Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 410: To bear or tolerate

"I don't need him to help anything." Linghu Qiu said on his mouth, and the eyes of the master and servant still looked at the kit on the table.

Duan Hu: "Why don't you open it and see?"

Ling Huqiu: "What is it?"

Duan Hu: "Several of our brothers and Dao Ye have also spent time in loose repairs. They thought about the open school, so they completed the tasks on the list, and the credentials for completing the tasks are in it."

These tasks, they were prepared to sell after they followed Niu Youdao, but Niu Youdao stopped them.

Niu Youdao means that you do n’t have to rush to spend money, and it ’s not necessary to easily sell things you get for life, so that you can keep it. I did n’t expect it to come in handy this time.

The three schools of Liuxianzong all have their own shops in Wubian Pavilion. Ling Huqiu is a brother of Niu Youdao and known to the practitioners. Ling Huqiu went to Wubian Pavilion and immediately spread to the three shops. After Niu Youdao informed, let's pay attention to what they were doing, and found that the three masters and servants were in contact with those loose repairers. The people of the three factions found those who asked for free repair, and Niu Youdao immediately guessed Ling Huqiu's intention.

So Niu Youdao asked Duan Hu to bring those mission credentials to come to Linghuqiu, it's that simple.

Red sleeves and red whisk glanced at each other, Linghu Qiu was silent for a while, and said: "His kindness, I have the heart, you take it back."

Duan Hudao said: "Yao Dao said, this thing, the husband would stay if he wanted to stay, and throw it away if he didn't want to stay. In addition, Dao Ye has confessed that if he needs to recommend a school, whether it is Liu Xianzong, Fuyun Sect, Lingxiu Mountain, Wuliang Mountain is still Tianyumen, and will give Dao Ye a little thin face, and the sir will no longer have to trouble other people ’s favors. The Liu Xianzong, Fuyun Zong, and Lingxiushan shops in various places have also been greeted by Dao Ye. If there is demand, you can go to the shops to withdraw 100,000 gold coins at any time. "

Red sleeves and red whisks quietly looked at Linghuqiu.

Ling Huqiu's lips stretched and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Duan Hugong said: "Dao Ye still has a sentence for me to tell my husband."

Ling Huqiu: "Speak quickly, let go of farts!"

"Dao Ye's original words were that when he fled Qi, Black Peony died in the hands of Xiaoyue Pavilion!" Duan Hu said word by word, and finally said: "Don't dare to disturb, leave!"

Black Peony is dead? All three of Linghuqiu's masters and servants looked up at Duan Hu. From the outsider's perspective or in their eyes, the black peony lived with Niu Youdao, and naturally he was a Niu Youdao woman.

Duan Hu had turned and left, and closed the door when he went out.

There was a moment of silence in the house, Linghu Qiu reached out and took the pouch on the table to open it, and poured out a pile of coin-sized nameplates.

The printing rights of the world's money tickets are controlled by the Nine Supremes. The world's money bank is also controlled by the Nine Supremes. Those who complete the tasks of the demon's crooked list can be verified by the person nearest to the money bank. The nameplates were assembled to enough nameplates and handed over to places like the Star-City Inviting Moon Inn, which represented the completion of the mission.

After counting, there are 30 special nameplates, and there are many of them. For the three masters and servants, it also means that the mission of this level is completed.

The rest of the search for referrals is not difficult for Linghuqiu's network.

What really made Linghuqiu speechless was the death of Black Peony. Black Peony was a woman with a good reputation and died in the hands of Xiaoyue Pavilion when she fled Qi. Can you say that it has nothing to do with them? At least they were people in Xiaoyuege, and they deliberately murdered.

Informing them of the death of Black Peony, although they did n’t say why, all three understood the meaning of Niu Youdao. Pen account?

Not only did they not ask them to settle their bills, but they also got them out of the Qijing prison, and helped them settle the trouble of Xiaoyuege.

In fact, there is absolutely no need for others to do so, and they can be killed directly in Qijing prison to prevent future troubles!

Recalling the letter that Niu Youdao sent here, and then looking at the nameplates in front of me, the red sleeves and red whiskers were full of flavor, and they were all silent.

"The third man is righteous, I am not as good as him!" Ling Huqiu sighed with a sigh.

After so many years in the practice circle, he still met the person who complained with virtue for the first time. He couldn't pick out the things he did, he could hardly feel the slightest resentment.

Red sleeves and red whisks know that the "oldest third" of the husband once again spoke out. This time he really recognized the brother of Dao in his heart. The previous knot was completely passed ...

Beizhou Tingshi Mansion, two consecutive teams of sending off relatives on the same day, set off at almost the same time.

The next day, three birds came in a mountain outside the city.

The mountains are quiet and the old trees are shady. Shao Liu'er knelt in front of Shao Dengyun and bowed his head.

Shao Dengyun lamented tears.

Shao Liu'er, who supported the birds, did not glance at Shao Pingbo, who was seeing off under the trees, and thousands of mountains and rivers took the birds away.

The three birds were sent by Qi State to pick Shao Liu'er. Yesterday's so-called dark and bright sending-off team was a cover-up in order to prevent someone from intercepting and destroying.

Whether it is Qi State or here, I know that many people want to destroy this marriage.

Watching the birds disappear between the clouds, Shao Pingbo slowly closed his eyes, clenching his fists, slightly shaking.

I thought of my mother ’s entrustment in the past, and I thought that I would marry my sister like this. No one knew his mood, and tears fell silently on his cheeks.

He knew how much his sister hated him.

It is not that he did not consider that according to his sister's wishes, she would marry his favorite Tan Yaoxian, otherwise Tan Yaoxian would have died long ago.

Until the batch of war horses fell into the hands of Niu Youdao, he did not intend to take his sister and pro, still trying to avoid the arrival of this day, but the situation forced him to do nothing, he could only make such a failure Mover.

Wiping away the tears, he resolutely turned down the mountain without waiting for his father.

A few days later, news came from both the blind and the two consorts, and they were attacked one after another, causing many deaths and injuries. The Shangqing sect was involved and suffered a lot ...

Wuli five or two years.

Qi Guoying and Wang Haozhen's big marriage formally married Shao Liu'er to continue the string. No one from Shao Liu'er's family members came. Only the envoys were representatives, which did not affect the festive atmosphere of Qi Jing.

In the middle of the year, Yan Guo.

The negotiations between Tianyumen and the court of the Yan Kingdom finally came to fruition. Tianyumen replaced the three counties in the other three places of the country with the three counties of Nanzhou under the control of the court of the country. The two sides have begun to retreat and transfer until the end of the year before the exchange was completely successful.

At this point, the Qingshan County, Guangyi County, Huxi County, Wuyang County, Tu'an County of the 11 counties in Nanzhou all belonged to Tianyumen. The forces of Tianyumen were completely concentrated together, and Tianyumen also migrated with it. Arriving at a beautiful place in Zhongxi County, Huxi County, a cultivator who originally lived here was strongly driven away by Tianyumen, and the dove occupied the magpie nest!

Taking advantage of the relocation of Tianyumen, the four wards of the five counties rushed to Tianyumen to meet. Niu Youdao and Liu Xianzong and other three heads also accompanied the Shang Dynasty to the Tianyumen to congratulate the relocation.

During the meeting, Niu Youdao clearly saw that Shou Meilinsheng in Huxi County, Wu Tiandang in Wuyang County, and Zhao Xingfeng in Shou County in Tu'an County had the meaning of contending against the Shang dynasty. It is estimated that the Shang dynasty alone occupied the territory of the two counties.

As long as you are not stupid, you can see the follow-up attempts of Tianyumen. Once Nanzhou is defeated, one of them must take the lead to lead Nanzhou, and the site and the people of the Shang dynasty are clearly dominant. Even if Nanzhou is not beaten, if the three counties do not join forces to contend, the right to speak is not as good as that of the Shang Dynasty.

At the banquet, the three county guards joined forces to challenge the Shang dynasty, and asked the Shang dynasty for war horses, saying that they belonged to the family and so on. The Shang Chaozong side naturally struggled for reasons. Eventually, Peng came forward to reconcile, so that the Shang Chaozong ceded 3,000 horses and gave each of them 1,000 horses.

Tianyumen exerted pressure, and Shang Chaozong could only reluctantly agree.

Fei Changliu and others at the table looked at Niu Youdao's response from time to time. Niu Youdao did not respond, and it seemed that he did not hear it.

When there were not many people, such as Feng Lingbo and others.

After the banquet, it was dark and guests rested freely.

When leaving the room, Niu Youdao deliberately approached Feng Ruonan and asked casually, "Why don't you see the princess saying something for her husband?"

Feng Ruonan's silver teeth bit his lip without saying a word or ignoring him, and walked away quickly.

The visitors lived in different places. Shang Chaozong and others were in the same courtyard. Niu Youdao had just returned to his room. There were car wheels outside the door, and then someone knocked on the door.

Niu Youdao heard the voice and knew who it was. When he opened the door, it turned out to be Meng Shanming sitting in a wheelchair.

Niu Youdao stretched out his hand to invite in, Meng Shanming waved his hand, saying no, but he still asked, "Master Dao, what can you see at the banquet today?"

Niu Youdao: "Does Mengshuai refer to those three thousand horses?"

Meng Shanming: "If you want to protect the formation of Yingyang Wuliewei, I'm afraid it's not 3,000 horses, at least 9,000 horses."

Niu Youdao said with a smile: "The war horse was bought by Tianyumen at a cost. Whom Tianyumen is willing to give is naturally voluntary."

Meng Shanming: "The war horse is small, I am afraid that Tianyumen has other thoughts about the future family members of Nanzhou. What does Dao Ye think?"

Niu Youdao said: "Everyone has their own abacus for their own benefit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's a normal thing, no one can be selfish, and the lord's heart should be taken care of."

Meng Shanming: "If selfishness belongs to selfishness, if you are not afraid of meritorious rewards, you may be afraid that the soldiers below will work hard to get the most rewards, but you will not get the rewards you deserve. Instead, you will see others sit back and enjoy their success. How can the prince explain to the soldiers below?"

Niu Youdao said: "Meng Shuai means, before the meat is ready, are you ready for internal strife?"

Meng Shanming: "Want to listen to Master Dao's opinion."

Niu Youdao said: "Although I don't understand wars, at least the truth is known. Unity among the five counties is the first. You can't fight internally before the event, without the support of Tianyumen, you can't beat Nanzhou with the lord. Not to mention anything else, the three sects shrouded in the sky above Yan Guo still need Tianyumen to come forward and settle them down. The three sects disagree, and no one in Nanzhou wants to bite. As for the hindsight, if the prince's contribution is the biggest and others want to jump out and take advantage of it, I will not agree first! "

Everything else is false. What Meng Shanming wanted was his last sentence, and he nodded and said: "Dao Dao makes sense, and I will tell Dao the meaning of Dao!"

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