Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Niu Youdao let you come?

Shang Shuqing also heard the news soon, but Yuan Gang was bathing, so she couldn't naturally run in to see him like Yuan Fang.

Guan Fangyi can be seen. Yuan Gang is definitely the core figure here, as can be seen from the attitude of the people around Niu Youdao.

Seeing Shang Shuqing, Niu Youdao made a small request, "Sovereign, please use your piano."

Shang Shuqing was stunned for a moment. He had never seen any musical instrument that Niu Youdao manipulated, but he heard Yuan Gang saying that there are actually many musical instruments.

She was a bit puzzled about this point. She had seen the environment of Taohuayuan, but she didn't see any musical instruments. Is that condition in that small temple village?

The origins of Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang actually caused a lot of doubts here. The quality of each aspect of a person ’s early years is definitely related to the growth environment. The things they have are not reasonable.

Although Shang Shuqing had an accident, he was still glad to answer it. He wanted to learn about his piano skills.

A piano came and Niu Youdao took over and went to the top floor of the pavilion.

After a while, the sound of "Dong" in the attic began to resonate, which opened the prologue of the sound of Dingdong Spring.

Shang Shuqing listened, and Guan Fangyi wandering in the courtyard paused, slowly turning his head to look upstairs.

I haven't heard the tone. This melody of Guqin is generally about artistic conception, but the upstairs seems to be more accented to adjust the rhythm of the chorus, which brings another feeling.

This rhythm instantly reminded Shang Shuqing of the song that Yuan Gang had read, which was rolling in the east of the Yangtze River, and matched it with words, and it really matched, and the artistic conception was more clear and clear in her mind.

"Nice, but it's a little weird. I didn't see that this guy with a guilty conscience would still be able to do it." Guan Fangyi said to Shang Shuqing.

Shang Shuqing echoed the sound of the piano, saying: "The Yangtze River is dying, and the waves are sweeping away the heroes. The success or failure is turning around. The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red for a few times. … "

Guan Fangyi stopped shaking the fan in her hand, listening to her words and listening to the sounds upstairs, combining the two together, only knowing that the two songs were one.

After Shang Shuqing finished reading it silently, Guan Fangyi muttered: "Old-fashioned, not energetic, unlike a young man."

Shang Shuqing was sad, Qu Wei's voice, she heard it, this Dao Ye's bones were still not interested in their brother and sister's princely princes, what they did now was not willing ...

Yuan Gang was finished bathing, and the wine and dishes in the attic were set.

Yuanfang stood by the railing in the attic and shook his head to listen to music.

Yuan Gang, who walked upstairs, looked at Niu Youdao's back and fell into silence. It has been a long time since he saw Daoist playing the piano. He knew that it was because he was happy when he came back. He could understand this piece of music naturally and experienced some things. He regretted it a little bit. Taoist is the white-haired fisherman who used to watch the autumn and spring breeze on the river in the song. He now regrets that he should not be pulled into the water, so that he is involved in these right and wrong.

"Go downstairs and watch, don't let people come up." Yuan Gang walked to Yuanfang and ordered.

"Okay!" Yuanfang immediately went downstairs.

Before going downstairs, Yuan Fang couldn't help but looked back at Yuan Gang twice. Inexplicably, he didn't know what was going on. He was already a little afraid of Yuan Gang. The smell of Yuan Gang who came back this time made him feel more and more. Oppressed.

Hearing Yuan Gang's voice, the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, Niu Youdao stopped touching the piano, got up and walked to the case where the dishes were laid, beckoned and gestured, "Will you still let me invite you?"

Yuan Gang walked across to him and sat down. He held the pot to pour wine for him and said, "Dao Ye, I'm wrong!"

This is wrong, and there are two meanings. One should not pull the other party into the water, and the other is that Su Zhao died because of his disobedience.

Niu Youdao said: "You are determined to stand on the side of the Shang brothers and sisters. You are not a half-hearted person. You just want to do your best in your own way and will not leave here. I know that you will come back sooner or later. In short, It ’s good that Ping An returns, nothing else matters. "

Yuan Gang: "It's my fault. Dao Ye was originally the Xianyun Yehe. At the Nanshan Temple, I shouldn't pull Dao Ye you into the water."

Niu Youdao waved his hand: "You think more, I just want to be free, but in this chaotic world, I really can't avoid it. As long as I still have the desire to practice, I can't avoid it. I want to be a free cloud wild crane. I am eligible to be a free cloud wild crane, and sooner or later I have to get involved. Now it does n’t make sense to talk about it. Let me talk about you. On the Qi side, I heard that Baiyunjian was copied and the Tofu Museum was surrounded on the same day. I can't reach you again, is there something wrong? "

Hearing the news from Qi Jing, he was actually very anxious, but it was useless to be anxious. It was indeed impossible to contact Yuan Gang. Now that Yuan Gang is back, he is really relieved.

Yuan Gang: "Su Zhao is dead."

Niu Youdao said slightly, "You killed?"

Yuan Gang: "Almost, I was killed."

This is not right, Niu Youdao raised his eyebrows slightly, "How many meanings?"

"After you left, I directly found the Baiyun family ..." Yuan Gang went to see Su Zhao, and then went to Su Zhao, and was poisoned by the **** of pain. Until the last time he came back in distress in the desert All over.

Niu Youdao's expression is very wonderful, his brother actually turned Su Zhao into his woman, is this a handsome man's plan? This is not like Yuan Gang's style. There is also the effect of the Kushen Pill actually on this fellow, can the hard Qigong practiced by this fellow actually solve the poison of the Kushen Pill? Today's strength can actually meet the Jindan monks who are killed? It can also summon sand scorpions to control the scorpion emperor.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Gang experienced so many things after he left him. He couldn't help but suffocated a glass of wine, suppressing surprise.

After putting down the glass, he could not help but sigh, knowing that Su Zhao's things gave Yuan Gang a certain amount of stimulation, and he didn't know what to say. To be honest, if Yuan Gang did not have that relationship with Su Zhao, if he had a chance, he would not have missed Su Zhao. That woman did nothing good with Shao Pingbo. Among the people who trouble him in Qi Jing, there is definitely this woman A copy.

It's just that Su Zhao would betray Xiaoyue Pavilion for Yuan Gang, which was beyond his expectation. He laughed bitterly: "I said monkey, you're charming enough, you honestly tell me, does that Hai Ruyue have you Legs, you can always turn around and talk to you when dealing with letters here. "

"No, it's a little entangled, I'm not interested in her, but she and Ning Wang Shang Jianbo have a leg is true ..." Yuan Gang also mentioned Hai Ruyue's previous story with Shang Jianbo.

Niu Youdao understood that the woman probably had a little meaning for the monkey, hehe said: "Blush a little better, so as not to be too flattering for the woman."

He is telling the truth, the red-faced Yuan Gang is indeed not as good-looking as before, a bit different.

The two chatted and chatted, Niu Youdao waved his finger in a direction, "Seeing that there is no grave bag under the hilltop tree over there, new."

Yuan Gang looked at the situation and did not exist before. He doubted: "Whose one?"

Niu Youdao said indifferently: "Black Peony!"

"..." Yuan Gang was not surprised, "What's going on?"

"I ran into a little trouble when I fled from Qi State ..." Niu Youdao sighed after telling the situation at that time, "The rivers and lakes are running horses, the wind is good, the rain is not bad, life and death matter you and I It's common to see Su Zhao's things, let go when you let go, and put it in your heart if you can't let go. The living people are as meaningless as the dead, as you said, do meaningful things. The living people are dead. People do something meaningful than anything, and I believe you are not the kind of mournful person. "

Yuan Gang: "Su Zhao drove away from the Xiaoyue Pavilion because I was afraid I might cause you trouble."

Niu Youdao said: "Su Zhao is dead and things have passed. I will explain to them on the side of Xiaoyue Pavilion, and I will be able to settle minor matters without any trouble."

The two talked about some other things. Niu Youdao focused on the situation of Xuan Wei.

As for Yuan Feng, they haven't returned yet. Although Yuan Gang evacuated late, he borrowed Xuan Wei's light and returned to Qingshan County earlier ...

Picking up the Star City, Inviting Moon Inn, Ling Huqiu led the red sleeves and red whisk out of the inn.

Although the three were expelled from the Xiaoyue Pavilion, but for many years, they had some savings under their hands.

Wandering around the city, I came to a wall photo with the five words "Demon List" written on the wall photo. The name and origin of a person are written below.

Those who can be on this list are those who have broken the rules of the spiritual world.

It is not so easy to set up a school in Kaishan. The financial resources they have come up with are that the tasks to be completed are somewhat difficult.

Thirty tasks, they wanted to spend money to buy from others, but no one in those loose repairs was willing to take it easily, it was all for their own life, how could they be sold easily. The key is that Linghuqiu wants to establish absolute dominance after martial arts. He does not want to be constrained by others, but this is difficult to talk about.

They went to the Infinite Pavilion recently, and things didn't work out. They came again to pick up the Star City and had a chance. It was almost the same result. Either the price was too high to make him unbearable, and it exceeded his savings. Naturally not cheap.

Thinking about it, Linghuqiu decided to personally complete the task on the "Demon Demon List".

For many years in Xiaoyuege, with the support of Xiaoyuege's resources, it is not without gains. In these years, a lot of connections have been established, which can facilitate the completion of tasks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Copy all the lists on the list After getting off, the three men were ready to return to the inn to do task selection.

On the way, Red Sleeve whispered: "Sir, we have been stared at."

Ling Huqiu's face was tense, and there was no sound, and the three quickly returned to the inn.

As a result, the people who followed them followed the inn all the time.

In the hallway outside the room, Ling Huqiu turned around and stared at the person who followed, "Friend, what's the matter?"

The visitor pulled off the mask on his face, and Linghuqiu was stunned. The visitor was no one else, but Duan Hu beside Niu Youdao. The three had seen it.

In the end, Duan Hu followed them back to the room.

Inside, no one served tea to the guests. Ling Huqiu sat on the chair lukewarmly and said: "Niu Youdao let you come?"

Duan Hu found a brocade bag and placed it on the table. "Dao Ye learned that Mr. Linghu was having some difficulties, and sent me to present this thing, hoping to help Mr. Hu."

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