be such a backhand. It hasn't been easy to hold Weiguo for many years. I underestimated Xuan Wei. "

He tapped on Xipingguan with his fingers, "Fortunately, we are in front of it. It's a little late for Qin State to respond now. The main force of Qin State's horse is far away from Xipingguan, but Qin State is in his own country. Marching within the territory, there is no obstacle on the way, and it has an absolute advantage. Our Jin State is now a two-line intervention, and it is no longer able to send more forces to interfere with the Qin Army! "

"The bigger trouble is the impact on the hearts of the people. When the news of Qin's troop dispatch comes out, it is easy for the forces on Yin Chu's eastward route to sway. Once the speed of Yin Chu's army is delayed, I am afraid that it will not be able to grab the main force of the Qin army. Take control of Xiping before the attack! "

"Submit to the court, send people to Qin State, and negotiate with Qin State. No matter whether Qin State agrees or not, as long as he can delay Qin's occupation of Xipingguan, no matter what the conditions are, he will first agree to come down."

"Submit to Heishuitai to strengthen the intervention of forces along Yin Chudong's route. Now our Jin army is on the offensive. If someone swings, they can directly threaten and intimidate! They can be threatened! Xipingguan is a fortress If something goes wrong, make sure Yin Chuan ’s army is running smoothly, and make sure that Yin Chu rushes to Tian Zhengyang and arrives at Xipingguan! "

"His Majesty, sent someone to secretly contact Xiping Gatekeeper, Xu Yizhongli bought ..."

Shao Sanxing interjected, "Tian Zhengyang's approaching army will undoubtedly increase the confidence of Xiping's gatekeepers. If we know that the Jin army can't overcome it, and learn that Qin's troops will make the Jin army at a disadvantage, it may not be easy for the guards to weigh. Was bought off ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shao Pingbo: "This is exactly the purpose of sending messages to His Majesty. I am afraid that the defender will learn that the Qin army will die and will never let the Xiping gatekeeper die until the arrival of Tian Zhengyang's army and arrive at Tian Zhengyang. Before that, be sure to let Yin Chu win Xiping Pass first. "

"Inform your majesty and send a lobbyist to contact the general of Xiping Gatekeeper. You must ask the other party a word: After the abandoning the Xipingguan arch to Qin Jun, will you be able to do a great job? Where will you go in the future? The beloved Seven Princesses will be sent to Xiping Gatekeeper to complete the room first, and the marriage can be refilled later. "

"Marrying Her Majesty the Seventh Princess I love the most, the defender will have no worries anymore. Even if the offensive of the Jin Kingdom is defeated, he will come to the Jin Kingdom and there will be a talisman. There is no shortage of glory and wealth. Such peace of mind can prompt Xiping to guard. Will make up my mind! "

Shao Sansheng's expression twitched and said: "Princess Seven is the pearl on Her Majesty's palm. Will the eldest son's offer this policy annoy His Majesty?"

Shao Pingbo: "I only give advice, it is never your majesty's business, the matter is here, I believe that your majesty will not be disturbed by the affection of your children, and will make a wise choice!"


Three manned birds landed from the sky and landed outside a Chinese military tent temporarily stationed at Qi Jun. The chief of the internal army, Bu Xun, walked in person.

In the Chinese military account, Huyan, who was wearing armor, strode forward without hatred, and greeted him personally, arching his hand: "Stepmaster!"

"Have seen the handsome!" Bu Xuke politely saluted.

Huyan Wuhen waved his hand and asked him to sit in his tent. He Xun waved his hand and refused. "I'm going to rush back to the capital. The handsome army is powerful and powerful. Can I accompany the old slave?"

Hu Yanwuhen's eyes flickered a little, knowing that this away from Beijing would not have come out to play. It should be the emperor's meaning to come here in person. It is estimated that he came here on behalf of the emperor. Rebel, immediately reach out, "Please!"

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