Heavenly Genius

Chapter 277: Island

The rolling river traverses the gorge, and boats on the river come and go.

On a cargo ship, a shirtless merchant stood on the bow of the ship facing the wind and the waves, looked forward, turned back to the cargo hold, patted the cargo under the tarpaulin, checked the cargo again, and confirmed that there would be no Lost, I'm in a good mood.

The fellows of the guards smiled and said, "This ship has arrived in the capital, will the owner make a lot of money?"

Qingshan merchant Jia smiled and said: "Relax, everyone's benefits are indispensable, waiting for the goods to sell, let everyone enjoy eating, drinking and playing."

"Just wait for the owner's words." Everyone laughed.

Someone asked with a smile: "Dong, will you take us to see between Baiyun?"

"Go! You can't get the money when I picked it up?" Tsing Yi merchant waved and yelled.

"Haha ..." There was another laugh.

The shirtless merchant also walked back to the cabin with a smile on his face, and got down to the bottom of the ship. He shouted to the eight men who were struggling in the dark and said: "Everyone put more effort on this gorge , Beijing is here. "

Five of the eight young people looked at each other, their faces bright.

As he said, the ship was out of the gorge, and the vast Qi Guojing City in front was in sight.

The water flow also gradually smoothed, and the ship gradually docked at a waterfront pier outside the city.

There are many boats moored on the pier. A boat board is set up here and a group of people disembark one after another.

There were businessmen's friends waiting on the dock, and businessmen in green shirts went ashore to meet with their friends and talked and laughed.

The five young people who shook them also got out of the boat and approached the merchants of the blue shirts, and they all said in one hand: "Dongjia, should our wages be given to us?"

The shirt merchant was a little impatient, and turned back and shouted to a buddy: "Keep them the wages."

The man immediately beckoned: "Come here."

"Xie Dongjia." After the five young men handed over Xie, they went to the man's side.

But it didn't take long for them all to return. Everyone showed a silver coin in their hands. A young man said, "Don't you say that you have 500 yuan per person? Why is there only 100 yuan."

Qingshan merchants said: "Don't you eat or drink along the way count for money?"

The young man exclaimed: "Isn't it good to eat and eat?"

"I said a few of you guys, are you looking for something?" Jia Qingjia's hand sneered. The seven or eight guys on the ship immediately surrounded them. Someone put a knife in their hands and made it clear that they were threatening.

The five young men seemed to dare to speak without anger, and finally were forced to threaten. With a look of anger, they walked away with their heads down, causing a mockery.

After staying away from this group of people, the five young men smiled at each other, and looked at the tall city wall in the distant capital, excitedly saying, "Finally arrived!"

A young man in the middle said: "Everyone went to the forest in front of them to break up and go apart to see a few gates outside the city. They all opened their eyes and looked for the sign they left behind."

As he said, a group of people went to the woods in front of the gang, and the young man who gave the order stayed under the forest until everyone came back to meet.

After waiting for a long time, there was a rumble of horseshoes from the official road in the distance. Looking back, I saw Wuqi riding quickly.

When Wuqi missed here, the young man's eyes lit up and stood up shouting loudly: "Da Yong! Da Yong ..."

The five youths on the rushing Wuqi looked back and immediately stopped their mounts. They turned around and ran back. They rushed to the forest and jumped off. The two sides cheered and hugged together, all excited.

Not far away, a team came, and the young people immediately booed again and again, beckoning everyone to exercise restraint so that no one could see that it was wrong.

The young man known as Dayong patted his shoulder and asked, "Zhao Mancang, who came earlier than us, did the boss let you pick us up?"

Zhao Mancang said with a smile: "Our group has just arrived, and others have gone to find signs."

Dayong turned around, "Since someone has found it, let's wait here."

Zhao Mancang looked at their mounts and strangely said: "You came on horseback? Where is the horse?"

Instead, Dayong said strangely: "You can see horses everywhere on this grassland. Where did you come from? Can't you walk without riding a horse?"

Zhao Mancang: "Why are you riding now?"

One person mumbled: "Don't mention it. We were arrested by a bunch of officers and soldiers in the territory of Zhao State. We were arrested and went to work as soldiers. Later, we had to find a way to escape, delaying a lot of time, otherwise we would have arrived early." "Full warehouse, how about you, why are you here?"

Zhao Mancang whispered.

As a result, a group of people rushed to persecute him, and he had to recruit honestly, "Looking for the caravan along the way, helping to work, and riding along."

Some people contemptuously said: "It also helps people to work, and there is no place to use so much strength, this method is stupid enough."

Zhao Mancang immediately defended and said: "This is not for safety. We are not familiar with life, but the caravans often travel. People are familiar with the road. There are ways to clear the road. We also met the soldiers who grabbed the soldiers. The team's help will help you, or you might be caught. "

A group of people chattered by the forest for a while, and some of them came back after finding the way. When they saw the crowd, they cheered again. Then they told them that the road sign was outside the Dongcheng Gate.

Dayong immediately let the three ride the horses to the other three gates, and retrieve the others, lest they still find them everywhere.

When the two met, they came together outside the Dongcheng Gate and saw a simple bird pattern painted on a rock. It was the agreed sign, and the direction of the birds was the Dongcheng Gate.

In order to be unremarkable, a group of people entered the city separately, following the signs and guidance, and found a deserted house in a remote part of the city.

Pushing the door in, Yuan Feng found a chair, drinking tea slowly, and a fan shook his hand.

"Wind team!" A group of people rejoiced.

"What shouting, I'm afraid others don't know if it is?" Yuan Feng pointed at the door with a fan in his hand, "Close the door!"

Someone immediately closed the door here, Dayong leaned in front of Yuan Feng, and said with a hippie smile: "Wind team, we are the first to come, can't you lean forward?"

Snapped! Yuan Feng Yipu fan patted his head, "At least a dozen pairs of eyes have seen you coming along the way, there are more than a hundred people waiting for you. Do you say you can't lean forward, and ask?"

A group of people suddenly limped.

"Remember, when you get here, there is no wind team, think about it yourself!" Yuan Fengpu fan pointed again, "Stay inside, ask them for pen, ink, inkstone, and write your own situation clearly ... … "

Yuan Huo and Niu Shan are making tofu in the tofu pavilion, in the steaming inner house kitchen.

Yuan Gang looked aside.

Niu Lin, who was responsible for grinding tofu and alert outside, knocked on the door and said, "Boss, the high treasurer will find you."

Yuan Gang turned around and went straight to the front door. When he saw the tall shopkeeper hovering at the door, he asked, "What's the matter?"

There were ten gold coins in the hands of the high shopkeeper. "Mother Qin in the white clouds just came to eat tofu and paid for it and gave it to them."

Yuan Gang: "What do you mean?"

Gao shopkeeper: "She said that in the future, the girls in Baiyun will also come here for tasting, but the large crowd, the girls are not convenient to come, let us give them to another elegant room. She gave ten gold coins , Saying they paid for the wages. "

Yuan Gang refused, "No!" Turned around and left.

Gao shopkeeper took his arm and smiled bitterly: "I also feel wrong, but when the three young masters went to play in the white clouds, Qin's mother specially greeted the three young masters. The three young masters agreed to her in one fell swoop, saying we The surrounding area needs to be reorganized, so that they can get out of the room and say that it is not too much trouble. Did n’t you know the three young masters? It ’s the person who wants to face, agreed in front of a group of women and a group of friends You can't do anything, where do you let him put his face? "

Yuan Gang silently said, "You can do it yourself, but one thing you hear clearly, don't interfere with us."

Seeing him let go, Gao shopkeeper immediately smiled and nodded, "Understand, our formula can't be easily stolen, the owner is assured, I will arrange it!"

Yuan Gang turned his head and left.

"Uh ..." Gao shopkeeper was speechless, but also wanted to ask him about recruiting people, but this owner's temper, like a business man, he had to shake his head away, pondering back and then asked again.

The vast sea is boundless.

A man wearing a hat is flying across the sea, and sometimes standing on the water to observe the surroundings, until a reef floating above the sea appears in front of him. He flashed past and the flying body fell on it.

The reef area is only about five or six tables in size, and it is estimated that it will be swallowed by seawater during high tide.

This situation is very dangerous for ships sailing on the sea. When the reef sinks underwater ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the water surface can not be seen. Once the ship hits, it is easy to destroy the ship.

The man wearing a hat is standing on the reef and looking around, taking off his hip flask from time to time and pouring two.

In the distance, a sea boat appeared vaguely. The man froze for a while and waited for a while. After confirming that it was brought by this, he quickly hid himself behind the reef and waited.

When there is no reef, when he sees a boat, he will immediately dive into the water to hide.

After waiting for a while, a large sea boat passed by a hundred feet away from the side of the reef and drove straight ahead.

The man hiding behind the reef took the ship away, quickly took off the hat on his head, put down the hip flask, and quietly retreated from the back into the sea under the cover of the reef, submerged in the water, cast the spell in the water Move quickly.

When he regained his head, he had reached the stern of the big ship, climbed the stern, did not get on the boat, remained vigilant, and hung from the stern all the way to the boat, occasionally reaching out from both sides of the stern, quietly surveying the front of the ship.

In the evening, the sea is sparkling, and from time to time, you can see the reef standing on the sea, and there is an island in front.

"What the **** is this place?"

"People give money, let's make money, whatever the **** he is."

"I mean there are too many reefs in this place, and accidentally crashed our ship."

"Isn't it okay? The route that people gave on that pier was still useful."

Someone was talking on the boat, the tail-hanging man let go of his hand, sank in the water, sneaked behind the reef on one side, and then headed back, quietly observing the situation on the island. I saw many masts standing around the island and stopped a lot of big ships. Not sure how many.

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