Heavenly Genius

Chapter 264: Repay others with one's way

"Don't dare to delay a major event, I'm waiting for incompetence!" Pan dispensers laughed at himself, and then said: "Dare to ask the master what insights can make them speak as soon as possible?"

Everyone else looked at Niu Youdao, and they all understood the intention of Pan dispensers to laugh at himself, alluding to Niu Youdao sitting and talking without back pain.

Brother Pan ’s brother shouted without pain, “Sister, do n’t be rude!”

After all, Shimen explained to you, to cooperate with Niu Youdao, but Niu Youdao's words made them from the three factions really uncomfortable. What does it mean that there is no one in the three factions?

The black peony face was angry, and took a step from Niu Youdao behind, to rebuke, but Niu Youdao reached out and stopped her.

Niu Youdao is too lazy to bother with the other party, and it is not when he is infighting. Now it is time to solve the problem, what is going on, what is going on, telling things, asking: "Pan shopkeeper, you confirm that you have exhausted all methods?"

Pan shopkeeper: "At least the methods currently available are used."

Niu Youdao said: "Okay, then I will remind a way, you try again."

Pan shopkeeper once again arched his hands, "May I listen to you."

Niu Youdao waved his hand, took him away, avoided the crowd, and turned to face in a vacant room, saying one by one: "The other way is also the other side!"

Pan dispensers were at a loss, not knowing how to use the so-called ‘returning one ’s way to another’ to apply to the interrogation, wondering: “Under the ignorance, please also express your opinion!”

Niu Youdao signaled that he came to his ear and whispered a few words in his ear.

Pan shopkeeper's eyes lit up after hearing it, and he hesitated: "This, in case of fighting, can't explain to the Infinite Pavilion, and you can't believe it without making a look."

Niu Youdao said: "If you can't fight, don't fight ..." He whispered a few words in his ear.

"I get it, but at this time our cosmetic surgery can't be fake."

"I said Pan dispensers, the direction has been provided to you, the living people can also make urine suffocation can not be achieved, if you can't do it in a fake way, you can change the way, the way and the way is the same ..."

After listening to some explanations, Pan dispensers nodded again and again, a bit embarrassed and said: "I understand, I will try this!"

Niu Youdao urged: "In order to prevent accidents, you have to arrange this in secret. For the time being, don't let the news leak. For the Fuyun Zong shop, please contact us and tell them the same way and let them do it in secret. Hands on both sides, hoping to have an opening. "

"Yes, Dao rest assured, I will arrange this." Pan dispensers arched his hands, his attitude changed obviously, and he seemed convinced a lot ...

In the imprisonment room, the iron fetters were tied up, and the ‘Pan shopkeeper’ tied to the pillars had a pale face, his eyes were loose, and I was wondering what to think.

The two disciples of Liuxianzong were here to stay around the clock. From time to time, they persuaded him to persuade these two sentences, which can be regarded as the task of enlightening him.

So far, no one knows what the real name of this ‘Pan shopkeeper’ is, and there is no way to go out and ask like a tall and thin head.

"I said to you, why resist here, our shopkeeper has assured you that as long as you recruit, you will be put alive."

"That is, you can't get along with yourself, do you have a wife and children? Even if you don't think about yourself, think about your family, right?"

"Why have you suffered this crime, you are here to die, who will miss your success?"

"People are locked here, and you know that few people in the world dare to use force in the boundless pavilion to rescue you out. Are you willing to continue this way?"

No matter what the two say, ‘Pan Shopkeeper’ will not respond and will not say a word.

There was a knocking sound outside the door, and one person opened the door to take a look, and then opened the door with a smile, "Brother Zhao, is the food coming again?"

Sister Zhao, who was not so handsome, brought a food box into it.

Another guardian disciple laughed: "Brother Zhao, the gift is also sent in vain, others may not appreciate it."

Brother Shi Zhao stared at the 'Pen Dispenser' tied to the pillar for a while, without saying anything, "It doesn't matter if you don't appreciate it, people can't die on our hands, he will give him food if he doesn't eat. This is what Uncle Pan Shi meant. . "

A guardian disciple sighed: "OK, I see."

The food box was placed in front of the prisoner. Brother Zhao turned away, and when he went out, he confessed, "Feed him as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay, I know, I don't need you to be wordy." A disciple waved his hand.

Brother Zhao closed the door and left. One squatted in front of the food box, slowly opened the food box and looked at it, oh, "This is a good meal." Looking up at Pan dispensers, "Look, look, how good we are , It ’s delicious and not to drink, but we still need to serve you. "

‘Pan Dispensers’ looked down, still silent.

Just as the disciple squatted and took out the food, there was a knock on the door outside. Another disciple opened the door and saw that he stood outside and lifted a food box and put the person in. He laughed and said: "Brother Gong Gong delivered the meal to us personally."

Brother Gong sneered: "Senior brother, this is for the prisoners to eat. You have to eat it. Someone will come to change jobs with you later."

Looked up at the ‘Pan Owner’ tied to the pillar.

The brothers and sisters in the house looked at each other for a while, and they were a little stunned. The disciple who crouched in front of the prisoner and took food from the food box turned around and said, "Brother Gong, Brother Zhao just sent the food to the prisoner. How did you return it? Things? "Pointed to the food box in front of him.

Brother Gong was stunned, "Brother Zhao did not go out early in the morning, he told me to help him deliver the meal."

The two guards looked at each other, and the door-opener strangely said, "This is what Brother Zhao just sent."

Brother Gong scratched his head, "Brother Zhao is also true. He didn't say a word when he came back, okay, those two brothers were busy." He shook his head and took the food box away.

Once the door of the prison cell was closed, one person took the spoon and ate a spoonful of food, and said to the ‘Pan dispenser’: “After all, it ’s a flesh and blood, and it ’s unavoidable, why do n’t you live with yourself, eat a little!”

‘Pan Dispenser’ had his lips closed, his eyes fixed on the food in his hands, and his chest slightly fluctuated.

The disciples who ate the food snorted: "Come on, know your mouth is hard, brother, come and help me, help me squeeze his mouth."

Another person came, and he would do it when he reached out. Who knows, ‘Pan Shopkeeper’ Huo Ran turned his head to the side, uncooperative, but he said, “This thing ca n’t be eaten!”

The brother who came to cooperate ignored him and broke his face over.

‘Pan Dispenser’ seemed anxious and shouted, “Poison!”

The teacher holding the food sighed: "You are now an uncle, and we have to wait and eat even if you eat and drink. I dare to poison you. I wish you could live alive and say everything you know, but you dare not kill you. Rest assured, you We have checked everything we eat. Brother, open his mouth and irrigate! "

Brother squeezed the mouth of Pan Pan.

"Pan shopkeeper" whine roar, the word is ambiguous, "I move! I move!"

Brother Shi was shocked. Brother Shi released his mouth and asked, "What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly. You can say it again."

‘Pan Dispensers’ crackled and said: “Do n’t you think there is a problem with the matter just now? Your brother Zhao is clearly absent, why did you come to deliver meals?”

Brother glared: "Are you kidding me?"

‘Pan Dispenser’ said anxiously: “The‘ Brother Zhao ’who came in previously was faked by someone else, not your Brother Zhao, who came to kill me. I do n’t believe you will check this meal again.”

Brother sighed: "You don't want to eat even if you don't want to eat. Can our brother, we still don't know? Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, this person has a lot of problems, just open his mouth and just right.

Brother was just about to reach out, ‘Pan Shopkeeper’ hurriedly said: “I can fake your shopkeeper, and naturally someone can impersonate your brother, who recognizes me as your shopkeeper?”

This remark made the brothers and sisters face to face.

‘Pan Dispenser’ said again: “You can check the food again. If there is no problem, you do n’t need to irrigate. I ’ll open my mouth to eat. You have to check it again!”

Brothers and brothers stared at the food together, you two look at me, I look at you, slightly exchanged eyes.

Brother took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, pulled out the stopper, and gave his meal.

A little white powder was poured into the meal. The younger brother stirred it with a spoon. The meal quickly changed color and became black and ink.

The brothers and sisters were stunned, and slowly looked up, looking shocked.

Brother Chen said in a deep voice: "Brother, you are on alert, I will report to Uncle Pan!" The food in the hand was quickly placed on the ground and ran out quickly.

Brother immediately took two lunar rings from his back and put the ‘Pan Owner’ behind him, guarding against the door of the imprisonment room.

'Pan Dispenser' stared down at the dark bowl of food on the ground, his face was full of grief and indignation, if he hadn't reacted quickly, if he hadn't been in a hurry, he might have been forced into the stomach by two idiots. Here, it is not difficult to imagine what will happen next.

A series of footsteps quickly sounded outside, and at the same time came the voice of Pan dispensers, "Look at whether people are still in the shop, don't let go in every corner, let me check carefully!"

The door opened, and a group of people broke in. Their eyes were fixed on the dark bowl of food on the ground ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Pan Zhang picked up the rice bowl and placed it in front of his nose to sniff.

His face was completely gloomy. He turned to face the crowd and waved his fingers. "You, you, the four of you are guarding here. Every food and drink you send in will have to be checked again!"

Immediately took other people out, and he could still hear his angry voice outside, "From now on, all the disciples, no matter who they are, including me, must strictly check in and out of the hall!"

"Yes!" There was a response from a group of people, and the atmosphere seemed tense instantly.

The cheeks of the ‘Pan Shopkeeper’ tied to the pillars were shaking, and their heads were closed, and their grief was overwhelming ...

In the evening, Pan Zang and others walked out of the imprisonment room again. After arriving at the back hall, the brothers and sisters looked at each other and were relieved as if relieved.

The counterfeit ‘Pan Shopkeeper’ finally let go and finally moved!

"Brother, I now understand why it is Niu Youdao to preside over the big picture, and why the masters will let us cooperate with that Niu Youdao, this person is really a little capable." Pan Zhangkui heartily expressed emotion.

Brother asked: "Is this his way?"

Pan Dispenser arched his hand to make a guilt, "It is not that I want to hide my brother, but Niu Youdao explained beforehand to keep it secret, and the master also said that as long as he is not in chaos, he has to listen to his orders!"

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