Heavenly Genius

Chapter 270: No difference between high and low

Pen Fun Museum

> Daojun

> Chapter 270 has no distinction between high and low

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Su Zhao immediately followed her instructions, and saw that the queue was afraid that there would be hundreds of people, there was a departure from the purchase, and there were customers who came to buy to join the queue. The visitors were endless.

Su Zhao was quite surprised. He witnessed Qin Mian's so-called hot business. He still couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The food made by soybeans can be sold so well. How long do we have to wait in line to buy?"

Need to know that this is a relatively biased place on the edge of the lake, and it can also be so hot to do business. It really made her have a strong interest in the so-called 'tofu', but I ca n’t wait to taste what is delicious. Can attract so many people.

Qin Mian smiled and said, "The team looks like a long queue, but it digests quickly. Did the Dong family see the bowl they were holding? They all brought their own utensils, paid for the stuff, and left. It was fast. Of course, there are endless visitors, so there are always a lot of people waiting in line. The business of this store, but it can be closed and closed from the opening of the door and the customer has been constant. It is really a rare hot business! "

Su Zhao said strangely: "Don't you provide guests with a place to sit and eat?"

Qin Mian: "I was also curious to inquire about this. At first, it was set up. Later, the business was really good. If you let the guests slowly sit down to eat and drink, I am afraid that the venue will not fit in our" Baiyun Room ". There are so many people. In the end, there is no way to come up with such a rule. Of course, there is still a place for guests to sit down and taste slowly, but there is a threshold, and you need a silver coin to taste slowly. In the first place, in addition to the wealthy people who do not want to trouble, the average person would rather queue up. "

Su Zhao nodded, understood, and asked, "Is it expensive to sell?"

Qin Mian shook his head: "Is it expensive or expensive? It's expensive and expensive. It's not expensive. It's only ten pieces of copper. If most people want to try it, they can still eat it. If it's expensive, , Even if the portion is a little smaller, a spoonful is made for you. In fact, the amount of a small cup is ten copper coins. I heard that when it first opened, there were only five copper coins in a cup. "

Su Zhao smiled, "It's a black heart store, but when the business is good, the price doubles."

Qin Mian: "The store's explanation is not unreasonable. It is said that the amount is large. The price of soybeans in the city has increased, the cost has increased, and the selling price has increased."

"Oh!" Su Zhao nodded. "It's a matter of course. It seems that there are not many people who grow soybeans. Such a sale naturally raises the price. But if the business is so good, aren't you afraid that someone will get involved?"

Qin Mian: "The backer behind is the Huyan family! If there is no background, there must be something wrong with the business doing so well. If you do n’t say anything about disruption or reaching out, you wo n’t be able to line up so honestly. It's a rule that someone can calm down the scene. "

Su Zhao was surprised: "Will the Huyan family open such a store in such a remote place?"

Qin Mian: "I also felt weird at the time. I checked. The real backer was Hu Yanwei, the youngest son of General Huyan Wuhen. This pavilion and the mansion behind it were taken down by Hu Yanwei. Heard that there was a certain People from a government office came to ask for their belongings, but they were beaten into disability by Hu Yanwei who heard the news! "

Between the talks here, the ship has docked.

Qin Mian asked: "Dongjia, do we spend money to sit in and try it, or let people queue up and buy it."

Su Zhao hesitated for a while and wanted to enter the tofu museum, but eventually sighed: "Let's take the boat."

Qin Mian can understand that with this man's appearance, it is too striking to show up in such a place. He is stared at by a group of men, afraid of eating uncomfortably, which will damage Yaxing and his appetite.

Qin Mian took a white porcelain soup bowl with a lid and went outside the cabin door and ordered a maidservant to line up to buy.

As Qin Mian said, the line seemed to be long, and the digestion was fast. Without waiting for too long, the maidservant brought the soup bowl back.

However, the accident was in the moment, and three young men rushed by the horse by the lake. The word lined up, and the maid holding the soup bowl dodged back and forth, screaming in fright.

Su Zhao and Qin Mian Huo Ran inside the cabin looked back, and the four servants outside the cabin looked into the cabin, staring at Qin Mian's reaction. Once there was a sign, they would naturally immediately stop.

However, Qin Mian did not do anything, and did not want to expose the identity of the monk around him on this occasion.

A horse stalled in an emergency, the horseshoe almost kicked the maid's head.

Slap! With a crunch, the maidservant's hands were so frightened that the soup bowl fell to the ground and smashed the tofu brain, and stumbled back.

The other two horses that rushed about left and right also stopped.

The erect horseshoe fell to the ground, and the young man with a hip flask on his horse held the bridle and full of alcohol, looked at the maidservant, and then looked at the flower boat parked on the side. Suddenly he happily jumped off the horse and reached out to pinch the maidservant's pink chin. "How could such a tender sister haven't seen you in Baiyun before?"

The maid took a step back, turned around and walked away, but was stopped by the arms of the other two young men who jumped off immediately, and surrounded by three people.

Qin Mian pointed to the outside, gestured to the layman outside the cabin, and waved his hand again, not to cause trouble.

The two men immediately landed on the shore and came to rescue the maidservant.

"This sister I took a fancy, I want it today, and I will send it back to you tomorrow, the money will not be less for you." The young man carrying the jug picked up a money bag and threw it directly to the next person.

The person returned the money bag with both hands, and said politely: "This son, this girl has not been tuned yet. I will not pick up the guests for the time being. Please ask the son to report where the mansion is.

"Even those who are smeared with powder and grease, I will see her tender and tender. It doesn't matter if you don't adjust well. I just like it."

The young man didn't accept the money bag, so he took the maid in his arms and took the horse away. The maid was startled and scared, and was already crying.

The two dismissals were stopped by two other young men. The two dismissals had to look back towards the cabin window and ask for the next step.

At this moment, a tall young man by the road came over, stopped his hand in front of the horse, and prevented the young man who held the man from putting the maid on the horse, and said quietly, "Put down!"

The comer is not someone else, it is Yuan Gang.

Yuan Gang suddenly appeared, deterring Yuan Gang's momentum, but bluffed the young man, and subconsciously put down his maidservant.

But when I saw Yuan Gang's clothes, cloth cloth, sleeves, and gray body, it was obviously a hard work. The youth suddenly became angry. "Why don't you have something that does not have long eyes?"

Yuan Gang calmly said: "You are a robber of the people!"

The three young men froze for a moment, and laughed together. The face of the young man holding the hip flask's finger pointed to the maid who was holding it around, "Which kind of folk girl is she? She is the **** of the Baiyunjian", it was sold out, I spent money to have fun Why did it become a strong woman? "

Yuan Gang asked the maidservant, "Would you like to go with him?"

The maidservant shook her head in panic, trying to retract her arm, but was dragged to death by the young man.

Yuan Gang said: "You have also seen that people are unwilling, this kind of thing can not be forced."

The youth was happy, "You told me that you can't force this kind of **** to sell?"

Yuan Gang: "Everyone is born equal, there is no distinction between high and low, and she is not a bitch. If she has a choice, she will not do it. Since she does not want to, she asks the son to raise her noble hand and let her go!"

Su Zhao in the cabin is casually serving tea and tasting. For her, a few small things are not difficult to solve, and they are not in her mind.

However, the words outside the cabin made her heart tremble inexplicably, stunned, and slowly turned her head to look, staring at Yuan Gang with her eyes.

"Haha ..." The young men of the horses couldn't help laughing. Yuan Gang's words were a big joke to their conception, life is three or six, etc. Who dares to say that there are no high and low nobles Points, this is not a joke?

"Anyone who can say this must be an untouchable!" The jug pointed at Yuan Gang in the hands of the young man, laughing loudly and suddenly waving his arms again: "Keep off!" And dragging the maidservant close to the horse, trying to push Yuan Gang away .

Yuan Gang suddenly caught him, grabbed his wrist, and the young man who squeezed his painful teeth grinned, and subconsciously released his maidservant.

Throwing away the young man's arm, Yuan Gang smoothly pulled the maidservant over and escorted to the flower boat beside him.

Seeing Yuan Gang started, how could the two young companions sit back and immediately raised the horsewhip to rush ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ whip madly.

Yuan Gang blocked the maidservant behind her, letting her whipping, but not returning.

The young man who flicked his sore wrist angered, rushed over, and the jug in his hand hit Yuan Gang's head.

The hip flask cracked open, and the wine poured into Yuan Gang's face.

Yuan Gang suddenly smashed his back arm without hitting the other party, but smashed his arm against a thick willow tree standing beside the river.

boom! With a bang, the willow tree broke his waist in response to the sound, and fell into the lake beside him.

Qin Mian in the cabin murmured, "What a brute force!"

The three young men who were about to continue beating were stunned, and the raised hands dared not move.

"Don't force me to do it!" Yuan Gang said coldly.

At this moment, a rumble of hoofs came, and more than ten rides came galloping. All the horses stopped here, and the first young man who appeared to be young but burly and covered with beards cheered Yuan Gang. : "Brother An, what's going on?"

Qin Mian in the cabin reminded Su Zhao: "Huyanwei is here!"

The group of people who stopped at the end of the horse was obviously unusual. The three young people seemed to know each other. The person who actually met the unintelligible guy in front of him was commensurate with his brother. Hastily said: "Huyan son, misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

Look at the movements of the three people just now, and then look at the lash marks of Yuan Gang's ripped clothes, Hu Yanwei's pair of leopards glared, no matter what you misunderstood, no matter what happened, just point your finger , Angrily said: "Call me, fight to death!"

South Korean female anchor private _ secret _ video was exposed, cute but not lost _ full! !! Please pay attention to the WeChat public account to watch online: baixingsiyu66 (long press three seconds to copy)! !!

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