Heavenly Genius

Chapter 214: disturb

Since he left Shangqing Sect, he hasn't had such a peace of mind for a long time, nor has he had such a peace of mind for a long time.

Of course, this reassuring environment did not fall from the sky, it was all created by him.

When I opened the door, I saw the black peony that was slightly greeted, and I saw the head of the Liuxianzong who was holding a hand next to the cliff and facing his back.

Niu Youdao walked over and stood side by side with Fei Changliu on the edge of a mountain cliff.

Fei Changliu glanced back at him, wondering, if there was a Zhao Xiongge, he left the Immortal Sect and even the Shang Qing Sect, but now a deserted Shang Qing Sect can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

In fact, he knew clearly that it was polite to stand side by side, and Liu Xianzong now wanted to stand on his nose.

He often thought about it, and he secretly shook his head for the Shangqing Sect. The kind of handsome man emerged from the door and actually abandoned it. The Shangqing Sect destroyed himself!

Niu Youdao looked sideways and smiled, "Fei Zhang is in charge?"

Fei Changliu: "There is a movement over the Bingxue Pavilion."

Niu Youdao looked right, "What's the situation?"

Fei Changliu: "It's almost the same as what you said. Sure enough, someone has caused trouble. I have already caught two, but the news is still spreading in the Bingxue Pavilion.

Niu Youdao: "Did you figure out the way?"

Fei Changliu: "After the trial, the two people arrested were all disciples of a small school in the country of Yan. They only knew that they were acting according to the law of the teachers, and the specific messengers behind the scenes were not clear."

Niu Youdao: "Did you catch two?"

Fei Changliu nodded: "Two."

Niu Youdao said indifferently: "Leave a spare, throw a shop for Dachan Mountain, and just say what I said, Shao Pingbo did something good, let them do it!"

Fei Changliu said in a meaningful way: "You are doing this to put Shao Pingbo to death!"

Niu Youdao said: "Otherwise? He instigated the Song family to let you go to Daxueshan to kill me. Don't you want to kill me? Do I need to be polite?"

Why did he recruit Huang Lie, the head of Dachan Mountain, to Bingxue Pavilion to face Chu Anlou? Just waiting to come to put pressure on Dachan Mountain today!

Fei Changliu: "I just want to know, are you really responsible for the avalanche over Bingxuege?"

The black peony at the back listened to the reminder, she also participated in the unseen things. Once the incident happened, the consequences were unimaginable.

Niu Youdao shrugged: "How is it possible? Do you think I would really do such a thing?"

Fei Changliu: "You do have a motivation in this regard. Hai Ruyue can't help here for no reason, right?"

Niu Youdao shook his head and said: "You think too much, and Hai Ruyue can contribute for another reason, so it's inconvenient to say more. Besides, even if I want Chiyang Zhu Guo, I can only earnestly ask for it. Use? It's almost the same to find death! You are changed, do you dare? "

He would not admit that he was killed, otherwise the light scare would scare Liu Xianzong away.

Fei Changliu was a little silent, thinking about it too, the tight heart string was relieved, and asked: "Will this matter have any consequences?"

Niu Youdao said with a smile: "Since it is what I expected, what can happen? Otherwise, I would have been hiding for a long time, and I dare to practice with peace of mind here."

When Fei Changliu was leaving, Niu Youdao did not forget to tell him again, "Fei Master, don't forget to throw one to the Dachanshan shop."

"I won't forget it." Fei Changliu raised his hand, didn't look back, and left, how could he forget it, which made him uneasy.

At this time, Black Peony Fang approached and whispered: "Dao Ye, won't it happen?"

She is clear, that the Chiyang Zhu Guo thing happened here.

Niu Youdao said indifferently: "Are you afraid?"

Black Peony sighed: "It's a bit, but I've done it all, I'm afraid it's too late." Wry smile, really playing with fire, I never dreamed of doing such a bold and courageous thing before.

Niu Youdao: "Let Yuanfang come here."

The black peony nodded and left quickly.

It did n’t take long for Yuanfang to come, he did n’t know anything yet, and asked, "Dao Ye, do you have something to say?"

Niu Youdao yelled slowly, "Notify Lu Shengzhong that the fire is here, you can do it! In addition, let Beizhou pay close attention to it and report any news immediately."

"Good!" Yuan Fang led away.

Shortly after Yuanfang left, a figure came from a distance, past the guard, and flew directly to this side, and landed on the cliff.

The person who came was not someone else. It was Bai Yao, who seemed to be young but with white hair, and stared at Niu Youdao with a cold eye.

Niu Youdao arched his hand and smiled: "Senior Bai is driving in person, but what's the matter?"

Bai Yao Li said: "You moved Chiyang Zhu Guo?"

Niu Youdao understood it when he heard it. Obviously, the movement of the Bingxue Pavilion shocked Tianyumen. After all, Tianyumen also had shops there.

Bai Yao did receive an urgent summons from Shimen. He came to ask and Tianyumen was waiting for his reply.

To be honest, Tianyumen was a little shocked. How dare this dare to do such a thing?

Niu Youdao shook his head: "Fei Changliu just came here, and I have heard the news, but it has nothing to do with me. Someone is hurting me ..."

Bai Yao, who came out of his heart with silence, was silent. Think about it, too, and what has been finalized with Wandong Tianfu has already been finalized. Don't worry too much about Hai Ruyue.

In this case, go to steal the red Yang Zhu Guo unless the brain is sick.

Besides, is the thing in Bingxuege so stolen? When Bingxuege is all dead?

Bai Yao pondered: "If the Ice and Snow Pavilion is more real, this is probably a little troublesome."

Niu Youdao disagreed and said: "Due to worry, I can enter and exit the land of Qionglou Yuyu in Bingxue Pavilion. There is a reason for Tianyumen to give 10,000 hearts."

Bai Yao Huo Ran looked at him, and he had heard of some things. He couldn't figure out what this guy had to do with Bingxuege, but then again, it would be a good thing if nothing would happen.

"Oh, one thing is to let Senior White tell Tianyumen, that wine, Tianyumen earns too much, it ’s eye-catching, you have to give others a sip of soup when you eat meat. But the price has to be increased a little here, 400 gold coins. "

Taking advantage of the thunder in the Ice and Snow Pavilion, Niu Youdao fruitfully cut prices.

Doubled! Bai Yao said coldly: "I don't care about this, you can talk to Tianyumen yourself."

Niu Youdao said: "You don't need to worry about Senior Bai, just let Senior Bai take the sentence. After removing some expenses, Tianyumen has to earn at least 500 gold coins in one altar. I ’ve made enough! Here and there are a bunch of people working on Tianyumen. I want to make everyone feel at ease. I have to give them a meal. I ca n’t do it for the benefit of Tianyumen. If you do n’t agree, I will immediately find someone else to cooperate! "

Bai Yao stared at him indifferently, turning around and drifting away after a long time.

Niu Youdao watched with hand in hand, and there was so much movement over the Bingxue Pavilion, many people stared at it. The less dare to move him, the less dare Tianyumen act lightly.

"I need time ..." Niu Youdao murmured to himself, his eyes were far away, his thoughts changed a thousand times ...

Jin Ruan Shifu, inside the Nuan Pavilion, Hai Ruyue and his son Xiao Tianzhen are dining.

"Eat more." As always, Hai Ruyue brought chopsticks to her son's dishes, but the other hand took a towel to wipe away the sweat beads from the white and tender skin.

The weather is getting warmer, and the brazier is still burning here, so how can she not sweat, the clothes are light and thin, or semi-humid.

This is a **** stunner, this situation is more and more provocative.

Xiao Tianzhen had a mouthful, but he had no appetite, and his face was still pale and bloodless.

"The summer you like is coming, eat it well, and keep your body healthy before you have the energy to go out and play."

Hai Ruyue was persuading, and the door suddenly blew, and someone pushed the door open with brute force, frightening the mother and son to jump.

The mother and son looked back and saw that Li Wuhua appeared at the door with a sullen face, followed by two people behind him, both elders of Wandong Tianfu, and his face was not good-looking either.

Hai Ruyue was stunned for a moment, but the other two elders also came.

"The two elders came in person and could not meet us far ..." Hai Ruyue, who was half said, found something wrong.

The three of Li Wuhua walked in, staring at Xiao Tianzhen one by one, and approached Xiao Tianzhen.

The ladies in the house dare not breathe one by one.

Zhu Shun, the housekeeper of Xiao Fu, who stood at the door, was worried.

Xiao Tianzhen stood up slowly, with an angry look in his eyes.

Hai Ruyue stretched out his hand and pulled his son behind to cover, panicking, Qiang Yan laughed and said: "Is there anything wrong with the three elders?"

Li Wuhua staggered her aside and stretched out a hand to catch Xiao Tianzhen's wrist in her hand.

Xiao Tianzhen struggled twice, unable to break free, and looked dare and angry.

Li Wuhua slowly let go of his pulse, let go of him, turned back, and shook his head to the two brothers, "No problem! I said they didn't have the courage."

The other two elders stepped forward together, grabbing the pulse of Xiao Tianzhen's wrist on the left and right, then glanced at each other, and slowly released Xiao Tianzhen's hand.

The two then smiled together towards the sea as the moon smiled and said: "The princess is angry, a little misunderstanding."

After all, he nodded to Li Wuhua again, and then left together.

Hai Ruyue was still slamming his heart and beating. Seeing that it seemed to be fine, he waved his hand to Zhu Shun.

Zhu Shun came in immediately and took Xiao Tianzhen's hand ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to take it away, and also took the waiting maids together.

Without outsiders, Hai Ruyue wondered: "What's wrong?"

Li Wuhua looked at her, "There is a wind outside, saying that Niu Youdao has stolen the Chiyang Zhuguo in Bingxue Pavilion. Didn't you conspire with him?"

Hai Ruyue was terrified, "How could it be possible to believe the rumors?"

Although she did conspire with Niu, how could she dare to admit that she would not dare to admit her death? What is Princess Chang for others?

In fact, Niu Youdao did not say that he was going to "steal" Chiyang Zhu Guo.

"It's good if you don't, and I believe you're not so reckless. The key now is that something went wrong in the Bingxue Pavilion. The falling meteorite hit the place where the red fruit Zhugu grew and caused a big avalanche ..." Li Wuhua talked about the general situation before and after, and finally reminded: "The trouble is that there have also been skyfall meteorites on Jinzhou side. It is involved with both ends, and you happen to join forces with the Shang dynasty. "

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