Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 458: Butterfly Dreamland

There are more and more people gathered outside the Butterfly Valley, scattered and scattered, it is estimated that it has reached thousands of people, either alone, or in groups of three or five, or dozens of people gathered in a pile.

From time to time, Niu Youdao, who looked around, looked up at the sky. If the time estimated by Wanshoumen was correct, he estimated that the opening time of Butterfly Dream Realm was approaching. He asked casually, "Look at the flow of people in Wanshou City , The people who come to participate in the Spirit Beast Association should not stop there. "

Guan Fangyi said: "The butterfly dream world is actually not interesting. Talents who haven't come will think about seeing it. Like you, it doesn't make sense for people who have seen it to run in again."

She had been here a long time ago and had already explained to Niu Youdao before.

She didn't even want to go in again. Niu Youdao wanted to go in. She was purely accompanied.

Speaking of which, Niu Youdao couldn't help but looked at Yun Ji across her head and asked, "Have you not been here before?"

Yun Ji has her own thoughts, without telling the truth, "No."

Niu Youdao didn't ask any more questions. The Pestle Sword stood there, but his mind was turning. This mountain master was the first time he has been in the practice circle for so long?

He glanced around again, and still did not see Hou Qingtian. He became more puzzled in his heart. Was this snake demon unaccompanied at first?

Yuan Gang, standing next to him, gazed at the halfway uphill of the mountain between the two mountains from time to time. The distance was a little far away, and it was not clear. I always felt that three disciples at the mountainside station were paying attention to this side.

"Sullied, I'll take a walk." Yuan Gang dropped the words and walked away, carrying the Sanhou knife covered in a black cloth cover behind him.

Guan Fangyi looked at Niu Youdao, but did not see what Niu Youdao said, expressionless.

Yuan Gang didn't talk much, and she usually didn't show much emotion. She didn't understand it. But when Yuan Gang opened his mouth and Niu Youdao didn't respond, she immediately noticed the well-known set between the two men. She had gradually understood the cooperation between the two men and realized the possibility. What's wrong, I can't help but pay attention to Yuan Gang's movements.

I have been paying attention and have n’t seen Yuan Gang doing anything. I just wandered in the mountains. I occasionally talked to some monks and did n’t understand what I was doing.

After strolling around for a while and standing back to Niu Youdao, Niu Youdao glanced slightly, and Yuan Gang nodded slightly, and gave a response.

After that, Yuan Gang's gaze turned to the mountainside again. Niu Youdao followed his gaze and looked a little, then his gaze moved away, and the **** on the hilt flicked as the cloud lightly breezed. After landing twice, the palms of the sword were fixed on the hilt.

Guan Fangyi, who was paying attention to the reaction of the two, also glanced in the direction of their eyes. There seemed to be only Wanshoumen disciples over there. What are these two people doing?

Yun Ji's gaze also occasionally glanced at Yuan Gang like nowhere, somehow, when she came here, she felt that there was something that was suppressing herself, making her a little flustered, and she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of fear.

After standing for a while, she confirmed that the breath came from Yuan Gang, a breath that made her soul tremble, as if something came from a distant desert, and she could trample her into meat at any time. Mud.

When the wind fell to this side, the breath covered up, making her more and more frightened, and even felt the hands and feet are soft, and felt like trying to kneel down.

She knew that, unless she was a spiritual demon who had already opened her mind, she could control her behavior with the ability to think, and she was afraid that she really wanted to lie down at the foot of this man.

If she starts under the hood of her breath, she estimates that her strength will be greatly reduced.

Still feeling horrified for the first time, she was inexplicably surprised in her heart. I do n’t know what happened to this man, so she could have such a strong sense of suppression on her ...

Buzz! The crowd waiting in the mountains suddenly commotioned, and they all felt a slight vibration on the ground. It seemed that there was an earthquake, but there was no wind. The air seemed to be frozen, and the birds screamed far away.

The eyes of the crowd in the mountains were successively turned between the two mountains that stood like swords. I saw that the mist around the mountains was gradually undulating and surging. It seemed that there were some behemoths stirring in it. .

Soon, everyone's eyes looked up one after another, and the sun was dazzling, squinting one after another, staring at the sun in the sky and watching.

Yuan Gang only glanced over the sky, and then suddenly alert to all around.

The sun hung in the air was defective, and was gradually swallowed by the black shadow from nowhere, and the area of ​​the black shadow gradually expanded.

With the passage of time, heaven and earth gradually fell into a dim, making the sentient beings feel so small.

A black ball occupied the sun in the middle, staring at all beings like an evil eye in the distance, and the black lacquered eye surrounded by a rim of gold.

At this moment, a little bit of light appeared in the agitated cloud between the two mountains. As soon as the light was emitted from the distant void, it quickly grew larger, like an open cobweb, like a crystal ball, and was placed in two. Between the mountains.

The light curtain was oscillating between the two mountains like ripples, and was conspicuous, magnificent and psychedelic between the heavens and earth swallowed by darkness.

This scene made Yuan Gang, who was calmly observing all around, can't help but look away. In his words, there is no scientific reason.

Such a fantasy situation really gave Niu Youdao an eye-opener. He deeply felt the trip and could not help whispering, "It really is a world of thousands and thousands!"

Guan Fangyi responded: "The entrance of Butterfly Dream Realm has opened!"

One side of the golden circle in the sky disappeared, one side became thicker, and the dark shadow covering the sun was obviously moving away.

As the light between heaven and earth gradually spreads like dawn, the light curtain between the two mountains is gradually losing its magnificent color, becoming a common water curtain with no special demeanor, swaying.

When the dark shadow blocking the sun completely disappears in the air, the world is like a dream at first, and everyone is like a big dream. Many people who first met with it sigh of relief. Sink into darkness forever.

There are hundreds of large birds flying in the sky with people hovering in the sky.

A group of disciples at the Beast Gate outside the light curtain suddenly broke into the light curtain and disappeared out of thin air.

Later, someone came out from the inside to make an announcement, saying that they could enter, so a large number of disciples of the Thousand Beasts broke into it first.

After that, the guests waiting outside the Butterfly Valley also began to enter one after another, and disappeared in the water curtain one after another.

The crowd concentrated on the water curtain between the two mountains and entered in order. Some people were hesitant before entering.

Niu Youdao looked at Yuan Gang, "Do you want to wait outside?" He was worried that it was not safe inside.

Yuan Gang: "Look at it."

Niu Youdao did not reluctantly, raised his hand and gestured, and the party followed the concentrated crowd and walked towards Butterfly Valley.

When I walked to the rippling water curtain, I realized that the area of ​​the water curtain was probably ten square meters wide. The entrance of the Butterfly Dream Realm was still quite large, and it could accommodate many people.

Tang Yi waved his hand, and Su Po led several disciples to the front and disappeared into the water curtain. There was a suspicion of protecting the law here, but Niu Youdao might not have realized this feeling.

Yun Ji then broke in, and Yuan Gang broke in.

Niu Youdao looked around, his eyes swept over Chao Shenghuai who was guarding the entrance, and he didn't seem to make any stop.

Body protection gushes out, Niu Youdao also stepped into the water curtain.

There is a lot of resistance in the water curtain, and ordinary mortals are obviously inaccessible.

As soon as this resistance was broken and one foot stepped in, it seemed to have stepped into another world, a dark world, and a water curtain seemed to isolate night and day.

The sky is full of stars, the galaxy is bright and dazzling, charming.

It was dark in front of me, but the earth in the distance was like a starry night sky, shining everywhere.

"Go quickly, don't hinder the entry of people behind."

Those who entered for the first time inevitably stayed behind, surprised and looked around the surrounding environment, first stepped to guard the entrance of the Wanshoumen disciples repeatedly and repeatedly sounded to remind.

Niu Youdao and others who came in one after another immediately moved away from the entrance, so as not to be hit by people who came in later.

Many people who enter for the first time, just like them, temporarily look around the surrounding environment.

There is no wind and silence in the fantasy world, which is filled with a rich and indescribable fragrance that makes people feel fragrant.

Niu Youdao looked down at the black ink grass on the ground, which was also the source of the unsatisfactory fragrance.

Although this is the first time I entered Butterfly Dream Realm and the first time I saw this grass, I have seen the description of Butterfly Dream Realm in "Shang Qing Shi Su", this grass is called "drive" and grows in the dark It smells strange, and the scent can kill other plants, and it was transplanted from the outside world.

There are also reasons for transplanting this thing. This is a dark world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The plants growing here can basically emit light, and "driving light" can restrain the plants here. It is said that the eyes were originally full of luminous plants as far away, and now the luminous plants have been killed by "driving light".

The purpose of transplanting this thing is not to destroy those glowing plants, but to deal with the countless Butterfly Rakshas here, which can also be regarded as the masters here, a butterfly demon who can soar in this world. This demon repels outside creatures and kills when it sees living creatures, including monks who enter here.

This is the name of Butterfly Dreamland.

The scent of the light-driving grass is just enough to restrain the Butterfly Raksha. The Butterfly Raksha can't stand the smell of this kind of fragrance.

Therefore, this place is both safe and dangerous. It is safe as long as it is in a dark area with light-driving grass. Once you step into the growing area of ​​luminous plants, it will be very dangerous and you will face the inexhaustible siege of Phra Raksha. The monster has a fast attack and can fly sensitively, which is quite difficult.

It is for this reason that the secret areas left by Shang Song in the Wu dynasty era were basically occupied by several great supremes, but this butterfly dream world was not left, and was left to others to operate.

At present, it is operated by Thousand Beasts, and the light-driving grass in front of it is basically transplanted by Thousand Beasts.

However, so far, the scope of transplantation of Qufa grass is still relatively small compared to the vast butterfly dream world, and it cannot occupy the entire butterfly dream world. The drive of the grass can not be occupied, which means that outside people can not occupy this place, the butterfly dream world is still full of too many unknown areas for outside people.

The reason is simple.

First of all, the driving grass can not be thrown on the ground to live, and the opening time of the butterfly dream world is also limited, only three days. This means that even if you have flying mounts at the Thousand Beasts Gate, the range of planting light-driving grass can only be controlled within a day and a half at most. After all, you have to return.

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