Heavenly Genius

Chapter 266: Ranking doubt cloud

Businessmen and Lan couldn't understand what this person wanted to say and didn't like to speak. Occasionally, one or two sentences appeared, which were understandable and inexplicable, and inexplicably wrong.

Both eyes stared at him, waiting for his words.

Bai Yao added, "Not only me, to be precise, all the people below the rank of 267 in Danbang have all risen by one, and another person has been added to Danbang."

Lan Ruoting wondered: "Is it related to us?"

Bai Yao: "The man who was ranked 267 in Danbang was named Zhuo Chao. He was killed and killed by Niu Youdao!"

"Hiss!" Shang and Lan slightly took a breath. Although they were not spiritual practitioners, they were still concerned about Danbang. Who wouldn't want to recruit people on Danbang for their own use?

So the two are very clear about what it means to be able to rank more than two hundred people on the Dan list. That is a first-class master. You need to know that Bai Yao only ranks six hundred.

Shang Chaozong did not dare to talk to each other: "Dao Ye can kill the top two hundred ranking masters in Danbang? This seems unlikely! Is it a misunderstanding?"

Bai Yao: "Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible, but no matter how powerful the monk can't stop the conspiracy and tricks, Niu Youdao seems to be better at this."

The businessmen and the blue looked at each other. They didn't deny this. They said that the good thing is that Dao Ye is really clever, and that it is hard to say. Isn't it a conspiracy!

I saw that he broke into Yingwutang to say this. Shang Chaozong asked: "Is this a big influence?"

Bai Yao: "It's not too big to say, it's not too small. It's not because the dead people are normal on Danbang. It's not surprising that you are removed from Danbang. It's not because the death of Zhuo Chao is abnormal. Under normal circumstances , Who defeated who made up for whom, and Niu Youdao may not be eligible to enter the Danbang because of cultivation, so it caused a collective rise in the ranking of a large number of people behind. "

Businessman and Lan, two Khan, said this, it seems that it really affected many people. Dan Bang actually changed the ranking of more than 500 masters because of Dao Ye. Should these people thank Dao Ye or how?

Actually affected hundreds of masters in Danbang, this matter ...

Lan Ruoting asked: "Has this happened before?"

Bai Yao: "Once, but unlike this time, the time when Dan Bang was founded is not long or short. The last time someone died because of the life limit! More importantly, Niu Youdao is not Unknown people, killing the envoy is already famous, this time, he is famous again! "

The Shang dynasty squeezed cold sweat for Niu Youdao, a little bit guilty for Niu Youdao: "Will this be a mistake?"

Bai Yao: "The ranking on the Danbang list may not be true, because many people have not played against each other, but Bingxuege has never made mistakes in adjusting the ranking of the list. It must be verified exactly before it will be announced to the monks in the world. It ’s also not that the person who killed Zhuo Chao is bullish, and the credibility of Bingxuege is still there. "

The businessmen and the blue face looked at each other, so to say, it was indeed a good thing for Dao Ye to do.

Lan Ruoting asked: "Mage said this thing before?"

Bai Yao: "Purchase of war horses is not a trivial matter, why did Niu Youdao still have the mind to make such a big deal on the road? This event shocked the teacher, and ordered me to ask for more details and wonder what is going on. See Wang Ye What Mr. He Lan means does not seem to know what is going on. Shimen is waiting for my reply. Can I ask the three factions, they sent someone to go with Niu Youdao, how much should be known. "

There was something like this happening, and the two also wanted to know what was going on, so naturally they should have come down.

Slightly prepared, the two led Bai Yao to leave the county guard house, and a group of horsemen hurried out of the city under the guard of the horse and went straight to the mountains outside the city.

The people in the mountains were naturally greeted by the news. Shang Shuqing happened to be nearby. He came to see the gift first. It was somewhat surprised, "Brother, but is something wrong?"

Shang Chaozong and others rarely come here. The first is that he is also busy there, and he is not needed here to worry. Secondly, this is a real place where monks gather, and they don't need him to intervene.

So she knew that her brother wouldn't come here for no reason.

"Dao Ye made something ..." Shang Chaozong told her about the situation.

Shang Shuqing was so puzzled that even Shang Chaozong couldn't figure out what was going on. She was naturally less clear.

When the three heads of Fei Changliu, Xia Hua, and Zheng Jiuxiao came, they wanted to invite Shang Chaozong to sit in the mountain. However, the location of the several sect gates was indeed not easy to walk. can.

Quickly returned to the truth, asked what Bai Yao said, and talked about the situation. Shang Chaozong finally asked: "Three masters, can you tell what is going on?"

The three of them were slightly silent, and they naturally paid attention to the changes in the Danbang. The manpower of the three factions placed in a place similar to the Star Picking City was not furnished, and their internal factors were also clear to them. They are also puzzling about this matter. This matter is still confidential. How can Bingxuege know the news so quickly and make adjustments to Danbang? In particular, why did the adjustment of Danbang clearly point out that Niu Youdao killed Zhuo Chao?

Now the Sanpai is a bit skeptical. Is there a Bingxue Pavilion inside Sanpai? What's wrong with which link?

However, it can only be a suspicion, not daring to investigate, what do you mean by checking the eye line of Bingxuege?

Although there are rules in Bingxuege, they will not easily intervene in some things to show everyone's peace of mind, but it does not mean that they will never intervene. Who thinks that there may be external eyeliners inside, who is comfortable? What helpless!

"Niu Youdao had a pre-judgement before leaving, so he secretly arranged some staffs of the three factions. As a result, when the Infinite Pavilion was actually shot ..."

Xia Hua explained the general situation. Until now, those secret personnel have been accompanied by Niu Youdao, and there is no need to hide them.

However, there was no mention of Xiaoyuege and the two living mouths. In this regard, Niu Youdao had requested confidentiality, because Niu Youdao did not want Xiaoyuege to know that there was a living mouth in his hands.

After listening to the news, everyone was terrified. Even Bai Yao, who was listening to it, had a dignified look. Someone even pretended to be the treasurer of Xianzong's shop to lure the cow. You even sent an expert hand like Zhuo Chao. This is really to kill the cow. !

Xia Hua probably said that some details were concealed. Lan Ruoting asked the key: "Is that Zhuo Chao killed by the team, or is it Dao Ye?"

Xia Hua smiled bitterly: "In the desert of Shahai, a fierce battle, Zhuo Chao's pursuit of Niu Youdao is determined to kill Niu Youdao, regardless of our three factions, and all three factions are dealing with him. When the three factions resolved his men, Zhuo Chao and Niu Youdao had been entangled to the end, Zhuo Chao had been seriously injured by Niu Youdao. Despite the serious injury, Zhuo Chao still could n’t help my three disciples. Close to him, he only struck hard, so that I sent a dozen dozen golden lotus masters to everyone, and the two disciples died under his sword on the spot! At the critical moment, Niu Youdao made a decisive blow, a sword will After the killing, Zhuo Chao fell to his knees and died at the foot of Niu Youdao, and was taken away by Xiang Niu Youdao! "

Zheng Jiuxiao punched Xu Xu head and said: "From beginning to end, almost all the three disciples failed to meet Zhuo Chao directly, let alone kill him. It was Niu Youdao who killed Zhuo Chao seriously, and finally killed him with a sword It ’s also Niu Youdao. Killing Zhuochao has nothing to do with the three factions. It is indeed Niu Youdao. This is probably the case. "

Although it was only a few explanations, it made everyone silent at the scene. Zhuo Chao under the serious injury could also kill and kill three masters in one blow. How terrible his strength can be imagined.

Although the scene was not as tragic as they had imagined, the picture that came to mind in their minds was extremely tragic. The **** chase in the endless desert, Niu Youdao was chased by a master like Zhuo Chao!

Bai Yao broke the silence with a loud voice, "With the strength of Niu Youdao, how could Zhuo Chao be seriously injured, and how could Zhuo Chao be killed? I don't believe it! Did you hide something?"

He really did not believe that Niu Youdao and Zhuo Chao could kill Zhuo Chao alone? Just kidding! Even if he is against Zhuo Chao, he is afraid that he will only escape. How can Niu have the right?

Fei Changliu said: "To tell the truth, we don't believe it, and we doubt what's inside of it. At that time, Zhuo Chao chased Niu Youdao. The two of them hit the depths of the ground from the desert surface, and both of them got to the ground Going down, we don't know exactly what happened in the underground. We only know that Zhuo Chao has been seriously injured when the two men drilled out of the ground again. Among them, the insider said that there is no way to say it, we can't understand it! But Niu You Dao was also injured by Zhuo Chao. "

"Is Dao all right?"

As soon as I heard that Niu Youdao was injured by Zhuo Chao, Shang Chaozong, Lan Ruoting and Shang Shuqing almost exclaimed in unison. In their imagination, was it possible that Zhuo Chao's master was injured?

Fei Changliu shook his head and said: "A slight injury, no big problem, now Niu Youdao has left the Infinite Pavilion, time estimates, I am afraid that it has already penetrated into the territory of Qi State."

Shang Shuqing's tone clanged: "Aren't the people you sent protect Dao Ye? Why not stop Zhuo Chao, and let Dao Ye and Zhuo Chao masters fight like blood?" She just said you didn't do your best responsibility.

I heard about the situation of chasing and killing. I can imagine how dangerous Niu Youdao was at that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Her nose is sour.

Hearing that Niu Youdao was injured, she almost didn't cry. She restrained herself and her eyes were red.

They did not want to be mixed with their brothers and sisters, it was she who brought them into this right and wrong.

I did n’t say anything before, but this time I went out for their brothers and sisters again. Once I came out of the mountain, I encountered such a big risk that I encountered such a terrible master.

It was like this before he arrived in Qi, but how dangerous it would be afterwards!

This is to go out and go desperately for their brother and sister!

Tianyumen said that it was their brother and sister's greatest reliance, but even Tianyumen's strength could not do a good job. Why should it be so powerful that Tianyumen's Niu Youdao ran out to take a desperate adventure. Single force is thin, is this to let the cow have a way to die?

Why did Niu have such a weak strength to carry such heavy burdens for them?

Even Tianyumen is embarrassed to open this mouth!

She felt very guilty, endless self-blame, really uncomfortable!

Both the Shang dynasty sect and Lan Ruoting also bowed their heads without saying a word, and looked down in silence, dignified expression!

Niu Youdao went out this mountain this time. It can't be said that it has nothing to do with the two of them. It was the two of them who were in front of Niu Youdao.

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