Heavenly Genius

Chapter 269: Baiyunjian

Also because of living by water, the city on this vast grassland must also be built on the riverside.

Go to the destination, go straight along the direction of this river, there is nothing wrong with it.

The horse was tired and ran into a herdsman's pen. After stopping, a group of people jumped off the horse and paid money, so the owner warmly entertained.

Watching everyone pick and replace horses, Niu Youdao was a little distracted.

Danbang incident, he also received news on the way, which shocked him, Bingxue Ge actually knew he killed Zhuo Chao, how does Bingxue Ge know?

At that time, there was no way to let go of the scene.

Naturally, he wouldn't talk about it all around, so the leak of the news can only be in two places. Either the three monks who participated in the scene leaked out, or the three students sent the news back to the three. Some inside the three factions leaked the news.

He even suspected that Xiaoyuege also had Bingxuege's eyeliner. He got the news from one side and confirmed it from the other side. Bingxuege's public release of such news to the world was not a play after all.

He immediately sent a message back and asked the three factions to investigate strictly, but the reply from the three factions was that he did not dare to investigate!

For this answer, he can only be the default, who can understand the fear of the three factions and dare not check the people in Bingxuege!

He couldn't help but be glad that when playing the idea of ​​Chiyang Zhu Guo, he didn't use any martial arts in order to be stable, but used a few scattered repairs around him. He didn't believe that Bingxue Pavilion could reach out to every scattered repair in the world. .

What worries him is, will there be any information leaking from Dachan Mountain over Shao Pingbo?

Black Peony took the saddled horse over and asked, "Dao Ye, are you still thinking about Dan Bang?"

Niu Youdao sighed, "This ice and snow pavilion is so powerful, it is simply permeable!"

Black Peony: "It's not difficult to understand that with the influence of Bingxuege, if you want to develop a few eyeliners in which school, people who are willing to work for it are easy to find. In addition, it is not necessarily that Bingxuege's hand reaches the three factions. By the way, this Danbang was supported by several Supreme forces, otherwise it would not be possible, so the news may not be obtained by the forces of Bingxue Pavilion personally, or it may be provided by other forces. In short, under normal circumstances, as long as Obey their rules of the game, as long as they do n’t provoke them, they will look down on the beings from the top, they wo n’t intervene, and it ’s not a dangerous thing. ”

not dangerous? Niu Youdao raised his eyebrows, but it reminded him of this matter. Be careful in handling things in the future.

"If Bingxuege wants to develop your eyeliner, can you agree?" Niu Youdao asked back.

Black Peony sighed: "I really want to find me, how can I refuse? I can't fight, I can't refuse! But I can guarantee that I will tell you secretly!" He smiled.

Niu Youdao yelled, looked up at the sky, a group of flying birds, lamented: "This Danbang is amazing! Not only can people kill each other, but also enough to deter many people, so that people dare not violate the interests of those people!"

He was shocked this time. After this time, he never dared to borrow those people's light easily and think about the issue of Chiyang Zhu Guo.

Like blue grass, boundless, a gold wing descended from the sky and fell into the hands of disciples of Wuliang Mountain.

After the urgent translation of the secret letter, Gongsun Bu sent it over, "Dao, the news from home."

Niu Youdao received it and watched it for a while, then said silently, "Let the family tell you, there is nothing to talk about, let them get away!"

Gongsun Bu asked: "Is it right?"

He was also a little curious, and some rumors said that it is indeed true today that this person should have been the head of the Shang Qing Sect.

Even he can't help but secretly sigh, this Shang Qingzong really has no eyes!

Niu Youdao said: "Send the four words of Qingzong, it will be difficult to collect the water!"

"Good!" Gongsun Bu turned and left.

Black Peony is curious and asks: "Shang Qingzong has come to your door?"

Niu Youdao handed her the secret letter.

Black Peony received it and could give it to her. Naturally, she could see it. After reading it, she couldn't help shaking her head.

The secret letter says that the Qing sect sent Lord to Qingshan County and brought the autograph of Tang Yi, the head of the Shang Qing sect. Tang Yi meant that he was willing to abdicate to the virtue and return the position of the head of the Shang Qing sect to the cattle Youdao.

As for what went wrong, Tang Yi said that she was willing to bear it alone, willing to bear any consequences he gave.

Black Peony secretly sighed, holding the power of the master, willing to give up actively, and willing to take responsibility. With this alone, it is quite difficult to do so!

She looked at Tang Yigao now.

Rolled the letter in his palm, and slowly crushed it into a powder, observing the expression of Niu Youdao's expression, trying to remind, "Tang Yi is a great beauty, Dao Ye willing to give up?

Niu Youdao leaned his head and asked, "Can you live well?"

Black Peony rolled his eyes, raised his hand and spilled the powder crumpled by the secret letter, a look of contempt.

Niu Youdao said with a chuckle, boring on the way, and occasionally finding a fun is understandable, the key is not wanting to talk to her about Tang Yi.

Ran Peony realized that he didn't seem to be as free and easy as he was, and he seemed to be concerned about Shang Qingzong.

Niu Youdao held his hand to look at the sky, there was concern, but it used to be good. After going through the Infinite Pavilion, Shang Qingzong found him to be upset.

He will never go back to Shang Qingzong, and is not interested in Shang Qingzong. Even if the emotional factors of personal preference were excluded, he could not run back to the Shangqing Sect to start from the beginning, and it would be even more unrealistic to bring the Shangqing Sect to the Shang Dynasty Sect. Due to the influence of the past, the Shangqing Sect was really It is not advisable to get involved with the people of Shang Jianbo, otherwise any consequences may occur.

In addition ... Yes, Shang Qingzong was sorry for him and did not teach him anything, but he owed Dong Guo Haoran's affection, and his cultivation as a gift was due to Dong Guo Haoran. This time, he is also called Dong Guo Haoran. The cohesive cultivation saved his life for the essence.

Dong Guo Haoran is already dead, I'm afraid there is no way to pay it back!

Nearly talked about it, making him a little worried ...

In the vast grasslands, a ring-shaped mountain range sits in a pot shape.

Three rivers flowed into the basin, and turned into six rivers. The center of the basin was a huge city. The largest city on the whole grassland, like a pearl on the grassland, was also regarded by people on the whole grassland. It is the city of 'Pearl'.

This is the capital city of Qi State. Located in this basin, the surrounding mountains are a natural barrier, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack!

Is the capital of a country, not to mention the prosperity of the city, the streets are full of people, the houses are lined up, and there are also secluded courtyards.

The prosperous capital has its own place for fireworks, and the ‘Baiyunjian’ is known as Qijing ’s No. 1 place for fun and happiness, and it is a real selling gold cave. Just looking at the red walls and green tiles and carved beams on the outside shows luxury. There is a constant flow of enthusiasm at the door, and the Yingyingyanyan flowers and branches are ushered in. The colored lights inside are bright and bright.

Deep in the joyous field, quiet in the middle of the noise, the courtyard is secluded and seems to be far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Among the pavilions and towers covered by the green, the sound of the piano was dingy and lonely, and it seemed that it was difficult to dispatch it.

Su Zhao, who is in a palace dress, sits on the fiddle alone, her slender fingers move freely, her face beautiful, but without any expression.

Changed her clothes to show her graceful figure.

A woman dressed in gorgeous clothes, slightly plump and smeared with fat, came standing and stood silently outside the pavilion for a while, sighed slowly, and slowly walked into the pavilion, and walked to the piano and said: "If Dongjia is not there Don't play in the mood. "

On the bright side, Su Zhao is the boss of Baiyunjian. According to some insiders in Qijing, the real owner behind Baiyunjian is a prince, and Su Zhao is the prince. Forbidden.

And the Fenghu woman is an old bustard on the countertop of Baiyunjian, named Qin Mian.

As she said, Su Zhaoran's sleeves hung down, put her hands up, and did not bounce, and walked to the railing to watch the fish swimming in the pool.

Qin Mian walked to her and asked, "Is the Dong family still worried about Mr. Bai's reprimand?"

"I didn't get things done, the teacher reprimanded it makes sense, and I listened to it." Su Zhao said indifferently, but the mood was hard to open his mind.

Was not because he was scolded by the master, but was informed by Shao Pingbo ’s analysis that he understood that Linghuqiu was actually a person in Xiaoyuege. The master was obviously informed and apparently concealing himself. Put another way, do you not believe in yourself?

Qin Mian chuckled, "If the Dong family is really unhappy, might as well go out and relax, I know there is something delicious in a place, how can I accompany the Dong family to try it?"

Su Zhao said indifferently: "It's not just like eating, what can be delicious."

Qin Mian smiled and said: "That's not necessarily, a new restaurant called" Tofu Hall "was opened in Seongnam. The food in it is very interesting and wonderful!"

"Tofu Pavilion?" Su Zhao wondered and turned around and asked: "How strange is this name? Is there anything particular about it?"

Qin Miandao said: "According to the people in that restaurant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the food sold is made of soybeans, so it is called tofu."

Su Zhao seems to have unbelief, "I haven't tried the soybeans, what tricks can I make?"

Qin Mian giggled and said: "Dong Family, it's really made a trick, the business is very hot, and now you have to queue up if you want to eat."

"Oh!" Su Zhao was somewhat interested, and nodded: "Alright, just take a look."

So the two came out from the pavilion, Qin Mian beckoned left and right on the way, and immediately appeared four men dressed in the clothes of the next person.

The back door of ‘Baiyunjian’ is a river. Several people walked out of the back door water pavilion and directly boarded a beautiful flower boat with the lanterns of Baiyunjian signs hanging on the boat.

The boatman's pole, the boat left the water pavilion, swaying along the way.

Su Zhao, who was sitting in the elegant cabin, looked at the scenery outside the window through the bead curtain, but he was in a trance, not knowing what to think.

It took a lot of time to walk around the waterway in the city and arrived at Minghu in the south of the city.

The boat was still floating in the lake. Qin Mian pointed to the place where there were several green willows in the distance through the bead curtain.

童颜 巨 _Ru Xianghan dripping big _ feet _ degree double ball are overflowing _ out of the big _ bold video to watch online !! Please pay attention to WeChat public number: meinvmei222 (long press three seconds to copy)! !

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