Heavenly Genius

Chapter 265: My ranking has increased by 1 place

Can say this, it means that he recognized Niu Youdao's method from the beginning, so he will help keep it secret.

Brother patted him on the shoulder, "Understanding, no explanation."

The shopkeeper Pan once again sighed, "We can't do anything, but he just grabbed it at a young age ... This is a means at a young age, no wonder he can stand firm in the two counties!"

Brother nodded: "We have to hide our whereabouts along the way, and we must be able to support him at any time. It is really enough to toss us. The long distance has not seen what he said. Everyone has complained at the beginning. The final facts show his The judgment is correct. The series of conditions in front of him all proved that he was indeed able, and that some unexpected situations were under his control. This is not a bad thing, it is a good thing, and I hope he can maintain this state forever. It is related to the future of my stay in Xianzong and the destiny of the disciples. If things can be accomplished, the whole teacher will not be sacrificed in vain! "

In the desert, one of the two Jindan monks killed by the tall man was a disciple of Liuxianzong.

Pan shopkeeper nodded silently and exhaled: "Brother, go see him, he is still waiting for our news."

Out of the shop, they went straight to the Tianhu Inn. When they knocked on the door of Niu Youdao, they found that Niu Youdao and Black Peony were not there.

Duan Hu received them and said that Niu Youdao accompanied Ling Huqiu to drink and dine, let them wait a moment.

Fuyunzong's left dispenser and the same door have already come to a step, and are also waiting in the house.

The two sides smiled at each other. Some things were well known, and they could meet here at this time. Obviously, Fuyun Sect also had results.

Duan Hu invites both parties to use tea.

It was like this. After waiting more than half an hour, I saw Niu Youdao and Black Peony coming back.

"Dao Ye!" Several people stood up together, all politely, and they seemed to be respected a lot.

Some things, facts are more important than everything, if you can show your true skills, you can naturally get the respect you deserve.

Black Peony moved a chair and placed it behind Niu Youdao. Niu Youdao reached out and gestured for a few people to sit. He also sat down naturally and was used to the black peony.

"Are there any results?" Niu Youdao asked.

"Yes." Pan dispensers and the left dispenser spoke in unison. The two stared at each other for a moment, looked at each other, and reached out to each other again, "You first, you first ..."

"Don't hurry, come one by one." Niu Youdao pointed to Pan dispensers, "You first talk about the one who fakes you."

Then the two told the situation one after another.

The real name of the counterfeit Pan dispensers is Ye Sanlang, the one who fell on Fuyunzong's hand for interrogation is Shan Changcheng, and there are two deceased persons, four of whom are Zhuo Chao's men. The famous killer organization 'Xueyue Pavilion'.

They couldn't figure out why they want to kill the cows. Anyway, they both obey Zhuo Chao. As for who ordered it, according to the rules of the organization, Zhuo Chao could not tell them, nor would they inquire, so they did not know.

As for the number of people in the 'Xueyue Pavilion', they know nothing about it, and they will not let them know about it within the organization.

At present, they only know that there are six people in Zhuo Chao, and there are seven together with Zhuo Chao. At present, they are five.

They usually do n’t know where the other party is hiding. They do n’t even know what other people ’s names are. They are usually called by codenames. They are all connected with Zhuo Chao in one line, and they rarely meet each other. They only have tasks. As you may see, once the mission was over, they quietly left. This time it was also called by Zhuo Chao, and they only gathered together.

In addition to this action, the confession on both sides is basically the same, and the confession of the two can basically match.

After listening to the two, Niu Youdao remained silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "That is to say, the two of them don't know much about the situation inside Xiaoyuege, or even don't know anything."

Pan shopkeeper said: "This is also a matter of reason. The power of Xiaoyue Pavilion is spread all over the countries. There are definitely a lot of manpower, and it is easy to leak if you don't do confidentiality. If anyone can disclose Xiaoyue Pavilion. The inside story is clear, and this killer organization cannot be so mysterious. "

Niu Youdao silently nodded and asked, "Seven people, only five are caught, and two have done anything. Didn't they know?"

Legendary of the left said: "It is said that there is a division of labor. According to the rules of the organization, they only complete their respective tasks.

Pan shopkeeper also nodded, indicating that this is the case.

Niu Youdao was silent. He also wanted to ask if the task involved Linghuqiu. For example, Linghuqiu was opened before. Now it seems that this answer cannot be verified.

Now I want to come, Zhuo Chao is a pity to die, Zhuo Chao is the leader of these people, I should know more about the situation.

He really wanted to know who the "cousin" Shao Liu'er calls and the "zhao sister" Shao Pingbo called in the information sent by Chen Guishuo.

In fact, even if Chen Guishuo did not pass on the information, he had long asked Shang Chaozong to secretly send someone to investigate Shao Pingbo's kinship.

Got the information of Chen Guishuo, so naturally it is necessary to investigate.

However, no useful situation was found, and the situation found was almost the same as that known by the Shang dynasty and Lan Ruoting.

Shao Dengyun was a general under the leadership of King Ning Shang Jianbo in the early years. It was impossible for Shang Jianbo not to master the family conditions of the important generals below. Shao Dengyun ’s own brothers and sisters had long died in the war. It seems that Shao Dengyun ’s original match had an older sister, who was said to have passed away. I have not heard of Shao Pingbo's cousin relationship.

According to the known situation, if anything, it is Ruan's side, but the entire family of Ruan's side seems to have been wiped out, Ruan's mother and son died again, and Ruan's family died. It stands to reason that even if there is Ruan, there is no way to help Shao Pingbo. If Ruan really has such a strong relationship, how dare Shao Pingbo dare to act rashly on Ruan?

Because of the war, many clues are broken, and the hope of finding out is also very small.

But there was no way for him at the time. Zhuo Chao's strength was really terrifying. Without seizing the opportunity and decisively, no one could guarantee what would happen.

After a long silence, he said slowly: "Well, you go back and then go to the trial slowly, not necessarily this time, what tasks and the like they have performed before, have you found anything, let all They said that there is no harm in getting more information. "

"Good!" Both sides should be down.

The people left, there were no other outsiders in the house, Niu Youdao wandered in the house, his eyebrows closed, his mouth repeated from time to time whispering words, "Xiaoyuege ... Xiaoyuege ..."

Xiaoyue Pavilion He had heard and described it in the Shangqingzong's Supplements. He even doubted that he had already dealt with the people of Xiaoyue Pavilion in Duyun Mountain.

It was just a little unexpected that such a mysterious organization would actually come forward for Shao Pingbo.

However, this confirms his previous guess. There is a mysterious force that is helping Shao Pingbo, and he is not clear for Shao Pingbo, so he feels mysterious, and now it seems that he has found the answer. The characteristics of Xiaoyuege are doomed to be not easy. exposure.

He can imagine that just because Song Shu and Chen Guishuo had met the so-called 'cousin', according to the organization of Xiaoyuege, they would definitely kill the two, and now they did not move because they had to Shao Pingbo's trust, once the two have any abnormalities, it is definitely a dead end.

When encountering this kind of existence, he has a headache because he knows that the organization of this structure is generally different from those of the martial arts. No one in the martial arts can catch a single person and ca n’t run. If you kill this kind of killer organization, it ’s just a piece of it. It is very difficult to damage all of them in a comprehensive manner.

If it is not necessary, he does not want to be against such a huge force hiding in the dark.

The black peony on the side was also worried, "Dao Ye, Xiaoyue Pavilion is terrible. This time they are provoking them. We are afraid that we are in great trouble."

Niu Youdao stopped beside her and turned to her side, saying, "You think too much, I don't think Xiaoyuege wants to deal with me. If Xiaoyuege is going to shoot, we can't get here, Linghu. Autumn will not protect me. Shao Pingbo failed to order the entire Xiaoyue Pavilion, otherwise Shao Pingbo wanted to kill me. I had only escaped my life, and I could practice in peace with two counties. "

"So what's going on with the people in Xiaoyuege?" Black Peony wondered.

Niu Youdao didn't answer, the matter was full of confusion, it was unclear, he couldn't explain it, it didn't look like Xiaoyuege was going to deal with him, it was the personal reason of the 'cousin', but he It's hard to imagine that the 'cousin' can do this without knowing the organization of Xiaoyuege. If you don't know it, then this killer organization is too failed. What does it mean to know and not stop?

It stands to reason that such killer organizations do not have private enemies as long as they do not guilt their high-level officials, or threaten or violate the interests of this organization.

In the final analysis, I still know too little about this killer organization. The truth may be Shao Pingbo, the cousin and Xiaoyuege.

But one thing he understands, if Xiaoyuege really wants to deal with himself, he will avoid it!

Figured this out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Niu Youdao sneered, "Come and come, I will follow!"

Aoyama-gun, the outer city of the county has been vigorously expanded.

Gunshoufu, outside Yingwu Hall, the guard shouted, "My lord!"

Shang Chaozong and Lan Ruoting were gathering in front of the map to discuss something. He looked up and heard Bai Yao pestle at the door.

Yingwutang is the important place for planning military affairs. No one is allowed to break in. Seeing this situation, the guard apparently failed to stop Bai Yao.

Shang Chaozong waved his hand and signaled that the guards had retreated. Bai Yao walked in. He and Lan Ruoting also quickly stepped forward and arched: "What's wrong with the Master?"

Bai Yao said blankly: "Danbang ranking has changed!"

The businessmen and the blue looked at each other, they didn't understand what it meant, and it didn't matter what happened to the changes in the Danbang. What happened to us when you broke into the military plane?

Lan Ruoting asked: "Is there any change in the ranking of Mofei Division?"

Bai Yao said indifferently: "It has indeed changed, and my ranking has risen by one!"

Broke into Yingwutang for this? The two of Shang and Lan were speechless. I thought this one was not so superficial, but they still smiled and said: "Congratulations!"

Bai Yao: "There is nothing gratifying, I didn't do anything, the ranking rose by one."

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