Heavenly Genius

Chapter 271: An Taiping

Fiction: Author Tao Jun: Yue unhappy Updated: 2017-06-2700: 11

Seven or eight people immediately jumped behind him and rushed up.

"Ah!" The guilty young man screamed and was kicked to the ground, and the other two were knocked over on the spot.

A group of people surrounded the three people. That was called a punch and kick, and the beaten three cried and cried out.

Some people standing not far away looking at the lively people shouted secretly, and some could not bear to look directly at them.

Yuan Gang, who was guarding the maid, didn't say anything to stop. If it weren't for something important here, it would be no time for someone else to do it. He had already abandoned these three first.

As for Hu Yanwei, it was a face stretched, watching the beatings below.

Immediately afterwards, he came to Hu Yanwei and whispered: "San Gongzi, just have a meaning. I have seen the misunderstanding, and it is the nephew who monitors the left envoy."

Hu Yanwei frowned, and monitoring the left envoy was one of the left and right deputies of Da Shitu's subordinate Yu Shi. The power is nothing, but he has the responsibility of supervising impeachment. He is really going to be killed. I am afraid that it will be some trouble. Immediately shouted: "Throw the lake to feed the fish!"

Seven or eight people around the beating immediately stopped the beating, and lifted the three people. The water was splashing in the clatter, so they threw the three people directly into the lake.

The three of them thrashed in the water, daring not to go to the beach, swimming away, and the horse on the shore was gone.

Hu Yanwei jumped off the horse, walked to Yuan Gang and asked, "Brother An, what's going on?"

"It's nothing ..." Yuan Gang explained the general situation immediately. His name now publicly published in Qi Guojing is An Taiping!

"..." Hu Yanwei was stunned, and he immediately burst into tears, laughing, pointing to the maid behind him, "As a blue-story woman, as for? People spend money to find happiness, why are you stopping others?" Looking back at the lake desperately walking The three of them sighed: "It seems that this time I am not authentic!"

In his conception, it cannot be said that it is his. In everyone's conception, the woman in the blue house is doing this, waiting for people to be right and proper, and talking about what dignity is not nonsense. This kind of thing hinders others and defeats others, but he feels that he is unreasonable, and that he is sorry for the three, and it is even more unreasonable to beat others.

Yuan Gang is too lazy to talk to him about the theory, knowing that the gap in concepts is too great to communicate with him at this point.

Hu Yanwei was too lazy to talk to him, "Come on, Brother An, you are a muscular person, telling you this is useless."

Yuan Gang turned to the maidservant and said, "Since you don't want to do this, don't do it."

The maidservant was still in a state of lingering fear, and was puzzled by what Yuan Gang said.

Yuan Gang added a sentence, "I will help you redeem yourself, how much will it cost you to redeem?"

The reason for saying this is precisely because the maid did not want to sell meat for money just now, and since he loved himself, he couldn't bear to watch her continue to stay in the fire pit.

Hu Yanwei didn't know about it. Hearing for a moment, he doubted: "Brother Ann, do you like this girl?"

Su Zhao and Qin Mian looked at each other in the cabin.

The maid didn't know how to go back to Yuan Gang, Hu Yanwei said with a high voice: "Brother Ann, what do you tell her to redeem, uh ..." Looked at the lantern marked Baiyunjian on the boat, "You have to find Baiyunjian Qin's mother said it would work. "

He had just spoken, and the ship had walked out of the bow of the boat, and said: "Who is calling me?"

Everyone looked back, and Hu Yanwei yelled, "Say Qin's mother, Qin's mother is here, brother An, find her for redemption." Patted Yuan Gang's shoulder and pointed at Qin Mian, who was shaking his bow.

Let's just walk over and go directly to the boat. After reaching for the sky and reaching out to touch Qin Mian's butt, it can be seen that he is also a regular visitor among the clouds.

Qin Mian giggled and twisted his body, stunned, and evaded quietly. "Three young masters, how come you have the leisurely run to be happy?"

Hu Yanwei didn't take advantage of it and refused to give up. Qin Mian had no choice but to let him squeeze a hand on his **** before pushing him away.

Hu Yanwei raised her eyebrows after touching it for a while, "I said Mommy Qin, your people are in trouble, you don't come forward, but why do you hide and watch the excitement? What are you going to do, those guys still Can you give me a face? "

Qin Mian sighed: "Everyone who spends money is uncle, what do you ask me to do?"

"Easy!" Hu Yanwei pointed to Yuan Gang who was on the boat. "My brother is going to redeem the girl. You can make a price!"

Qin Mian shook his head: "This is the maid of the family, not for sale!"

"You don't give me face! Mother Qin, if you don't give me someone today, I won't leave." Hu Yanwei threw his words away and turned around, swaggering toward the cabin, and a pair of them depended on it today. What it looks like here.

And as soon as he walked into the cabin, his body froze immediately, and Yuan Gang walked in as soon as he saw it. As a result, he saw a woman in white in the cabin holding a book and slowly looked around. She was very devoted, demure, and graceful. Graceful, charming face, porcelain skin, really a beauty.

Qin Mian came in and called out, "Dongjia, there is a visitor."

Su Zhao looked up and saw that a pair of water-cutting eyes set on Yuan Gang. The figure and temperament of the man in front of him made people feel unclear.

Hu Yanwei suddenly smiled and said: "It turned out to be boss Su. Unexpectedly, boss Su was on the ship and broke in without permission, which disturbed boss Su's Yaxing. It was really presumptuous."

"It turned out to be the three young masters of the Huyan family, anyway, anyway." Su Zhao nodded with a smile, his eyes fell on Yuan Gang again, "This face is very born, I do not know which one's major?"

Hu Yanwei quickly introduced: "This is my brother, An Taiping!"

Su Zhao made a meaningful "Oh" sound and asked: "The two sons boarded the ship, but what did you tell me?"

"This ..." Hu Yanwei scratched his head, a little bit uneasy.

Yuan Gang glanced at him somewhat surprisedly.

"They want to redeem Juan'er ..." Qin Mian came over and explained the general situation.

Su Zhao nodded his head and said with a smile: "This is a maidservant who is used for self-adjustment. There is no redemption. I am afraid that I will disappoint the three young masters."

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter if it's inappropriate. Then, boss Su, you're busy, we won't bother, leave!" Hu Yanwei arched his hand, and immediately pulled Yuan Gang's arm away, dragging Yuan Gang away.

Su Zhao: "Mother Qin, help me send two sons."

"Good!" Qin Mian followed.

After getting off the boat, Hu Yanwei couldn't help but ask, "Mother Qin, why is boss Su running here?"

Qin Mian sighed and pouted towards the Tofu Museum. "Isn't this a new thing I heard, would you like to try something fresh? Who knows how to do this?" He broke the ground with his finger.

Hu Yanwei immediately patted his chest and said: "This is easy to say, Qin's mother asked Boss Su to wait a moment, which made people bring it to Boss Su, as long as Boss Su does not dislike it, it will be my treat."

Qin Mian giggled and said, "Why is this so embarrassing, then I will thank you first."

Hu Yanwei also happily dragged Yuan Gang away, and then named his men to get a copy in the Tofu Museum.

After going a little further, Yuan Gang asked: "Brother Hu Yan, you look a little afraid of the woman in the boat."

"I'm not afraid, but I don't want to provoke her. A woman who looks so beautiful and can run the largest blue building in the capital, can it be an ordinary person? This woman can't be touched by any man, it is the forbidden name of the king of the Western Court, dare to mess with her. The person who is often dead is inexplicable. Since she refuses to redeem herself, then forget it, you do n’t have a muscle, it ’s not easy to provoke. "Hu Yanwei whispered a few words.

Yuan Gang still wanted to say something, but thinking about the purpose of this trip, and then thinking that the man in the boat just said that it was just a maidservant, no need to sell her body, she had to keep silent.

"Are you okay?" Hu Yanwei pointed again to the crumbling place where he was whip.

"It's okay."

"Also, you have thick skin."

In the cabin, across the bead curtain, Su Zhao squinted at the back of Yuan Gang's departure.

Qin Mian came back, walked aside, and looked out the window. He said: "This body is really like a man."

This is like saying that other men are not like men.

"An Taiping!" Su Zhao murmured, and then said: "Check this person!"

Qin Mian said: "I haven't seen anyone, but this person by name has already been checked."

Su Zhao turned around and asked, "What is the origin?"

Qin Miandao said: "An Taiping is the owner of this tofu museum. When he checks this tofu museum, he has to check him."

"This man is a sergeant in the frontier. He was originally a sergeant who was holding on to the frontier. When someone smuggled horses out of the border, there was a conflict with his garrison ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A team of horses was almost killed. Only he and several people had escaped their lives by chance. There was something stupid in the matter. Some people colluded to transport the war horses out of the customs, and wanted to kill the mouth. These live mouths picked up their lives and were regarded as deserters. Some people wanted to kill them. As a result, these people were dissatisfied, and they actually made a deserter. They fled to Beijing and stopped Hu Yanwei. He asked Hu Yanwei to find his father, Hu Yan without hate, and there were also reports that he held Hu Yanwei. In short, the Hu Yan family Help, several people were expelled from the military, but they saved their lives, and later opened the tofu museum in Beijing. "

"Oh!" Su Zhao seemed to understand, and nodded slightly. "Courage is not small, it is considered a fate! In this way, the identity should be no problem."

Qin Mian also nodded, "There is no such thing as tossing up and down, and there are no doubts about his identity."

As it was said, someone outside sent a large bowl of tofu brains, but the utensils were not as good-looking as they were before, and the rough black pottery bowl.

The lid was lifted and the bean fragrance was overflowing. Su Zhao looked at the curiosity and asked, "Is this made of soybeans?"

"There shouldn't be any fakes." Qin Mian chuckled and checked it again before giving her a small bowl. "Dong's taste."

Su Zhaona took the soup and gently sipped it into the entrance. The bean fragrance was tangy, and the tender and delicate fragrance slowly tasted in the mouth. After swallowing, he slowly turned his head to the tofu hall outside the window, with a thoughtful look on his face. , Softly spit out a word, "Sweet!"

In the courtyard behind the Tofu Hall, watching Yuan Gang, who unloaded a bag of soy beans from the car, Hu Yanwei sighed and said: "My father let me talk again, saying that you are born to be the material on the battlefield, saying you This is a big deal, let you think about it again, go back to join the army, just under his command, he will guarantee your future! "...

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