Heavenly Genius

Chapter 215: Ice arrived

Hai Ruyue listened in a panic, did Niu Youdao really go to Bingxue Pavilion to do the piracy of Chiyang Zhuguo, how bold is it to do this kind of thing?

She was a little skeptical. Niu Youdao secretly told her that she would get Chiyang Zhuguo for her. After that, she did go to Bingxue Pavilion, and now there is something wrong with Chiyang Zhuguo.

But think about it and think it is impossible. First of all, Niu Youdao did not give Chiyang Zhuguo to her. Secondly, as long as Niu Youdao is not stupid, you should know that she dared to use Chiyang Zhuguo stolen from Bingxue Pavilion. ? It's almost the same to death!

"Who released this wind to harm people?" Hai Ruyue asked: "Is it still the Beizhou Shao family?"

Before, it was the Shao family's poke that breaking the Red Sun Zhu Guo was the key to Niu Youdao, and she would not forget this.

Li Wuhua: "No matter who is the one who hurts, the body is not afraid of the oblique shadow, as long as we are no problem here, we will not rely on our heads ..." The eyes of the speech fell on the thin clothes of the sea and the sweat, white tender skin The fine sweat beads on the looming graceful.

Still looking back at her so sultry, her breathing gradually changed.

Hai Ruyue noticed that something was wrong, and seeing that he still had this thought, knowing that there should be nothing going on, it was also relieved, and it made her nervous just now.

Bai Lili took a glance, turned around and turned away.

Li Wuhua grabbed her by the arm, dragged her back, and rolled it over the long case aside ...

Hearing the strangeness in the room, the two maids standing at the door looked at each other, turned around together, and probed into the room to pull the door closed, avoiding anyone seeing an indecent scene.

In fact, some things are already an open secret for some people in the prefecture. It ’s not strange to know that Princess Chang is a little messy in this respect.

It's just that no one dared to chew on his tongue. Some people who don't understand the rules have been beaten to death a few times.

Then again, a woman with beautiful flowers and carefree food is unlikely to be widowed.

However, at this moment, Fuzhong heard a loud drink: "Who!"

The two who were entangled in the half-open underwear and half-spring in the house were surprised and quickly got up to separate. Without Yaxing, they quickly sorted out their clothes.

Li Wuhua opened the door and jumped out. I saw several disciples of Wandong Tianfu standing on the eaves outside, looking up into the air.

Li Wuhua flew to the roof, and saw three giant birds flying in the sky above the Shishifu, two people standing on each bird.

This kind of bird often jumps with tens of millions of gold coins, not to mention that three of them appear at once, and looking at the appearance of the three birds, it seems that they are not ordinary birds.

who? All the disciples of the Wandong Tianfu who appeared in the palace were in doubt. The first guess was whether they were in the palace of Zhao Guojing's capital.

The comer's position made people here dare not move for a while.

The three birds seemed to find their footing and circled down towards the garden one by one.

Part of the Wandong Tianfu disciples on the roof continued to stay behind, guarding against someone taking advantage of it, and part of it quickly swept towards the garden like Li Wuhua.

A group of people flashed into the garden, and the person on the bird jumped down.

A gray woman with two temples walked slowly in the garden, followed by a woman and four men.

The gray-clothed woman looked indifferent, but the introverted eyes were unintentionally obvious. A pair of disciples who did n’t care about the ten thousand Dongtian disciples around her seemed to be like the garden of her house See how nobody can control.

Not only this gray-clothed woman, but also the few people behind her, apparently did not take this person as their eyes.

Li Wuhua was highly vigilant and stepped forward and asked, "Who is coming?"

The woman in gray walked to a cluster of flowers, and she saw the flowers without looking back. She casually gave the sentence, "Ice Snow Pavilion, Ice!"

Frost? He has heard his name for a long time, but he hasn't seen his person. Li Wuhua took a breath.

The woman behind Han Bing has shown him a crystal clear ice and snow pavilion token directly to prove his identity.

No wonder such a big battle! The imposing eyes of the disciples around Wandong Tianfu instantly vanished into nothingness.

The elder style of Li Wuhua also disappeared in an instant, and his face was uneasy, and he quickly stepped forward and bowed to salute, "Elder Li Wuhua of Wandong Tianfu, see the general manager!"

At this moment, Hai Ruyue also led Zhu Shun and others in a hurry to see the situation.

A group of people suddenly came in chaos, Li Wuhua hurriedly glanced at Hai Ruyue, beckoning not to be rude.

Hai Ruyue saw the three Shenjun birds. Bye-bye, Li Wuhua, who was usually high-spirited, became like a good-grandson. Immediately, she realized that the person was not easy.

"Wandong Tianfu?" Han Bing muttered to himself, nodded slightly, and let go of his hand from the flower branch. He asked, "Is the man who is the master of Shifu's house there?"

Li Wuhua immediately hurried to Hai Ruyue and whispered the identity of the visitor.

Hai Ruyue was frightened, and she stepped forward to salute: "The undead in Jinzhou, Hai Ruyue, meets the general manager."

Han Bing thoughtfully turned around slowly, staring at her and looking up and down, "What a charming lady, are you Princess Zhao Guohai like the moon?"

Hai Ruyue squatted halfway, "Exactly."

Han Bing looked at her and nodded: "This is not the first time we have met."

Li Wuhua was surprised, the two have seen? He didn't even know, how could he not hear Hai Ruyue mention it?

Hai Ruyue nodded: "I heard it after listening to my mother, and Ruyue was young."

"Yeah!" Han Bing said with a sudden emotion: "I saw you before I knew I was old. It should have been more than thirty years ago. Your father had just ascended the throne as an emperor. When I went to the Zhao State Palace with my master, you and Beside your parents, you were probably so tall at that time. "Raising your hand at your waist is probably taller than your height." It's so big in a blink of an eye. I knew it was a beautiful embryo at first glance, and it turned out to be pretty. "

Li Wuhua realized what the so-called cognition was about.

Hai Ruyue hurriedly said: "In front of the general manager is the vulgar powder."

Han Bing: "I heard that you have a child, the child's health is not good?"

Both Li Wuhua and Hai Ruyue felt a little sulking in their hearts. Sure enough, they came to Chiyang Zhuguo, and they were all uneasy.

Hai Ruyue was extremely distraught, and returned: "Yes! The child has been entangled by illness and devil."

Han Bing: "Let me see what the child does?"

"Yes!" Hai Ruyue, dare to refuse, quickly waved Zhu Shun to bring someone.

Zhu Shun left in a hurry, and Hai Ruyue invited Han Bing to use tea and the like.

Han Bing waved his hands, not interested, wandering in the garden and wandering, Hai Ruyue and others had no choice but to accompany the company quietly, under great pressure.

Although I know what the other party is coming from, I know that Xiao Tianzhen will have no problems, but no one knows what decision will be made by Bingxuege.

Soon, Tian Tian, ​​who was still wearing thick clothes, was brought to court.

Looking at the pale, pale boy in front of him, he knew that it was the kind that had been trapped by the disease for a long time.

"Is it your son?" Han Bing asked meaningfully.

I understand what she means here, don't fool me.

Hai Ruyue hurriedly said: "It is the dog, and many people in the city have seen it."

Han Bing nodded, forgiving these people not to dare to falsify themselves in this kind of thing, stretched out his hand to Xiao Tianzhen, and smiled kindly, "Child, come, give me your hand."

Xiao Tianzhen had been ordered by Zhu Shun, knowing that the coming person was a person who could not be annoyed by the entire Zhao State, squeezed his lips, and obediently gave out his wrist.

Han Bing squeezed the pulse on his wrist, closed his eyes for a while, and finally opened his eyes and sighed softly, let go of his hand, and touched Xiao Tianzhen's head with pity. "The child is suffering."

Turning back to Hai Ruyue, "You girl is not easy."

Hai Ruyue's lips were tense, and because of this sentence, she almost didn't cry out, holding back, but her eyes were red.

Seeing her like this, Han Bing pondered a little, seeming to think about what decision was made, and sighed: "We can see you again after more than thirty years. We are also destined. There are some things I can't do. There are some harmless things that occasionally do nothing. Girl, if you are willing to put down some things, if you are willing to take your children back to Beijing to live in peace, I can say hello to you, and no one will disturb your cleanliness. "

Li Wuhua immediately glanced at the sea like the moon. If the woman really returned to Beijing, the relationship between the two would be cut off.

Xiao Shun, the housekeeper Zhu Shun, looked at Hai Ruyue and wondered how she decided.

Hai Ruyue bit her lip for a while, but she was entangled.

She understood the meaning of Han Bing. She used to worry about the troubles of giving up power and returning to the capital, but once the chief opened her mouth, those troubles should not exist.

But it was not a last resort. She didn't want to give up the power in her hands. She had suffered from the powerlessness of being at the mercy of others. She was sent around like an article, and tasted the power in her hands.

Okay, let her hand over power?

No one can tell what will happen in the future. Can a person keep a sentence for a while and a lifetime? It is easy to give up power now, and it will be difficult if you want to pick it up again in the future. There is no smooth sailing.

"After all, Xiao's family business is here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Marrying chickens and chickens and dogs and dogs is a blessing for me and a sin for me!" For a moment, Han Bing's kindness was rejected.

Han Bing stared at her meaningfully, then nodded slightly, without reluctance, and touched Xiao Tianzhen's head back, "Okay, this way, the old man has seen it, and it should be gone." He turned away. .

Hai Ruyue hurried to keep up, "How can the general manager be in such a hurry to give Ruyue a chance to honor the landlord's friendship ..."

Han Bing raised his hand and interrupted, "No need to trouble, I am here, and you are not comfortable."

Come here, just go, three giant birds flutter their wings, carrying six people to the sky.

Watching, Hai Ruyue was at a loss, and his face was lost.

In silence, Zhu Shun took Xiao Tianzhen's hand and took it away silently.

The three brothers of Li Wuhua looked at each other, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. The matter seemed to pass, and it seemed to be fine.

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