Heavenly Genius

Chapter 278: Su Zhao's test

What made him detached from the ship was that he noticed that there were monks flying back and forth to inspect the island.

At this point, it seems that there are many people on the island carrying wood to a boat.

After observing the surroundings and looking at the dim sky, he decided to approach the detective and quietly submerged again into the water.

The reason for being close to the detective is because it is a sea of ​​waves. If it is on a land lake, he dare not get close. The ripples triggered on the water are easy to be found, and it can be quickly covered by waves.

As we approached the island, a murmur of "grunt or rumbling" came from the bottom of the water. He followed the sound to get around and came to the bottom of a ship. He quietly showed his head at the stern again, and his ears did not need to be attached to the ship. , You can also hear the sound of "Ding Ling Dang" from the cabin, and the sound of saws sawing wood.

Not just a ship, but many of the left and right ships have the sound of woodworking.

He wanted to go on board and observe, but for safety's sake, he finally gave up the idea.

After groping for a while in the water, he escaped further away from the island, and from time to time appeared out, turned around the island and counted the number of boats.

After a few minutes in his heart, he sank into the sea and quickly escaped from this place.

I dived a long way before changing my breath, until I was completely away from here. I confirmed that people on the island would no longer see myself. The outcrop observed the surroundings repeatedly, and then jumped out of the sea and walked all the way. Flying back ...

Dakan City is the last city nearest to Qi Guojing City on Niu Youdao's route.

As always, Niu Youdao wandered around the city. Halfway through, a disciple of Wuliangshan appeared, nodding at the black peony while he was not paying attention.

Black peony is not like Niu Youdao. Niu Youdao is really walking around. Black Peony playing with Niu Youdao is not really playing. It is the responsibility of observing all around. This is something Yuan Gang reminded and taught earlier, and even trained people around Niu Youdao to a certain extent.

Do not say what monk is not a monk, some things are not as good as professionals.

Yuan Gang directly pointed out to these people during training that Dao Ye is the helmsman and the head of everyone. Dao Ye's safety is the first priority. Dao Ye can't have an accident. Once Dao Ye has something wrong, no one should think about it. It is the responsibility of the people around Dao to maintain Dao ’s safety, promptly pick up the vacancies and remind Dao that he has not noticed.

After all, Dao Ye is just a person, with only a pair of eyes and a pair of ears, it is impossible to take care of all the surrounding conditions anytime, anywhere, especially when going out.

Black Peony nodded slightly, and the disciples of Wuliang Mountain quickly left.

While Niu Youdao stopped by the road and squatted down to see a woodblock engraved by an artisan, Black Peony leaned over and talked to Niu Youdao, suddenly whispering in Niu Youdao's ear, "Gongsun Please come back. "

Niu Youdao nodded slightly, saying that he knew, but squatted to the point of not getting up, slowly admiring the woodblock prints before he slowly got up.

Ling Huqiu also admired the hanging wooden paintings with his hands. He did n’t have this elegant taste, but he encountered Niu Youdao ’s slow-moving turtle. He also lost his temper, and gradually became able to bear his temper. Appreciate chant, it's okay anyway, idle is idle.

"Brother, I have returned to the inn in advance, you continue to appreciate here?" Niu Youdao asked around Linghuqiu.

Linghu Qiu looked back in amazement, thinking, if you go back, do I still have to appreciate this broken thing?

"Let's go back together." Ling Huqiu waved a gesture.

Upon returning to the inn, I saw Niu Youdao guarding people around the room to prevent others from approaching. Ling Huqiu exchanged glances with Hongxiu and Hongfu. He knew what was happening.

Although I can't figure out what Niu Youdao wants to do here, I know that Niu Youdao is not so slow.

Niu Youdao entered the room, the black peony quickly closed, and the Gongsunbu waiting in the room stood up, with a slightly excited look and said, "Dear Master, the place where the sea boat was transformed was found."

Niu Youdao was surprised, "So fast?"

Five days have passed since the decision was made before. Need to know that it takes time to send gold wings back and forth. Manpower deployment and confirmation of conformity to the requirements of the sea area all require time. Is there a result so soon?

Gongsun Bu nodded and said: "Yes, the manpower of other countries is still on the road, and the manpower that received the task over the Qiguo sea area will be executed first. As a result, someone found the task on the first day. This is because we determined the direction of investigation Otherwise, there is no way for ships coming and going from the sea to be surely related to the goal we are looking for. "

"Good!" Niu Youdao also rejuvenated, "Where is it?"

Gongsun Bu raised his hand on Black Peony, and Black Peony quickly took out the map, opened it and hung it on the wall.

Gongsunbu stared at the map for a closer look, pointing his finger at a sea area in the southwest of Qi. “It ’s probably here, an island. There are many reefs in this sea area. Ships who do n’t know the route dare not pass here. The safe route of the film, the general ships will not come around here, the environment here is in line with our previous prediction. "

Niu Youdao: "Are you sure?"

Gongsun Bu: "Confirmed that the specific number of ships moored around this island is not convenient to be counted. There are monks on the island, but the number of ships estimated by the investigators is about 200 or so. All of them are of the type we judge. Although the investigators did not dare to go ashore, they dived under the ship to investigate, and it was determined that the ship was being transformed. "

Niu Youdao also asked: "How long does it take for the ship to go to the coastline of Qi State?"

Gongsun Bu: "According to the judgment of Peony Girl, probably within a day."

"About two hundred ships? It seems that there are more than ten thousand war horses!" Niu Youdao sneered, staring at Gongsun Bu solemnly telling, "Let your people watch closely, and once they find signs of transfer, return immediately! Remember , You do n’t need to do anything extra, nor do you need to take risks, just stare.

"Good!" Gongsun Bu immediately ordered to execute.

After sending away Gongsun cloth, Black Peony came back and saw Niu Youdao thinking about wandering in the house, so he was quiet beside him and did not bother.

Niu Youdao suddenly stepped back and said to her: "It is no longer necessary to stay here anymore, and set off immediately to go to Qi Guojing City. You can tell Linghuqiu to see what he means."

What else can Linghuqiu mean? This was originally called to help him, so he immediately set off immediately ...

Hu Yanwei's work efficiency is extremely high. He said that the houses around the Tofu Hall were placed under the floor. He said that it would never be dragged to the fourth day within three days.

Next to the Tofu Pavilion, upstairs across an alley, in an elegant room, Qin Mian stood in front of the window next to the alley and observed what was going out.

In front of the table in the house, Su Zhao dressed in plain clothes slowly tasted a bowl of fresh tofu brain.

"Come." Qin Mian suddenly turned around and gently called.

Su Zhao lowered the soup, slowly got up, moved to the window, and looked at the alley outside the half-open window. Yuan Gang walked out of the alley.

Qin Mian went to the window outside Minghu and waved her handkerchief.

Around the corner of the alley, a dirty girl appeared holding a bowl of tofu. I wondered whether it was the reason for the sudden encounter with Yuan Gang. With a loose hand, the pottery bowl smashed to the ground with a click.

Looking at the tofu brain spilled all over the place, the little girl deflated her mouth and looked aggrieved, her tears slipped down one by one, and she slowly crouched down, trying to pick it up.

Yuan Gang stopped in front of her, and the big man bent down for the little girl, and slowly squatted down in front of her, saying, "Broken, don't want it."

The little girl grieved and wept: "I bought it for grandma."

Yuan Gang reached out and lifted her up to help her wipe the tears, and a rare warmth appeared on her unsmiling face. "It's okay, buy another one."

The little girl shook her head and sobbed, "There is no money."

Yuan Gang found a handful of money for her. The little girl shook her head and took a step back. Obviously, she didn't dare to ask for strangers' money.

"I know your grandma ..." Yuan Gang said something in his mouth, reached for the little girl's hand, and the large and small backs left the alley.

After a while, Qin Mian, who looked over the front of the Tofu Hall from the front window of the front window, retracted his head and whispered, "This big man really bought a little girl, and bought a bigger one. "

Su Zhao, who was still in silence, slowly walked over to the window again. I saw that the little girl had more clay pots in her hands, and they were tied with hemp rope, which was convenient for carrying, and they no longer had to hold them.

Su Zhao slowly returned to the table, looking at the tofu brain in the bowl, his mind was uneasy, and there was a warm picture of a big and a small back holding hands in his mind, which was difficult to wipe out for a long time.

On that day, when An Taiping said that there was no "high and low", she was shocked in her ears.

The reason why she was shocked is that no one knew the torment in her heart. She longed to have a beautiful ending with the man who was close to the demon, who was close to the wind, and the powerful man. But what is her identity? Qinglou woman, and everyone knows that she is a forbidden prince, this reputation can never be erased.

Facing this world, she asked herself more than once and Shao Pingbo more than once. Will she really marry her?

Although Shao Pingbo's answer is very certain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but she is hard to say in her heart, she is thinking that once Shao Pingbo really succeeds in becoming famous, can Shao Pingbo really marry a woman of her reputation?

For this world, An Taiping's words are a bit shocking, not to mention the few young people who are looking for trouble, even she heard it unbelievable, despite touching the weakness in her heart.

But after that, An Taiping even stood in front of the maidservant of the Qinglou House to resist the whiplash of the maidservant of the Qinglou House.

She suspected that An Taiping was contrived and wanted to give it a try again.

I want to see what An Taiping looks like when he is not in the public eye and no one is seeing him in the background.

There are some things that do not require too much performance, one action, one look, you can see the clues.

However, the situation just now far exceeded her tentative expectations. The tender feelings for such a poor little girl made her feel scalp tingling, which made her deeply aware of what is called no distinction between high and low in this man's heart. This man is out of step with this world, and he is a man who really doesn't care about the origin of the blue house!

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