Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1305: Crippled

Seeing Yuan Gang like this, his hands and feet were basically abolished, so a good man was so crippled that his real mood could not have killed this woman.

However, he cannot do this and must restrain his anger.

He knew Yuan Gang too well and really wanted to kill this woman. There was no way to explain to Yuan Gang. Yuan Gang had to turn his face afterwards.

Between brothers, no matter how deep the brotherhood is, sometimes it is really not as good as a woman, and it cannot be described as 'incomparable', but this is not possible. Once it touches a point that cannot be touched, it will make trouble Even the brothers had to do it.

Conversely, the same thing applies to women, and women will turn their faces for men and sisters.

Not to mention brothers, even if the biological parents acted like this, the children would have to turn their faces.

Despite the uncomfortable suffocation, but his reason is still there, he can still grasp this size.

Seeing this and this situation, Zhao Xiongge shook his head slightly, probably understanding the intention that Niu Youdao brought people, so as to warn him, so that the woman would not be tempted to escape Yuan Gang to take the risk.

Feng Guaner sobbed and wept, and wept. When he saw it with his own eyes, he knew that he had harmed people like this. He could n’t cry like this: “I ’m wrong, I ’m really wrong. Save him! Please save him!”

"Save him? Do you know to save him now?" Niu Youdao sneered, his hand suddenly released, turned into a palm knife, and a palm was cut behind her neck.

The cry stopped, Feng Guaner rolled his eyes, fainted with tears all over his face, and there was no movement.

Niu Youdao kicked Feng Guaner aside, and then crouched in front of Yuan Gang and reached out to investigate Yuan Gang's injury.

It was indeed very serious, but Yuan Gang's vitality was still very strong. If it wasn't for such a strong vitality, it would be made like this, I was afraid I would have lost my life long ago.

After confirming the anxiety of lifelessness and knowing to what extent Yuan Gang's body can withstand, he reached out and grabbed the steel needle inserted in Yuan Gang's body and pulled it out one by one. While pulling out, the other hand kept pressing On Yuan Gang's body, the spellcast focuses on his physical condition and avoids unexpected occurrences.

After all the steel needles on the acupuncture points were removed, Niu Youdao looked at Yuan Gang with a trace of surprise.

At the moment when all the steel needles in the acupuncture points were removed, he clearly felt that Yuan Gang's qi and blood filled up instantly, and the filling up circulated.

Having been injured like this, the flesh can still have such a strong spontaneous vitality, which really surprised him, and found that Yuan Gang's diligent "Chi You Wufang" is almost powerful to the physical body.

After removing the objects at the acupuncture points, the breath circulation was smooth, and Yuan Gang, who was in a coma, seemed to be awake at once, and with a "huh" sound, he slowly opened his eyes.

The faint eyes also quickly brightened.

Seeing the stranger crouching in front of him, he thought he was still being interrogated, and his beast-like fierceness quickly appeared in his eyes, and he beat him with his arms!

Snapped! Niu Youdao grabbed his wrist. Although he was fast awake, he was still too weak. He was thrown back by Niu Youdao. "Yo! I still have the strength to hit people. I have a good spirit."

Upon hearing this voice, and then looking at the other person's eyes, Yuan Gang was stunned for a moment. The word "Dao ..." just started, and it seemed to be alert for a moment, looking around, not knowing where he was, seeing the unconscious Feng Guan'er and Zhao Xiongge , And then shouted with confidence, "Dao Dao, why are you ... where is this?"

I remember that I was clearly in captivity, I do n’t know why it appeared here, and I do n’t know why Niu Youdao appeared before my eyes.

Niu Youdao glanced at his reaction with a sneer. "It seems not yet confused." A wax pill was crushed in his hand, and the other's mouth was also opened. A Tianjidan was directly inserted into the other's mouth. , Slap on his mouth, slap Tian Jidan into the other party's belly.

To see Niu Youdao was so overwhelming to Yuan Gang, who was suffering so much, that he would never see him again in his life.

I couldn't take care of what happened to Feng Guan'er. The throat knot swallowed something. I groaned and tried to climb up, but the pain on my palm made him hard to get up, and gasped: "Daddy, what's going on? ? "

"Don't! Your monkey uncle has many cows, I can't afford to be your grandfather!" Niu Youdao's mouth is full of yin and yang, and his hands are not honest. A finger poke directly into the place where Yuan Gang inserted the steel needle, And it was inserted with force, and looked merciless.

Zhao Xiongge's teeth slightly cracked, helping Yuan Gang to feel pain.

"Um ..." Yuan Gang also groaned in pain.

Niu Youdao said, "Yo, your monkey is an iron man, and he is also afraid of pain! It shouldn't be. Am I wrong?" It seems to be wrong, and the finger is on Yuan Gang's wound again. Drilling back and forth hard.

Yuan Gang, squashing his teeth, squeezed hard not to let himself make a painful sound.

Pulling out his fingers, he patted Yuan Gang's face, "Yes! Sure enough, he is a good man." When he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Yuan Gang's hand, picked it up, and showed Yuan Gang himself, "Who is the good guy? Do you look at your own feet again? Your hands and feet are all broken and useless. In the future, are you going to climb on the ground or are you going to take a wheelchair like Meng Shanming? "

Snapped! Suddenly slap in the face of Yuan Gang, Niu Youdao suddenly became stern, "You got water in your head? I think it's urine!"

Yuan Gang, who was propped up with one elbow in half, was beaten in silence.

He who can beat him in this world does not say anything, and he who can beat him will not raise up anyone who has thought of anything, but the one in front of him.

He was not stupid again. How could he not know at this time that Dao Ye had rescued him.

It seems to be like this every time, and before, whenever he was hanging on the line, Dao Ye repeatedly pulled him back from the edge of death.

Obviously, this time is no exception.

He thought that he would never be able to survive again, but he didn't expect that Dao Ye rescued him again. He really didn't know what method Dao Ye used to save him from Jiu Sheng.

But he understands that Dao Ye is Dao Ye, Dao Ye has his own way of Dao Ye, if he can't do it, how can he be Dao Ye!

Niu Youdao turned back and grabbed a hand, and grabbed Feng Guan'er's arm and dragged it over, "Look, the person you want, I got it for you, what can I do? Let her fly with you, a crippled twin? You Not disgusting, others are disgusting! "

Yuan Gang: "Dao Ye, not what you think."

Niu Youdao was angry, "What's that like? Don't talk to me about your shit! Why can't you even protect yourself, what are your qualifications to act rashly?" He waved his arm and flung Feng Guaner aside, angrily Walking back and forth on the cliff terrace.

If it was just a bit of a serious injury, it would be ok, it would be crippled, and it would become crippled. He was really angry.

Yuan Gang bowed his head in sorrow, knowing that he was really angry with Dao Ye.

Zhao Xiongge looked at Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang, and he really served Yuan Gang. He was fierce enough and stunned enough. He dared to face Lu Wushuang, one of the nine saints. Killed, to what extent did the courage get fat?

It's also because of Niu Youdao's way to rescue, otherwise it would be strange that these two stunned people's life could not be explained in the Holy Land.

Of course, he Zhao Xiongge himself is not qualified to say anything about Yuan Gang. I thought that Zhao Xiongge himself would not lose his reason because of a woman. He knew that he was not allowed to be a saint, but he still could not control his emotions.

After all, Niu Youdao is a sensible person who knows that things have gone this way and is useless and must face it.

"Hoo ~" Yang Tian exhaled a breath, and then turned back to Yuan Gang, said indifferently: "It's broken, it's broken, and I will stay in this demon ridge honestly in the future."

"Demon Ridge?" Yuan Gang stared blankly, and looked around again.

"I don't know exactly how Wu Chang settled this matter, but Wu Chang can lead you. Your danger should be gone for the time being." Niu Youdao said to Feng Fenger, "The person you want, I also brought you to stay here with peace of mind. Lu Wushuang's breath has not passed yet. After all, this is a common place. Don't run around again, otherwise you don't know what will happen. "

He turned back to Zhao Xiong and said, "Uncle Zhao, I will bother you to look at him later."

Zhao Xiongge: "Me?"

Niu Youdao: "What happened incidentally."

Zhao Xiongge shook his head slightly, "I'm done with the entrustment of the Holy Girl, Wu Chang got the things, and I was relieved. I might be leaving Demon Ridge."

Niu Youdao accidentally, "Where?"

Zhao Xiongge: "In the battle between Jin and Wei, the Shangqing Sect suffered heavy losses. It was precisely when they wanted someone, and I wanted to try again."

Niu Youdao: "Do you think Tang Su can accept you?"

Zhao Xiongge: "Let's try it. It's really not working. I'll be on the edge of the Shangqing Sect. I owe too much to the Qingzong."

Niu Youdao: "If you really want to be good for the Qing Dynasty, stay here."

Zhao Xiongge didn't know what he thought, and asked, "How do you say it?"

Niu Youdao said: "I can understand Uncle Shi's mood, but at this stage, it is difficult for you and me to stay out of the wind and waves. The ups and downs of Zongqing are not a temporary achievement. You should know what Wu Chang got after getting things. Once the goal is achieved, what is the end of the Shangqing Sect? Is it meaningful for you to run back to the Shangqing Sect now? "

Zhao Xiongge sighed: "What's the point of me staying here, continue to be my drunk?"

Niu Youdao pointed to Yuan Gang: "He is now a son ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is inconvenient to return to Nanzhou, and this is also the opportunity given by Wu Chang. May wish to follow the trend to run the devil. He is unfamiliar and human. You are often stupid in life, you are very familiar with the demon cult, stay here to help him, you can watch him by the way, and contact me in time for anything. "

Son? Yuan Gang didn't know what to say.

Zhao Xiongge understood what he meant and nodded silently.

"I shouldn't stay here for a long time. Let's go first." Niu Youdao glanced at Yuan Gang when he said this, and it was also told to Yuan Gang.

Yuan Gang thought of something and shouted: "Dao Ye, Lu Wushuang wants the Scorpion Emperor."

Niu Youdao said indifferently: "I heard about it."

Yuan Gang: "I was asking Tiancheng to be taken back to Wushuang Holy Land by her people for the first time. She didn't try to get me out of breath. Lu Wushuang repeatedly tortured me for only one purpose, that is, I wanted to summon the Scorpion King!

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