Heavenly Genius

Chapter 251: Guo Huiyi Yao

Fei Changliu, Zheng Jiuxiao and Xia Hua are also waiting here.

The two sides met, Niu Youdao asked, "Are you ready?"

Fei Changliu pointed to the fifteen people who were waiting, "Each sent an elder to lead the team, and they are all good players of the three factions. The people on the Qi side will also cooperate with you."

Niu Youdao tilted his head and gestured. Gongsun bowed his head and left two disciples to Niu Youdao. He led three people to the fifteen masters of the three factions and arched the hand: "You guys, follow me first! "

The fifteen people were stunned, looking at Niu Youdao and Fei Changliu, seemingly in doubt.

Fei Changliu asked them questions, "They are responsible for protecting you, don't you follow you?"

"Don't follow me." Niu Youdao returned and turned to look at the group of people. "You follow him, he will tell you what to do."

A group of people didn't know what he was doing, and there was no explanation for the mystery of the gods. In the end, a group of people followed Gongsun Bu and walked away from the depths of the forest.

Slightly communicated with Fei Changliu and others. After the two parties said goodbye to each other and cherished each other, Niu Youdao left here and went straight to the exit of the valley.

Linghu Qiu and red sleeves and red whisks are waiting here. Black peony and Duan Hu are also here. The two of them are accompanying them. Wu Sanliang and Lei Zongkang stayed at home.

When several people turned their horses, Linghu Qiudong looked around and smiled and asked, "Don't you have more manpower? I heard you have a lot of enemies."

Niu Youdao said with a smile: "No, there are a few martial arts people in Qi country, not to mention the elder brother is there, who dares to move me? In case of trouble, I will report to the elder brother's name!"

Doesn't this guy proclaim that he is an estranged brother? Linghuqiu's thoughts turned around, his mouth twitched, and he smiled, undecided.

Shang Shuqing standing on the hillside saw a line of galloping away until the person went to Wuying, still standing there for a long time without moving, and his face became more and more cruel in the sun. Birthmarks on the eyelids cause visual errors, appearing as one big eye and one small eye.

And his party galloped out of the valley. After running up the official road, Niu Youdao pointed in the direction of the county and ran to the crowd.

Linghu Qiu surprisedly shouted: "Brother, do you have something to enter the city?"

Niu Youdao said: "Brother is here. I haven't visited the castle town of Qingshan County yet. Take my brother to visit."

Linghuqiu: "No, I've been there before I came here. This county is very crowded and not suitable for wandering. Let's hurry."

Niu Youdao said: "Purchase some things used on the road."

Just like that, he rode into the city and walked around the city. Black Peony bought something casually, and the party went out of the city again and let go of the gallop.

On the way, Linghuqiu looked at Niu Youdao from time to time. He always felt that Niu Youdao had just entered the city just not to buy something.

He paid attention to the items purchased by Black Peony. There was a post along the way. These things did not have to be bought, and Niu Youdao had a lot of people who listened to them. They could be prepared in advance. To buy?

And buying this thing went around the city for a long time. He felt that Niu Youdao seemed to be deliberately strolling around the city, but he didn't see any intention of Niu Youdao ...

Beizhou, Lingbo Prefecture, Shao Pingbo received the notice and came to see Su Zhao off.

Nei Zhai met Su Zhao, and Shao Pingbo asked: "Is there anything wrong? It is not easy for you to go back and forth. If there is nothing important, you may rest a few days."

Su Zhao sighed: "What's the matter? You are busy with business all day, even if I stay, you don't have time to accompany me."

Shao Pingbo slightly apologized, grabbed her hand, and smiled bitterly: "I can't get away for a while, wait for later ..."

Su Zhao pressed an index finger on his lips, preventing him from saying anything, "Don't promise me anymore, say it yourself, how many times have you said the same thing, but once you have fulfilled it? So many years, you can Have you been with me for a day? Even if you were in jail last time, you are still busy with your business. "

Shao Pingbo sighed: "Give me a few more years!"

Su Zhao touched his cheek, "I'm afraid I'll be an old bead in a few years, can you look at it?"

"Sister Zhao ..."

Su Zhao blocked his mouth again and smiled: "Just joking with you, it's really something, it's your business, I'll rush to arrange it."

Shao Pingbo's eyes lit up, "Warhorse?"

Su Zhao shook his head: "The eyeliner inserted in Qingshan County, Niu Youdao, he has shrunk in the mountain for so long, and finally came out of the mountain. It seems that he is about to leave Qingshan County. "

Shao Pingbo's spirit was revived, and he immediately looked solemnly and said: "This guy is difficult to deal with, it is not easy to deal with, and you should not care about your sister!"

Su Zhao was slightly silent, nodded slightly, "It's really not easy to deal with, and it's a little trouble to start."

Shao Pingbo asked, "Is there any problem found?"

Su Zhao raised his eyes and looked at him, hesitant to speak again.

Shao Pingbo: "Is there anything that can't be said to me?"

Su Zhao sighed: "Linghuqiu! Linghuqiu went to Qingshan County and stayed in Niu Youdao for a few days. This time Niu Youdao went out of the mountain, Linghuqiu was beside him, it was difficult to start! I have contacted Linghuqiu and was discovered by the organization. The organization has deliberately explained it to me, saying that Linghuqiu has a complicated background, warning me not to provoke me! "

Shao Pingbo's cheeks tightened a bit, and he immediately clenched his fists on his lips.

Su Zhao hurriedly reached out his back and cast a spell to calm his breath. "You, I know I shouldn't say it. You must be stimulated. This cow has really become your heart disease!"

Shao Pingbo, who had calmed his breath and stopped coughing, hated, "This gangster actually came to mind with me, and was also playing Linghuqiu's idea, but he took the first step! Coughing ..." Repeatedly playing chess in Niu Youdao Losing one move, this time again, it really made him irritable.

Su Zhao: "You can rest assured that a Linghu Qiu can't protect him, I will find an opportunity to start, and I will make you get rid of this big trouble!"

Shao Pingbo replied: "This monk hides for a long time, this time will not come out for no reason, what purpose is there, do you know what to do?"

Su Zhao rolled his eyes, "How can I know this?"

Shao Pingbo: "Which way and direction do you always know?"

Su Zhaogang just nodded, and Shao Pingbo immediately strode away.

Su Zhao was stunned. He didn't know what he was going to do, and he followed him all the way to his original study.

Shao Pingbo stood waiting in front of the map hanging on the study wall. Su lighting turned his head blank, shook his head helplessly, stepped forward and pointed to the map, saying: "There is a road to the northwest of Qingshan County. Go northwest."

"Northwest direction ..." Shao Pingbo stared at the map, obviously entering a state of contemplation, and his hand slowly fell on the map. "Going to the northwest direction, contrary to the generalized county, it can be ruled out by the generalized county. He has been latent in these years. Ca n’t get out, either be afraid of the court of the Yan Kingdom, or be afraid of me, so it ’s easy to run around, and there should not be too many optional places he can go. To the northwest, there is a possibility of going to Jinzhou. Did the eyeliner report that he had gold wings with no communication for him? "

Su Zhao nodded: "Yes, two of them accompanied two cages of gold wings, a total of six! Linghuqiu brought two gold wings."

"Linghuqiu is running everywhere. It is not surprising that the necessary contacts are carried with him. The gold wings he carries can be ruled out! Six ..." Shao Pingbo pointed his finger at Jinzhou. "Qingshan County is adjacent to Jinzhou, so you ca n’t make it to Jinzhou. There are many gold wings, so the possibility of going to Golden State can basically be ruled out ... So where is he going? "

Looked down for a while, and suddenly raised his head horribly, his eyes were swept toward a country in the northwest direction on the map, Shen said: "He may go to Qi!"

Su Zhao was surprised, "Why do you want to go to Qi State?"

Shao Pingbo gritted his teeth and said, "Warhorse!"

Su Zhao was surprised: "Do you mean that he will also go to Qi to purchase war horses?"

Shao Pingbo slowly moved to the position of Qi State on a large map, staring at Qi State Road: "The two counties of the Shang dynasty are in fact similar to Beizhou, and they will all face the same crisis. I don't believe that the Shang dynasty can't see it. , So the war horses are also badly needed! Even if Shang Chaozong can't see it, Lan Ruoting will definitely see it. "

"Luo Shaofu, who was next to Ning Wang, was talented in war, heaven, and earth, but he died unexpectedly! Lan Ruoting could be accepted by Luo Shaofu as a disciple to teach the strategy, and it would never be mediocre, otherwise Luo Shaofu wouldn't look down on him, Lan If the pavilion would not even see this, otherwise it would be difficult for Shang Chaozong to escape from the capital. I knew Shanzongzong from an early age, and I have been in the army since I was little, but I have never been exposed to any internal affairs. It's Lan Ruoting's masterpiece! "

"With Lan Ruoting's strategy, it is impossible to anticipate the crisis in the future. The matter of war horses should have been sent to Tianyumen's side to raise money by Qi Guo. However, I have never heard of any results, and I must have encountered difficulties. The two counties The land is a place where the cow has a way to stand, how can he sit idly by? Linghuqiu went to see him, I tried to use Linghuqiu's idea, Tianyumen has been fruitless, the situation is forced, how can he not Do n’t you have a good connection with Linghuqiu? "

Raising his finger to the map, "The crisis is imminent, and the lurking finally came out of the mountain for a long time. The northwest direction is not Jinzhou. Linghuqiu accompanied him personally. With this series of clues, even if you are unsure, the possibility of going to Qi for a war horse is very great. Unless There are unexpected situations that we do n’t know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the possibility is extremely small. Since he intends to hide, he will not easily cause any trouble during the latent period, so it is unlikely to go out to solve other problems. Go Qi Guo is most likely to seek war horses! "

Huo Ran turned his head to stare at Su Zhao, and said in a deep voice: "You can pre-set ambush preparations on the route to Qi country. According to my inference, there is a high possibility of stopping him!"

"..." Su Zhao was speechless, confessing what he said was justified, just because of recognition, even if he knew that his cousin was clever, he was a little shocked. A seemingly irrelevant clue can tell that the cow is right. Where to go and what to do, she really did not know what to say.

Even she feels that Niu Youdao is a bit scary to provoke such opponents!

She couldn't help but sigh, "You, too much worry. Since I captured his trail, there is a way to find him naturally. You don't need to worry so much. When you go on like this, when can you get sick? Broken roots? "

Shao Pingbo smiled, "It seems that I was too worried, but I still said that this card is very dangerous. Since he came out of the mountain, he will not be unprepared and never easy to deal with. You must be careful."

Su Zhao gazed at him, "Pingbo, there is a saying in the world, I want to give it to you!"

Shao Pingbo smiled, "ear ears!"

Su Zhao has a worried look on his face, saying one by one: "Guo Hui Yi Yao!"

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