Heavenly Genius

Chapter 297: Unclear intention

In Qingshan County, the sun rises early, and the splendid Jinxia renders layers of mountains and forests.

Shang Shuqing climbed heavily on a mountain and came to the outside of the Zongmen archway where Liuxianzong was newly repaired. He gasped and looked up at the words on the archway. He lifted his sleeves and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Fei Changliu heard the news quickly came out, greeted in person, and bowed to the ceremony: "Why is the master coming?"

Shang Shuqing smiled and said: "Fei Zhang, can you have new news from Dao Ye?"

Fei Changliu said: "The county's lords are inconvenienced, so I will inform you when I have the latest news."

The eyes glanced at the fine sweat beads on her forehead and face. The newly-built sect of the three factions was located. The monks did not have any contact. It was a bit steep and steep for mortals. It was indeed a little difficult to climb.

Shang Shuqing: "My brother is more concerned about the news of Lord Dao's presence in Qi's capital, so I will ask."

She was really concerned about it. She received news yesterday that someone in Qi ’s capital had deliberately stumbling on Niu Youdao. As soon as she arrived in Qi ’s capital, she caused a lot of people to come to the door to ask for trouble, saying what was the next day. The Battle of Feitaitai.

When she heard the news, she tossed it all over the night without a good rest. She came over to find out the news as soon as dawn came.

There is no direct contact channel between the Shang Dynasty Sect and Niu Youdao. The Tianyumen ’s summons will not be directly transmitted to the Shang Dynasty Sect, but all directly to the Tianyumen Sect. In contact, Shang Shuqing naturally came to the people of the three factions to inquire about the news.

Fei Changliu nodded: "I am also very concerned about this matter, but there is no news yet. The county master is assured that when the news arrives, I will order someone to inform the county master as soon as possible."

"Have you not come yet?" Shang Shuqing asked slightly disappointedly.

Fei Changliu shook his head slightly, "Not yet, according to the time estimate, the result should come out, the news should be coming soon. The master, please use tea inside."

Shang Shuqing smiled warmly, "No, I won't bother to disturb and leave."

"Okay!" Fei Changliu nodded, and just waved to invite someone over, preparing to let his disciples send Shang Shuqing down the mountain. Someone came in the back and took a piece of paper in his hand. News is coming. "

"Oh!" Fei Changliu immediately brought it to watch.

Shang Shuqing also stopped the figure that was about to turn around and left, and his fingers gently took away the sweat beads on his chin and watched him.

Fei Changliu gradually smiled on his face and handed out the paper in his hand. . "

Shang Shuqing held the paper and looked closely at the translated content. It said that Niu Youdao did not accept the challenge, but sent a group of people to directly slaughter the challenger under the eyes of the public, and has shocked Sifang Xiaoxiao. No one dared to challenge Niu Youdao.

"Xie Fei, I will report my brother." Shang Shuqing returned the paper with both hands.

Fei Changliu received it and waved to the female disciple on the side, "Send the county master down the mountain."

"Yes, Sovereign, please!" The female disciple reached out.

Seeing the slender figure of Shang Shuqing going down the mountain, Fei Changliu sighed a little regretfully, "Ah! A good woman with good character and good figure, her birth background is not bad, but her face is terrible. On a face, which normal man dares to marry, and how to deal with it when he marries? This life is inevitable, it is a hard life! "

He is used to Shang Shuqing's face now. When he first saw it, it was indeed a bit unbearable to look at directly. It was not a question of good looks. It was ordinary or even ugly. It was just long and scary. . Alone, how could such a terrible birthmark grow on his face? It's really sighing.

The mountain road was steep, and Shang Shuqing, who walked carefully down the mountain, had worries from time to time.

Although it is said that the crisis encountered by the Lord has once again resolved smoothly, but still met the master interception on the road, and when someone first came to Qi Guojing City, someone was pitted. She said that she will be all the way down. Dao Ye, crisis step by step, think about it makes her worry ...

On a tree-lined mountainside, Huyan Wuhen was wearing a clothes and a hat, and quietly looked at the opposite cliff.

Suddenly there was movement on the cliff, a row of figures appeared, and a row of ropes was thrown from the top of the mountain.

The ropes were still swaying on the mountain walls. The dozens of guys on the cliffs were neat, jumping directly from the top of the mountain, kicking their legs one by one on the steep mountain walls, bouncing and descending rapidly.

In this situation, Huyan Wuhe's pupils contracted and stared at him.

Cha Hu, who was by his side, slowly turned his head and looked at Hu Yan's reaction.

The boys who jumped from the top of the mountain to the cliff were batch after batch.

There were several wooden platoons on the river, and dozens of people stood on the wooden platoon. Yuan Gang, who was in it, suddenly manipulated the drumsticks and smashed the drums.

Dozens of people on the wooden row immediately jumped into the water, desperately swimming towards the cliff, and the boys who jumped from the cliff unbuttoned their waists, turned their heads, and ran towards the river, and quickly jumped off Water, swimming towards the wooden row.

The wet wet boys quickly grabbed the rope hanging from the cliff and climbed up the cliff quickly.

The boys swimming to the side of the wooden row quickly stood against the floating wooden row and pushed the wooden row upstream in the water to swim upstream.

Only Yuan Gang stood upright on the wooden row, and gradually drifted away.

On the cliff wall, the last group of people climbing the cliff quickly extracted the rope. After the rope hanging on the cliff disappeared, the figures on the cliff also disappeared on the other side of the cliff.

"Hoo!" Huyan Wuhen only breathed out at this moment.

I heard that Yuan Gang took the guys in the shop tossing around in the mountains. I couldn't help but come to see it. I wanted to see what was tossing. The key is that the person who reported was unable to tell what was tossing. When I came here, I did not expect to see this scene. The scene of the rapid decline of the lads in groups made him shocked, unheard of, unseen.

Hundreds of people, up the mountain, down the water, but the disappearance and disappearance of the moment, the speed, really impressed him.

Cha Hu smiled and asked, "How do you feel about the general?"

Huyan Wuhen: "Binggui speed! Qibing! It is not an iron ride, but a strange strange! Imagine if someone thinks that they can be stationed by the strength of the terrain, but they may wish to be surprised by the surprise night sky. , Supplemented by a frontal attack, the enemy will lose! "

Zha Hu: "This way on the grassland seems useless!"

Hu Yan has no hate: "Amazing soldiers! What he trains is not the hard-to-match men and women on the battlefield, but the awesome soldiers, suitable for infiltration, spying, small unit raids and the like."

Zha Hu: "Even if they are sent to other countries instead of the grasslands, there are monks on the battlefield who intervene in the vigilance. Their penetration and spying are useless."

Hu Yanwuhen nodded slightly, "I don't know what he did to do it in this way, but ... It's unbelievable that a group of people can be trained like this in a few days. Are these people okay?"

Zha Hu: “It ’s not that it was so neat from the beginning. These days they have been practicing this climbing and descent. At first, the movements were awkward, and now they gradually look like. As for these people, I have checked. There is no problem with their identity. These people are also the guys that the three young masters personally selected from tens of thousands of people. I personally asked the three young masters. An Taiping did not interfere with the selection of the three young masters in any way. The three young masters also chose randomly. "An Taiping really intervened, that is, the two who lacked arms and legs."

"Later, An Taiping then carefully selected two hundred strong guys out of the three hundred selected by the three young masters. After they started, they drilled directly. Half of the work was done during the day, and half of them were drilled by him. There is a problem. The general thinks that if there is really any problem, why would An Taiping dare to come out so blatantly. Besides, even this person, the guardian mage in the capital ca n’t make trouble, if there are two hundred monks, then be careful point."

"General, something is a bit strange. According to the shopkeeper of the Tofu Museum, the one in Baiyun seems to be close to An Taiping intentionally."

Hu Yan Wu Heng looked on his head: "Which one?"

Zha Hu: "Su Zhao is the woman raised by the king of the Western Academy in the white clouds."

Huyan Wuwei is strange, "What intention?"

Cha Hu: "The intention is unknown!"

Hu Yanwu hate, "Do n’t make any men and women's feelings cause trouble, the character of the western courtyard becomes more and more weird ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I don't know what to say, you beat him into a disability, he is afraid of you, you stare Start, don't let An Taiping have an accident. "

Zha Hubing smiled and said, "What if the general says, what if An Taiping is in love with her? The hero is sad about beauty, and the woman looks good."

Huyan Wuhen turned his back and walked down the rugged mountain road, "An Taiping can be a good general, and he has a strong heart, and he can hold his heart. It is very rare in this troubled world. Those who need strength and strength are the people I need for the cavalry! Thousands of troops are easy to get, one will be hard to find, and there is a great future waiting for him, Yu Guoyumin, which is more important? Can't let a Qinglou woman destroy him Fame, if necessary, kill it! "

Tofu Hall.

Yuan Gang ran from the lake on a horse, turned into an alley, and just returned to the backyard to jump off the horse, and the high treasurer ran.

"Don't see!" Yuan Gang refused directly, but with a frown, he seemed to remember something. His hand tied with a bridle paused and said, "Wait!"

Gao Gao, who had just turned and wanted to tell, turned and looked at him again.

With the reins fastened, Yuan Gang turned and went out, passing the tall shopkeeper past, and dropped the words, "I'll see her."

"Yes!" Gao shopkeeper chuckled.

On the street front, above the small building, enjoying a bowl of tender tofu and looking at the cruise ship on the lake outside the window, Su Zhao was in a good mood.

It ’s also time to be in a good mood. Niu Youdao is in trouble again. It ’s not her job. It ’s nice to watch the bustling side. It ’s relaxed, comfortable, and relieved.

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