Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1141: Lest you always say I ’m doing it alone

The crowd immediately choked and said nothing, gradually revealing more or less disgusting expression.

What do you mean? You are under the supervision of the demon fox division, you do not know who is clear, do not ask who you ask?

This servant always wanted to do it alone, and he always couldn't invite him, and finally he came here. He was still perfunctory here, and everyone here wanted to strangle him.

Elder Wanshoumen An Shougui said lukewarmly: "Elder Niu, everyone is trapped here, and it's good to find a way out. It's boring if you keep doing this."

Niu Youdao took the table cloth and wiped his mouth. "Elder Ann said, Niu did not understand what it meant."

An Shougui: "It's been so long, you are such a savvy person, can't you know? If you have to do it alone, you might as well clarify the words in front of everyone, there is no need to fool us as fools, no one is stupid! "

Niu Youdao said: "It seems that you have misunderstood me deeply. I really don't know the situation of the demon fox division. I really don't know what to say to you."

Uncle Shanhai: "In other words, do you think we are cumbersome and feel that we are more capable, so we have to do it alone?"

"No, no!" Niu Youdao waved his hands again and again, "Misunderstanding, I really misunderstood, I really don't know the situation of the demon fox division. Don't hide from you, I have never done any supervision inside the demon fox division. Running outside, I have almost never asked about the internal affairs of the demon fox division. You should know about my long-term absence. "

Everyone frowned and looked at each other as if this was the case, but they always felt that this one was not telling the truth.

Tian Huo teaches the elder Lu Yao, frowning: "Elder Niu, your main direction of inspection is the demon fox division. If you do n’t check the demon fox division, what do you run outside for a long time? Running every day to pull a relationship and drink wedding wine will not work?" Drinking wine.

Niu Youdao sighed: "You, I don't want to run everywhere, but I can't help it. Lao Tzu is suffering, and is assigned to the Demon Fox Division. There is no place to seek complaints."

Everyone was puzzled, Lu Yao asked: "How do you say this?"

Niu Youdao said: "The situation of the demon fox division is different from the divisions you are in. What are the main responsibilities of the demon fox division? You should be clear that the main responsibility is in the wilderness. The long-term responsibility is to kill the demon fox. It's so deserted that I have no bird's energy. I'm staying to ask the inspector of Tiancheng? Check if they are not well-dressed, and if they can't eat or drink Lhasa? Can this kind of trivial matter be reported to the Lord? "

Elder Yu Hua of the Heavenly Palace, "According to you, you should go with them to the death of Arasawa, but according to some of the circumstances we know, you seem to be running around."

Niu Youdao smashed the tablecloth in his hand and patted the table, "You, the problem lies here."

Everyone looked at each other, they didn't seem to understand. Yuhua asked again: "How do you say?"

Niu Youdao sighed, "You should have heard about what happened between Xuan Yao and Long Fanhai before. I don't hide from you, before I came to ask Tiancheng, I offended them, these people. Uneasy and kind to me. I was assigned to the Demon Fox Division, what do you think is a good thing? You, you may wish to stand in my position and think about my situation, why divide me into the Demon Fox Division? "

"The demon fox division is going to go to Arasawa to die. Is it strange that Arasawa is dying to die? Here, our power of life and death is not in their hands. No one dares to move us, but once we go to Arasawa, I was accidentally said to have been killed by the demon fox, I'm afraid I can't find the clue that I was murdered. "

"Separate me to the demon fox division. I suspect that it was not a coincidence, but someone did it deliberately."

"Imagine, dare I run to Arasawa? I can't find any famous place here. I don't dare to go to Arasawa. What do you say about me? What can I do except run around outside?"

Qin and Ke, who were dining on the table outside, had been raising their ears to listen to the movement of Litang. When they heard this, they looked at each other.

The two found that the elders made sense, and found that they almost believed even they heard it.

Everyone in the hall was silent after hearing the words. Someone thought and nodded slightly. They really thought from Niu Youdao's point of view. This is really the case. No wonder they have been out for a long time. This is the reason.

Although the reason is such a reason, everyone does not believe that Niu Youdao can be so honest. This fellow looks at the young, but the longer he contacts, the more he finds an old fox like a traitor.

Uncle Shanhai: "Elder Niu is not a confused person. It should be known that this kind of mixing cannot be mixed. The inspectors outside have been killed a batch, and they will not be able to produce the results that the Lord wants. It ’s our turn. There are some things that Elder Niu sees clearly and clearly. The old man does n’t believe that Elder Niu just runs around outside. Fortunately, let everyone have a preparation, everyone said?


"This is the truth."

Everyone responded.

Under everyone's attention, Niu Youdao was silent for a while, and finally slowly said: "I did find some problems during the period when I was running outside."

Uncle Shanhai said aloud, "Maybe say it."

Niu Youdao shook his head: "It's better not to talk. Some things don't want everyone to get involved. If you don't tell everyone, you don't want to hurt everyone."

For our sake? The people looked at each other, and the feelings and friendship between them seemed to have not reached this point. If you could believe him, then you really believed his evil.

In other words, you are not afraid, what are we afraid of?

Elder Mei Changhong, the elder of the Blood Temple, sighed: "Everyone is in the same breath. Elder Niu said this before seeing it. At this time, it is time for me to divide what you and me. What questions, let me hear."

Niu Youdao still shook his head. "Many people have mixed eyes, so I can't say it yet."

Uncle Shanhai said in a deep voice: "Everyone has joined hands to fight against the 缥 綈 阁, are you still afraid that we will not leak?"

Niu Youdao said: "Some things have to be guarded against, some things can only be done and can't be said. When investigating such cases, everyone should be aware that once the leaks are made, and once the case is leaked, it is likely to be in vain. At the critical moment, there must be no slippage. "

What was the key moment? Everyone you look at me, I look at you, all tickled.

Uncle Shanhai raised his eyebrows and said, "Having said for a long time is like saying nothing. In the end, you still have to leave us alone!"

"I don't mean that." Niu Youdao waved his hand to deny it and said after a little silence: "This matter is also difficult for my family to do. In this way, if everyone is interested, I will greet everyone to walk together in two days. Everyone knows what it is, so I do n’t keep saying I ’m doing it alone. Remember, keep it secret before you leave! ”


The long marching army stopped and looked at the distant mountains. Hao Yunsheng and Hao Qi, the uncles and nephews wearing war armor, led the army, and they were quite majestic.

Later, a large bird flew, jumped from the air, and said to Hao Qi: "Report! There is nothing unusual except the herdsmen living here!"

Hao Qi was relieved and waved: "Continue to investigate along the way."

"Yes!" The man came to take orders, rose into the air, landed on the bird, and went away again.

Hao Yunsheng smiled and said: "Is this the general's peace of mind?"

Hao Qi sighed: "Uncle Wang, the Qingmuchuan Mountain is boundless, and it is quite time-consuming to go around. Jin Guo's urgent rush, the way to get ahead has become our army's indispensable place, have to guard!"

Hao Yunsheng naturally understood the nephew's mentality, rebelled, afraid, and listened to the reminder of the general below, so he was cautious, not how good he could be.

He laughed again: "The first general entered the war for the first time, it is inevitable that my half a million troops could not be intercepted by a small ambush, and no equivalent could not ambush at all. My spies accompanied the army, including the Jin side. For the eyes and ears, Huyan Wuhen could not be found if the army was mobilized. According to the information, the Huyan Wuhen army has been disobeying and disobeying, and the army has no abnormal movement. "

"Another thing is, if there are really a large number of enemy troops, the supply is not a small amount, and it is impossible to be undetected. Now the spies have not found anomalies, so the general is really worried."

Hao Qi nodded, "It's best to be fine, let the army be ordered, and move on!"

The rebels moved forward again, and Hao Yunsheng, who accompanied him on the horse, looked at Haoqi from time to time, sneering in his heart.

Hao Qi's "General" title is self-styled. He despises Hao Qi quite a bit and feels that Hao Qi is an incompetent person. It would be impossible for him to become a deputy under Hao Qi ...

In a pasture at the foot of Qingmuchuan Mountain, Hu Yanbao, dressed as a herdsman, is also the eldest son of Wu Yan, who is squatting in a sheep pen to milk her.

Sergeants dressed in the same herdsman came on horses and sent their military.

Learned that the rebels were approaching Qingmuchuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hu Yanbao sneered, "A group of people from all over the world, dare to rebel! It is ordered that Hu Yanding, the army will advance at full speed and attack as planned!" Second son.

With his order, a gold wing flew away.

Immediately afterwards, above the ranch tent, "Boom" sounded an arrow.

Afterwards, the blasting arrows flew down the Qingmu River one after another, and the blasting was carried all the way at the foot of the mountain.

At various places in the pastoral area at the foot of the rolling hills, nomads rushed out, hugged their saddles on horsebacks, and jumped on horsebacks.

The area of ​​personnel spread is relatively wide, reaching hundreds of miles away. The far ones are well-trained and lead the two riders to the staging area.

After the **** horse became tired, it was also close to the destination, and immediately abandoned the **** horse and changed to a trained warhorse.

The 30,000 herdsmen popping out like ants, all gathered in the direction of Huyanbao ...

Hundreds of miles behind the rebels, Hu Yanding, a 300,000-level rebel army, suddenly received trouble when he received the brother's biography. He killed a veteran on the spot and was also the commander of the 300,000-level rebel army.

Hu Yanding took advantage of it and cut off the other person's head. No one expected that Hu Yanding would dare to take action on the commander, and he would be succeeded without defense.

The second brother's knife, Hu Yanwei, who was chopped with the army, was thrilled. The first time he saw this scene, the first time he saw such a murderous big brother, his legs were a little soft.

This action almost caused a mutiny. First of all, the veteran magistrates of the veteran did not agree, and in a hurry, Hu Yanding revealed the secret decree, passed on the will of the emperor, and took over the rebellion of the commander-in-chief.

And threatened that Huyan Wuhen millions of people have secretly arrived in Shepherd, and have defeated the rebels, and ordered 300,000 Ping rebellious troops to rush to siege the fish that were missing.

Huyan has no hatred, resists obedience, refuses to listen to the tone, where are the millions of horses here? Everyone did not believe it.

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