Heavenly Genius

Chapter 234: 长 Resected bone

The wooden cage was raised to the shore again and opened.

Tan Yaoxian wanted to get out, but was embraced by Shao Liu'er inside, and refused to let him out. "Don't go, Tan Lang, don't be afraid, he dare not take us."

Tan Yaoxian struggled, breaking her hand, Shao Liu'er was holding her back.

Finally, they both fell into the cage and cried together in the wet.

Standing in front of the cage, Shao Pingbo was expressionless, "Pull it out!"

Chen Guishuo immediately stepped forward, grabbed Tan Yaoxian's arm, and dragged the person out directly.

"Don't!" Shao Liu'er screamed, holding Tan Yaoxian's other arm, and the two were dragged out together.

Shao Pingbo stepped forward, buckled his sister's wrist, twisted hard, and immediately let Shao Liu'er let go.

Although he is not a monk, after all, he was born in a military general's house, not to mention how good the martial arts are. After all, he still practiced it, at least stronger than Shao Liu'er.

Waved his arm, shoved Shao Liuer to Su Zhao, Su Zhao immediately pulled her.

"Cousin, please ..." Shao Liu'er burst into tears.

Su Zhao sighed: "Liu'er, your brother is really good for you! You are with him, you can only hurt him, let him go!"

Shao Liu'er struggled and pointed to Shao Pingbo again, "Shao Pingbo, who I want to marry is my own business, I'm willing to live well, what's your business? You let me go, I will go with him. tube!"

Su Zhao was holding her back, thinking, wasn't that nonsense, Shao's daughter, could the Shao family ignore it? The Shao family would like to do nothing, otherwise why did Lu Shengzhong strike you?

"Good! I will give you a chance." Shao Pingbo suddenly drank.

The shouting Shao Liu'er stopped, and the sad and crying Tan Yaoxian slowly looked up.

Shao Pingbo raised his chin to Tan Yaoxian and gestured, "Give him a hundred gold coins!"

Song Shu found a gold ticket with a denomination of one hundred, and stepped forward to Tan Yaoxian.

Tan Yaoxian shook his head and refused to accept it.

Shao Pingbo: "Give it to you, you take it. If you really want to marry Liuer, if you really have the ability to marry her, I will give you three years, and I will let Liuer wait for you for three years. After three years, if you can This one hundred gold coin becomes ten thousand gold coins, or whatever you do in your business, do n’t ask you to do it well, at least let the Shao family know where it can support you, and you can justly marry her instead of Steal her privately, instead of taking her to risk and suffer with you! "

Shao Liu'er: "Tan Lang, don't listen to him!"

Shao Pingbo Huo Ran came back and shouted, "Why? With such ample conditions, you all think he can't do it, what can you expect him to do? Do you also think he is a waste and has no confidence in him?"

"..." Shao Liu'er was speechless and even a little stunned. After being said by her elder brother, she thought about it, and she didn't even know what Tan Yaoxian's ability could do.

"Hold it!" Song Shu gave away the gold ticket.

Tan Yaoxian pushed away and lifted his wet sleeves to wipe the tears, shouted to Shao Liuer: "Liuer, wait for me for three years!" He turned and ran away.

Running crazy, running sadly, very spineless, did not ask for the one hundred gold ticket.

Cried while running, tears blurred his eyes, a rock stumbled under his feet, a dog fell down under the eyes to eat shit, climbed up and continued to run, his jaw had been punctured and bleeding, lifting his sleeves to wipe tears from time to time.

"Tan Lang ..." Shao Liu'er screamed, but Tan Yaoxian didn't see him again, and finally fell to Su Zhao's feet.

"Go!" Shao Pingbo's cloak that saw Tan Yaoxian disappeared turned around.

Birds fly into the sky, the war horses gallop, the party returns and departs ...

In the evening, Tan Yaoxian, who was walking along the river bank, could not run for a long time. He walked aimlessly under the moonlight. His wet body was still dry, cold and hungry, and he did not know where he was.

Hungry, just lie on the riverside and slammed a stream of water to fill the hunger, and suddenly came the sound of rumble hoofs.

Tan Yaoxian stood up and saw that the cavalry composed of a dozen people in the next moon came oncoming and passed by him.

Passed him and looked at him.

Later, the cavalry returned and took the bows and arrows of the horseback one by one, the arrows were wound, and the arrow feathers flew out.

Puff puff blood flower blooms on Tan Yaoxian.

"Liu'er ..." Tan Yaoxian, with dozens of arrows in his body, murmured, with a sentimental expression on his face, and fell down after being tough, crashing into the water ...

Outside the city of Beizhou, in a house, Lu Shengzhong lying on the couch did not suffer any crime, because he was very happy and recruited all the tricks.

Only realized that it was Shao Liu'er who had found a way to save himself, otherwise, if this man took Shao Liuer as a hostage, it would be really troublesome.

Su Zhao secretly sighed, the girl looked at a naive girl before, but did not expect to have this mind.

She couldn't help but look at Shao Pingbo, wondering whether it was related to the blood of her mother's family. She seemed not stupid. The pair of children born by her aunt were not stupid, at least much smarter than Ruan's.

At this time, it was also known here that Lu Shaoer was lured out by Lu Shengzhong alone, and the secret instigation of Ruan's mother and son was also a good thing done by this guy. Basically, he did not resort to any external force. nailed it.

"If you go to assassinate Niu Youdao, how can it become a life for Niu Youdao?" Shao Pingbo asked.

Lu Shengzhong did not conceal, and talked about the fact that he was captured because of a missed poem.

Su Zhaoting almost didn't laugh, and found that this man was really unlucky enough, and he had always had bad luck.

But when I think about it, I can't seem to say that people have bad luck. They can only say that they have hit the wrong target, and the successive targets are not simple. Niu Youdao will not say it. The failure of Ruan's mother and son is definitely related to Shao Pingbo. Shao Liu'er didn't even think that Shao Liu'er still had that means. It's not surprising that Lu Shengzhong accidentally missed.

Shao Pingbo ’s gaze flickered slightly at Landing Shengzhong, seeming to understand why Niu Youdao sent this one to make trouble.

And Su Zhao walked out of this room, pacing in the courtyard and asked, "What do you think of this Lu Shengzhong?"

Su Zhao guessed some of his thoughts, guessing that he wanted to solicit, and pondered: "He has repeatedly missed, and it is beyond war. To a certain extent, it is a personal talent!"

Shao Pingbo sighed: "However, this person has a bone, it is easy to betray, it is not easy to control."

Su Zhao said with a smile: "If you really want to use it for your own use, I have a way to control him, and I will guarantee that he will not dare to betray him in the future. Let me do this. You should not leave too long in the dungeon, or go back quickly Right. "

"Alright. This Lu Shengzhong will be handed over to you, be sure to dig out the people who are well-arranged in the city as soon as possible."

"Okay, I know what to do, wait for my news."

When Shao Pingbo left, Song Shu and Chen Guishuo did not know, neither of them knew that Shao Pingbo had another secret passage in and out of the city.

After the two returned to the city, when they came to the back door of Lingbo Mansion, Chen Guishuo said: "Uncle Shi, I'll go buy some wine."

Song Shun said, "Shang Qingzong is here, we should not show our heads and go back quickly."

"Good!" Chen Guishuo arched his hand, walked away quickly, and went directly to the restaurant near Lingbo House.

Ordered the food and drink, and after the guy packed it, when an item was handed over, a piece of origami was silently lost in the hands of the guy.

Chen Guishuo, who mentioned the food and drink, walked out of the restaurant and was worried all the way ...

In a large courtyard, in a pavilion, the windows were not closed. Wei Duo sat cross-legged in the darkness and opened his eyes from time to time.

I saw two lanterns extinguished under the eaves of a private house outside the manor facing the window.

Weiduo quickly received power, got up and left.

Got off the pavilion, slipped to a corner, and found a paper ball on the ground, casting his spell into his palm.

After returning to the attic, he opened the paper ball and translated the secret letter. His face changed greatly.

He quickly wrote a sealed letter, lit another lamp, placed it in the window, and then quickly went downstairs again, slipped to the corner of the wall again, observed the surroundings, and threw a paper ball out.

Back to the attic, until the lanterns under the eaves of the private house were all extinguished, indicating that he had received news from him over there, he felt relieved.

Blowed out the lights on the window sill, Wei Duo wrote a secret letter again.

After a while, a gold wing flew out of the window.

At the corner of the courtyard, in a dark lacquered storage room, Su Po and Tu Han standing in front of the window sent gold wings and black shadows away, and Su Po sighed, "There have been a lot of things in Beizhou recently , I do n’t know if it ’s related to that person ... It seems that he still refuses to recognize Tang Yi as the head, or he is the daughter of his master anyway. "

Lord: "He only recognizes the master's will, and it is right to follow the rules."

Su Po shook his head: "However, that person still has no feelings for Shang Qingzong. I suspect that that person doesn't care about his life and death at all, even if it's exposed. It doesn't matter. Or, I want to deliberately make Shang Qingzong and Shao Pingbo contradict? What if you want Shang Qingzong to have no place in Beizhou? Alas, help him stare a little more, and cover it if necessary. "

"Hmm!" Lord nodded.

Lu Shengzhong returned to the city. His body had been cleaned and there was no clue. He came to the restaurant where he joined again.

Also bought alcoholic beverages ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also a piece of origami stuffed into the hands of the buddies.

Lu Shengzhong brought something out, and a diner sitting in the corner of the restaurant secretly watched the guy's reaction.

In an alley on the street, Su Zhao wandered among them, and the left and right followers stood still.

Lu Shengzhong came and sighed, "I have done what you said."

Su Zhao didn't say anything, still pacing back and forth there.

Soon, a man dressed as a civilian came quickly and whispered: "Master Xiang, the man went out through the back door of the restaurant."

Su Zhao took a step and said in a deep voice: "Stare at him, don't hit the grass and startle the snake, the birds are on call at any time, beware of the other party using gold wings to communicate, be sure to touch it all the way."

"Yes!" The person came to take orders, and left quickly.

Lu Shengzhong said again: "The eldest son can't eat words."

"Of course I won't eat words." Su Zhao turned his head back and smiled slightly, raising his hand to signal.

Seeing that the left and the right were approaching, Lu Shengzhong was shocked, "What do you want to do? I ... woo woo ..."

Has been held by the two men, his mana is restrained, and he is seriously injured. There is no room for resistance.

'S mouth was squeezed open, and a pill was forced into his mouth.

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