Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1430: 2 The right to harm is better

The night is deep and the stars are vast.

In order to get the news from Xihaitang in time, and also to get the antidote in time, the party did not dare to run too far. It can only be said that they found a deep mountain valley to hide away from the town.

While waiting in the valley, Niu Youdao sitting on the rock under the cliff kept holding Yin'er and never let go.

It is indeed not easy to let go, in order to help Yin'er balance the strange demon in the body and avoid Yin'er out of control demonization.

Otherwise, it ’s really time to make a noise, and I do n’t know what will happen.

And Yin'er also hugged his neck tightly and refused to let go. She is now in pain and needs to find solace. She can hug the cow and have a way. She can at least feel at ease.

However, his hands and fingers are uncontrolled, and has scratched Niu Youdao's back.

She turned into a human form and it was not without strength. Although Niu Youdao cast a spell to resist, but after a long time, she still scratched her shirt with a rotten blood.

Niu Youdao did n’t blame her, she did n’t even blame her, she did n’t even respond, she still hugged her, crossed her neck, snuggled tightly with each other, and murmured in her ear from time to time, "Yin'er, it's okay . "

He has always been by his side, and he has always given her a soothing voice, which has a relief effect for Yin'er, who is suffering.

Yuan Gang saw that Niu Youdao's back was scratched, and he intervened aloud, beckoning him to come, anyway, he had a thick skin.

However, Yin'er didn't want him, especially at this painful time, he had to be separated, and he immediately murmured "Tao Dao" in his mouth, and his consciousness was almost semi-conscious.

Niu Youdao had no choice but to say nothing to Yuan Gang, and comforted in Yin'er's ear: "It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid." Like comforting a child.

Yuan Gang can only stop.

Yun Ji saw Niu Youdao's **** skin and flesh and bones. She wanted to cast a spell to control Yin'er's hands, but Niu Youdao shook her head. "Don't suppress it. She's very uncomfortable. Let her find a vent."

Yun Ji had to retreat in silence. Like Yuan Gang, she looked at the sky from time to time, with the same mood, how come the antidote has not yet come.

Naturally, Lu Wushuang witnessed the tragic appearance of Niu Youdao ’s back being scratched. He could smell the **** smell and could n’t help but get close to Yun Ji and Yuan Gang and asked Yun Ji: "Niu Youdao and Sheng Luosha Is it a relationship between men and women? "

Yun Ji squinted at her, and found that the so-called saint looks no different from the average woman, and gave the sentence, "You think too much."

Yuan Gang couldn't help but say, "Do you think everyone is like you, only knowing about men and women?"

These words are blocked, and Lu Wushuang is not a good boy or a girl, and he gave the sentence indifferently, "In your Yuan Gang's eyes, I am not really a good person, but better than someone who does messy things with other people's wives. It ’s ridiculous to pretend to be a gentleman! "

Having made it clear that he was referring to Yuan Gang and Feng Guan'er, Yuan Gang suddenly glared at each other.

Lu Wushuang raised his head and raised his chest. "You can still regret it now. You haven't done anything without words, you can cross the river and demolish the bridge and kill me!"

Yuan Gang suddenly shook his fist, Yun Ji stretched his hand and pressed his arm, shaking his head slightly, "Go back and say."

This is not the time to kill Lu Wushuang. This person is still useful. For example, people who drink Yin'er this time have played a big role.

I want to confront the Six Saints here. I am afraid that no one knows the Six Saints better than Lu Wushuang.

To catch this one, such an opportunity can only be said to be an encounter but not a request.

There is a good saying in the clash between our enemies and our enemies.

This truth is understandable, and he will not understand Yuan Gang, otherwise, in the Fifth World, he would not leave people under the sword just because of Lu Wushuang!

Without Niu Youdao's permission, it was indeed not easy to mess up. Yuan Gang gritted his teeth and walked aside, a little upset ...

Wait, wait, a gold wing descends from the sky, and Xihaitang finally comes to the news, and also comes to understand the medicine.

A short secret letter was attached, telling what the poison was, and there was indeed an antidote. Xihaitang tried to get it, and the amount of the antidote was sent to several people.

Of course, Xihaitang's focus is on Lu Wushuang.

Niu Youdao will answer this question according to the situation in the future, and now he has no intention to consider other things. The most important thing is to detoxify Yin'er.

Most of the antidote for several people was forcibly fed to Yin'er at one time. Yunji's spell helped catalyze the medicinal properties of the antidote.

When the antidote began to play its role, Yin'er began to slow down from the suffering, proving the efficacy of the medicine, and the three talents of Niu Youdao were relieved.

And Yin'er, who was quiet, was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

Peel away Yin'er from her body and make sure that it won't be repeated. Niu Youdao completely dissolved the strange demon in Yiner's body.

Yun Ji also hurriedly walked behind Niu Youdao, medicined the terrible wound on his back, and sighed when he was medicined, "In fact, this is not necessary, why is it so painful."

Niu Youdao looked calm and said nothing.

Lu Wushuang looked at it with interest. After the previous questioning, it is known that Niu Youdao and Yin'er did not have that special relationship. Because of this, she was interested. Before, she just thought Yuan Gang was interesting. Now It also seemed interesting to find that the cow is right.

One is blooming vigorously and the other is deep and restrained.

After taking Yin'er and holding it flat on the ground, Yuan Gang leaned over to Niu Youdao and whispered, "What now? What is Yiner's honest character, she can't be bored all the time, she is unhappy because she is unhappy, Can it be shut for a while but not for a long time, and if I take it back, I am afraid no one will control her and send it back to Butterfly Dream Realm? "

Yes! Saving people is not easy, but how to arrange after rescue is also a big problem, Niu Youdao has a headache.

As Yuan Gang said, it ’s not okay to bring it back. This monster resembles a fart. It ’s always that he goes wherever he has a way. No matter what happens one day, it may happen. This woman looks like a naive girl. It's different. Once angry, it's really not recognized by the six relatives. God blocks killing God, and Buddha blocks killing Buddha.

He has a lot of things, and often has something to go out. He is not here. If this is troubled, obediently, he can ruin his hard work over the years, even if a large group of people are not killed by Yin'er. She was pitted to death, the key is to be unreasonable with this "little kid".

I can control her by taking it with me, but I can't take it with me. The outsider glances at it. Isn't that the foodie around Niu Youdao? If this girl comes up with another "Tao", then the fun will be great.

Thinking about it, Niu Youdao sighed, "I'm afraid it won't work to return to the Butterfly Dream World. She is now transformed into a human form. She only remembers human things. Once sent back to San Raksha, she immediately forgets about human things. And we have to remember the siege of the Five Saints, and we have to run out. We can save it once, but we ca n’t save it countless times. Can we do this and do nothing else? We do n’t have that ability. Lu Wushuang ’s I have used it once, but I am afraid it might not be useful next time. "

He could imagine that after the Six Saints knew it, they would inform the Jiujie Pavilion, and they would not be allowed to follow Lu Wushuang's law in the future.

In other words, because of the rescue of Yin'er, one of the functions of Lu Wushuang's card has been used, at least to the Jige Pavilion.

"Bring it back?" Yuan Gang had to remind: "It might be a bad thing to bring it back because of her noisy nature."

Niu Youdao sighed: "What else can I do? It took so much time to save her, I can't throw her away. What's the difference from not saving? Take it back, let the lord see it, she will Listen to the governor. Is n’t it always the same before? I ’m not here. It ’s good to throw her to the governor. The governor can restrain her. "

"Sovereign? You are not afraid ..." Yuan Gang stopped talking.

"The two evils have the right to take the light!" Niu Youdao waved his hand, not wanting to say more, and stood up. "Since the antidote is effective, there is no need to consume it here. Here, the Six Saints may also arrive tomorrow. It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Return immediately! "

If you say go, you don't dare to delay too much.


Shouqian Mountain Villa.

Luo Qiu was standing on the east side of the pavilion leaning on the fence, wearing a blue shirt, thin, and looked at the world with a slight look.

Wu Chang hung his hands quietly on the west pavilion, shirtless, with long hair shawls, and was even blown up by the wind.

On the covered bridge between the two lofts, Granny Xue abducted from time to time, walking back and forth, her eyes occasionally glancing towards Luo Qiu.

In the open space below, Du Wuxu and Lan Daolin occasionally glanced at the pavilion.

Luo Qiu wondered if it was his own illusion, feeling that these four guys were always looking at himself, which made him secretly vigilant and began to worry about whether the news received would be a trap.

The Six Saints have successively received summons from the Yuange Pavilion, and Holy Raksha broke into the world!

This is not a trivial matter, but it is also very urgent. They will not be able to do anything. They will have a responsibility in the world at some point.

For example, at such a time, how can we sit and watch San Razak as a misfortune that interferes with the world order they control?

For this reason, they did not hesitate to put down everything else and put this matter first.

Everyone who came here was waiting here, waiting for everyone to come.

This is no other thing. The deaths of Chang Sun Mi and Mu Lianze are a lesson in history. No one will solve the Holy Raksha alone, so it is necessary to work together.

The arrival of these few people made the entire Shouqie Mountain Villa quiet, and the people up and down the whole mountain villa were acting with their tails in their hands.

A chubby figure came out of the air, Yuan Se, as always, came too late. After landing, he greeted everyone happily: "Late coming ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Come late, please forgive you!"

The second thing to forgive and not to forgive is that everyone's eyes are curious, but the blind one is better.

Mother-in-law flashed down and fell beside him. After looking closely, she nodded slightly and said, "Looking at you with pleasure, it can be seen that the dark medical technique is really extraordinary."

The governor walked pacelessly, "He was happy, he was afraid that the woman who slept with him would not be happy anymore. He was usually weighed down by such a heavy weight, and he had to dig people's eyes when something happened. The non-human encounter. "

Landau Lin also paced and ridiculed, "Last one was picked off by St. Raksha, and this time we have to face St. Raksha again. Is n’t there another eye, enough. "

So ridiculous, most people couldn't help but talk about the digging of the eyes, but Luo Qiu couldn't laugh, his thoughts were a little distant.

: Tips: The county master is about to restore his true content, and he wants to become flowery like jade. Is there a monthly ticket blessing?

... m.

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