Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 1431: 6 St. Seated Town

Yuan Se could n’t help being so good-tempered, he could n’t stand the sarcasm, and immediately used the color, “I ca n’t figure out that Holy Raksha, I sighed better, I ’m sure you wo n’t just talk about it You can work hard. "

Wu Changxing fell down and asked, "Go or not?"

Uh! Luo Qiu on the pavilion had already swept away and landed on the exit of the Holy Land near the top of a nearby mountain.

Mother Snow also flashed away, followed by Wu Chang, and the others flew away after glancing at each other.

A group left the Holy Land, did not stay on the Holy Island, went to the sea, and went away like a meteor over the vast sea ...

The vastness of the sea and sky is also small, and the party and the rest of the ground are already on the ground of the Song Kingdom.

Although there is no connection with their respective forces on the way, it is not difficult to contact them. The world's money houses all over the land of the seven countries are their normal channels of contact.

After obtaining the news through Qianzhuang, the six found the small town where they had been buried in no time, and also met the deacon of Song Guo, the deacon of the Song Dynasty, who sat in the pavilion.

Huo Kong had arrived before the six people in the palm of the court.

Standing on the earthen wall outside the town, looking at the town that had turned into ruins, listening to Chen Wankui's detailed report, the six looked dignified.

The appearance of the Holy Rakshasa has surprised the Six Saints, and has even provoke Lu Wushuang?

They didn't understand a bit. Since Lu Wushuang was good, why didn't he return to the holy realm, why did he sit back and watch his own forces being attacked?

"Are you sure Lu Wushuang himself?" Yuan Se questioned Chen Chenkui with a deep voice.

Chen Wankui arched his hand and said: "Return to the Lord, the subordinates in the 缥缈 cabinet know that they are afraid of fraud, and they carefully stared at them repeatedly, and they can be sure that they are not easy for outsiders, and that expression and tone, She should be undoubtedly. The presence was not the witness of the next person. Many people saw it, nor did they belong to the next person. Xihaitang, who is the head of the Wanshoumen, also knew her, and all others who saw her were surely herself. "

Yuan Se: "Where did Saint Raksha go, is it dead or alive?"

Chen Wankui: "I waited for thirty miles away from Wushuang Shengzun's screen. The whereabouts of Saint Raksha are unknown. I have not witnessed it. I don't know if it's dead or alive."

Yuan Se turned around and asked: "How many people are around Lu Wushuang, have you found out the origin?"

Huo Kong's expression was solemn, "Master, all come from easy dresses. They deliberately cover up the true appearance. No one talks to them, nor has they ever seen their shots. There is no way to analyze them. They give people back to the screen. I am afraid this is the purpose."

Yuan Se: "Isn't there still two bird mounts, isn't it the direction of the check?"

Huo Kong: "The disciple has come to the first step and has been asked carefully. It is the common gray-winged sculpture. Most of the gray-winged sculptures in the world are exactly the same length. If they are not carefully recognized in front of their eyes, it is difficult to find the special characteristics. Only Say, the whole world, including all the gray-winged eagles on the Holy Island, is suspect. "

Luo Qiu said, "That is to say, as long as there are forces with gray-winged carvings, is it possible that they are colluding with Lu Wushuang?"

Huo Kong turned to him and replied: "It's not just what you have on the bright side, but some who were looted and whose whereabouts are unknown are also suspected. What you can do at present is to find out the known gray-winged carvings in the hands of all parties. At the specific location at the time of the incident, I have ordered this matter to be checked. "

Everyone knows for a while that this kind of investigation is basically useless. Since they dare to do it, they must have made proper preparations. When the incident happened, there will be a reasonable explanation for what the gray-winged eagle is doing.

The other thing is that those bird mounts that were missing have fallen on whose hands. I did n’t care about it before. Now if I want to check, I may not be able to find out whereabouts.

Of course, you can also grab all those with gray-winged carvings.

But this is not easy to deal with. These bird mounts are basically the top martial arts in the world, or the courts of the Seven Kingdoms.

To put it bluntly, it belongs to the major forces, and most of them are not from which individual. How do you catch it? Have you captured all relevant forces? If the Six Saints can't do it, the entire Jige Pavilion can't be mobilized. The forces of the world's top martial arts are more powerful than the Jige Pavilion.

Besides, it is not necessarily that the forces of all parties did it. It is likely that the one who colluded with Lu Wushuang was the person inside the cabinet.

To some extent, this possibility is the greatest.

Wu Chang suddenly broke the silence and said, "This Lu Wushuang must have a problem. If it is true Lu Wushuang, it is very likely that he is already seriously injured, or it is already inconvenient to shoot!"

"Really." Yuan Se nodded slightly, staring at Chen Wankui: "With Lu Wushuang's style, he is dead!"

Others may not understand it, but Luo Qiu and others understood it in a moment, and they laid a heavy hand on Lu Wushuang ’s forces. Lu Wushuang came here and there was no problem with the people who had retired, but they met Chen who was not his own. Shao Kui won't speak so well.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Wushuang, a few people can imagine what kind of situation, Lu Wushuang will not be polite at first, nor will he be polite to other people's forces, first slaughtered Chen Shaokui, and then deter others from normal.

"Is it true that the Scorpion Emperor was hurt by rumors? Can the Scorpion Emperor be so powerful that it can hurt her?" Du Wuxu hesitated.

Several people stared at Wu Chang one after another, and Granny Xue said, "Lv Wushuang looks for Yuan Gang, what is the plot to plot the Scorpion Emperor?"

Wu Chang: "I don't know. If I knew she was so obsessed with that Yuan Gang, she would have been prepared for a long time and would not allow her to easily take people away. But one thing is certain, since she is still alive, she Watching her own power destroyed again, this has already explained the problem very much, that she has an accident, and dare not face us again. "

Several people nodded slightly.

Lan Daolin suddenly said: "Lu Wushuang suddenly came to intervene in the Holy Raksha, it will never come to kill the Holy Raksha, otherwise he can just sit and watch the Holy Raksha to die."

In a word, before asking Yuan Se, he asked whether St. Raksha was dead or alive. Everyone was awakened, and St. Raksha was not dead. Lv Wushuang came to save St. Raksha. When St. Raksha was missing, it meant that May be taken away by Lu Wushuang.

"Why did she take the Holy Raksha?" Wu Chang muttered to herself, her eyes flickering.

Others are unclear, but he has other speculations. Lu Wushuang sought the Scorpion Emperor to enter the fifth domain. The fifth domain was related to the Shang Song and his wife. Now he comes to the Holy Raksha, who is also related to the Shang Song and his wife . He has now almost confirmed that Lu Wushuang may really know some secrets beyond the magic book.

In short, the matter is full of mystery. Some conversations are not easy to be heard by outsiders. The six people retired the irrelevant people and negotiated on the spot.

Negotiations come and go, just to find a way to find Lu Wushuang and Sheng Luosha. A mysterious and mysterious act of Lu Wushuang has made them vigilant. Now even the huge threat of San Luosha has run into the world. It is not easy for the six people to calm down.

San Raksha ’s goal is obvious, find!

Faced with such a huge threat from San Razak, the six people are not going to return to the Holy Land for the time being, but have to sit in the world in person, lest the news go back and forth and respond slowly.

After the division, the six people are basically sitting in different countries.

While personally urging the search for the whereabouts of Saint Razak and Lu Wushuang, while personally advancing the verification of the inside of the Yai Pavilion.

The situation is getting more and more chaotic. Lu Wushuang's chaos makes Liu Sheng feel unsteady for the first time. He feels that the situation is a bit out of control. To some extent, Lu Wushuang can really be regarded as an opponent by them. The huge threat of San Razak colluded.

The more it is at this juncture, the more it is necessary to have a powerful 缥 瑈 阁 to handle the matter. The burglary of immeasurable results must be sorted out as soon as possible inside the 缥 玈 阁.

The six people each settled on their own, and the following people arranged for them.

The six people dispersed, Wu Chang did not leave too far, escaped into a nearby mountain forest, ten people were waiting for him in the hidden valley.

Under the dark cliffs, ten people in black cloaks saw Wu Chang coming and saluted one after another.

Wu Chang raised his hand and stopped. Ten people untied the cloak and spread their arms, revealing the dark black wooden signs hanging densely in the cloak, all of which were carved with runes.

Wu Chang reached out and picked a wooden sign in his hand, murmured words in his mouth, cast a spell in his hand, the runes on the small wooden sign flowed through the light, turning into a little blurred and if there was nothing.

Like a ray of misty aura, it seemed that it was about to escape into the underworld, but it was recruited by Wu Chang ’s five fingers from the black mist to the space, and forced back into the shadow wood again, and the shadow of the shadow wood rune turned again. Slowly converge.

Wu Chang nodded in satisfaction.


A carriage went out of Nanzhou's capital city and came to a farm house outside the suburb.

Guan Fangyi got out of the car and entered the house. Xu Laoliu, who was driving, continued on.

Entering the house and seeing Yun Ji and others, Guan Fangyi was a little surprised. "If you don't go outside the city, you will be invited to come and meet me? What's the matter, Dao?"

Yun Ji pointed to the earthen cloth curtain on the edge, indicating that it was in the room.

Guan Fangyi immediately picked up the curtain and found that Niu Youdao was standing at the broken paper window, standing with his hand in hand.

Turning his eyes, he found another person in the room. There was a woman lying on the couch. Guan Fangyi couldn't help but see who it was. Before the couch, there was a dirty face and a sleepy face.

"Yin'er?" Guan Fangyi was surprised, and immediately patted his chest again, as if relieved. "Fortunately, it's okay. It's okay for Dao to go out in person. Naturally, there is no problem."

Suddenly realizing that something was wrong, he sat sideways next to the couch, reached out to investigate, and turned around and asked, "She was injured?"

Niu Youdao standing in front of the window didn't say anything ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but Yun Ji, who followed up, gave the sentence, "It's also poisoned, but now it's okay, it's estimated that it's almost the same as waking up, it shouldn't be anymore There is something wrong, but it is definitely a loss of vitality. "

Guan Fangyi got up and said, "What's going on?"

Yun Ji read Niu Youdao's reaction and saw that he didn't respond, so she told her the story.

Guan Fangyi jumped in horror, Niu Youdao turned around, and also made a noise, "It is estimated to be about to wake up. Please arrange, look back and find a suitable excuse to take her into the city and send it to the lord."

Guan Fangyi nodded silently, and hesitated suddenly: "The lord is a wise woman. He suddenly sent Yin'er over. Are you afraid that the lord will find any clues?"

Niu Youdao said: "In addition to the county master, there is no place to go for food. I can't take her with me in the current situation. As for whether there will be any clues, if I can hide it, I can't hide it. No way, I have been dead for so long, the limelight has passed, and the master should not be noticed anymore. "

... m.

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