Heavenly Genius

Chapter 252: Long road

Shao Pingbo was startled, and smiled again: "I will not be okay, you leave it to Niu Youdao!"

Su Zhao shook his head: "You are different from him. He is slack and gentle. He can shrink and practice for so long. This can be seen when he does not come out. In addition, he is a monk, and his blood can be adjusted by himself. of!"

Reached out and gently pressed his heart, "Remember! If you want to win, you need to take good care of your body. Whoever falls first will be the real loser. Only when you are there can you laugh until the end!"

Shao Pingbo's hand was also pressed against her chest and pressed against the back of her hand. "My body, I cherish it more than you!"

"That's good! But I want to ask you, is it important to kill the cows, or is it important to get the horses? Should I solve the cows or the horses first?" Su Zhao stared at him and asked.

Shao Pingbo was silent, it seemed to be a dilemma, asked: "Does the two things conflict?"

Su Zhao: "Of course, if killing a cow is more important, I will go to the town to solve him personally. If the matter of war horses is more important, I will go to the country of Qi, and arrange for people to deal with the cattle."

Shao Pingbo's eyes flickered and said slowly: "Of course it is a warhorse. Warhorse is currently the top priority. If there is a problem with the warhorse, it will affect the entire North State. Compared with the importance of warhorse, it is a matter of cattle. Hold on, let alone Niu Youdao's main purpose of this trip may also be a horse of war. He should have no time to take care of me for the time being. There shouldn't be any problems with the slow down. "

"Good!" Su Zhao nodded and smiled, relieved.

Actually, there is no conflict between her two things. She just tried it out. She was really afraid that the obsession was too deep and regarded Niu Youdao as more important than the whole North State.

As everyone knows, in Shao Pingbo's mind, it has been determined that Niu Youdao is his greatest threat to Beizhou in the future.

What Yanguo, South Korea, Dazen Mountain and the like, he actually did not pay attention to these years, how to deal with these few years, how to deal with these few, he is already familiar, he can stand in Beizhou, the facts have been made prove. So far, he has suffered losses one after another. It is only Niu Youdao who is deeply afraid of him, and he is very aware of Niu Youdao's ideas and will not let him go!

Some things that others may not believe, only the two parties who are opponents can be self-evident and understand the thoughts of the other party.

If you can absolutely guarantee that Su Zhao can get rid of Niu Youdao, he must let Su Zhao solve the Niu Youdao first, but he doesn't think Su Zhao can be so easy to succeed.

As he told Su Zhao before, since Niu Youdao dared to come out, he would not be unprepared.

He is worried that Su Zhao and Niu Youdao are entangled. Although the organization behind Su Zhao is very strong, but Niu Youdao is a person he thinks is too dangerous, not an easy generation. Once he is entangled by Niu Youdao, Su Zhao is afraid There will be trouble. Once Su Zhao has an accident, he will have to mess up his warhorse.

After weighing the balance, he naturally chose a more secure direction.

Su Zhao left, covered with a black cloak, and left from the side door.

Shao Pingbo only sent it to the side door, but did not send it out, I was afraid it would be too eye-catching.

After witnessing the disappearance of Su Zhao's entourage, Shao Sanxing leaned over to Shao Pingbo, "Master, will you return to Shifu?"

Shao Pingbo turned around and led him back to the study. His eyes fell on the map and raised his finger to the Korean ground. "This waterway may be opened. Can the key points along the waterway be guaranteed?"

The three provinces of Shao Zhengzheng said: "The eldest son is assured that all the acquisitions have been secretly dispatched and inspected. There should be no problems."

"Should?" Shao Pingbo Huo Ran turned back and said in a deep voice: "Don't tell me what should be, once it is enabled, there will never be any missteps. Once something is detained by South Korea, South Korea cannot return it to us. This waterway is also equivalent to exposure. Now, there is no possibility of using it again. That is to say, it will be a major blow and must be foolproof! "

"Yes!" Shao Sanxing should respond, "I will send someone to check."

Shao Pingbo looked back at the map again, "Not only to check, but also to try it out, arrange a group of ships to go to see if there will be any problems."

Three provinces of Shao: "I will arrange this!"

"You must be careful in the details. There is no room for failure!" Shao Pingbo turned back to staring at him. "While walking down, which place found the problem, which place was resolved immediately, we must ensure that this waterway is unblocked and must be enabled. There will be no problems. "

"Understood ..." Shao Sanxing nodded, and hesitated a little: "If there is any problem to be solved, if you want to solve it quickly, don't let the movement expand, it is best to have a monk to cooperate. Send me some people? "

"Confused!" Shao Pingbo shouted, "Why did I hide Dachan Mountain from the beginning? Dachan Mountain has always reached out to me for money, and I have been shouting for poverty, you don't know! Mountain knows, Dachan Mountain must find out what I want to do, how can I hide it then? "

"Once let them know that I have a lot of money in hand to buy a warhorse, how can you explain it? If Dachan Mountain asks me to give them money to deal with the matter, can I refuse it? This matter can only be waited until the boat is done. The money is spent, so I can find a reason to explain, so as not to go wrong, otherwise it is not clear to this group of vampires! "

"Besides, there are many people in Dachan Mountain. Once this matter spreads inside Dashan Mountain, who can guarantee that it will not be leaked? This waterway can never be exposed!"

"Then ..." Shao Sansheng was embarrassed: "The relationship between the Shangqing Sect and Niu Youdao is unclear and inconvenient. How about finding the right manpower from the following sect?"

Shao Pingbo pondered: "It is still that sentence, this matter must be careful and careful, and people who do not know the details must not let him participate. So, Song Shu and Chen Guishuo, these two people will not have any problems, but Use it with confidence, I let them both listen to you. "

San Shao frowned, "Master, if there is a problem, just the two of them. I'm afraid I can't cope! If it doesn't work, please ask Su!"

Shao Pingbo pondered: "I have considered this matter, but the organization behind Zhaozhao is too complicated, and even Zhaozhao can't understand the depth of herself. It's okay to help with some things, but you need to keep the distance properly, and you can't give them all the cards. Therefore, Qi Guo must never let them know about this waterway before things happen. I also explained to Zhao sister. "

"Small problems can be solved by Song Shu and Chen Guishuo along the way. If there is no problem according to the pre-arrangement you said, the two of them will be enough. If they really can't solve them, find another one. The reason is to send someone to solve it point-to-point. As long as the entire line is not exposed and disassembled into a separate incident to deal with, without knowing other circumstances, other people will not think of what we are going to do. "

"Yes, Grandpa rest assured, I understand what to do." Shao Sanxing nodded ...

As the sun went down, Wuqi rushed into a post and stopped. After changing the horses, he rushed out of the post again, and continued to gallop in the wind and dust.

A carriage drove forward, and Wuqi quickly merged into a line, passing by the carriage, then quickly changed its formation, and advanced rapidly in a row. The expressionless Yuan Gang was the middle one.

Yuan Feng, Niu Lin, Yuan Huo, and Niu Shan, the four people were around.

Yuan Huo shouted, "Brother Gangzi, the sky will be dark soon. We ran for two days without closing our eyes. Everyone is tired. Let's find a post to rest first!"

The people who came out of Xiaomiao Village have changed. In the past, he would n’t dare to think about the idea of ​​going to the post if he would n’t go out to rest at the post.

Yuan Gang looked back and asked, "Is enough rest for four hours?"

Yuan Huo said: "Enough is enough, four hours is enough."

Yuan Gang: "Then wait until the sky is too dark to see the road before taking a break. Tomorrow morning light will be on the road, try to use time to hurry."

"Okay!" Yuan Huo nodded, but somewhat strangely said: "Brother Gang, we are on the way like this, Dao Ye will certainly not be able to keep up with us. Is it necessary to rush in such a hurry?"

Yuan Gang: "I am not at ease with other messy people. We must rush to the destination as soon as possible, grab enough time to understand and investigate the situation of the destination, in case the Lord needs it from time to time. The brethren who arrived rushed to the front station to make arrangements, otherwise they would have to concentrate on an unfamiliar place. ”

Hearing this, the four of them looked distracted, and immediately no opinion was given.

Niu Lin also began to accuse Yuan Huo, "Look at your counseling, so tired? We ride horses all the way, eat and drink all the way, you think about other brothers, lack of money and food, their conditions want to be at a specified time It ’s desperate to get to the destination! "

Niu Shandao said: "They are really going to be guilty of running this way!"

Yuan Gang looked back and forth and said in a deep voice: "Although cruel, but this is just a training, let them let go of their hands and feet to play, the various tribulations along the way is the best exercise for them, and they can get it themselves. Valuable asset! With this experience, plus the skills to teach them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you can directly start the task when you reach your destination. "

"For each of them, this is also an insightful process! After seeing the results and understanding the process, it is also an understanding of them. Only in the future will they know what they are suitable for and will facilitate the assignment of actual combat tasks in the future!"

"More than a year of high-intensity training has taught them a lot of skills. As long as there are no major accidents, there should be no problems. If you learn so many things and you ca n’t even cope with it, you should eliminate them as soon as possible. Go out well, so as not to lose your life in the future! If someone is afraid of suffering and tiredness, their will is not firm enough, and they give up halfway, then they will be eliminated as soon as possible. In our collective, we ca n’t accommodate such people! "

The four looked again, and said in unison: "Yes!"

In the rumble of horseshoes, the rolling hills in front appeared, and the road was clearly inserted into the mountains. Yuan Gang shouted: "What terrain is ahead?"

Yuan Feng quickly said: "The place name, Damanshan! The map shows that the official road is about 15 miles away. The terrain is complex and there are long and narrow areas, so it is easy to set up!"

Yuan Gang waved his hand and slashed the sword. The sword was held diagonally in his hand. His heels slammed on the horse's abdomen and rushed to the front.

The four left and right quickly drilled a stainless steel crossbow in hand, urgently wound the crossbow arrow, and at the same time changed the formation, forming a geese formation, left and right high alert, and rushed into the forest behind Yuan Gang.

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