Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 411: Feng Lingbo

Early the next morning, Feng Entai personally came to the other courtyard here to find Niu Youdao. Yesterday, he said yes. He would like to take the Niu Youdao to visit the new site of Tianyumen.

Bai Yao, who was in the other courtyard, stepped forward to greet him and knew that the other party was here to see the cow. You quickly avoided it and did not want to see the cow.

The reason for not wanting to see is awkward. I thought that Niu Youdao was nothing in his eyes. Now that is good, Niu Youdao became his brother-in-law ’s cult, and his seniority is higher than him. Juke politely called Niu Youdao "Dao Ye", which is really awkward.

The entire disciples of Tianyumen in Qingshan County can not give face to Shang Dynasty, but they can also give face to Niu Youdao. You are politely calling the master.

I do n’t know how many people have opinions in their hearts.

After finding Niu Youdao, Feng Entai went out with him and wandered among the beautiful mountains.

The martial arts that originally occupied this place are relatively small, and the size of the building community is not large. Today, this place is occupied by Tianyumen, and the number of disciples of Tianyumen is placed here. Therefore, this place is still undergoing large-scale expansion.

Relative to the cost of Tianyumen, the cost of expanding this is nothing, and there is no need to pay for Tianyumen. The gift of each family to congratulate the housewarming is enough, Niu Youdao personally gave 10,000 gold coins as a gift In order to express their wishes, Shang Chaozong took 100,000 gold coins on behalf of the two counties.

The two finally stood on a mountain, overlooking the lake and mountains under the mountain. There was purple smoke lingering in the sunshine, and occasionally dives with birds and birds, quite a bit of fairyland charm.

"Good place!" Niu Youdao said with a standing hand.

Feng Entai shook his head with dissatisfaction, "It seems that the third brother has not been to the original mountain gate of Tianyumen, which is much stronger than here. At present, with this condition, the entire Tianyumen must obey the overall situation. It will be. "

Niu Youdao said: "This is still abandonment, the faction is really unusual."

"The third boy, I contacted the second boy." Feng Entai suddenly said.

Niu Youdao slowly looked back at him.

"The second child told me, yes!" Feng Entai patted his shoulder with emotion.

Niu Youdao said with a smile.

At this moment, a disciple came and flew to report: "Elder, the banquet is about to begin."

"Okay, I see." Feng Entai nodded, turned around and made a gesture of welcoming to Niu Youdao, and the two returned.

Yesterday's banquet was a welcoming guest, and today's banquet is a welcoming guest, people are still those people.

For these people, eating, drinking, and drinking are by no means the purpose, and the things that are discussed during the dinner are the right things.

A few glasses of wine went down, and the topic came to the supply of the five counties. The current people of the five counties have been added together, including those who are miscellaneous, almost 600,000. This is a heavy burden for the financial resources of the five counties. burden.

The point of discussion is whether we still need so many horses and horses. In the past, several counties were separated, and each had their own politics. Each had to cope with pressure from all directions. Therefore, he had to raise more people and horses. Now, the five counties are concentrated in one piece. The pressure will be greatly reduced, and it is not a problem to cut down 200,000 horses at will, which can greatly reduce the burden on the counties.

However, Tianyumen later made it clear that Nanzhou was the goal, and let everyone hold on under negative pressure. Once Nanzhou was beaten, there were not many 600,000 people at the hands of Massa who went out to arm, and the offerings that Tianyumen demanded would be different. Be temperate and try not to burden the counties.

Regarding this point, the relevant personnel know that Tianyumen can only be so generous with the benefits of drinking wine, and the income of several million gold coins a year, this alone is more than the offerings previously drawn from the counties. many.

Zhao Xingfeng, the guardian of Tu'an County, couldn't help but say, "The governing model of Qingshan County and Guangxian County is quite good, if we three counties can also reduce taxes ..."

Before he had finished speaking, Peng pressed down again, "Qingshan County and Guangyi County can provide other inputs, what can your three counties provide? Could you think that Tianyumen can swallow all the benefits of drinking? Xiaoyao Palace The annual worship of Zijin Cave and Lingjian Mountain is unstoppable. If you want to win Nanzhou, the cost of worship will only be greater. Are you paying for this money? All are from the Tianyu Gate. Well, do n’t say anything about this matter. "

Zhao Xingfeng was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that it would cause such a big reaction after just mentioning it, so he closed his mouth.

Peng continued: "The five counties are independent, and there is usually no problem. If something happens, the five counties need a unified dispatch. This matter needs to be prepared in advance. Who do you think is the most appropriate to adjust?"

As soon as this remark came out, Niu Youdao and Meng Shanming met subconsciously, thinking that they would not mention it until Nanzhou was won. I didn't expect it to start now.

Zhao Xingfeng wanted to speak again. Niu Youdao coughed and first attracted everyone's idea. "Naturally, it is better to be dispatched by the Peng leader. Is there anyone who can compare with the Peng leader?"

Meng Shanming slowly raised his lips, knowing that Niu Youdao was making trouble, and he did not want the unified command to rest in the hands of others.

As long as you are not stupid, you know who has decided to take command of the five counties in the future.

Peng Youzai was moved out here, and when Zhao Xingfeng came to his mouth, he had to swallow it, saying that other people were better than Peng Youzai.

Peng laughed again. "My brother is really a good opinion. I don't have that energy. I'm not familiar with military affairs."

Niu Youdao also pointed to the elder Tianyumen who was present. "Tianyumen has a large number of talents, so it is enough to send a disciple."

Peng was shaking his head again: "People in practice have to deal with things in practice, practice first, don't say they don't have that energy, and they can't divide their minds to take care of the vulgar things, otherwise the county guards here must do so The selection of personnel for military and political affairs is different from the selection of practitioners. Brother Niu, who specializes in the arts, I think this matter should be left to the people who are good at making the decision.

"Peng Zhang's words are reasonable." Niu Youdao smiled and turned to look at Feng Ruonan who was present, and asked, "Princess, you are also a military general. I don't know who you think is more suitable for unified dispatch?"

Feng Ruonan secretly gritted his teeth.

Feng Lingbo looked coldly at Niu Youdao, and Peng Yulan even hated her teeth. She poke her daughter out, didn't she put her daughter on the fire to roast?

Shang Chaozong, Lan Ruoting, and Meng Shanming all looked at Niu Youdao strangely. What could Feng Ruonan be the master of this matter? I don't know what the trouble with Feng Ruonan was.

Peng once again waved at the people present, "Don't take part in this matter, let the four county guards come together to recommend it!"

In a word, Niu Youdao was pressed down, and Feng Ruonan was also picked out.

Niu Youdao smiled and smiled, and Peng was toasting again. He could only say what he said. The right to decide was in the hands of others, and the right to speak was also in the hands of others. Changed facts.

Zhao Xingfeng uttered again, Feng Lingbo with his finger here, "First, there is Guangshan County before Qingshan County. It is because Lai Fenglingbo opened up the situation in Guangyi County. Only two counties today. Among the people who have served as guards here, I only To serve Feng Lingbo, I elected Feng Lingbo as the unified command of the five counties. "

Niu Youdao raised his eyebrows slightly, teasing: "Zhao Junshou's name is good!"

Everyone looked at each other, Zhao Xingfeng choked, what does that mean?

Lan Ruoting immediately answered: "What is the answer, Lord Tao?"

Niu Youdao said slowly: "Why make waves?"

Some of the people present were smirking, others were expressionless, and Zhao Xingfeng's face was slightly heavy.

Niu Youdao immediately looked at him coldly, "Looking at Zhao Junshou's face, could he have an opinion on Lao Tzu? Just kidding, don't take it seriously, it's not good."

Zhao Xingfeng was immediately facing Peng and arching his hands, and wanted to invite the other party to do justice.

Peng was quickly raising his hand to stop him, not letting him tear his face in public with Niu Youdao. This Niu Youdao apparently was deliberately finding faults. If he really wanted to be caught by this dude and found trouble, Zhao Xingfeng was afraid he could not bear it. Youdao held a wealth road in Tianyumen's hand, and Tianyumen should also be terrified by three points.

Therefore, there is no need to tear up your face if you can reasonably solve things, and everything will be discussed when the account is settled.

He said loudly, "Brother Niu, we are talking about business here, don't make jokes. If you feel uncomfortable sitting here, you can arrange a room for you." A warning was issued.

Niu Youdao waved his hand, "Peng's head is too polite, everyone is too serious, just alive the atmosphere."

Peng looked at others again.

Huxi County Shoumei Linsheng also answered, "I also recommend Feng Lingbo!"

Wu Tiandang, the guardian of Wuyang County, followed and said, "Secondly, recommend Feng Lingbo!"

There was a flash of joy in Feng Lingbo's eyes present in the seat. For this result, he already knew in advance. He looked at his son-in-law and wanted to see what else Shangzong could do.

Peng Yulan looked grateful to her father's eyes, revealing her gratitude, and found that her father was still toward her family. She also realized her father's wiseness. She Xiaoboda went around, and the Shang dynasty was just a stepping stone to his family. Father's wrist is really smart.

She couldn't help thinking of what her father said to her last night ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tianyumen is not the Tianyumen of the Peng family. Everything needs to pay attention to methods and reason, and it is easy to handle things with everyone's support.

The upper floors of the Tianyumen here were expressionless and glanced at the Shang dynasty indiscriminately, and the result was naturally negotiated by them.

Shang Chaozong played with a wine glass in his hand, and said nothing.

Feng Ruonan spoke tightly with his lips tight.

Fei Changliu and others looked dignified.

Meng Shanming glanced at Niu Youdao, and saw Niu Youdao slightly nodded.

Peng laughed again, and asked, "Why, Lord?"

Shang Chaozong said indifferently: "Is this king's opinion still important?"

Peng again said generously: "Speak freely, speak reasoning in all things, just keep saying what you think."

Shang Zhaozong's gaze left and right, after touching Meng Shanming's eyes, he stretched his cheeks and said with a voice: "The high views of the three county guards, this king seconded, agree!"

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