Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1300: Wind blowing

Can you not agree? Because he often wants!

But in the current situation, the Nine Saints checked and balanced each other, and he couldn't guarantee it in one bite. It was awkward in his heart.

I never dreamed that Yuan Gang would actually be the son of Zhao Xiongge. If I knew that Zhao Xiongge had such a weakness, why should it be so.

It is useless to regret some things. It was impossible to think about it before. Who would have thought that Zhao Xiongge, who is affectionate to the saint, would make a son with other women? Who can think of it?

He slowly stood up and stood up, "I will look at the situation before I talk about it."

Zhao Xiongge: "You have listened to me, did I ask you to temporarily take someone out to deal with me, get something and let him die? Don't play tricks with me, what I want is that he survived this disaster safely, Holy Land No one else has trouble with him over there. I hope my son will be safe in this life. Otherwise, you wo n’t be able to hide the secret of your things. It ’s useless for you to kill me. Other people will know. "

How could Wu Chang not know this, otherwise he would be able to take Yuan Gang out for a while and deal with it. After he got something and slaughtered this fellow, he would throw Yuan Gang back.

"You still worry about whether I can rescue your son." Wu Chang said coldly, faced with such threats, there was a murder in his heart.

Some things can only be postponed. If possible, get things first, and then say, as long as the things can help him succeed in the end, after the success, let the guy in front of you know what it means to survive and not to die.

Zhao Xiongge: "Don't let Nan Tian Wufang know about this, otherwise I might stop me from giving you things."

"This doesn't need you to explain, and I hope you take care of your own mouth!" Wu Chang snorted, annoyed.

Zhao Xiongge: "Yuan Gang doesn't know my relationship with him, don't let him know."

Wu Changhehe, I would like to say that the saint is also blind, and she will actually see you like this.

I was afraid that this fellow would wake up, and the words suffocated back to my mouth again, and a flash went to the sky and disappeared into the air.

Zhao Xiongge exhaled, slowly leaning back, lying on the ground, his head crossed with his arms crossed.

Later, a figure fell on his side, looking down at him from the top, "He's coming?" It was Nantian Wufang.

Zhao Xiongge yelled.

Nan Tian Wufang stared at him, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Xiongge: "What else can he do to me?"

Nan Tian Wufang: "Have you found him?"

Zhao Xiongge: "Do you think it is possible?"

Nan Tian Wufang: "My people saw that you contacted the person he sent here, and the latter immediately sent a gold wing message, and then he came. What could make him come to see you so quickly?

Zhao Xiongge: "What do you want to say?"

Nantian Wufang said coldly: "I warn you, if you dare to give something that should not be given, I will not let you go!"

Zhao Xiongge: "You think too much, I said, things are not in my hand, so the Demon Church will not have any problems."

Nan Tian Wufang's black and white hair was suddenly blown by the wind, "I hope so!"

Zhao Xiongge suddenly said: "Nantian, I angered him, he beat my hip flask, and let someone give me a new one."

"Go to the city and buy it yourself." Nantian Wufang walked away.

Looking at the sky, Zhao Xiongge lay down and muttered to himself, "Wang Ba Dan Na Wang Ba Wang, I hope you are right, otherwise Lao Tzu is not a person inside or outside."


Q. The cages in the Sky City are very reliable. Due to their duties, there are special places specifically for dealing with demons and ghosts.

In the land of the copper wall and the iron wall, the diamond chain tied Yuan Gang's arms and hung, and the whole person could not bear to see it. It was unrecognizable, and his hair was all pulled out.

At this time, there was even a painful muffled sound, struggling to hang on the iron chain, with a steel needle inserted in his body, the acupuncture point was held by the steel needle, he could not use his horizontal training skills, and was suffering from the painful pill The pain is so painful that even the eyes will burst out.

"Give him the antidote!"

A group of interrogators were looking at it, to see when Yuan Gang was so tough, there was a deep voice behind him.

When everyone looked back, they saw a shirtless man with naked hair who did not know when he was standing behind them, his eyes staring coldly at the hanging Yuan Gang.

Wuchang! Everyone was shocked and quickly bowed their hands to salute.

Wu Chang said again, "I said give him the antidote!"

A person at the Heavenly Demon Holy Land who was in the office was quickly taking a few steps, groping out a person's sleeve to find out the medicine, and quickly rushed into Yuan Gang's mouth to cast a spell to help alleviate the poisonous effect of the **** of pain.

Wu Chang waited quietly, staring at Yuan Gang's reaction.

When I met Zhao Xiongge, I was concerned about Yuan Gang's safety. After returning to the Holy Land, Wu Chang worried that Yuan Gang had an accident here. Instead of returning to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, I came here directly.

He stood here, everyone was quiet, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

For many people, this man is a cow, and he can enter from one of the eight saints and rank one of the nine saints. Some of the actions of that year still make people feel terrified.

Footsteps were heard from outside, and the Huo Kong heard the news from Huo Kong, and went forward to salute, "Worship Heavenly Demon Lord!"

Wu Chang ignored it and continued to wait.

After the struggling Yuan Gang finally eased down, Fang said lightly: "Put down people."

"This ..." Huo Kong was a little embarrassed, and asked, "I don't know what Heavenly Demon Sage has advised me?"

Wu Chang looked back, staring at him coldly, without saying a word, as if to say, I asked you to put down the person without hearing?

Feeling the coercion of this man, Huo Kong's throat shook, and finally waved to the interrogator.

Someone immediately ran to loosen the iron chain and let Yuan Gang fall to the ground. Yuan Gang, who fell to the ground, eased from the pain and was dying.

Wu Chang suddenly raised his hand, and Yuan Gang, who was almost in a coma, was photographed. One arm was caught by Wu Chang, and the person was also held by him.

Mentioned people, turned and dragged away.

Huo Kong stunned and hurried over, "I don't know what the Lord meant? Could it be interrogated in person? If so, it would be better to be here, what is required."

Wu Chang: "Noisy! Man, I took it away first."

Really afraid of what is coming, Huo Kong quickly said: "Holy Lord, this is not in compliance? You are like this, I can't explain to other Lords!"

Wu Chang: "The deity got the news, some people wanted to commit assassinations against people, there are too many people here, and the deity first took the people back to the Heavenly Demon Holy Land for protection, so just explain!"

"Sovereign, this doesn't work ..." Huo Kong's words didn't finish, Wu Chang had already walked away with a flash.

Who dares to stop in the prison?

Huo Kong flashed and chased him, and after leaving the prison, he found that Wu Chang had turned into a black spot and escaped into the sky.

"Ah!" Huo Kong sighed and felt helpless. I didn't know what had happened to me for eight lifetimes. He actually took over the Nianji Pavilion at this time.

Row! Now that Wu Chang has given an explanation, he can only report it this way.

Not only this, but there is no way. If the people from the Heavenly Demon Holy Land come, they can still stop. Wu Chang personally goes out. Who can stop here?


A figure passed by, and entered the cave of Tenma Palace.

Seeing Wu Chang coming back, Heishi hurried forward to salute, but he saw Wu Chang throwing aside him, it was Yuan Gang.

Heishi was stunned, "Holy Lord, is this?"

Wu Chang: "I personally brought it back from Wentian City, and I will take it with you, and don't let it go away."

He brought the man back, still the same sentence, worrying that Yuan Gang was asking Tiancheng to have an accident, and it was safer to control it in his own hands.

As for the method, first get the people back, first grasp the weakness of Zhao Xiongge, and then think of other ways to deal with it.

"Uh ..." Heishi was stunned again, and then asked: "Is the Holy Lord has the news?"

Wu Chang, who was going inside, asked, "What news?"

Heishi pointed to Yuan Gang in a coma. "Isn't it because of Lu Wushuang and Yuan Se?"

Wu Chang stopped suddenly, "make it clear!"

"Yes!" Blackstone responded, and understood that the other party was not aware of it, and he responded quickly.

But what does it mean to get people without your knowledge?

Suffering his doubts, he replied: "The subordinate just got the news, there was a rumor in the Holy Land, Niu Youdao met Lu Wushuang when he came out of Wuliangyuan before being assassinated. In fact, it was the Ding Wei who was in charge at that time! "

"Ding Wei?" Wu Chang slowly turned back to face, "Where is the wind, but there is evidence?"

Heishi shook his head and said: "Just heard the news, there is no evidence, the subordinates have ordered people to check!"

Wu Chang said slowly: "Ding Wei is an apprentice of Yuan Se, and Lu Wushuang cannot protect him for no reason! If it is true, that is to say, Lu Wushuang and Yuan Se joined forces to take down the matter?"

Blackstone: "Now think about it, Ding Wei was exempted from Yuan Se's post of Yuange because of the unfavorable investigation. Combined with this trend, now think about it, it is indeed suspicious."

Wu Chang: "Where is the suspicious?"

Heishidao said: "One of the winds that came out is thought-provoking, that is, in today's situation, no one actually wants to take over the post of commanding the cabinet. Ding Wei was unfavorable in handling the case, so he was punished and dismissed. Exempt, is it punishment? It seems to be more like relief. Also, Yuan Se would rather do a strict investigation that cannot be missed, but Xuan Yao committed suicide because he could not bear the penalty! "

Wu Chang began to walk back and forth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ wandering, and hummed suddenly, "I am worried that Lu Wushuang refuses to let go of the matter of the disciple. No matter whether it is true or false, someone has come to sleep and has sent a pillow. "

It's not just an excuse to bring people here.

There is also a request from Zhao Xiongge that Yuan Gang must also have security guarantees thereafter, but Yuan Gang killed Lu Wushuang ’s apprentice after all. Afterwards, if Lu Wushuang wanted to calculate this account, no one said anything. If he can't do this, Yuan Gang will not be saved. Once Zhao Xiongge shakes out that he got the magic code, it will be a big trouble.

Now, this matter depends on what Lu Wushuang said, otherwise it is not known who is in trouble.

Heishi didn't know, and hadn't thought of Zhao Xiongge's head, he had to remind, "Sovereign, because of this Yuan Gang, we have already caused them to doubt it. Isn't it wrong to try to get people in this way?"

"Inappropriate?" Wu Chang looked back and told him clearly, "Yuan Gang is the son of Zhao Xiongge! Zhao Xiongge wants to exchange the magic code for his son!"

ps: Sixty-five thousand plus monthly pass. Thank you "Lu Huishen" for the small red flowers.


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