Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1307: Chiyou

For the nations, if the Nine Saints want to request the artifact of the town, it is not difficult. The nations dare not give it, just a word.

But for whom it is a problem, the eight artifacts of the town, but the nine saints, are a bit "unequally divided."

It is not suitable for him at present to hold all eight artifacts of Zhenguo in his hands at one time. The movement is too great to hide from the past, which will cause doubts. His current strength cannot resist the other Eight Saints. Act carefully.

According to the record on Li Singer's notes, he doesn't need to squeeze all eight artifacts in his hands. Why do they all squeeze them in his hands? Go to cut off the five-domain star formation?

He couldn't do this by lifting a stone and hitting his foot.

What he has to do now is to confirm as soon as possible whether the description in the handbook is true or not.

Therefore, we must first get the Tiantianhuan and the mountain river tripod, and find the entrance of the fifth domain as described in Tanza.

According to his judgement of the opponent's hand, the hand should not be false, but if it is true, he should do it even more.

Swallowing the heavenly ring, the defending country is gone, and you can quietly hold it in your hands.

As for Shanheding, you can borrow it from South Korea in secret, forgive South Korea for not giving it, and then return it to South Korea after confirmation.

If it is determined that the functions of Swallowing Heavenly Ring and Shanheding are true, then the star order in the hand of the annihilated Zhao Guo is extremely important, as long as the star order is mastered, the way to open the eyes of the other four realms is in his hands.

Without worries, he just waited, but he could figure it out slowly.


It was quiet at night, and finally no one bothered.

Yuan Gang kicked off the quilt, endured the pain in his body, strained his abdomen, sat down with his waist down, and looked at the palms and soles wrapped in white gauze.

There was also a white cloth wrapped around the body that tied the wound.

Staring for a while, raising his hand, biting with his teeth, unwrapping the palm of his hand, waved his hand around the winding. When it reached the last layer, the gauze stuck to the wounded flesh, and his cheek tensed when he hurt.

For a person like him, pain is nothing but tolerable.

But the last layer of gauze sticked to the flesh and blood, and it was difficult to get rid of with a wave of hand. Once again, she opened her mouth to bite the gauze, took a deep breath, and swooped it instantly.

This time, his facial muscles twitched, which was really painful.

The gauze ripped and the clotted wound ticked out again with blood.

Looking at the bare bones and ugly bone fingers, Yuan Gang's throat knotted for a while, and raised his other hand to do the same.

Eventually it was torn again, blood came out again, and the painful expression twitched.

On the feet, the skin and muscles of the fingers of both hands are damaged and can no longer be used. It is impossible to use your fingers to unwrap the wraps on the feet.

The thick feet of the package lifted up and landed, and the palms supported the edge of the couch. One press was blood stains and slowly stood up.

However, as soon as the feet were struggling, it was the pain of the cone, and the whole person was crumbling and almost fell.

But he gritted his teeth and held it back. He didn't want to be disabled, and he didn't believe he would become disabled. He tried to balance it well, and took a few steps slowly.

After adjusting the standing position and the balance of the body, the whole person squatted slowly, palms closed on both sides of the waist, and the horse stepped up.

Balance, hold steady, balance again, hold steady again.

When Ma Bu stabilized, he closed his eyes and his breath gradually became longer. After several rounds, the abdomen slowly bulged a hemisphere, rolling up and down his abdomen. As the hemisphere rolls, the sound of breathing gradually becomes thicker, gradually resembling a bellows, and a faint blood mist gradually exhales, and then he returns as he inhales.

As a result, cyclones appeared on the acupoints all over the body, and the whole person squatted like a wind.

There seemed to be something squirting out of his body surface, and it seemed that something was summoned from the underworld and got into his body surface.

In the eyes of the monk method, it is the heaven and earth aura that keeps condensing from his body and seeping into his body.

It is different from the ordinary monks who absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, not from heaven and earth, but from the midst.

It is not absorbed evenly like ordinary monks, but injected into his body faster and faster.

The blood mist that breathed back and forth repeatedly circulated, and I do n’t know how long it passed. The color of the blood mist gradually became darker than before.

When the color of the blood mist became darker, the blood on the hands no longer dripped out, and it seemed that something else had oozed out.

It was more like a lot of ants crawling out of him, entangled in the skin wound.

Not ants, but tiny granulations derived from the wound skin and flesh, because there are too many granulations, it looks like a group of ants are crawling.

The ant-like granulation keeps interweaving and crawling, slowly expanding towards the bones, as if pulling the flesh to expand.

The taste of expansion seemed to cause Yuan Gang to be very painful, and the muscles in the painful body were shaking.

I opened my eyes and saw the situation at the wound, which was what he wanted to see.

He had been traumatized before, but when practicing Hard Qigong, the trauma could be repaired, even the scars were invisible.

He looked forward to this time and wanted to give it a try. Sure enough!

Immediately desperate to endure this pain, he slowly closed his eyes and continued to concentrate on ...

It was dawn, and Feng Guaner pushed the door in, holding the tray in his hand, and seeing Yuan Gang squatting Ma Bu, anxiously said: "How are you up?"

When I stepped forward quickly, it was like seeing a ghost. "Ah!" There was a scream, and the tray fell to the ground, making a crunch.

Yuan Gang, who seemed to be stuck in silence, instantly opened his eyes and looked at Feng Guan'er's reaction. His eyes fell on his own hands. The posture of squatting remained unchanged, but his face was already excited and uncontrollable.

A figure outside the door flashed, Zhao Xiongge flashed into the stone room, and was shocked by Feng Guan'er's screams and falling objects.

"What's wrong ..." Seeing that both of them are well here, Zhao Xiong's words just came out. His eyes touched Yuan Gang's hands and he was dumbfounded. His eyes were unbelievable. He stared blankly, and then looked at Yuan Gang again. He looked slowly at Yuan Gang's head.

There was another person walking quickly outside the door. It was Nan Tian Wufang. I did n’t know why the three of them were staying. When I stepped forward, I saw no anomalies and asked, "What's going on?"

No one paid attention to him, and found that his eyes were fixed on Yuan Gang's hands, suddenly realized what he had, and his mouth was as if he were alive.

With only ten fingers left, the hands with bare bones are gone. Yuan Gang's hands are the hands of a normal person, and the kind with which each finger looks strong.

how can that be? Nan Tian Wufang couldn't believe it, even if he could recover, how could it be restored overnight.

Staring at ten fingers, you can't see any signs of injury.

Is it fake? But if you look closely, you can't see any signs of fraud. If it's true, then it's too realistic.

Looking back at Yuan Gang's head, his hair was stripped from his head. Although the hair did not recover as before, he had grown a layer of stubble.

"This is ..." Nan Tian Wufang pointed at Yuan Gang's hands, not knowing what to say.

Indifferent on the surface, Yuan Gang, who was very excited inside, stabilized his emotions and slowly extended his hands around his waist.

Suddenly a fist clenched, the finger joint "Gang Bian" crisply sounded.

The three watching people watched their eyelids jump, still unbelievable, is this true?

He repeatedly looked at his powerful hands, his fists were loosened, his fingers stretched out for a while, and then he stared at his feet, bent over and leaned over, grabbed the wrapped gauze with both hands, and tore them off directly.

A pair of normal people's feet are exposed in the rags, and their feet are back to normal!

In the shocked eyes of several people, Yuan Gang walked back and forth, squatted and jumped a few times again, and finally turned around and came to stand in front of Shibi.

The three stared at him, wondering what he was doing on his face. In short, Yuan Gang's eyes looked like monsters.

"Hi!" Yuan Ang exhaled suddenly, suddenly punched at the stone wall with a sound of breaking wind.

Boom! The gravel fell and the fist was still, still in the eyes of one side.

The hard stone wall was punched out by him with a punch, and he could see the furnishings in the next room.

The rooms in the entire devil's palace were excavated directly in this stone mountain. Each room is actually a stone room.

After the sound and sound of the gravel falling to the ground, Nantian Wufang and Zhao Xiongge looked at each other. They were so badly injured yesterday. This morning they punched a stone wall thicker than one foot.

The two can naturally see that this was not a spell blow, but a brute force with a punch of flesh and blood.

Feng Guaner stared blankly.

The fist still in the eyes of the blasting hole was taken back. Yuan Gang looked at himself, it was okay, not only okay, but also felt that the power seemed to be better than before!

Because of this punch, just because of the previous encounter, and looking at it now, he suddenly felt a sense of matching, a sense of matching with the hard Qigong he had practiced.

Don't be afraid or be afraid.

It was a sense of boldness rising from the bottom of his heart, which made him unable to bear one arm, his bones crackled, like a burst of blasts, and his back muscles showed a rock-hard Lines.

At the moment when his arms were stretched, the moment his emotions thinned with his flesh, he seemed to see a strong person between heaven and earth looking at himself, unable to see his face, and seemed to be standing in the dying ancient world. Looking at himself, he seemed to be staring at himself, he seemed to communicate with that person's heart, he seemed to feel the majesty from Canggu.

After feeling this person ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he had the urge to call out the word "Chiyou" loudly,

But after all, he did not shout.

After restraining his emotions, he turned around and walked towards the three, and then nodded and nodded slightly when they approached the three.

Feng Guan'er was still staring at him.

Nan Tian Wufang glanced up and down at Yuan Gang, and the expression on his face could not tell what was the reaction.

Zhao Xiongge shook his throat, stepped forward, and reached out: "I will see your injury."

Yuan Gang raised his hand for a block, blocked his arm, and shook his head slightly, "No, I'm fine!"

The phrase "I'm fine" said so relaxed, but it made the three people's expressions a little more exciting. Yesterday they were injured like that, not only hands and feet, but also broken bones, and serious internal injuries. Is this all right?

ps: Thanks to the new leader "Tie Zhongtang 66" for his support.


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