Heavenly Genius

Chapter 233: Dipping pig cage

When a pair of claws loosened his spine, he had been smashed to the shore and snorted with pain.

Covered with blood, slowly looked up in embarrassment, looked at the group of people in front of him, and suddenly smiled.

Tan Yaoxian exclaimed, "Brother Li!" Means impulsive.

Shao Liu'er quickly blocked him, knowing that this kind of thing was not something that this silly man could intervene in. Don't let this silly man do silly things again.

After tossing in the water, some of Lu Shengzhong's disguise that simply changed his appearance was gone.

Song Shu's pupils contracted suddenly, drinking suddenly: "Lu Shengzhong, are you?"

He and Wang Heng of Yan Guojing City were relatives, Lu Shengzhong was the person around Wang Heng, he knew Lu Shengzhong.

Chao Pingbo, who had recovered from his cough, turned back and asked, "Do you know him?"

Song Shugong said: "Princess, this person is a disciple of Wuliang Mountain. He was the master of Wang Heng, one of the four major commanders of Yanjing. Later, he was ordered by Wang Heng to assassinate Niu Youdao. He also sold the people sent by the Song family. The son of Liu Lu, my housekeeper in Song Dynasty, was killed by him. I wish I could strip him alive! "

Tan Yaoxian listened for a moment, did they say Brother Li?

Shao Liuer thought, this person really has a problem!

Su Zhao looked at Shao Liu'er and asked, "Liu'er, is he alone?"

Shao Liu'er: "Cousin, there is also a groom and a boatman, I don't know if they are together."

Shao Pingbo tilted his sister's eyes, turned around, and stretched his foot to dial Lu Shengzhong's face, "You can betray Wang Heng, you are not a spineless person, and don't want to suffer, just tell me honestly, who sent you?"

Lu Shengzhong chuckled, "I don't understand, how can you judge our whereabouts so soon?"

"This is not what you should ask." Shao Pingbo lowered his foot and said indifferently: "You heard it just now, Song Shu was eager to peel your skin, I think he will entertain you well, I just ask you a word, move or No tricks? "

Lu Shengzhong shook his head weakly: "If the left and right are dead, do you think I will succumb to the enemy who killed me?"

Shao Pingbo: "It depends on whether you are valuable to me. If so, in front of so many people, I will not gossip. I can assure you that everyone will not suffer and give you a way to live. . If it's worthless, do you think I don't know who sent you? "

Lu Shengzhong sighed with a sigh and easily let go of his mouth, "Cow has a way, and you have sent me."

Shao Pingbo Li asked: "How many people have come?"

Lu Shengzhong: "I am alone."

Shao Pingbo narrowed his eyes, "Just you alone?" Seems unbelievable.

Lu Shengzhong: "Niu Youdao should arrange someone to cooperate with me in the city. As for who it is, I don't know, but I know who to contact. Follow this line and follow the path. I should be able to reach out other people. Is there any value for the eldest son? "

Shao Pingbo's eyes flickered.

Lu Shengzhong said again: "It hurts me, I want to heal!"

Shao Pingbo leaned his head and gestured, "Give him healing."

Immediately someone came over and lifted him aside, giving him medicine and applying medication.

Chen Guishuo occasionally glanced at him, anxiety flashed in his eyes, worrying that Lu Shengzhong's so-called Shun Teng melon would touch him out.

Niu Youdao also gave him instructions to kill Shao Pingbo if he had a chance, but he could not find any chance.

Whether it is his qualifications or his practice, Shao Pingbo will not meet him alone. There are also people around him who meet Shao Pingbo to protect him. He has no chance to start.

There are also people in this city who cooperate with him. As for who he is, he does not know. If it is on the same line as Lu Shengzhong, it will be troublesome.

Tan Yaoxian's face was ugly and lost his soul. He no matter how stupid he understood Lu Shengzhong's words. People didn't come to help themselves at all.

Shao Pingbo looked back to his sister's side and slowly approached.

Shao Liu'er was very nervous and once again opened his arms to protect Tan Yaoxian and shouted, "Cousin!" It means to ask for help.

Su Zhao is a bit embarrassed: "Pingbo!"

Shao Pingbo stopped and stared at the man behind her sister, feeling very complicated.

When he first noticed that the relationship between Tan Yaoxian and his sister was abnormal, he wanted to solve Tan Yaoxian, but he was afraid of hurting his sister's heart. The mother entrusted him to remember it before he died.

To be honest, the younger sister should be married at this age. The woman ’s family should not be dragged to such an old age. He is also thinking about his sister ’s choice of spouse. Naturally, he hopes that his sister will have a good life. Good and most suitable people.

Tan Yaoxian did not even consider it, the reason is very simple, because it is not suitable!

'S sister's origin is destined not to marry this kind of person, how many interest disputes and graces and grudges are involved in the Shao family?

What kind of person is his sister? He knows that, as a matter of fact, he should n’t, he ca n’t figure out how could his sister like this kind of pedantic scholar?

When Shao Liuer was in the dissolution of the poetry club, he was worried that he had poisoned Tan Yaoxian, warned him, and dared to move Tan Yaoxian not to blame her!

Because of this, Shao Pingbo did n’t move Tan Yaoxian, just wanted to force Tan Yaoxian to leave, so as not to fall over with his sister.

Of course, there is another reason why if the sister really wants to marry this person, what can he do? To a certain extent, Tan Yaoxian's character is nothing to say, it is not easy for her sister to marry such a person. But he wanted to see what Tan Yaoxian's nature was when he faced the dilemma. He wanted to see people clearly. It was impossible for his sister to marry easily.

Who knows how to make such things for a while, he hates it!

"Do you really want her body?" Shao Pingbo asked Tan Yaoxian after staring.

Tan Yaoxian suddenly embarrassed, I do not know how to speak.

Shao Liu'er immediately replied, "What about it? I already said that he wouldn't marry!"

Shao Pingbo ignored her and only stared at Tan Yaoxian. He asked Tan Yaoxian for his reply. He had known Tan Yaoxian and knew that this guy was not a liar. He suspected that his sister was just using this matter as a shield.

Tan Yaoxian finally courageously courageously, "Duke, I will be responsible for Liu'er."

"Responsible? Haha, Niang, did you see that? Haha ..." Shao Pingbo laughed suddenly, waving his arms to the sky, and there was a bit of sorrow in the laughter. The other party's words undoubtedly admitted, and the pain in his heart was beyond words.

Is not because of the loss of his sister, but because the person he cares most about, the person who wants to protect the most, actually turned him away at this moment.

The Shao family had such a big incident. His elder brother was still being held in prison. He did not care about his life or death at all. The love of boys and girls was more important than the life of his elder brother. He could leave the elder brother and run away with outsiders. What makes him feel embarrassed? Cool heart!

Shao Liu'er bit her lip with her silver teeth, and she has never seen her brother look so wild, and she couldn't bear it.

"Pingbo!" Su Zhao stepped forward to comfort.

Shao Pingbo waved her away and waved her finger at Tan Yaoxian, angrily saying, "You are responsible? What kind of responsibility do you take in this tumultuous world? Do you know how many people want to kill Shao's family? Do you know that once she leaves Shao? How many people in your family want to catch her? You ca n’t stand in a temple, just hold a book and shake your head, you ca n’t fight against the enemy, you ca n’t help it, you can protect her by teaching a few children to read and write? Can you protect her? You, a useless scholar, even if my Shao family wants to help you, I do n’t know where to start. You tell me, what is your responsibility? "

Tan Yaoxian was short of breath, and his face turned red.

Shao Liu'er quickly said, "Brother, he is not as bad as you said."

Shao Pingbo's hand immediately pointed at her, "Then tell me, can you leave the Shao family? You know better than anyone. Once you leave the Shao family, as long as the Shao family doesn't care about the two of you, you will definitely die. Your mouth is useless! "

"Liu'er, you should understand that you are born in our family, no matter you or me, you have no choice! It is not that I do not want you to marry him, but that he cannot afford that responsibility, and is poor or rich. It does n’t matter, it ’s that he does n’t have the qualifications and ability to marry you! ”

"Don't you want to see that your future husband can't raise his head at Shao Jiawei Connaught? Are you willing to see that even the servants of the family laugh at your husband's soft meal? Will you bear it or will he bear it? If you really want to Treat him well, just let him go, don't hurt him! "

Shao Liu'er didn't know how to refute for a while, and said stiffly: "I don't care, I'm already his person, I just want to be with him!"

Shao Pingbo smiled angrily, "willing to die, right?"

Shao Liu'er said angrily: "You have the ability to kill me!"

"Okay! I will fulfill you all." Shao Pingbo turned around and shouted: "Song Shu and Chen Guishuo, go, and immediately build a pig cage that will bring the adulterer Shenjiang!"

Song Shu and Chen Guishuo looked at each other.

Su Zhao hurriedly persuaded, "Pingbo, between siblings, go home and make it clear."

Shao Pingbo Huo Ran glanced back and gave her a wink, while slowly saying: "Limit you to get the pig cage in a pot of incense, otherwise I will sink you!"

Su Zhao was silent.

Song Shu and Chen Guishuo swept away quickly.

It did n’t take long for the two to get a wooden cage, apparently made up of temporarily cut trees, without even peeling off the bark.

Under the direction of Shao Pingbo ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shao Liu'er and Tan Yaoxian were pushed in, and several large stones from Shenjiang were thrown into it. Song Shu and Chen Guishuo quickly closed the gap of the cage and broke into the wood. The pin is dead.

"Shao Pingbo, what qualifications do you have to deal with me? What power do you have to decide my marriage, I want to see my father, I want to see my father ..." Shao Liu'er shouted wildly in the cage.

Tan Yaoxian closed his eyes and burst into tears.

Song Shu and Chen Guishuo had lifted the cage and walked towards the river, and the water gradually soaked in the cage.

Shao Pingbo said slowly: "The surnamed Tan, as long as you are willing to leave Liuer, I will let you go, you can save yourself and Liuer, you can do it yourself."

"Don't listen to him, I don't believe he dares to kill me!" Shao Liu'er responded angrily.

Shao Pingbo leaned his head and gestured: "Put down!"

Song Shu and Chen Guishuo both released the cage, and the cage sank a bit, and they were broken down by the two. Jiang Nian could not immediately see the people in the cage, leaving only a layer of wooden fence.

The surface of the water was bubbling, and soon a hand stretched out the wooden fence, scratching and scratching in the river.

Tan Yaoxian grabbed the wooden fence on the surface of the river with his hands, half of his face was exposed in the gap of the fence, coughing out of the water, gasping for breath, crying in sadness: "I go! Let her go, let her go, I go ..."

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