Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1299: Zhao Xiongge's son

Behind the Demon Ridge's Demon Palace, behind the mountain, on the terrace outside the cave halfway up, Zhao Xiongge sat on the edge of the cliff, blowing the mountain breeze, holding the jug to drink slowly, and seeing the strange beam of light that occasionally penetrated under the dark clouds.

A figure descended from the sky and landed at the entrance of the cave, with long hair and wind, it was Wuchang.

Zhao Xiong didn't look back, pouring out a drink, "Come."

Wu Chang: "Aren't you going to see me?"

Zhao Xiongge: "Anyway, it is one of the Nine Saints among the most respected in the world. It's really good, let you come."

Looked at the dark cave, and then looked at the sloppy man on the cliff, Wu Chang coldly said: "Anyway, it is a man the fancy woman fancy, the devil will not treat you wrong, there is no place for you in the devil palace Land? Why bother to make yourself look so poor. "

Zhao Xiongge sighed: "I can't help it. Who knows how many eyeliners you have in the magic palace, or you can live alone." He sipped his mouth, raised his sleeves, wiped his mouth, and hiccupped with wine: "The thing is in my hand." ! "

Wu Chang's eyes startled, staring at his back, and said slowly: "I already knew that something was in your hand, why? Finally figured it out, willing to hand it in?"

Zhao Xiongge reached out and patted the ground, "Come, come and sit."

Wu Chang didn't move, and looked down from the top, a little wonder what the **** was going on.

Zhao Xiongge looked back and smiled, "How many times have you been threatened by the Lord's intimidation, I am not afraid of you. Is it interesting to put a shelf in front of me? No one else here, come and drink with me."

Wu Chang ’s eyes were cold, but he finally moved, walked to the edge of the cliff, sat down, and hung his legs outside, looking at the light and shadow in the front. . "

Zhao Xiongge: "You have lived here for so many years, you haven't seen this kind of scenery, but you have never sat down to see it like this. You can't see the beauty, right or wrong, even ruthless and unjust, just go forward , Does it make sense to live? "

Wu Chang: "It's beautiful if man made a knife and I made fish. Isn't it good for me? If I didn't come forward, the demons of that year would have been wiped out by people, and I can still survive to the present? What is right and what is wrong? The scenery, I want to see it, I do n’t want to see it, do n’t you see it, do you think I am meaningful? ”

Zhao Xiongge: "You are also the person who grew up in the moral code of this world, and you didn't jump out of the stone, killing the saint, murdering your righteous father, killing your fellow students, is there no guilt?"

Wu Chang's eyes flashed deep, "I'm not here to accompany you to talk about the truth of life. Hand over the magic code, I allow you to be at ease, if you are afraid of me, you want to guarantee what you want to say!"

Zhao Xiongge handed out the jug, "Try it, it tastes good."

Wu Chang blocked it back, "You drink slowly."

Zhao Xiongge joked: "Why, afraid of me poisoning?" Finally made a decision, instead he was relaxed, but instead took the opportunity to refresh.

Wu Chang's palm flipped and snapped! The wine gourd on Zhao Xiong's singer instantly burst out of thin air, and the wine sprinkled below the cliff, but the fragrance was overflowing.

After breaking his finger, he fell on the cliff and issued a warning, "If you just shouted at me, the price would be very painful."

Zhao Xiongge suddenly turned around and asked, "Are you really omnipotent?"

Wu Chang: "What the **** do you want to do?"

Zhao Xiongge suddenly sighed, "Help me save myself."

"Save people?" Wu Chang was surprised. "Who saves?"

Zhao Xiongge: "My son!"

"..." Wu Chang was obviously embarrassed, and thought he had heard it wrong, and then asked: "Who?"

Zhao Xiongge looked sideways, "My son!" He said in his heart, Niu Youdao, you bastard!

Wu Chang ’s expression is indescribable, even if he is one of the nine saints who are accustomed to the scene, he ca n’t suppress his own blazing curiosity, "Who is your son?"

Zhao Xiongge: "Yuan Gang!"

"..." Wu Chang's expression suddenly became more exciting. Was it his son? real or fake? It was suspected that Yuan Gang had a relationship with this one before. Is it true?

He looked at him up and down repeatedly, as if he wanted to see Zhao Xiongge through.

Seeing him speechless for a while, Zhao Xiongge: "I will ask you a question, can you do it?"

Wu Chang said, wondering what could be done: "Zhao Xiongge, what are you kidding, how could he be your son?"

Zhao Xiongge: "What's impossible, I still have to report this to you in advance?"

Wu Chang stared at him, "The age is not right! How many years have the Saints died?"

Zhao Xiongge: "It's not me and the saint, drink ..." Staring at the traces of the wine after the broken gourd in the hand, "Sometimes it will be wrong."

Wu Chang was cautious, "Your son was raised in a small mountain village?"

Zhao Xiongge: "Isn't it you? I dare to show it to you. I saw him grow up slowly and finally made a decision. I want to be placed in the Shangqing sect. At that time, I was entrusted to Dong Guo Haoran. Can you get away safely, was he seriously injured by someone you sent? "

Wu Chang did not admit, nor denied, staring at him.

Zhao Xiongge squinted at him, and continued, "You think Dong Guo Haoran suddenly ran to Xiaomiao Village to collect the righteous disciple? Dong Guo Haoran rushed to Xiaomiao Village, originally looking for Yuan Gang, who knew Xiaomiao Village Just happened to be raided and looted by officials and bandits. The surviving people did not know where to hide. Dong Guo Haoran was seriously injured again. Without the energy to look for it again, he happened to meet Niu Youdao and Niu Youdao went to Shangqingzong. "

"I still wanted to entrust Yuan Gang to Tang Mu. Who knows that Tang Mu also had an accident. Some things, except Dong Guo Haoran and Tang Mu, are not good enough for other people in Shang Qingzong to know. This matter was temporarily put aside."

"Why do you think Niu Youdao will bring Yuan Gang out afterwards? Why doesn't he bring others to bring Yuan Gang? Why is he treating Yuan Gang as a brother? That's what I told Niu Youdao. Why did I go out and help Maolu later? Villa? Because of this. "

Fairly reasonable, Wu Chang didn't say anything, but she felt a little puzzled in her heart.

But not all doubts were solved, and asked: "Does Yuan Gang's weird horizontal practice come from the magic code?"

Zhao Xiongge shook his head: "There are some tricks in the magic code. How can I impart it to my son? The most important thing is that Yuan Gang is not suitable for cultivation, and some things can't be cultivated. The horizontal training he practiced comes from me A set of mortal forging techniques seen from the Virgin. "

"Shang Qingzong suddenly had an accident, and both of the brothers were dead. It was inconvenient to entrust them to Shang Qingzong, so I found him with my identity hidden, and passed on the set of horizontal exercises to him by passers-by. Being able to strengthen my body and be more self-protective, I did not expect that he would still be able to practice some unexpected fame. "

After Wu Chang listened, his eyes narrowed, and since he had set up a bureau against Niu Youdao earlier, he naturally knew something about Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang.

According to some of the information available, Dong Guo Haoran was indeed seriously injured, and Xiaomiao Village had no choice but to accept the cattle. You, the only child in Nashan Village, took the corpse to Shang Qingzong, which shows Dong Guo Haoran At that time there was no choice but to make a choice.

And Xiaomiao Village was indeed robbed by officials and bandits before Dong Guohaoran arrived.

There is also Yuan Gang, which really changed after Niu Youdao went to the Shangqing Sect. He started to learn the trick and started to practice physical fitness. Dare to love behind this is Zhao Xiongge .

It's no wonder that he did not hesitate to expose his relationship with Niu Youdao, but also to help Maolu Villa to cope with the crisis, in the final analysis, all for his own son.

As everyone knows, this is Niu Youdao carefully woven for Zhao Xiongge.

Who is Niu Youdao? It is not vegetarian to be able to rise suddenly, and there will be no loopholes in carefully woven things. It is certainly useful to take it out.

Zhao Xiongge's mouth is full of helplessness, but he is really helpless in his heart. I don't know how many times he cursed the cow. He actually came out like a son!

In Wu Chang ’s heart, Huo Ran cheerful is the same thing, but his mouth is not loose, "The saint is dead, the cow has the way, and you are dead. You find two dead people who have no proof. How can I believe?"

Zhao Xiongge: "What more proof is needed? At this point in my words, don't you know what I'm doing?"

Wu Chang tried to ask, "Do you want to exchange the magic book for exchange?"

Zhao Xiongge looked back at him with firm eyes, saying one by one: "You save my son, I will give you the magic code, will it work or not?"

Wu Changlue was silent, and looked away.

It ’s normal, it ’s okay, but now, it ’s hard for him to agree, even if he said it earlier, it ’s easier to handle it. Now Yuan Gang has killed Lu Wushuang ’s disciple, and the Nine Saints have reached an agreement. What should he do? To save?

Of course, he also knows that, in the ordinary way, if Yuan Gang didn't do it, Zhao Xiongge wouldn't be able to get his head, nor would he know the secret.

After thinking about it again and again, I turned around again, "I have to confirm the authenticity of the magic book first."

Zhao Xiongge shook his head: "Wu Chang, we have known each other for so many years, what good things are you failing, do you think I will believe your gibberish? You can rest assured ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ unless the Holy Lady gave me a fake. In short, As long as you save someone, I will definitely give it to you by the Holy Girl. With your strength and power, you can save someone, you can kill someone, and if you get something, you ca n’t tell the truth or not? I do n’t need to tell you What tricks to play! "

Wu Chang also clearly pointed out, "This is not easy to deal with. Your son killed Lu Wushuang's disciples and is now under joint supervision ..." Having said that, he couldn't help but look up and down Zhao Xiongge again.

Not to mention, the father and son do not look similar in appearance, but the characters are really similar.

At that time, Zhao Xiongge was tortured and refused to explain, and so is Yuan Gang today. In the face of such threats, hardships and pressures, it is really not like a coincidence. It seems that there is a father and a son. !

He has believed that Yuan Gang is the son of Zhao Xiongge. It is one thing that Niu Youdao's woven lies can be matched. It is even more ironic to be willing to come up with a magic book for exchange. If it were not to save his biological son, Wu Chang did not believe that this man could come up with a magic book.

Zhao Xiongge: "I just heard about it and knew that he was in a desperate situation, otherwise would I ever find you? If you don't agree, if you don't agree, even if I die, you still want to get the magic code!"


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