Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1143: Situation flip

The battle is spread to the capital of Qi State, a good news!

Half a million rebels collapsed in World War I, leaving only the issue of sweeping the tail, and the remnants of the rebels are no longer in fear!

With just one blow, Hao Yuntu was so happy. He was so appalled and applauded again and again ...

Inside the tunnel, facing the map on the wall, Shao Pingbo remained silent for a long time.

A long time later, I finally sighed, "Half a hundred thousand rebels, I spent so much time and so much effort, and Hei Shui Terrace sacrificed so many people, they were tossing them out of thin air, they wanted to play a big role for them, Who knows how to withstand one blow, one battle to destroy, all the effort was tortured like this, everyone is busy, all sacrifices are in vain, high quality na high quality, high Sima, your battle is How did you fight? "

He threw a punch on the map on the wall and thrashed the place where the two armies were at war.

The whole person was very frustrated, and the tone was full of unwillingness and melancholy.

Shao Sanxing, who came with the news in his hand, just saw this scene. He knew that the eldest son had been melancholy for this matter for a day or two, and he had always been worried about it.

In this regard, he can understand that the eldest son has been painstakingly planning for a long time in order to make the battle smooth. It can be said that all aspects have been laid out for the Jin army. However, no matter how good the eldest son is, he ca n’t resist the battlefield. Lose.

Shao Sansheng recently exhorted: "This matter can't say that Gaopin has done anything wrong. Who can think of Huyan Wuhen's rebellion and non-compliance is actually a strategy to hide from the sky, and who can think of Huyan Wuhen's early establishment in Qingmuchuan? After the manpower was put down, this person could be regarded as optimistic about the change of the battlefield situation, and he could not be expected. Only a single soldier turned the corners of the world, and it was indeed powerful. Huyan Wuhen's ability to plan on the battlefield is indeed not to be underestimated. The son had been concealed in Qi State by himself. The tall Sima is thousands of miles away, and miscalculation is also a matter of reason. "

Shao Pingbo: "It's his high quality to raise soldiers and strategize on the battlefield. He and Huyan did not have hatred. He should have known Huyan without hatred on the battlefield. Didn't he find a trace of it?"

Shao Sansheng: "If this battle is lost, it is presumed that the tall man is not good, and it is not easy to cross the line before the majesty. The tall man is also considered to be a famous generation of generals in the world. To be wrong, he can only blame his opponent for Huyan Wuhu. Such opponents can understand even one trick. "

Shao Pingbo sighed in the sky: "Yan Shanming, Qi Wuhen, well-deserved reputation! Huyan Wuhen led the army to intervene in the war, and it is a bit difficult to win or lose ... It is not easy to win this person on the battlefield. If you can get rid of this person with Hu Yanwuhen's personal efforts, it would be better! "At this point, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Shao Sanxing smiled bitterly. It was not easy to talk about killing Huyan Wuhen. The masters around Huyan Wuhen were like a cloud. He was guarded in the army and even hard to get close. It is hard to think about assassinations or the like. He looked at the news he had in his hand and said, "The battle on the battlefield is not the fault of the grandfather. Besides, what the grandfather did here is not in vain. Before, the Qi army went back and forth, how much It took a few days. "

Lifting his finger to the map, "Qi Jun's delay forced Huyan Wuhen to change his combat plan. The Qi army's eastward interception army had to abandon the interception of Yin Chu's army and turned to Xipingguan, with the intention of grabbing Yin Chujun arrived before. Judging from the distance of the route, Yin Chujun still has the time advantage. "

Shao Pingbo stared at Xiping Pass, Shen Sheng said slowly: "Xiping Pass must not be lost. Once the Qin Army is involved, once the three armies join forces, it is difficult for me to win the Jin Army. It ’s all in vain. And the solitary army of Yin Chu, who is deep in the army, will also be trapped in the wall, and it is impossible to escape! "

Shao Sanxing gave the message with both hands, "Master, the news from the shopkeeper is the news you want. I believe that I have translated it myself."

As soon as he heard "The Shopkeeper", Shao Pingbo immediately came to his mind and quickly asked for the news.

The so-called "treasurer" is what the two people privately called the mysterious man in the temple.

After sitting in the case, Shao Pingbo examined the contents of the pages carefully. The content stated on the paper was about the situation of Niu Youdao in the Holy Territory. The other party had sorted out the time sequence and events.

In the absence of clues about the content on the paper, the words in the content suddenly shrunk his nerve-reflexive pupil, staring at the three words "Wuliangyuan", his throat twitched, his mouth Niannian said, "The Wuliangyuan? The Wuliangyuan? Is that forbidden place? Entering the Wuliangyuan, there was a fire before the Wuliangyuan ..."

Afterwards, I quickly glanced at the following content and found that in terms of time sequence, Niu Youdao did not make any more obvious moves, as if I was too busy to do anything.

Based on his knowledge of Niu Youdao, is Niu Youdao the kind of idle person who can run around everywhere?

Suddenly, he stood up abruptly from the case and lost his voice: "Not good! That guy has eight or nine ideas to fight the forbidden thing!"

Shao Sansheng was puzzled and wondered what the other party was referring to. Hesitantly said, "What prohibited things?"

Shao Pingbo gritted his teeth and said: "Never let him succeed! The news was immediately sent to the shopkeeper, and he was immediately invited to interview me, saying that I have important things that I need to meet with him and tell him that he must come to see me as soon as possible. Seeing Shao Sansheng still talking, he waved his hands and shouted, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry!"

"Yes!" Shao Sansheng led the order and left quickly.

Shao Pingbo sat back on the case again, holding the pages of paper carefully to review, repeatedly combing the contents, hoping to find out what clues came.

After a while, Shao Sanxing came again in a hurry and came in and said, "Master, there is news from Heishuitai, there is something wrong with Xiping."

"What's going on?" Shao Pingbo hurriedly raised his head and asked urgently, very nervous.

At this point in the situation, Xiping Pass has become the most important part of the battle, and it has become an absolute battleground for the soldiers. It is also related to his future and future after he slept so long. If he wins, he will be able to show his strength. If it fails, it means that his plan is not feasible and thoughtful. He will certainly bear some responsibility for the losses suffered by the Jin Kingdom and will not tolerate any failure!

For him, there is no more important thing than this!

Shao Sansheng: "Heishuitai has sent a lobbyist to secretly contact the Xiping gatekeeper general Chen Changgong. Chen Changgong's intentions have almost been persuaded. But not long ago, Chen Changgong's attitude suddenly changed, and he actually edged Heishui. The lobbyists sent by Taiwan will hang the lobbyist's first level on the flagpole to the Ming Dynasty of the Wei State, and they are determined to stay at Xipingguan! "

"According to the analysis of Heishuitai, it is inseparable from Hu Yan Wu Heng's 30,000 cavalry to defeat half a million rebels. He should have seen the deterrent force of Hu Yan Wu Heng's troops, plus Qin Jun, he felt that Jin The country has no chance! "

"On this basis, Yin Chujun has an advantage in time and may arrive at Xipingguan in advance, but it will become a disadvantage!"

"As the eldest son said, if Chen Changgong obeyed the imperial court's will to dedicate the Xiping Pass to the Qin Jun, he would not be able to give credit to him, and he might leave."

"However, it is different now. Knowing that Weiguo will win, he only needs to hold Xipingguan and say that he won the first contribution to determine the destiny of Weiguo."

"Hundreds of thousands of rebels were defeated, unable to contain Qi's east line of reinforcements and rushed to Xipingguan in time. He only needs to stay dead for a few days at most, maybe only one day before, as long as Qi's main reinforcements arrive. It will be very difficult for Yin Chujun to capture Xiping Pass, and then the main force of Qin Jun will come. His first decisive role in determining the fate of Weiguo will come, and the future will be brilliant! "

"The treason general, bearing the infamy, was ridiculed by the people of the world, even if he married His Majesty's seven favorite princesses, even if Ronghua is rich and wealthy, he can be reused by the outside world when he arrives in Jin Kingdom? The first contribution of the fate of the Great Patriotic Kingdom, among which the pros and cons are not difficult to make a choice, this should be the key to Chen Changgong ’s attitude change! The change in the battlefield situation, Huyan Wuhu defeated half a million rebels and ordered the Eastern Front to rush straight to Xiping , Changed Chen Changgong's attitude! "

Shao Pingbo directly threw away the paper in his hand and grabbed the other party's hand to check the message.

While looking at the news in his hand, he compared the march on the map, and his breathing became heavy and his face was ugly.

Before, everything went smoothly, and now the parties are fighting back, and it seems that the bad luck is coming together.

The first was Qin Guo ’s side. With Xuan Wei ’s action, he disrupted Qin Guo ’s delaying plan, which caused Qin Guo to send troops quickly, increasing the pressure on Xi Pingguan.

After half-hearted efforts, the 500,000 rebels of Qi State were annihilated in one fell swoop by Huyan Wuhen, again increasing the pressure to seize Xipingguan.

Not long ago, I learned that Niu Youdao was very likely to make a terrible attempt ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now Xiping Gatekeeper turned Chen Changgong's side to the wind again.

The situation began to reverse, and everything was developing in the unfavorable direction of the Jin Kingdom. All his hard work was likely to be defeated!

"Xipingguan must not be lost!" Shao Pingbo suddenly hit the map with a punch, blood was punched on the fist, and blood stained on the map, showing the power of this punch.

Shao Sanxing said: "Duke, everyone knows the reason, because of this, almost all countries that do not want to benefit from the Jin Dynasty have secretly sent monks to assist Xipingguan's defense. In addition, Xipingguan is in danger. It is difficult to defend. Without Chen Changgong's cooperation between inside and outside, even if Yin Chujun is tough again, no matter how strongly Yun Zong supports, it will be difficult to win Xiping Pass. "

"Even if they were captured, Yin Chujun was an isolated army, with no reinforcements and no supplies for the time being. It was difficult for Qin and Qi troops to attack together. It was necessary to get the cooperation of Chen Changgong and to keep the supply of Xipingguan as much as possible. Only materials and defensive equipment can hold on! "

Shao Ping waved back angrily and said with a big face: "What does Heishuitai do? He has studied Xipingguan for a long time, and he knows Chen Changgong very well, and he can't take a Chen Changgong in the district. What's the use of His Majesty's waste from Heishuitai? "

Shao Sansheng: "This is the situation. Under the general situation, Chen Changgong's attitude is repeated. What can Heishuitai do? Even if he is killed, it will be useless. Wei Guo will also send Li Changgong and Wang Changgong to defend."

"Repeated attitude? I'd like to see how he repeated!" Shao Pingbo sneered for a while, and suddenly said, "He ordered the Heishuitai, and immediately arranged for me to go to Weiguo. I personally would meet Chen Changgong. Pop out of my palm! "

"This ..." Shao Sansheng persuaded, "Master, are you too dangerous to go in person?"

Shao Pingbo shouted: "Go!"

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