Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1138: You can not have it both ways

In the early morning, it was time for the entrance of Wuliangyuan to take turns. After the shift, Ao Feng picked up two stones and took them away.

It was no surprise that others knew how much he knew that the criminal was in a bad mood after being suppressed, and he began to play with stone carvings, and he could see some of the sculptures he placed at the door of the residence.

Of course, this is all Ao Feng's cover up, he has no interest in carving anything.

There is no way. Since it has been pretended before, it must be installed like this. A slight accident here may cause suspicion.

One of the two stones he held in his hand was obtained from the outside in the same way.

The target stone was placed outside for a long time, and after several classes, he found a chance to get in.

Again, there is no way!

Not every time you can be so lucky, not every time he is on duty to hit the door to open.

After getting a stone in the last time, he didn't wait for the opportunity to open the gate afterwards, and didn't find the chance until this time.

This time it's easier to get in than last time. First, the volume of the stone is much smaller and easier to carry and hide. Secondly, it is not easy to be discovered at night when the gate is opened. Finally, I have some experience.

All the way back to his place as if nothing had happened, he quickly closed the door and window as soon as he entered the door.

One stone was discarded, and the stone cracked the shell after casting a spell.

It was okay if the forged stone didn't break. After the break, the flashing red light inside made him stunned for a moment.

Innumerable fruit? After seeing what it was, he scared him so much that it made a mess, and hurriedly cast a quilt to cover things.

Then quickly peeped into the gap between the doors and windows to observe the movement outside.

After confirming that there was no incident, the beating liver was gradually calmed down.

Looking back at the thing covered by the quilt, frowning, no amount of fruit? how can that be?

But he dare to ensure that he did not misread it. What he saw just now was boundless fruit. He had seen what the boundless fruit looked like and would not be wrong. Whatever I thought was wrong, I immediately walked to a short stature, lying on the ground like a child, quilt opened a corner, the head burrowed into it, and took an "infinite fruit" to check.

Fake is fake, can not afford to start to identify.

Ao Feng, who was hiding in the shade of the quilt, could not help but be surprised when he was playing with fake things. It was too realistic. If you do n’t start looking at it, it can be completely fake.

In particular, the fakes penetrated like the luster of living creatures. I really do n’t know how to get them out. He wanted to open them. But the fake fruits were blocked, and he was not easy to destroy them.

"This can be done, the guy is really omnipotent." Ao Feng muttered a few words, the expression on his face and eyes was full of admiration.

Fiddle with the count, just like the number on the tree, just twelve.

The amount matched, Ao Feng immediately drilled out of the quilt, dignified expression, into the Wuliangyuan twelve fake innumerable fruits, which is obviously Li Daitao stiff.

Falsification is naturally not intended to be discovered, this is inevitable, otherwise there is no need to spend this effort.

However, he wanted to pick the real fruit and replace it with fake fruit on the fruit tree. He wanted to be undetected. This is an impossible thing. He really couldn't think of any chance for Li Daitao. Niu Youdao didn't tell him the specific plan, and he couldn't think of anything.

Next, Ao Feng looked around for a while, and it was a headache for him to hide the things under the quilt.

This thing is no better than those few skulls, even if a few skulls are found, it doesn't mean anything.

But once this thing was discovered, once it was searched out, then there was nothing to explain, and the explanation was useless, dead!


In the canyon, the old place, under the moonlight, Niu Youdao met Sharu again.

"I said, we don't have to try not to meet unless necessary." Sha Rulai, who was slightly dissatisfied, warned Niu Youdao again.

Niu Youdao laughed: "I naturally know that it is not necessary to meet each other, nor dare to disturb Mr. Sha."

I got news from the Fox family and learned that Ao Feng had finally found a chance to get things into the infinite garden, and finally started the next plan. The plan for the next step requires the help of Sha Rulai, who is not clear on the written communication and needs to be interviewed.

Sha Rulai: "What's the matter?"

Niu Youdao: "Is there any special situation outside recently?"

Yuan Gang and Guan Fangyi have limited information through channels, and Sharulai ’s channels may know more.

It ’s rare to see each other, since I ’ve seen them, I still have to ask them. Asking them in person is at least clear and detailed.

Sha Rulai: "There is no special situation for the time being. The war situation you asked me to help pay attention to, and that's the case, a full-scale war is inevitable. Oh, yes, Wei Guoxuanwei ascended the throne as the empress, the Simon who guarded her Qingtian was poisoned by her husband Hao Cheng, presumably the mastermind of the three major factions of Wei Guo. At present, Ximen Qingkong seems to have disappeared, and life and death are unknown. For the specific situation, I have now left the 缥缈 阁 after all. not much."

Niu Youdao nodded slightly, he knew that, in some cases, no one would know more than he did.

He was the one who directed Xuan Wei's maze, and when he learned about the poison in Ximen Qing's air, he immediately intervened.

He didn't want to intervene. His current situation and the situation he faced were placed here.

But he would intervene if he didn't intervene. What does Yuan Gang's fierce summoning mean to him? Yuan Gang is a true blood-blooded man, a person with a strong sense of passion and a sense of justice, and a person who knows the grace and gratitude.

The reason why he notified him first is that he knows his current situation, fearing that it will endanger the security of Niu Youdao.

If this were not the case, Yuan Gang would not be so procrastinated if he did not take into account his safety, fearing that he would have intervened directly.

Niu Youdao could only sigh after knowing it. In order to complete Yuan Gang's last resort, he immediately issued a layout, and his layout was naturally more intensive than Yuan Gang's.

It was just that after the news went back and forth for a few days, he didn't know if he had time to save Ximen Qingtian's life.

Not long ago, he had received news from outside that Ximen Qingkong had entered the unintentional mansion for treatment.

This is the temporary situation, and it is not yet known whether the subsequent Ximen Qingtian can be cured.

However, since Wuxin can solve the "Red Boy" and "Jade Corpse Poison", as long as the life hanging by Ximen Qingkong arrives, it is estimated that it should be able to save his life.

Why do you know that Ximen Qingtian has entered Wuxin Mansion?

I am afraid that no one knows more about his unintentional actions, because Wuxin has always been under his supervision, and Guo Man beside Wuxin is his person. How can he hide his eyes from what happened to Wuxin?

It's also unlucky to say, the first thing that Wuxin just got out of the mountain was to go to Jinzhou to solve the poison of "Red Boy" for Hairuyue's mother and son.

At that time, he was right on the spot and met with Wuxin.

Niu Youdao didn't know what Wuxin was thinking at that time, but how could a person like Wuxin be an opponent of Niu Youdao? He couldn't get his Niu Youdao's hand at all. His words and deeds aroused Niu Youdao's alertness.

Niu Youdao stared at him for the first time, and placed Guo Manan beside him unintentionally for the first time.

In order to prevent leaks, and also for Guo Man ’s safety, Guo Man, who had accepted the mission, cut off external contacts, and directly contacted Niu Youdao. Even the people of Guo Man ’s own sect had no right to question and wonder where he was going.

This is a characteristic of performing spy missions.

Similar to Guo Man's situation, there are more than one Guo Man who Niu Youdao arranged to go out.

In short, when Guo Man arrives at Wuxin, besides the task, he serves the Wuxin wholeheartedly, and he cannot have any other possibility of exposure.

And Guo Man also played another role, xenophobia.

Finally, the line of Ghost Doctor was pinched. Niu Youdao was not very interested in Wuxin, but was very interested in Ghost Doctor.

He used Guo Man to eliminate the possibility of anyone else breaking into the unintentional side, trying to control unintentionally in his own hands.

Also for Guo Man's sake, fearing that Guo Man's ability is limited, the composition of the people around him unintentionally is complicated, and that Guo Man cannot cope with it.

Soon, the unintentional old man was touched clearly by him. Shao Liu'er and Wuxin's broken things knew that he knew how Yan Bao came to Wuxin's side. He knew that Wuxin had the intention to retaliate him.

Want to retaliate? Niu Youdao knew that Mingming didn't move him, because his unintentional actions and actions were under his control, and he could at any time die unintentionally.

According to later observations, Niu Youdao also dismissed the idea of ​​giving Wuxin to him, and found that Wuxin is not that kind of treacherous villain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ To a certain extent, it is very simple and can't do anything cruel.

Only then was it possible to save the clear sky of Simon.

For this matter, Niu Youdao didn't know what to say about Yuan Gang. The layout was planned to be complete with Yuan Gang. At the same time, Yuan Gang was advised to remind Guo Man to pay attention to safety and be vigilant, because Shao Pingbo is likely to focus on unintentionally.

Some truths do not understand with Yuan Gang, not that he is bullish and cold-hearted, but sometimes saving one person may hurt others, and speaking of Yuan Gang may not be understandable, even if he understands Yuan Gang, he will not sit by and ignore it. , Is it necessary to speak?

In the past, Shao Pingbo would not put inadvertently in his eyes, and his attention was not on inadvertently, but what is the nature of using Shao Liuer to save Ximen Qingtian this time?

Shao Liu'er has asked others to move unintentionally to rescue him twice in a row. Others don't know Shao Pingbo. As an opponent, he knows Shao Pingbo too well and will definitely attract Shao Pingbo's attention. Once Shao Pingbo has focused on the unintentional and unintentional identity To be exposed.

What about ghost doctor disciples? The unintentional kind of person cannot be Shao Pingbo's opponent at all, a ghost doctor who hides and hides, such a person like Shao Pingbo would not even put in his eyes. Rescuing a Ximen clear sky may harm unconsciousness, and may even endanger Guo Man's safety.

For this reason, Niu Youdao told Sha Rulai inconveniently, but couldn't help but sigh: "You can't have both fish and bear's paw! This Xuanwei, you want your homeland and the world, and you want the feelings of men and women, how can there be so? Something happy, sooner or later, she will harm Ximen Qingtian! "

Sha Rulai: "Isn't it already hurt?"

Niu Youdao shook his head. What he meant was that, even if he saved Ximen Qingtian this time, if Ximen Qingkong did not leave Xuanwei, he would have to fall into Xuanwei's vortex sooner or later. It is difficult to climb out if you are so weak and alone.

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