Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1142: Tiger father without dogs

Regardless of whether they believe it or not, Huyanding warns that once a fighter jet is missed, it will be treated as a rebel against the enemy, and will become the target of the Huyan million hatred army!

And ordered Hu Yanwei to be the pioneer, leading 5,000 Valiant cavalry to attack quickly, and cooperate with Hu Yan's hatredless army to defeat the enemy!

Hu Yanwei, who led the five thousand cavalry, was full of blood and excitement, but he was dissatisfied in his heart. He was a vanguard and the real command was given to his lieutenant general.

No way, he has never been on the battlefield, Hu Yanding is not worried about him, and he can't take the risk of handing over 5,000 Valiant cavalry to him for command, letting him be a vanguard general only as a signboard, to others ...

A large number of people and horses suddenly appeared under Qingmuchuan, and it was impossible to hide the eyes and ears of the rebels.

There were problems on the way, and the rebels were terrified enough, especially Hao Qi, even more terrified.

I wanted to change my way, but now it is too late. It is reported that the opponents are all cavalry. If half a million horses are going to run, they have to abandon a large number of footwork.

The spies reported again and again, and finally determined that the other party had only about 30,000 horses. The 30,000 horses wanted to compete with the 500,000 army. It was a joke.

The rebels headed by Hao Qi calmed down, and immediately assembled the marching army, waiting for the formation!

Waiting, waiting, the mighty 30,000 cavalry finally appeared in sight, all dressed up as herdsmen.

Some people despised sneer, Hao Yunsheng was even worse, "Where do I come from, the court horses, did not hesitate to summon herdsmen to intercept. Among the generals, who wants to do this?"

"The last will be willing to go!" Hao Qi asked for permission as soon as he would take the initiative.

The lineup gave way, and here also sent 30,000 cavalry to face the battle.

Under the gallop of horses, the two sides collided together, and the hoofs rumbled instantly, the horses hissed, and the wailing and screaming sounds continued.

As a result, the rebels were taken aback. With only one face-to-face impact, the 30,000 cavalry who were killed by the rebels lost their helmets and abandoned their armor. It can be said that they were beaten without parry.

Looking at the thirty thousand herdsmen cavalry, interspersed with great rules and regulations, the coordination of offense and defense is extraordinary, how can the temporarily assembled herdsmen have the fighting quality of this group!

Under a shock, 30,000 cavalry rebels were killed and wounded, and Zhongcang was panicked and fled, and one face collapsed.

The general who took the initiative to ask the warlord to cry came back to ask for sin. If it were not for a group of monks to rescue him, he would be afraid of losing his life.

The open lineup of rebels was closed again. Under one blow, the morale of the rebels was greatly damaged. Hao Qi and others looked at the approaching herdsmen cavalry in surprise.

The herdsmen cavalry once again completed the battle formation, and came to the rebels in a triangular formation to maintain the lineup and slowly pressed in.

When the distance was right, the deep-faced Hu Yanbao "qiang" pulled out the sword, waving the sword in the sunlight with cold light, and screamed, "Wind!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind ..."

The 30,000 cavalry roared in unison, and the sky roared into the sky. With the roar of the wind, the war horses began to collapse and charge in full!

wind? The rebels were shocked and finally understood why this cavalry was so fierce.

The Huyan Wuhen people came, and the rebel army was in a state of chaos!

Hao Qi was shocked and said: "The Xiao cavalry! It is the Xiao cavalry! The Hu cai cavalry is here!"

"Big General Hugh is about to shake the heart of the army!" Hao Yun was angry, grabbing Hao Qi's arm and shut him up.

He had fought in the early years and knew the market better than this nephew.

Behind the spurting spurs arranged urgently by the rebels, the archer shoots a rain of pouring arrows, intending to curb the cavalry offensive.

The 30,000 Valiant cavalry, impacted by a triangle formation, pressed the speed in the middle, and suddenly accelerated the left and right corners of the attack, like two arms spread out, winding toward the wings of the enemy battle array.

In the middle of the triangle, the assault personnel raised their leather shields to resist, but still people were continuously shot down and trampled by the horses that followed.

The men and women attacking the two wings suddenly changed their impact formation again, as if their open arms were gathered again. Everyone skillfully copied bows. Everyone took an arrow to wind. Everyone simultaneously wound three arrows, and the arrows hit back like rain.

It is equivalent to avoiding the front shield of the rebels, shooting from the left and right sides of the shield array, and suddenly shooting the front arrow array of the rebels in a mess, screaming.

A seemingly simple action, but only the insider knows that such a number of cavalry is coordinated and like a command of the arm, no cavalry can do it.

The left and right cavalry rumbling across in front of the rebels, some people threw chain claws, put on wooden thorns to resist the horses.

The frontline of the rebel army refused the horse immediately and was riddled with chaos.

The middle cavalry of the Valiant cavalry rushed in and rushed in from the chaotic refusal formation.

A large number of rebel monks rushed out to intercept. Facing the monk's shot, a large number of Valiant cavalry personnel were shot down.

In the face of such a huge threat of lethality, the Xiaoqi cavalry regardless of the horse, the fallen in front, the fallen left and right, continue to impact alive!

Faced with the impact of thousands of troops, the monks attacked by the rebels were like stones smashed into the torrent. Although they could splash water, they could hardly stop the torrent of flooding.

The cavalry cavalry monks joined the repression of the rebel monks.

Facing a frontier where the battle front was breached, Hao Yunsheng, who commanded the center to watch the battle, was frightened, and watched the Xiao cavalry rush into the war, raging, rambling, and messing up the battle front.

Hao Yunsheng didn't expect that there was no such thing as an ambush. The enemy did not ambush the most favorable terrain in Qingmuchuan, but instead made a positive impact outside the Sichuan.

He did not expect that the 30,000 Valiant cavalry would dare to impact the 500,000 army, which simply did not take this 500,000 army into consideration!

"Report! The rear court horses are marching at full speed, and a cavalry as a vanguard has come quickly!"

During the fighting battle, there was an urgent military report.

The traitor horses who had bitten behind and dragged back before they heard it also picked up speed, and immediately realized here that these 30,000 valor cavalry just wanted to hold them down to buy time for the rebel army behind.

"Withdraw, let's withdraw quickly!" Hao Qi was very nervous, really terrified.

Hao Yunsheng reprimanded, "What to withdraw? At this time, Yan can withdraw. Once withdrew, it is immediately defeated. No one can withstand the defeat. The army fleeing faced with chasing and killing will no longer be able to gather! Without soldiers, what use are you and me? "

The so-called "use" naturally refers to the use of Jin.

The rebels are originally a crowd of people. The only rebels that can fight are only 150,000, and the others are temporarily encased and strong.

The prestige of Huyan Wuhenxiao cavalry is a world of megatron. The morale of the rebels at this time can be imagined, and the chaos will become more chaotic.

Huyan Wuhen has stood the battlefield for a long time, and he is very clear about this. The rest are all decoration. The 30,000 cavalry can't disturb the 150,000 rebels?

Sometimes the soldiers are expensive, not many, and the more mixed people, the more chaotic the chaos is, the chaotic it is out of control!

Rong Ma's lifelong mastery of the army to fight and fight Huyan without hatred is to make the rebels chaotic!

So dare to hit the front with 30,000 Valiant cavalry!

The 300,000-ping rebel horses on the way were originally unbelieving that the army of Huyan and Hate did not come. When the spies carried by the birds returned, some people had stopped the rebels and had been fighting with the rebels. The army of Fangxin Huyan really came.

Forget about a fighter, and treat it as a rebel!

Huyanding's ugly words are ahead, who dares to delay, and knowing that the people of Huyan who have no hate are coming, with confidence, the traitors will accelerate again and advance at full speed!

Looking at the fighting lineup ahead, Hu Yanwei with a bearded face was half cold. Where is the millionth army, I am afraid that even the rebels will not be together?

He was still excited on the way to come. When he really saw the fighting scene, he felt a bit of a drum in his heart, but he wanted to do it with a real sword.

Waiting for him to think for a while, the lieutenant next to him had drawn his sword and roared, "Wind!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind ..."

The five thousand Valiant cavalry who arrived urgently immediately accelerated the impact, the wailing charge, no one feared the enemy's large number of people, and everyone was afraid to die the charge!

Hu Yanwei, who was wrapped in it, couldn't help himself. He could only roar and follow the charge without slowing down or flashing left or right, otherwise he would be killed by the iron rider behind the charge and forced to go forward!

As soon as this man was killed from the rear, the already rebellious chaos became even more chaotic.

More than 30,000 cavalry troops have already shredded 500,000 rebels. Some of the rebels in the chaos began to flee without listening to orders. This was the crowd of people. Some people took the lead and the rebels immediately lost control and were completely out of control.

When Hu Yanding led an army of 300,000 troops to arrive, it was a scene where soldiers were divided and chased down to clean up the remaining evil.

In doing this kind of punishment to kill the water dogs, the 300,000 insurgents are very active, there is no danger, but they can desperately grab the bargain and get the final battle!


On a messy, **** ground, Huyanding and Huyanwei came together to see their elder brother Huyanbao. The three brothers met on the battlefield ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Huyanbao raised his hand to signal that there was no need to pay attention, staring at Huyanwei Question: "Is the third youngest injured?"

"Small injury, no hindrance!" Hu Yanwei grinned grinningly, and it hurts. The back armor was chopped to pieces, the flesh and blood were vague, and no one in the chaotic army knew it.

He knew very well that if he was not the object of the monk's protection, he died several times. One of them was rescued by the monk during the siege of the knife and gun, otherwise he was already cut into a rookie. Bolognese.

He knew more clearly that he would wait for the merits and rewards after going back. The emperor's father-in-law would certainly not treat him badly.

He is now looking forward to going back. With this experience and his injuries, it is enough for him to go back and brag for a while in front of Hupeng Gouyou.

Of course, he is still terrified now, and his calves are still feeling a little palpitated.

Hu Yanbao didn't say much, looked back into the distance, and sighed, "Unfortunately, let Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng run away."

This is also something that cannot be done. The two of them have some use for the Jin Kingdom. The Jin monks did not plan to fight hard. Seeing the situation is not good, they immediately ran away. They took Hao Qi and Hao Yunsheng away before leaving. No matter life or death.

Looking back, "The second and third boys are here for you, and I will rush to meet my father."

His mission here is nothing more than that. Tens of thousands of Valiant cavalry cannot completely destroy the rebels. The rest is left to the traitors.

"Yes!" The two brothers bowed their hands together.

In this battle, 30,000 cavalry defeated 500,000 rebels, making the cavalry famous again!

The three brothers of the Huyan family joined forces to outnumber the enemies, defeated 500,000 rebels in one battle, and annihilated the rebels in one fell swoop. It became a world of talks, and everyone in the world was amazed.

For the details of this battle, most people in the world are ignorant of the truth and prefer to tell that legendary story.

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