Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1306: 8 treasure locations

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He is a person who has been in charge of processing intelligence around Niu Youdao for a long time. He has a keen sense of intelligence and also knows what it means for a decision-maker like Niu Youdao to capture useful information in time.

Niu Youdao narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to look at Zhao Xiongge's eyes.

Zhao Xiongge hesitated and said: "Is the sinker of the Buddha Land really the Scorpion Emperor? Is it true that as you suspected before, Lu Wushuang really knows something?"

What do you mean? Yuan Gang felt completely unable to understand what the two were talking about. After a short period of time away from Dao Ye, it seemed to be completely out of touch with the things around Dao Ye. What a son, what a place to sink in Buddha?

After Niu Youdao's eyes flickered for a while, he looked at Yuan Gang again, "If Lu Wushuang really knows something, he will not let him go easily, Uncle Shi, this back mountain is not suitable for him to stay for a long time, and take him to the devil Go to the palace. "

I also saw the doubts in Yuan Gang ’s heart, “Also, he still does n’t know about some situations. To prevent any mistakes, you can talk back to him this time and let him know what ’s going on so that he can capture useful information. He is good at this. "

Zhao Xiongge nodded.

Niu Youdao: "Leave."

"Wait." Zhao Xiongge raised his hand and stopped, and Niu Youdao, who had just turned around, turned his head back, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Xiongge: "For a long time, haven't you wanted to know who is related to Guan Fangyi on the Mojiao side? I used to say it inconveniently. Now that things have been handed over, I don't have anything to hide. Number. "

Niu Youdao stared at his eyes, a name popped out of his mouth, "Nantian Wufang?"

Zhao Xiongge froze, wondering: "How do you know?"

"Is it really him?" Niu Youdao laughed. "In your case, you don't want to interact with too many people. The devil's side can keep you from saying nothing, who else can he be? He had long been suspected. "

"..." Zhao Xiongge was speechless, a little doubting how long this man's head was.

Niu Youdao: "Tell me, what's going on with him and Guan Fangyi?"

Zhao Xiongge sighed: "Nantian Wufang was Guan Fangyi's first man. Guan Fangyi was originally named Guan Honghua, and Fang Yi was Nantian Wufang changed her name ..." A paragraph from Nantian Wufang mentioned Talking about the past, in front of Yuan Gang did not conceal the identity that Guan Fangyi should have.

He also knew that Yuan Gang was the confidant of Niu Youdao, and he had handled many of Niu Youdao's secrets, and Niu Youdao could ask out in person, indicating that he did not intend to hide Yuan Gang.

Niu Youdao's expression became brilliant after hearing it. This was indeed something he hadn't thought of before. He couldn't even think of this head. The famous Qi Jing matchmaker should have been a magic witch? Just because of Nan Tian Wufang's love, Guan Fangyi's fate turned a big turn?

The consequence of mobilizing the whole body is that the complete decline of the Shangqing Sect and the eradication of the forces of the Ning Wang family are all due to this?

Yuan Gang, who was suffering from injuries, was dumbfounded.

"Hehe!" Niu Youdao suddenly couldn't help laughing, and shook his head. "This joke is a little too big. I don't know how to speak to the matchmaker. It seems that there are only two kinds of people in this world, men and women. , The most complex relationship foundation is always the relationship between men and women! "

Speaking of which, the sky silhouette flashed, and a black-and-white man floated down, giving a sense of elegance and ease.

Niu Youdao looked at him for the first time, and the latter looked at the scene more.

Needless to say, Niu Youdao passed through his head a little and guessed who the person was, and nodded slightly to Zhao Xiongge to show his resignation.

Before leaving, he glanced deeply at Yuan Gang's hands and feet, and if he flashed away as if nothing happened, he was really heavy-hearted, but he didn't want to show it in Yuan Gang's face, fearing that Yuan Gang was sad.

Nan Tian Wufang watched back and asked, "Who is it?"

Zhao Xiongge certainly won't let him know that Niu Youdao is still alive, and casually said: "People in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land."

Nan Tian Wu Fang nodded slightly, looked at Yuan Gang again and tried to ask, "This is?"

Zhao Xiongge: "Holy Son!"

This is the one who has inherited the Virgin? Nan Tian Wufang's expression suddenly became complicated, and for a moment he did not know whether to salute or not, his eyes fell on Yuan Gang's hands and feet.

The fingers and toes are almost peeled off, leaving almost nothing but bones, which is basically a disability.

Get a saint, but it is crippled? He didn't know what to say, and sighed, "I'll go back and organize the demons and hold a worship ceremony!"

Zhao Xiongge understands that a ceremony will be held to officially recognize the identity of Yuan Gang Shengzi.

"This again?" Nan Tian Wufang's eyes fell on the unconscious Feng Guan'er again.

Zhao Xiongge: "Feng Guan'er!"

Nan Tian Wufang's meaningful "Oh" sound, could not help but looked at Yuan Gang again, not to mention how greasy in his heart, the key is confusing!

The saint of the devil needs some purity, and she is not allowed to marry a person for life, but the matter of the saint has never happened. Bring a woman as soon as you come.

I just listened to Zhao Xiongge's words. This is the person who is waiting for the saints of the past.

He also did not know what role can be played by those who waited for the sage daughters in the past, but the waiting was actually a disability ...

Zhao Xiongge: "Lv Wushuang is afraid that his breath will be gone. The Son should not stay here. Send him to the Devil's Palace immediately."

He didn't dare to stay too much for a moment, so he could do it, and immediately with Nan Tian Wufang took away Yuan Gang and Feng Guan'er.

Zhao Xiongge, who had lived in this cave for many years, finally moved to the nest.

The magic palace is in the front mountain, not far away.

After being settled down quickly, Yuan Gang was a little anxious, unable to take care of his injuries, and anxious to find out what was going on. He worried that Niu Youdao had paid a huge price to save him.

In the quiet stone room, Zhao Xiongge told the story in his ears after there were no outsiders.

Sure enough, it paid a great price! After listening to this, Yuan Gang was sad, in order to save himself, Dao Ye did not hesitate to let Zhao Xiongge bring out the magic code guarded by his life to Wuchang.

The magic book is not what he cares about most. What he cares about is that he said to Dao Ye when he left the Maolu Bieyuan, let Dao Ye not care about him!

At that time, Dao Ye was angry enough, Dao Ye also said cruel words, let him go, don't come back!

But in the end, Dao Ye still did not care, after all, he still shot, and tried his best to help him out of the crisis and help him do the aftermath.

He certainly understands that if it were n’t for Niu Youdao, he would be dead!

But because of this, he couldn't help but doubt himself, is he really wrong? Every time something went wrong, it was Dao Ye who rescued him, and it was Dao Ye who wiped his **** finally.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, some words did not come out from Zhao Xiongge, son's business!

Relatively speaking, it doesn't matter if you don't say this, and it's the same with Wu Chang, who said Yuan Gang didn't know.

"Relieve yourself!" Zhao Xiongge raised his hand and patted his shoulder, turned and left.


"Oh ~"

"Oh ~"

In the main hall of Wushuang Palace, two tiger roars were cut with a single knife. Lu Wushuang closed the knife in his hand and frowned slightly, examining the three tiger ornaments on the back of Sanhou knife.

Angry tiger, running tiger, lying tiger, fingers also gently touched lying tiger.

The knife is the three roar knife left by Yuan Gang in the Wushuang Holy Land.

Hu Xiaosheng's voice came from her hand. She had seen Yuan Gang's sword. She heard a little about the three roar swords made by Jin Wuxi's first refiner master Xi Wuxian, who is also known as the world's first refiner master. Angry tiger Yi Xiao, running tiger silent, lying tiger is difficult to wake up, she also heard this.

With the help of her repair work, she could only make two tiger roars. The third sound from the broken sky was only a slight buzz, and the third tiger roar could not be burst out.

More than a stab, she woke up on a whim, wanting to hear what the third tiger roar was, and wanting to hear the difference, so she tried multiple knives, but she failed to wake the lying tiger.

"Crouching Tiger wakes up, the world is invincible?" Lü Wushuang snorted suddenly, and even her strength could not hear the third Tiger Roar. She didn't think anyone else in the world could wake Crouching Tiger, even if it was slightly stronger. Hu Xiao, it is a bit exaggerated to say that the world is invincible.

The knife stood on the ground smoothly, eyes fixed.

Playing a big knife is not the end, but the person who abandoned it.

That's right, in the face of the persecution of other holy saints, she promised to give up, together with the usual threats, but in the face of the secret she wanted to know, how could she give up easily, thinking about acting in secret.


"Holy Lord!"

In the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Wu Chang flashed back to the Heavenly Demon Palace and strode in.

Blackstone greeted the salute, and then followed with a quiz, "Holy Lord, can something be obtained?"

Wu Chang said nothing, hovering in the hall, hovering in front of his unfinished stone wall, stopping and facing.

Seeing no answer, I don't know what to think, Blackstone carefully observed his reaction.

After a long time, Wu Chang said with a deep voice, "Shang Jing ... The mirror of the heart is in Qin, the broken sword is in Song, the Tiantianhuan is in Wei, the mountain and river tripod is in Korea, the measuring ruler is in Jin, the Ding Shenzhu is in Qi, and Fu Xianjian In Yan, the stars are in Zhao ... "After talking, I was silent again.

Heishi felt a little jump in his heart, and realized that this person would definitely not be nagging about this for no reason. In addition, he was not in a hurry. He should have obtained the magic book, and it is very likely that he saw the situation about these things from the magic book. .

Wu Changhu said again: "The guardian nations are all destroyed. What are you doing with the swallowing heaven?"

Blackstone tentatively said: "What does the Lord mean?"

Wu Chang turned around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You can find a way to get Tian Tianhuan for me. "

Kuroishi was stunned, "Holy Venerable, is this inappropriate? The so-called eight artifacts of the Zhenguo are all negotiated by the Venerable Communists and let the secular world contend for it. If we take it arbitrarily, it seems that the rules will be broken."

Wu Chang: "Don't let people know that it is. There are also mountains and rivers in South Korea ... this will be discussed after you get the swallow ring."

Heishi was wondering, why do you want these two things? What special secrets did these two things hide? The surface should say: "Yes, the subordinates arrange as soon as possible."

Wu Chang: "Also, Zhao Guo has been destroyed. That emperor Hai Wuji, the star order should be in his hands. Where did the man hide, and find a way to find me!"

ps: 70,000 plus monthly pass!

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