Heavenly Genius

Chapter 295: Feng Brother, Feng Feng, Uncle Feng

Pen Fun Museum

> Daojun

> Chapter 295 Feng Feng, Lao Feng, Uncle Feng

If you have to think more, dare to play with other daughters? People will take you together this time!

I only stared at the gains and losses of my own person. The emperor stared at a large group of people including them. No wonder that the emperor did not think that the emperor had a reason to deal with himself. The emperor was not limited at all. In dealing with him, but to deal with many people including him at the same time.

This vision is really a verdict!

"This Haoyun figure is a bit interesting!" Niu Youdao smiled flesh without a laugh, and was brushed in a way that was ignored, you are not tempered.

Linghu Qiubai glanced at him, "Who told you to provoke others' daughters, and feel that their daughters are good at playing, this time kicked the stone?"

Niu Youdao spread his hands together, "I have nothing to do with it, I have already transferred out the outgoing documents of the 100,000 war horses, and the transfer contract is in my hands, I will not have anything to do." Tae wants to have the heart that hit him dead.

He felt that this benefit was not right yesterday. Feng Entai still wants him to take it down. This is all right.

Linghuqiu asked back: "Are you talking about Tianyumen? Haha, you think too much. The rumors spread outside have nothing to do with Tianyumen. It only says that the outbound message is in your nimble hands, Tianyumen. Not mentioned! "

"What do you mean?" Niu Youdao asked suddenly.

Ling Huqiu: "How do I know what it means?"

Niu Youdao was a little ignorant, "Yesterday, Pei Niang, they clearly witnessed it with their own eyes, that thing is for Tianyumen."

Ling Huqiu: "You ask Mrs. Pei, you ask me, who do I ask? I said this, please deal with it quickly, if you don't deal with it, brother, don't blame me for scorning you, I have to run quickly It ’s too much to eat, it ’s going to die, you like to die, I want to live a few more years. "

"Hey, it's interesting. The emperor really wants to help his daughter show me some colors!" Niu Youdao said.

He also knows the meaning of Linghuqiu's words, not to say that he should be left behind, but to let him take out the delivery documents with Tianyumen to prove innocence and prove that things are on Tianyumen, so that people who want to find things Go to Tianyumen.

At this moment, Gongsun Bu and the people of the three factions came almost back and forth and reported the rumors outside. They did not know what happened last night. They came and asked if it was true or false.

"It's needless to say, I know it all." Niu Youdao waved his hand and pointed to the instruction Hu Qiu, indicating that Ling Hu Qiu had told him.

Wu Shaohuan in one arm was anxious. He was sent by Liuxianzong to be responsible for the disciples of Liuxianzong here. He asked, "What happened last night?"

Niu Youdao said: "That's the rumor."

He did not mention the settlement with Feng Entai. Once let the three factions know that their interests have been obtained, the three factions are afraid that they will leave immediately. The three factions will not bear such a large risk for Tianyumen. If you reach it, you won't continue to stay here in Qi State.

Ling Huqiu gave Niu Youdao a glance, and naturally saw that Niu Youdao concealed her intentionally.

"You can rest assured that nothing will happen ..." Niu Youdao persuaded them and sent them away.

After watching with cold eyes, after seeing a group of people leaving, Linghu Qiu said: "Brother, wouldn't you want to take this matter with you? I remind you, you can't afford it."

Niu Youdao didn't return to him, and looked around, "Where is Feng Entai? All three factions know, will Tianyumen not know?"

Ling Huqiu sneered, "If you give him something today, he won't take it. He is afraid that he is regretting the fact that he made a decision for Tianyumen yesterday. It is estimated that he has the heart to die. This He couldn't make a deal with Tianyumen. "

"Go! Go and see." Niu Youdao said, people have to go.

"Dao Ye!" Black Peony suddenly shouted, "Can you take a step to speak."

Niu Youdao was a little surprised. He glanced at Linghuqiu. Is this something inconvenient to say to Linghuqiu?

Ling Huqiu also glanced at the black peony and smiled, "It's okay, you say, I'll go over to Laofeng first."

Niu Youdao entered the house with the black peony and asked, "What can't you say to Linghuqiu?"

Black Peony: "Master Dao, do you remember what Ling Huqiu said just now? He said he didn't want to die."

Niu Youdao said: "What do you want to say? It's a bit of a bone, do you still have to turn around with me?"

Black Peony: "Master Dao, haven't you always worried that Linghuqiu has a plan? This is just a chance to get rid of him. You might as well pretend to take the matter down, he can't stand the difficulties and retreat. "

Niu Youdao smiled, "You are not as good as a monkey at this point, I know your heart, but you do not know my heart."

Black Peony stunned, "Dao Ye doesn't want him to go?"

Niu Youdao said, "If you got on my boat, why would you come here if you want, and leave if you want, my boat is not that good!"

Black Peony: "He is beside Dao, and he hasn't seen Dao let him help him, can Dao keep his intention to express it? Otherwise, he is close to us, and I can't get along well with him."

"Some things don't need to be too clear." Niu Youdao stretched out her hand to tease her chin, and was slightly pushed away by the other side, and then smiled: "Look at the little girl so charming, good , I will give you a lesson today to teach you how to use people. The use of people should not be too good and evil, and it is not easy to be influenced by your favorite emotional factors. "

"Take you, I'm not suspicious of you! But for him, even if you know suspicious, you can use it, you can grasp it. You also know that he has a picture for me, he thinks he is plotting me , And it ’s not just that I ’m not plotting him? I do n’t care what he plots, he ’s so close to me, I just want to get credit from me, I will let him gradually understand that this kind of trust is not strong enough, I want to show sincerity Come. What is sincerity? I will let him do the right thing. In order to win my trust, he must do his best. When he gets deeper and deeper, when he ca n’t extricate himself, he is naturally my person. Naturally know! "

"Some things can't be hurry, be patient. There is a saying called mantis catching cicadas, cicadas are not cicadas, the cardinals are behind! Do you understand now?"

"..." Black Peony was speechless and squeezed cold sweat for Ling Huqiu.

"What a daze, let's go." Niu Youdao reached out and patted her buttocks with full elasticity and a good feel.

Black Peony subconsciously reached for a block on the buttocks, slowed down a step, and wiped the oily cattle, Youdao had flashed fast, and ran like a thief, causing her to roll her eyes and scolded "thin emotion".

However, there was a slight smile between his brows and eyes. Niu Youdao had gradually moved her feet, and the relationship was obviously much closer than before, which is a good sign ...

"what's the situation?"

Niu Youdao came to the small courtyard where Feng Entai and other disciples of Tianyumen lived, saw Linghu Qiu wandering with his hands, and approached and asked.

Linghu Qiu lifted his chin towards a room with closed doors and windows. "Lao Feng shut himself in the house and refused to come out. I guess I thought about it on the wall."

"You still have a joke in mind." Niu Youdao despised and raised a hand to recruit a disciple of Tianyumen. "Let your uncle come out."

The disciple said: "Uncle Shi refused to come out somehow, let us not bother him."

Niu Youdao folded his hands into his sleeves and shouted, "Brother Feng, we are here to say goodbye to you. Let's go back to Qingshan County first. You take care."

Ling Huqiu laughed dumbly, pointing at Niu Youdao a little bit, seemingly saying that you are really bad!

However, the effect of this throat was still quite good. The door creaked open, and Feng Entai flashed instantly, shouting, "Boy, why are you so anxious to leave?"

His description was really uncomfortable. His eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. His beard and hair were messed up. The anxiety of his mood was conceivable.

Ling Huqiu and Niu Youdao looked at each other and could understand the anxiety in Feng Entai's heart.

Niu Youdao has a deeper understanding than Ling Huqiu. Feng Entai was sent by Tianyumen to preside over the war horses. It has always been ineffective and the loss is not small. Tianyumen then found a way to get the three factions and his cattle. Come. It is now that the foresight has not been completed, and the assistance provided to him behind Tianyumen has been messed up.

Here I got the promise of Tianyumen's wine interest sharing, and I can leave him. What should I do with Feng Entai? I could n’t do it before, but can I do it now?

Now that things cannot be fixed and Tianyumen loses their profits in vain is another matter. If it fails, Tianyumen will be blamed for destroying the door. The trouble is great. It is estimated that when Tianyumen receives the news, he will strip it alive. He has all his heart.

Feng Entai reached out and put Niu Youdao's arm, and said earnestly: "It is all for the Yongping County King's life, and nothing has happened. It is impossible for me to pass away my heavenly door."

Niu Youdao sighed: "Did you not say that last night, the things were given to you, even if my task was completed, does the brother want to repent? The things in black and white are available."

Feng Entai smiled and said, "Boy, don't rush, I was confused last night and made a big mistake. You see, the outbound official of those 100,000 war horses ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I How to give you back? "

As soon as this remark came out, the disciples of Tianyumen beside them were taken aback, and the rumors outside were transferred to the hands of Tianyumen? How dare the uncle take over such a hot hand?

Niu Youdao replied: "Father, Feng Feng, uncle Feng, are you kidding me? Are you a deaf or a blind man, when I don't know what's going on outside? You're too deceiving to do so!"

"It's all my fault, it's my fault." Feng Entai gave up his old face, repeatedly pleaded guilty, and begged: "Brother, this is the case. It is rumored that something is in your hands. Can you suspend the disclosure of that contract? , For the time being ...

Niu Youdao interrupted with a wave of his hand, "It's useless to bullshit, you and I know it well. Outside, at this time, I'm afraid that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at it, and I'll send to the door to grab it. I do n’t know how many people have come in, do you want to go, have you gone? Now anyone who is out of this yard, do n’t want to get out easily, they are very likely to be taken down as hostages on the way. "

"Okay, even if I take the blame and let you get away for a while, what about me? What do I do? I do n’t know how many people want me to ask for something, can I take it hard? How many offends me? I do n’t want to live. It ’s almost the same. I can only show evidence that something has been given to Tianyumen. Countless people are chasing and blocking. Do you think you still have a certain degree of confidence to return to Tianyumen? "

"Brother, listen to me, you go out now, and give things to others in front of everyone! As long as they are sent out, we will be clean, otherwise it will really kill you if you leave it in your hands. How many disciples in Tianyumen are not enough to kill outside! "

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