Heavenly Genius

Chapter 273: Rich playboy

Yuan Gang: "There are also a lot of eight barrels. How many nobles in the palace can you finish? It's a pity to waste!"

Hu Yanwei waved his hand and said, "You can't waste it. After this item is sent to the palace, as long as the amount is enough to meet the needs of those nobles, other people will naturally divide up. Who can stop those who are in charge? The palace secretly opened its mouth. I have a lot of mouths, and I open my eyes and close my eyes when I eat something. I do n’t say anything. It ’s not good to keep this thing for a long time. It ’s better than throwing it away. ”

"But one thing I have to explain first is that a thousand gold coins can only be an account on the bright side. For the person in charge of this matter in the palace, I have to return two hundred gold coins to others. This is what I have suggested to others, otherwise If it does n’t go so smoothly, it ’s a good way to save money and avoid disasters.

The high shopkeeper suspiciously said: "Is eight barrels a day, one thousand gold coins a month, is the price that is too much different from our current selling price?"

Hu Yanwei despised: "In a year, there are no more than 10,000 gold coins. Can the palace be so short of money?"

Yuan Gang: "The price difference between inside and outside is so big that you are not afraid of finding trouble in the palace?"

Hu Yanwei glared: "Can the food in the palace be the same as that eaten outside? It must be the best for the palace. Can the cheap things sold outside be eaten by the nobles in the palace?"

Yuan Gang: "I can only do this. I can only sell this kind of products. I can't make more expensive tofu."

His energy is not used to develop soy products, he will only sell this tofu brain, and others have no intention at all.

"..." Hu Yanwei was speechless, and found that this man was a rib.

"Haha!" Gao shopkeeper could not help laughing, he seemed to understand the meaning of Hu Yanwei.

Hu Yanwei stretched his hand to hook Yuan Gang, put it on his shoulders, put on a beard, and shook his head: "I said brother, the emperor is not stupid, such a publicly sold thing, the price of the cat is not greasy but can't conceal your majesty's eyeliner, sooner or later You need to know. But the person who makes this money depends on who it is. My father ’s official worships the general and never reaches out his hand. Compared with those who often earn hundreds of millions of dollars, no one will say anything about making this small amount of money. , Your Majesty will not say anything. "

"I won't say anything else. You came from the frontier. Some people joined forces to sell horses from the top and bottom, and wanted to kill people and kill their mouths. How brave they should be? That's the profit that is not afraid of death. Our reasonable and legal business , Earn a little money that others ca n’t see, and no one will bother me. Besides, why bother me? The price of selling outside is low, and the price of selling in the palace is normal. It must be supplied to the palace. Better than outside, who dare to say that this is not the case? "

"I do n’t want you to make more noble tofu. For you, if it ’s the freshest, it ’s freshly baked, and it ’s clean and meticulous when you work. We ’ve spent more time on it. More energy, more use of labor, this is naturally the best, the price is high and the price is reasonable, who can say what? If you ask for the same price as the outside price, it is unreasonable. If you want to spend money, do n’t you have to post it? Why am I still asking for money to send to the palace? Do you understand what I mean? "

Yuan Gang is not stupid, can't you understand that? Going around, speaking, there is no difference between what is sold in the palace and what is sold outside, but there is only one more argument, the one sent to the palace is the best!

However, the look in Hu Yanwei's eyes was still weird. I found that this person seemed to be very active in selling tofu. Usually, I was almost indifferent. If I didn't intervene, I would take it. No one can have a road.

Hu Yanwei naturally wants to be positive. His family has confiscated his profits. When he sees selling such a hot thing, he can only get 10%. Naturally, he has to find a way to increase the amount of the sale. The largest large household in the world.

For ordinary people, the palace is very mysterious. For him, many people in the palace know him well. Why don't you make reasonable money if you are comfortable?

Yuan Gang asked, "Do you know this if you do this?"

The reason why he came to the Huyan family to ‘call grievances’ was because he heard that the character of this person was good, otherwise he would not dare to find the Huyan family.

Hu Yanwei replied: "What do you know? Everyone says something delicious, who can say that people in the palace are not allowed to eat? I found me in the palace and asked me to pay tribute, can I not follow?"

Got it, Yuan Gang understood that this must be the word used by this man to deal with his own son, Hu Yanwu hate is estimated to have no temper!

He understood a little bit why Hu Yan Wu Hen only let this son hang up for work without giving real power. Yomo probably knew some of his son's qualities and gave him more power to do more things.

The high shopkeeper smiled and inserted a sentence, "In fact, this tofu, the most expensive cost is sugar, and even the sugar sent to the palace can be saved. There is no shortage of sugar in the palace, the taste is light, sweet and salty, think You can add as many tastes as you want, and we can save a sum of money on our investment! "

These days, sugar is really not cheap.

Hu Yanwei's eyes lit up and gave him a thumbs up, "Lao Gao, I read you right, it's a surname Gao!"

Yuan Gang raised his eyebrows slightly, and found that it was really a collection of things. No wonder they could be together.

The high shopkeeper smiled and looked like he had won the prize. He immediately said: "Three young masters, a lot of people from large households have come over and asked us if we can deliver the goods. The meaning is also sent to the palace as you just said. The model is similar, but it is not as diligent as the one sent to the palace, I hope we can send a certain amount of home every day. "

Hu Yanwei said: "Some of my friends have also approached me, and they are also talking about this. It is good to say that this thing is a bit of breakfast every morning. Let them send a certain amount of home to their home every day. I want to tell you this and let you arrange it. "

The shopkeeper said again: "Three young masters, I have another idea."

"Say!" Hu Yanwei waved his sleeves, very refreshing, the key mood is good, and he made money.

Gao shopkeeper said: "I have observed that the capital is so big, and our location is so biased. In fact, most people are reluctant to take such a long road to buy because of trouble! We can already ship in barrels, I suggest setting up locations in each section of the capital, and every day people will send one or two barrels to each point to sell in the past. The capital is so large, so many people, so many restaurants, the amount of the sale can be imagined. "

Hu Yanwei glared with both eyes and said with a look: "If the entire capital can eat our tofu, earning one hundred thousand a year is no problem!" Meng turned around and said, "What a good thing, reasonable It ’s a **** to legally buy and sell if you have money or not to make money. What else do you have to do? Hurry up and do it! Do you know how much you will lose in a day? "

Seemed a bit impatient himself.

Yuan Gang wondered, how do you feel that this person's virtue is a bit like a square?

The shopkeeper said: "Three young masters, our current manpower can barely cope with the situation at hand, and sending them to the palace has to recruit people, not to mention the sale of the capital, which requires more manpower."

"You can recruit people!" Hu Yanwei said, "Do I still need to teach you this?" "We are going to make a lot of money, do we still care about spending these artificial money?"

Yuan Gang said, "I will arrange this."

Unknown, this is exactly the purpose of his selling tofu. His manpower is expected to come one after another. It needs a reasonable identity arrangement, and needs to be arranged in every corner of the capital in a suitable way to grasp some signs of disturbance. In short, it doesn't matter if Master Ye needs it or not. He has to prepare for Master Ye in case of need, and one more preparation is always prepared and not wrong.

He also wanted to find a suitable opportunity to raise it. Who knows that the high treasurer first proposed it, which is better for him!

Actually, he didn't expect this tofu to sell so hot at first.

Hu Yanwei asked again: "Is the venue enough? If the place is too low, the price is cheap. If the venue is not enough, I will let people nearby move around and buy all the houses around. I can find someone to pay for the cost first. Pay back the money. "

The high shopkeeper nodded: "I think so, Dongjia, what do you think?"

Yuan Gang silently nodded his head and waited for his people to arrive, where he needed to settle.

"Okay, let me take care of this matter. Tomorrow I will let people talk to the people around me and try to get them all within three days. You don't need to worry about it." Hu Yanwei waved his hand and swept the matter down. Ask again: "Are there any other difficulties?"

Yuan Gang reminded: "Three young masters, there are not many people who grow soybeans this year. If we make such a big thing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The soybeans in Beijing must be not enough."

Hu Yanwei patted his chest, "I will do this. I will ask people to contact soybeans in other places. If it is not enough, I will deal with this year first. Next year, I will ask the housekeeper to arrange people to grow soybeans. I do n’t believe in money, but I do n’t have any people to grow. Is n’t this a matter? Are there any other difficulties? I have something to say and deal with together. I do n’t have time to run here every day! ”

The shopkeeper reminded again: "The three young masters and the owner, there is something to be guarded against. Our tofu price is not high. We can only make a lot of money when we measure it up. This tofu recipe must be kept secret! Don't be given by anyone Stealed to grab business with us. "

"Dare! Try not to be afraid of death!" Hu Yanwei's leopard glared, his face murderously said: "My tofu is sold into the palace, who does not know that this tofu is my own business, which king of eggs dare to grab my business to try Let ’s try it out, I ’m going to smash a family, and it ’s unreasonable to be a thief to steal things? My Huyan family has always been self-denying, never reaching out, doing a reasonable and legal business, who dares to break my financial path and try! By the way, the entire Qi Kingdom can only be bought and sold by my Hu Yan family. I dare to come up with a second one if I do n’t know what to do. When the iron ride of my Hu Yan family is not a vegetarian? "

Yuan Gang glanced at him, a typical dude, a little evil in Beijing!

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