Heavenly Genius

Chapter 272: 3 The sale of the young master

Go back to join the army? Yuan Gang didn't say a word, he finally got an identity here, how could he fail.

He led the wind, forest, fire, and mountain into the territory of Qi State. He encountered a change in the frontiers of Qi State, and rescued more than a dozen soldiers who were hunted and killed. After learning about some circumstances, Yuan Gang decided to use it decisively. Five of them selected five people with suitable family backgrounds to impersonate them, helped those soldiers to chase them away, and helped those soldiers escape from Qi.

Although the impostors' five identities are good, they are all unnamed pawns. No one knows except the deceased horse itself. For others or Shangguan, they are just the five names on the roster.

However, in order to be safe, he did not hesitate to show his head when taking the chase away, and let the chase know them several times.

Afterwards, he fled to Qi Jing with a belly full of grievances.

After arriving in Qijing, he did not find someone to arbitrarily arbitrarily. He first touched the situation in the capital and confirmed that General Huyan Wuhen was a more appropriate object to grievance. He decisively held Huyan Wuhen's son, which is Huyan Wei, took it as a hostage to see Hu Yan without hate and grievances.

Unexpectedly, things were unexpected, Huyan Wuhu promised to be good, but when his son was safe, he suddenly ordered to win!

However, hundreds of people swarmed up, but they were washed up by five people.

"Stop it!" After seeing the crossbowman appear, he raised his hand and stopped Huyan Wuhen, who was with the stern master and did not let it go. At that time, he shouted and repelled the siege. Come!"

Only then did Yuan Gang come to realize that the general was testing them, verifying why they could escape to the capital under heavy pursuit.

However, they were placed under house arrest until a few days later, some people came to meet them and it was the soldiers who had chased them down.

Yuan Gang knew that Huyan Wuhen was still verifying their identities, and was secretly surprised by the energy of this general, so that he could find someone who had met them so quickly.

After their house arrest was lifted, Huyan Wuhen wanted to transfer them to his own.

However, the five refused, saying that they were already discouraged and only wanted to be a civilian.

Huyan Wuhen didn't force them, he agreed, and said they let them think about it and want to come back at any time, and this is what he sees.

Seeing him not speaking, Hu Yanwei urged: "Brother An, you are talking!"

Yuan Gang, who reached out and grabbed a burlap bag, stopped carrying and said in a deep voice: "Three young masters, how did our brothers' lives get picked up? You also know that I really don't want to get involved in those fly camp dogs, the ones above The adult ’s affairs are too complicated, we ca n’t figure it out, we ca n’t do it, we ca n’t get away easily, we just want to be safe and alive. The general ’s kindness, we know it, we really do n’t want to go back! ”

These soybeans were purchased by him just now. Who wants to run into the outside when he comes back.

Hu Yanwei sighed and could understand his mood, but he still persuaded: "Something disgusting will inevitably occur in areas where interests are involved. Seeing what kind of mentality you face, it is not a way to escape. My father admires you so much, and no one can ask for such an opportunity. Are you really willing to be a merchant for life? "

Yuan Gang: "There is nothing wrong with being a merchant, it is good now!"

Hu Yanwei was speechless. Speaking of this, he found that his father was a bit miscalculated.

At first, my father's plan was to make these people face some real-world reality and let them touch the wall, and they would naturally understand how to choose, so they did not force it. I do n’t think it ’s better to be a snack trader. Who knows, a little snack trader is actually being prosperous by these few businesses. It ’s quite profitable. It ’s speechless to my father. The promised things are not good. Can he be persuaded to come over for three days.

But from another point of view, these behaviors also dispelled some of the father ’s doubts. Do n’t worry about the people who have a good intention. They do n’t want to be an official at all, they just want to be civilians, and naturally do n’t have to worry about being What do you want to break into the army?

Look at this, a hemp bag weighing hundreds of pounds, it is really carried around, the person who is struggling to see has a toothache, and he can still remember that when he was taken hostage, his mount was killed by this punch. Situation, so fierce!

Afterwards, his father took a fancy at a glance and could be said to be a general, scolding the border army's fly camp dog Gou to bury talents!

However, this man's style of work is that he would rather bend the kind of person, easily offend his boss, and feel that it is reasonable to be buried by his father.

But my father loved it and wanted to solicit it, but it turned out to be self-defeating.

"Ah!" Hu Yanwei sighed, but still refused to agree, and could only change the subject and asked: "How many copies were sold today?"

Yuan Gang, who had finished moving, shouted, "Tall shopkeeper."

Soon, a little old man came from the front of the restaurant and came to salute repeatedly: "Three young masters, owner!"

Yuan Gang looked at the sky near the evening and asked, "How much did you sell today?"

Gao shopkeeper smiled and said: "It has been able to reach the amount before yesterday's closing. It has not been calculated, but it has sold 12 barrels."

Yuan Gang lifted his chin to Hu Yanwei, that means, you all heard.

Hu Yanwei was at a loss and asked, "How many servings are in a bucket?" How could he usually worry about this?

Gao shopkeeper smiled and said: "Return to the three young masters, the amount of one is not large, in fact, a small cup, there are probably thousands of copies in a barrel, and there must be tens of thousands of copies in a barrel."

Hu Yanwei's mouth was suddenly closed, and he counted in his mind. One piece of ten copper coins, ten thousand pieces is 100,000 pieces of copper coins, that is, ten gold coins, excluding the capital, two gold coins came to an end, this net profit I'm afraid there must be eight gold coins.

You can earn eight gold coins a day, and this profit is definitely not too small, no matter which store is put, and looking at this growth momentum, it is easy to break the net profit of ten gold coins!

This was something he didn't expect at first. At the beginning, Yuan Gang said that when the frontier got some soybeans to feed the horse, he accidentally made this snack and wanted to use it as a business.

Yuan Gang said that relying on his support, he found another venue and counted half of his shares. He would make half of the money he earned in the future, and he said he did n’t need to use it. To put it bluntly, I don't think it's worth looking at. I don't think it can make any money. It is estimated that even if it can be made, it is not enough for him to usually spend his money on the teeth.

However, Yuan Gang insisted on giving it to him, but he was kind and difficult, but perfunctory.

Who would have thought that there was no such thing as a snack that could be sold to such a hot spot that the money made far exceeded his expectations!

He is currently only holding a casual position in the army, can get some salaries, and his family will spend a sum of money from his account to subsidize him.

No way, born in this family, some interpersonal contacts are inevitable, and the contacts are not ordinary people, and it is not like shabby, just because his salary is not enough, after calculating his salary, the family will make up for him 1,000 a year Gold coins overhead.

No more is possible, there are many people in the family, and there are more than one person to support.

What's more, Huyan Wuhen is not the kind of person who likes to reach out for money. He is more upright, and the Huyan family doesn't have that squandering foundation.

However, a thousand gold coins are not short every year. For ordinary people, that is ten million copper coins. Many people cannot make so much money in their lives. As long as there is no chaos, two or three gold coins a day are enough to invite friends to eat and drink in this capital. Even if you go to the ‘Baiyunjian’ to be happy, spending a few gold coins at a time is enough.

It is also impossible to play on the occasion every day among the white clouds. I still have business affairs. I usually eat and drink at home without spending money, so a thousand gold coins a year is enough for the children of the wealthy.

As a result, accidentally came up with the Tofu Hall accident, the opening was only half a month, and the business was better every day.

The Tofu Pavilion made a reputation. The brothers and sisters in the family couldn't help but ask about the profit of the Tofu Pavilion when they got together a few days ago. As a result, they couldn't envy them one by one. 'S entry!

And Yuan Gang asked Hu Yanwei to send the front desk manager to manage the accounts for clarity in the accounts. Hu Yanwei began to look down upon him. Afterwards he knew that there was a lot of input, and Yuan Gang repeatedly demanded that he would not be polite. This high manager was his man.

I was thinking about splitting the money at the end of the month, but he did n’t know how long it was before he was found by his father, asking him whether he would take it alone or go to the public account at home?

Huyan Wuhen means that he keeps 10% of the money he made in the Tofu Museum, and the rest will go to the public account of the Huyan family, and then the subsidies given to him by the family will continue as usual.

Father said this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What can he do? Can only be promised!

So he ran today and seldom took the initiative to care about how much he had sold. Although he could only get 10% of the profits from the Tofu Pavilion, the rest had to be turned over. But the better the sale, the higher the share.

From his personal point of view, Yuan Gang did this business so well. He did n’t want Yuan Gang to join the army again. However, his father ’s account was another algorithm that stood at another level. Can only help his father to persuade.

After a little calculation, Hu Yanwei murmured, "In this way, eight barrels a day is enough."

Yuan Gang and Gao Gao looked at each other, wondering what he was whispering.

"What do the three young masters' eight barrels mean?" Yuan Gang asked.

Hu Yanwei said: "Remember the pot I brought in yesterday? I yesterday specially found a clerk in the palace to dredge it and let him go to the palace to taste it. The response was good, all said well. eat."

Snapped! With a slap, he couldn't help saying: "It's done, let us send a batch in the morning, noon, evening, and evening for the nobles in the palace to enjoy at any time, and give us a thousand gold coins every month!"

Yuan Gang and Gao shopkeeper were stunned. At present, they can sell ten gold coins a day. According to the current calculation, they can sell three or four hundred gold coins a month. One thousand gold coins this month?

Yuan Gang asked: "So much, have you finished eating in the palace?"

Hu Yanwei shook his beard, and the thief smiled, "So I said that eight barrels are enough. In the morning, noon, evening, and evening, send two barrels into the palace."

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