Heavenly Genius

Chapter 296: This emperor has enough pitfalls

Pen Fun Museum

> Daojun

> Chapter 296 This Emperor Has Enough People

Feng Entai was puzzled: "I can take the lead in this thing, but I can't give it away!"

Niu had a strange sense of strangeness, "Did you just say you want to return it to me?"

Feng Entai said with a guilty conscience, "Is it for you, can it be the same as for others?"

I go! Niu Youdao understood the meaning of this old fellow. This was to push the responsibility on him. If he gave this thing to him, the matter of wine and wine would be divided. Tianyumen must say that Feng Entai can be Nothing happened last night. Can not help sneer: "Lao Feng, you really have a good plan, you are pitting me!"

Feng Entai smiled bitterly: "It's not pitting you, the outbound message of 100,000 war horses, I don't know the weight of this thing, you also understand, just give it away, how do you let me explain to the teacher? I understand my brother Meaning, but I really can't do such a big thing, I have to wait for the decision of the teacher. "

"Are you kidding me?" Niu Youdao waved his sleeves and pointed out. "Golden wings spread the news. The news will take two or three days. Can the people staring at you wait for you for so long? Do you believe that someone will come to your door? Force you to give an answer! "

Feng Entai sighed: "Younger brother, so I hope you will bear in advance, don't disclose the contract between us, and wait for the news of the teacher to come, and then make a decision."

Niu Youdao said, "Old Feng, do you still have to be shameless? Who asked me to answer last night, oh, it's good for you, and it's mine if you have trouble. Are you unreasonable?"

Feng Entai: "Aren't I discussing with you?"

Niu Youdao: "Do you need consultation? No consultation, I will definitely not agree!"

Feng Entai lamented, but also knowingly unreasonable, dumbfounded: "How much?"

Niu Youdao: "How much to send?"

Feng Entai: "Ten pieces of outbound document, do you think it is appropriate to send as much as you want?"

Niu Youdao was surprised: "Do you still want to stay? It has already been stared at, it is trouble to leave one, all sent out!"

Feng Entai was shocked: "Do not keep one? Send them all? How can this be done?"

Niu Youdao understood the emperor's intentions, and understood Feng Entai's appearance. This is the case, and I don't want to let go of it. Others can imagine that they are all greedy, and they will only say it.

Then again, he was not greedy, otherwise he would refuse decisively last night. In short, whoever is greedy is unlucky.

As of today, it is estimated that anyone can see that the outbound official of the 100,000 war horses is a bait, and the decoy bait, but there are still people who want to bite the hook. If everyone can let them take these things smoothly and smoothly. They don't believe it themselves.

"Okay, how do you love how to do it, it's none of my business anyway." Niu Youdao swung away with a big sleeve.

"Brother!" Feng Entai took his arm by the arm.

Niu Youdao Huo Ran turned back and said: "What do you want? Want to kill me or kill the contract? I tell you, you may not be able to take advantage of it when you start. Also, don't forget, this is the same Guojingcheng, do n’t think about it as soon as there is something happening. ”

Ling Huqiu said decisively at this time: "Lao Feng, I advise you not to mess up, he is my brother!"

"It is when we are in the same boat together, what do I kill you to kill?" Feng Entai firmly denied the attempt and said with a straight face: "Boy, you have to think clearly, this is not just a matter of my Tianyumen. The Tianyumen had collapsed. How could the Yongping County King protect himself? The three factions of Liuxianzong could not support the scene. How would the younger brother be at his own time? Retreat ten thousand steps and said, the younger brother did not want to share with my Tianyumen Suffering, how will my Tianyumen share wealth with his brother in the future? "

Niu Youdao threw him away, and had the urge to scold the mother. Why didn't he tell the truth of the three factions before, and why he came to persuade him? It was precisely because of this that the Tianyumen collapsed, and the Shang Chaozong was about to die, so don't think about it .

As soon as the incident happened, he knew that he had been dragged into the water. At this time, he had become a grasshopper on the rope with Tianyumen.

Nevertheless, he sneered: "Lao Feng, are you threatening me?"

Feng Entai hurriedly waved his hand and said: "I have no intention, just to state the facts. The younger brother is a wise man and really wants to discuss with him."

Niu Youdao said: "I let you give things to others. You refuse to do anything else."

Feng Entai whispered: "You see how this is, you first come forward to stabilize, I secretly excavate here, we quietly escape from this place."

Niu Youdao said: "The monk who ran can't run the temple. I'm afraid we haven't fled the territory of Qi. Someone will find you and put pressure on Tianyumen."

Feng Entai: "So I want you to hold it for a while, and wait until Tianyumen manages the transportation path of the war horses. When the war horses leave the territory of Qi Kingdom, all the ten outbound papers have already been spent on each house, and the wood has become a boat. Who They can still run to Zhao State to intercept the war horses, and others can only stop. "

Niu Youdao: "It's a good way, or should we change it, you Tianyumen is on top, I'll clear the path to transport the war horse, how?"

He couldn't agree to this condition. If he stayed here silly to attract firepower, even if Tianyumen had done it, he played so many people here, can he leave alive?

"..." The two eyes squinted.

Ling Huqiu couldn't help but a little smile, with a smile on his lips, and found that his cheap brotherhood was very difficult, and it was not so easy to fool.

Feng Entai: "It's impossible to give all of these things to someone else. I can't make a difference to the division. Otherwise, sell all these things and get a lot of money. I have an account with the division."

Niu Youdao wanted to ask him if he wanted money and did n’t want to die, but then he swallowed it to his lips. "Okay, I agree with you. If there is no other opinion, it ’s so decided. I ’ll go public. Here you are, you are ready to sell things! "

"Wait!" Feng Entai shouted at him. "It's not public yet. I don't know how to make a decision. I can't make any more mistakes!"

Niu Youdao said with a huh, Pi Xiaoluo didn't smile: "Listening to what you mean, do you still want me to fight for a while?"

Feng Entai bowed his hands to each other, "Boy, at this juncture, we need to work together, we can't fight internally!"

Niu Youdao nodded, "Okay, at this point in Feng's words, I will take a step back. So, I can carry it for you for a while and wait for the news of Tianyumen to make a final decision, but those ten outbound articles You have to hand it to me, and I will keep it, otherwise you secretly ran who I am looking for? "

As long as he gets the Wendian, he can take off his burden at any time, and it is not unacceptable to carry it first.

Feng Entai: "Don't your brother believe me so much?"

Niu Youdao: "You don't believe me? As long as you don't run, what will happen to me?"

Feng Entai: "You won't secretly sell it?"

Niu Youdao said: "I don't want anyone to know that something has been shot. I'm secretly selling it? I'm sick and I like to keep myself in trouble. It's about the same. You can secretly sell one for me!"

Feng Entai laughed, but also, this thing can only be a fair shot, otherwise there is no difference between selling and not selling.

"If you don't believe me, you can send someone to stare at me around the clock. I will definitely not think of digging tunnels and running people." Niu Youdao said after reaching out, let him hand over things.

Feng Entai hesitated a moment into his arms, and then withdrew his hands empty-handed. "Younger brother, let's write a receipt first. If the younger brother doesn't admit it, I can't explain it."

Niu Youdao teased: "Lao Feng, now I know who doesn't believe who?"

That being said, Niu Youdao still wrote a receipt. Some things were measured with unbelief, and the two sides did not have such deep feelings.

In the end, the two handed over the document and handed over the receipt.

Watching Niu Youdao wait for someone to leave, Feng Entai looked at the receipt in his hands, crying without tears, and went around in a circle, causing trouble, and there was such a thing left in his hand.

Back in Niu Youdao's yard, Ling Huqiu asked: "Boy, even if this thing is sold, everyone knows the existence of this huge sum of money, and the money is not easy to take away! Coveted, I do n’t believe it. I suggest giving it away! "

Niu Youdao: "Look at Tianyumen how to make a decision. If Tianyumen had to get the money, it would be their business to ask for money or not, and it had nothing to do with me."

Ling Huqiu: "This thing is really hot. If you give it away, others may not dare to accept it. If you sell it, no one will dare to buy it. Everyone knows that no matter who takes this thing, it is a big trouble ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This thing is destined to be secretly fighting and looting! "

Niu Youdao asked: "How about organizing an auction? Selling openly, interested buyers buy in secret, and buyers buy in secret and leave in secret."

Ling Huqiu: "Let's go away in secret? Hao Yuntu made it clear that he will set off a **** storm, do you think he will let things go silently? Do you think he will give away 100,000 war horses in vain? Here is his territory No matter who secretly bought something in hand, do you think he can escape his eyes? He will not sit idly by, and will definitely help in secret, and all of them will be exposed! "

"Brother, I would like to remind you that as long as you pick Hao Yuntu's chess pieces, you can only go according to Hao Yuntu's intention. Come to his meaning and let him be satisfied. You can save your life and violate his intention. If his face is dull, do n’t try to leave Qi Kingdom alive! So, I advise you not to confront him. You do n’t have that strength yet! "

This reminder is timely, Niu Youdao looks awake, and has another understanding of the seriousness of the matter, not only the monks who gazed at it, but also the eyes in the palace are staring, Feng En Thai wants to dig tunnels and run away with things is a joke!

"This emperor has enough pitmen!" Niu Youdao couldn't help sighing.

The two chatted a few words. When Linghuqiu was gone, Black Peony asked: "Dao Ye, shall we still visit those nobles?"

"Which interview is still going on? Hao Yuntu engages in this way. Even if you go to the door, the ghost won't see me." Niu Youdao shook his head and sighed, then turned back and said: "Arrange individuals to go out and try the water to see what is going on outside."

"Yes!" Black Peony responded and arranged to go back ...

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