Heavenly Genius

Chapter 279: 3 Master recruits

Qin Mian was like watching a good show. He walked back from the window with a smile, sat at the table, and asked with a smile: "Dong Family, do you feel like he's trying to test him like that?"

Su Zhao said indifferently: "I just think that this man is a little hypocritical, saying that there is no such thing as high, low, noble, and so on. Among the white clouds, which of the men in and out is not well-dressed before coming in, and becomes a beast after coming in, but wants him to show up, see Just look at the same ugliness before others, and after others. "

Qin Mian was hesitant and hesitantly said: "Dongjia, I think this person may be really different. The situation just now is not like contrived ... Not every man in this world is like that. There are still good men, but there are only a few."

Su Zhao took the spoon and fed a small spoon to the entrance, "Let you arrange for him to go to Baiyunjian to be happy. What happened?"

Qin Mian smiled bitterly: "I mentioned it to Hu Yanwei for some reason, and said that he had eaten the tofu here last time and asked Hu Yanwei to take him to the Baiyun room, so that I could do a little of the friendship of the landlord. But Hu Yanwei said that If you do n’t go to the fun fair, you do n’t need to call it.

Su Zhao frowned slightly, "Is there a cat that doesn't eat fishy fish in this world? Could it be that we like our place?"

Qin Mian: "I don't know. Anyway, Hu Yanwei said that he was not a person in and out of the party. He said that An Taiping had a rib. According to the inquiries, this person does seem to have a rib. It is said that he is good at martial arts. The army did not like Shangguan, otherwise he would have been employed in the border army by his own ability, so he would not be unknown. "

"Then again, if it weren't for a rib, it wouldn't go to the capital to ask for justice. Wouldn't it be that officials and officials would take care of each other? How could anyone who dares to smuggle a warhorse have no background! But this person is not stupid and knows to find Huyan. No hate, if you find someone else on your head, I am afraid you will die without a burial place! "

Su Zhao slowly ate something and gave the sentence, "You go to him, let him come up and say that I am looking for him."

Qin Mian didn't know what idea she was playing, so she obeyed.

But it didn't take long for another person to come back and smiled bitterly: "He won't come."

Su Zhao: "Did you say I was looking for him?"

Qin Mian sighed: "I said, he said there is something unsatisfactory to find the treasurer. If it is something else, let us go to Hu Yanwei."

Su Zhao pounded the spoon in the bowl, "It still looks down upon us blue-story girls."

Qin Mian said: "Maybe it is."

Outside the lake, Yuan Feng drove a cargo cart to stop, and Yuan Gang stepped forward to inspect the goods he had pulled.

Tied the reins, Yuan Feng came to help, Yuan Gang asked in a low voice: "How much have you come?"

After the passers-by walked past, Yuan Feng whispered back: "At present, only 233 have been reached."

Yuan Gang: "Tomorrow they will be activated, you have arranged."

Yuan Feng: "It's half a month before the stipulated time, don't you wait for everyone to arrive?"

The total number of the team members was 292, and only reached 233. That is to say, there were nearly 60 people who didn't arrive, and I didn't know when they would arrive.

Yuan Gang: "I didn't expect this tofu to be so hot. I didn't have enough staff here. In addition, Hu Yanwei suddenly intervened in the business. To deliver to his friends, we must also take care of the palace. It is unrealistic to delay another half a month. The plan has been changed and implemented in advance. Other people who have not come will see the situation again! "

"Yes!" Yuan Feng should get down.

"Go back and make clear the purchase account and the high shopkeeper." Yuan Gang threw the words away and turned away.

"Understood." Yuan Fengle snorted a long time, came out of Xiaomiao Village for so long, stayed in Qingshan County for so long, and often saw princes, lords and the like, neither in sight nor mentality was when he was in Xiaoshan The boy who is comparable can jump out of Xiaomiao Village completely.

Yuan Gang didn't show up in front of the store in front of the Tofu Hall. When he was about to get around, the high shopkeeper ran out and caught him again, "Dongjia, our staff here is really not enough. When are you recruiting? ? "

Yuan Gang was about to arrange this, and asked: "When do you think it is appropriate to recruit people?"

The high shopkeeper said rightly: "Then the faster the better!"

Yuan Gang: "Okay! I will post a notice today, and I will hire people tomorrow, how do you feel?"

The high shopkeeper was relieved and nodded: "Good!"

Yuan Gang: "You remember to inform the three young masters and let him come tomorrow."

"Uh ..." Gao shopkeeper puzzled, "I don't know why let the three young masters come over?"

"Naturally let the three young masters recruit people!" Yuan Gang threw away the words and left.

"..." The high shopkeeper was speechless, let the three young masters recruit people, because you thought it out.

He really wanted to ask him, do you think the three young masters are the people who do this kind of work?

But I ’m also used to this person ’s temper, do n’t like nonsense, talk about the same temper, and arrange things for you, you can do it honestly, there is nothing to bargain with, otherwise you have to say substitutions to the three young masters, and the three young masters have to kick again and again He can't stand a few feet ...

The recruiting staff of the Tofu Pavilion by the Ming Lake in the south of the city pays one month's salary, 500 yuan per month, including food and shelter, and requires hard work and hard work.

When the news came out, it caused quite a stir.

The wages are not high, but they are not low. The problem is that food and accommodation are included. If this is included, it is really a good treatment. Basically, all the wages earned can be taken back to support the family.

Therefore, early the next morning, the West Bay open space by the Ming Lake was really full of people. The notice said that 300 people were recruited. There were at least 3,000 people on the spot. It was called a water leak, and there were still young women looking forward to it, hoping to be recruited.

"I said the high shopkeeper, but this is the capital, you have made such a big move, don't make something wrong, otherwise I can't afford it!"

At the job recruitment site, a lot of people were sent to stare at the government office. An official pulled the high shopkeeper and repeatedly warned that it was really worried about the accident.

If you do n’t know that this is the place made by the three young masters of the Huyan family, I am afraid it is not so good to talk.

The expression of the high shopkeeper is also very exciting. The owner did n’t discuss it with him at all. What is the five hundred dollars a month? What else does it cost? But the owner said that he did it, and he only knew it after he saw the notice. Now that he is okay, it is really not afraid of getting so many people out!

When something went wrong, he had to help wipe his butt, he found out two gold coins, took the official's hand, and quietly tucked it into the other party's palm. "Take more, take more!"

The official did not look at the things in his hand, and when he weighed the weight of the two, he knew what he was doing. His eyes lit up, and he shouted at the people: "Look, don't push!"

The high treasurer wanted to go out the same way, and couldn't get out of the scene at all. He had to jump on a boat in the lake and let the boatman take him to draw a road ahead, then threw a few coins and climbed up the shore and ran towards the tofu hall.

When I ran to the inner courtyard behind the Tofu Museum, I saw Yuan Gang still carrying two big stones and hurriedly stepping forward. "I said, Dongjia, there are many people over the West Bay can gather to rebel, and then go on like this. No, you have to do something wrong. Do you still have a mind to practice here? "

Yuan Gang was unmoved and asked, "Have the three young masters come yet?"

The high shopkeeper: "Not yet, but you have to stare at the scene!"

Yuan Gang: "Did he say it?"

The high shopkeeper looked up at the sun that had climbed up. The three young masters were not on time and sighed: "He said he didn't want to come, but your fist is hard and you can come if you don't come. Time to come. "

He can be seen, one by one is not panic, busy or afraid of an accident, only he is the most urgent.

No hurry, no matter what is really going to happen, the three young masters will not be okay, nor will the owner be okay, it must be his shopkeeper to carry out.

Was talking here, there was a horseshoe sound in the alley outside, and the high shopkeeper's eyes lit up, "It should be here." He turned his head and ran away.

Sure enough, Hu Yanwei came with a big swing, and at the sight of Ma Bu, Yuan Gang, holding so big and big stones on his left and right arms, remembering the situation where his fist punched his mount to death. Swallowed it back.

No way, this typical rib, really want to get angry, what can't be done? What if the family is powerful and powerful, wouldn't the son of the General General dare to fight? It's not that I haven't fought, and even dared to kidnap General Son!

He is so horizontal, afraid of encountering this kind of barbarism, not to mention that this barbarian deserves his laozi's appreciation, it really makes him lose his temper!

He can only smile bitterly: "I said Brother An, I don't understand the recruiting, you let me recruit someone, you just can't do it."

Dong! Boom! Two large stones rolled down from Yuan Gang's left and right arms, and fell lightly, causing two shocks on the ground.

"Hoo!" Yuan Gang, who exhaled for a long time, stood up. "Three young masters, high treasurer said that if you don't go, something will happen."

The high shopkeeper is speechless, did I say that? But when I think about it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to have the same meaning.

Hu Yanwei stared at him, "What's the situation? Someone dared to smash me in the field?"

Yuan Gang: "Not now, I don't know if I wait any longer."

"I want to see who has such a bold courage, let's go and have a look!" Hu Yanwei flew into a cockfight like three big bowls of chicken blood, and the young guy burst into bursts.

Went out to greet someone, let the high shopkeeper run in front to lead the way, he led a dozen followers, and drove away on a high-headed horse.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Huyanweiler lived on the reins and was a little shocked. It is estimated that there are almost tens of thousands of people. One person can drown him with a spit, and so many people point and point, and his arrogance Ang's momentum was a little weak, and his cheeky face twitched.

"What's the situation?" Hu Yanwei asked Gao's shopkeeper, and learned that they were all coming to apply for a buddy. He was slightly relieved. After hearing Yuan Gang's words, he thought that so many people had come to smash him and scared him. .

Yuan Gang strode without hesitation, and Hu Yanwei, who jumped off the horse, immediately caught him, "How to make such a big deal? The fish and dragon mixed in the capital, so crowded, it is easy to have an accident if instigated by a person who plots to misbehave. . "

Although he is a young boy, he was born in that way, and some things are well-defined and not confused.

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