Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1137: Qi Huang's curiosity

The unanswered step was stunned, and then thoughtfully, staring at the leaving back with a sigh, seemed to understand Huyan's bitterness.

He didn't stay too much, even the tea was useless, and he greeted the entourage and hurried away.

Stepping back to the palace, Qi Huang Hao Yun figure relieved.

After learning of Huyan Wuhen's confidential combat plan, he knew that Huyan Wuhen did not intend to resist, but had another plan of rebellion. A stretched face finally eased.

"My relatives not only concealed the Manchus, but also concealed them. The concealment was impenetrable. But what the General said was right. Your school desk was indeed responsible. The communications center was breached and the military aircraft could be at any time Will it leak, can he rest assured? "Hao Yuntu reprimanded Bu Xun.

Bu Xun smiled bitterly in his heart, and Hu Yanwuhen could not blame him, and he could not blame His Majesty for looking away. The responsibility could only be him.

"In order to cooperate with the rebellion of the general, it seems that I have to be wronged for a while, and I have to continue to perform the trick for the general under pressure." Hao Yuntu's tone was a lot easier.

However, it didn't take long for Tang Yi, who was dressed as a man, to come and do the follower of the emperor Kang He.

Xuan Wei's secret matters were only known to Kang He in the hands of the Wei Guo people. Kang He received Xuan Wei's secret order to cooperate with Tang Yi.

Only knowing to cooperate fully with Tang Yi, Kang He did not know exactly what to do.

Lian Kanghe didn't want to tell for the sake of confidentiality, but there was no way. Tang Yi could hardly see Hao Yuntu no matter what it was. He had no way to worry about even entering the palace.

I heard that Kang He brought Xuan Wei's secret envoy, Hao Yuntu naturally wanted to meet him in person.

Seeing Hao Yuntu, Tang Yi immediately said to Kang He: "Master Kang, do your best to avoid trouble."

Kang He arched his hand and retreated first.

At this time, Tang Yifang took out the Xuan Wei secret and believed it.

The letter went to Buxun's hands to check first, glanced at the contents of the letter, Buxun's eyelids jumped, confirming that there was no problem before transferring the letter to Haoyuntu's hands.

After reading the contents of the letter, Hao Yuntu's face was black, and two words popped out of his mouth, "Sinner!"

I found that my son didn't have a worry. The eldest son of the family rebelled and sent to Weiguo to enter into the trouble. At this time, he did the poisoning thing. Don't you know the purpose of letting him into trouble?

Tang Yi arched his hand: "Your Majesty Qi, if you do n’t have the elders to cast spells to help suppress the poison, you ca n’t come here alive. The situation is very urgent and you can only temporarily protect his heart. In two days, Your Majesty Qi Huang also asked for help quickly, otherwise it would be too late. "

Hao Yun said: "I understand Xuan Wei's mood. The two countries formed an alliance, fight against the enemy together, and it's a matter of rebellion. This busyness naturally helps me. It's just that Mr. Wuxin's strange temperament is different from ordinary people. , I am afraid that my daughter-in-law may not be useful even if she goes to ask others. "

Tang Yi pleaded: "This is the end of the matter. No matter it is useful or useless, His Majesty Qi Huang has to give it a try."

She didn't point out that someone specifically pointed out the direction for help. First, she didn't need to say this. Secondly, she was worried about causing misgivings. This caused her to succumb. The main task.

Hao Yuntu yelled, and immediately looked for steps: "Immediately invite Princess Ying to go to the palace."

Bu Xun was about to take his life, Tang Yi snatched the words: "Your Majesty, before coming, Xiang Gong repeatedly urged secrecy. This matter should not be known to too many people. It is best to do it in secret, otherwise it may cause twists and turns!"

Hao Yuntu was slightly silent, he nodded slightly, and understood the meaning of the other party. He was afraid that someone with good intentions would hit Ximen Qingtian again after he heard the news. Then he walked and said: "You have heard, you go to the King's Mansion in person to visit Hao Go in the real name. "


Hao Yuntu gave Bu Xuan a glance and said: "I asked Gui Guifei on behalf of me, and asked her how she taught her son, and ordered her to contact Hao Cheng's letters frequently, so that Hao Cheng should not act rashly."

Bu Xun followed him for many years, and he understood what he meant. He immediately replied: "Your Majesty, Wang Ye is a hot-blooded boy, and the old slaves do n’t listen to anything. Xuan Wei and Xi Men Qingkong are well known. Among them, the mood is conceivable, and young people can understand even the impulse. "

Hao Yuntu said coldly: "Can understanding kill anyone at will?"

The two sang a harmony there, Tang Yi understood, and Hao Yuntu accused Xuan Wei of being wrong first, and did not want his son to have an accident on Wei Guo. The words were deliberately told to her.

Tang Yi listened silently and said nothing.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Hao Yuntu seemed to be curious. Suddenly the subject turned and asked, "Tang Yi, the head of the Shangqing sect, are you the former wife of Niu Youdao?"

Tang Yi was a little embarrassed by this remark. She was the least willing to face this problem. However, she asked for help and could only reply daringly, "Yes!"

Hao Yuntu couldn't help but carefully looked up and down Tang Yi's appearance, and found that it was indeed a good beauty.

He did not expect that one day he could meet Niu Youdao's ex-wife and asked, "How do you think Niu Youdao is this person?"

Tang Yi pursed her lips, "Your Majesty Qi, I don't want to mention the past."

Hao Yuntu waved his hand, "I don't mean anything else. I'm just a little strange. Niu Youdao is indeed a patient person. With both hands empty out of the mountain, he has supported the Shang dynasty all the way to the present day. The ability to support a Shangqing Sect should not be a problem. Did n’t the Shang Qingzong need such talent at that time? "

Tang Yi hastily said, "It is the Shangqing Sect who has eyes and no beads."

Hao Yuntu looked otherwise, "It is rumored that Niu Youdao stayed in the Shangqing Sect as a teenager. I don't believe you can't realize his ability? Even under house arrest."

This question asked the key. When thinking about this, Tang Yi wondered himself. The Niu Youdao who left the Shang Qing Zong was called a toss. But it is strange that in the first few years of the Shang Qing Zong, Niu You Dao was obedient. Like anything, it is completely mixed and waiting to die, making people look down upon.

She also complained to herself. In those years, she has never seen a few words about the cow. She did n’t even say a few words. She did n’t know anything about it. She knew almost nothing about the cow. As for later.

But who knew at the time, what insights can a country boy from the mountains have? Who can think of a person with a bright heart?

As a result, as soon as he released the mountain, he immediately turned into a person.

Not to mention her, many people in the Shangqing sect did not understand it afterwards. Since Niu Youdao had this energy, why didn't he argue in the Shangqing sect? Why should we fight after leaving the Qing sect? Could the dangers of the outside world be less than the failure of the Shangqing Sect at the time?

I could n’t figure it out, but I did n’t know that Niu Youdao did n’t know anything about the situation at that time. The concept at the time did n’t think about the past and only wanted to protect himself. After following the Shang Dynasty, he was also planning to leave the Shang Dynasty, which was dragged in by Yuan Gang. The muddy waters of the Shang dynasty were competing for loyalty!

At this moment, Tang Yi can only say: "Your Majesty Qi Huang, the reason is very complicated, it is unclear."

Hao Yuntu was purely curious because of seeing her, and did not mean anything else, and sighed, "You shouldn't take a break from his husband and wife for a hundred days a day, but unfortunately, otherwise there will be some roots to tie his things. Name This copy may not be of much use, but it can also keep him going! "

Speaking of which, Tang Yi doesn't mention much embarrassment. She and Niu Youdao actually don't have any husband and wife. But outsiders take it for granted. The couple has been worshiping the candle in the heaven and earth for many years ... This is a woman she can't explain. Do the heads of the Qing dynasty sect have to emphasize to the outside that they are incompetent?

What is even more aggrieved is that it is Niu Youdao who must keep up with Qingzong to draw clear boundaries, and Niu Youdao forced her to speak out.

"Your Majesty, it's important to save people." Tang Yi didn't want to mention the matter anymore, and the topic returned to normal.

Hao Yuntu chuckled, "Also, he is now in a holy land, and it is not necessarily whether he can come back alive. It is meaningless to say this." He waved his hand and gestured to find arrangements.

After Tang Yi and Bu Xun left, Hao Yuntu's face tensed again, and Hao Cheng's actions still made him mad!

He still doesn't know what Hao Cheng has experienced. Hao Cheng has encountered Xuan Wei and Ximen Qingkong walking between men and women. Later, when he heard a reprimand from Hao Cheng and received Hao Cheng's reply, Hao Yuntu knew his son's stubbornness.

Jing Guifei was crying when she was informed. Hao Yuntu agreed to her. After the war subsided, her son was brought back. This is all afterword ...

Bu Xun suddenly came to the King ’s Mansion and came down to visit on behalf of the Majesty, but Hao Zhen was flattered.

Hao Zhen was poisoned, and his vitality was seriously hurt. He was afraid that it would be a long time to recover. However, there are many monks around him to help with the rehabilitation. Together with the panacea, he has recovered most of his body and has been able to move around, although his body is still a bit weak ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ After representing the concern of His Majesty, He Xun made Hao Zhen screen back and forth, and then he made a clear intention to Hao Zhen.

Hao Zhen called Shao Liu'er immediately. Shao Liu'er was embarrassed, but the emperor personally ordered, could she refuse? Her current status cannot be refused.

The person who instructed Xuanwei Luzi clearly looked at this point, and instead of directly looking for Shao Liu'er, he asked Qi Huang to find Shao Liu'er.

Whether it is Hao Zhen or Shao Liu'er, the husband and wife can't refuse, they can only agree.

After walking around, Shao Liu'er wondered: "My lord, why did your majesty find concubine to seek Mr. Wuxin?"

Hao Zhen sighed, "I'm afraid I did it before seeing you. I want you to try it again. Liu'er, I'm afraid I will wrong you again this time, but there is no way. We can't help but the father's will." If you ca n’t help it, go ahead and do what you can. Try it. You ca n’t blame you if you ca n’t. ”

The last sentence is meaningful, let the wife grasp the degree, to put it bluntly, don't embarrass yourself.

It is not known that Shao Liu'er was worried about this. As she asked, why did she let her go?

The so-called guilty conscience is the truth. She is a little doubt whether Qi Huang Hao Yuntu knows something, or whether she knows her relationship with the unintentional. With Qi Huang's power and intelligence network, it is not impossible.

I was very disturbed in my heart, but I still had to obey, let Fuzhong prepare a carriage, prepare a gift, and went to the unintentional mansion in the name of thanks.

It was Guo Man who opened the door to see the guests, and learned that Yilai turned around and told Wuxin. When I learned that I was here to thank you, I refused to do so.

However, Shao Liu'er was so soft that she couldn't hold her, and the courtyard door was opened for her after all.

Finally, a carriage parked at the entrance of the alley came to the door. The door opened, and Tang Yi and others on the carriage quickly lifted the Ximen covered in black cloth into the sky ...

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