Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Lost

What's more, there are not so many flying mounts even for the Thousand Beast Gates, which are specially designed for people to plant light-driving grass.

Out of the three-day period, the exit of the Butterfly Dream World will be closed. At present, no monk can survive in this environment for ten years. First, the long-term supply of food and water is a problem, so the closing time is It is necessary to withdraw immediately.

Some geological environments are also unsuitable for the cultivation of light-driving grass, the same reason as the cultivation of other things.

It is only opened once every ten years, only three days at a time, and some areas are not suitable for planting. The planting areas accumulated over the years are in an irregular expansion state, and there is no very complete large area.

Therefore, to enter the butterfly dream world, you want to ensure safety. Only if you are honestly planting an area with light-driving grass. If something goes beyond this area, no one is responsible.

It can also be said that after entering the Butterfly Dream Realm, life and death are dead. No one is forcing you to come in. Before you come in, think for yourself. Wanshoumen is not responsible for security issues.

There is starlight in the sky, there is a splendid galaxy, but there is no moonlight. The entrance is dark, there is a crowd of people, and there is no moonlighting.

No one brought the Moon Butterfly into it. The Moon Butterfly was also afraid of the smell of the light-dispelling grass, because the mother of the Moon Butterfly was produced here. It was Wanshoumen who grabbed the mother from here and spent a lot of effort to reproduce and improve it. After the variety.

The creatures here are very strange, it seems that they are only suitable for living in this dark area, and they will gradually die of death when they go out. The mother of Moon Butterfly is like this, as is the butterfly monster of the assassin and the killer. Therefore, it is not easy for Wanshoumen to make Moon Butterfly, and it is also worth it. It has become an essential thing for everyone in the spiritual world, and has become one of the main financial resources of Wanshoumen.

It is said that this is also the biggest reason why Wanshoumen can hold this place. Some people still look forward to Wanshoumen, hoping that Wanshoumen will conquer the butterfly dream world.

Yuan Gang looked up towards the top of his head. Above the sky, there seemed to be some dark shadows passing under the stars and could not see clearly.

Guan Fangyi explained, "It's the butterfly brake, the smell of the light-driving grass above the sky can't reach, can't stop the butterfly brake's leap, and sometimes the butterfly brake will throw something from the height to attack."

Niu Youdao said: "I heard that people who come in can catch the Butterfly Raksha and sell it to Wanshoumen?"

Guan Fangyi: "First of all, it must be alive. There are four kinds of Butterfly Raksha. The white wings with the weakest attack are only one thousand gold coins. The blue wings can sell 50,000 gold coins. The red wings are also called blood Raksha. , A 500,000 gold coin sold to Wanshoumen. However, it is difficult to get Red Wings, not only ferocious, but also with a strong temperament, preferring to kill themselves rather than being caught. It is estimated that Wanshoumen wants to engage in the same way as breeding moon butterflies Something comes out, but this thing does not belong to the outside world. After getting it out, I ca n’t live too long. I can only work on the quantity to find hope, so as long as you can get it, Wanshoumen will buy it. Every time the butterfly dream world opens At that time, Thousand Beasts will invest heavily in this. "

She pouted at the crowd in front of her. "Whenever this happens, there will always be some casual repairs here to take risks and exchange their lives in exchange for money. So it is better to meet this kind of person and stay away from them. These people were irritated and approached them. It was easy to be affected by the pond fish. The Thousand Beast Gates regardless of this matter, anyway, it is not the people of the Thousand Beasts Gate who take risks, they only need to pay money to let others sell their lives. "

Yuan Gang on the side interjected, "Four kinds, but one more?"

Guan Fangyi turned his head to look at him, "There is also a legend called Saint Raksha. It is said to be the king of Butterfly Raksha. Unlike other Butterfly Raksha, not only is he powerful, he can also leave here to survive outside. It is said that as long as one surrenders, you can control the entire Butterfly Dream Realm by the Butterfly Demon, and you can move freely in the Butterfly Dream Realm. However, it only exists in legends. It seems that no one in the current practice world has seen it. Legend of the Wu Dynasty There is a spouse beside the Queen Li Ge who is Shang Song's surrender to Butterfly Dream Realm and the main reason why Shang Song can build a palace in Butterfly Dream Realm. If anyone can catch the Holy Raksha, money is not a problem, priceless Someone will buy you how much money, I am afraid that the Nine Supreme Supreme will be alarmed by you, and since then you will fly to the top. "

Frowning provocatively, he picked, "Just think about it, not everyone can make the money. It is said that the strength of San Razak is comparable to that of a US dollar infant monk. I really want you to meet. You better escape quickly. Even if you can escape, even if you are fatal, do n’t think about the rest. "The tone is ridiculous.

Niu Youdao smiled, the two of them kept looking at each other's eyes.

Yuan Gang was not in a mood to quarrel with Guan Fangyi today. His attention is not here today.

The crowd gathered for a while began to tentatively expand and evacuate, mostly for the first time.

"Now that we come in, let's take a look." Niu Youdao waved his hand with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Yun Ji suddenly said, "Let's go our own way."

"..." Niu Youdao was stunned, just wanting to ask why, Yun Ji had flashed and flew away without even an explanation.

Everyone couldn't help but wonder, did Yun Ji still say they were together?

As everyone knows, Yun Ji did want to observe Niu Youdao at first, but did not want to bump into Yuan Gang. It was very uncomfortable to stay with Yuan Gang. The soft repressive taste of her hands and feet made her very uncomfortable and quickly left.

In fact, Yuanfang also had this feeling earlier, so he was often beaten by Yuan Gang ’s clothes, but he has n’t realized it yet. He has become accustomed to mixing with Yuan Gang for a long time, and the habit will become natural, exercise out, and also Hipster smiles, dead skinned face to Yuan Gang.

Only when Yuan Gang gets angry, Yuanfang will be afraid.

Yuan Gang rarely angers Yuanfang now, and now Yuanfang doesn't want to run away, and Yuanfang listens to him very much.

As for Niu Youdao, Yuanfang may still have a question, but as long as Yuan Gang opens his mouth, Yuanfang will basically not have two words, so that he will not go east and west, so that he will shut up immediately.

There are some things that the authorities are obsessed with. Yuan Gang and Yuan Fang have not yet realized the real reason. Yuan Fang only thinks that Yuan Gang is more violent and uses his fists to make him feel scared.

Also, when Yuanfang first came into contact with Yuan Gang, the breath on Yuan Gang's body was not as oppressive as Yun Ji's exposure at this time. Yuanfang had a gradual adaptation process.

Niu Youdao looked at the direction of Yun Ji's departure, and found that Yun Ji's landing point in this dark zone seemed to be in place. Which place is high and which place is low seems to have been prejudged. It doesn't seem to be the first time. Squinting, he lifted his chin in that direction again, and took people towards Yunji.

In fact, there was no one around him, only Guan Fangyi, Yuan Gang and Yuan Fang.

Nobody came to Fufang Garden this time, and there was another matter of raping. Before clarifying Chen Bodi, he would not dare to take Chen Bo with him in such a place. The internal change is more terrifying than anything. Accident. If you leave Chen Bo alone and you are afraid of Chen Bo's doubts, Xu Lao Liu also stayed outside, on the grounds that in case something happened, and in case they didn't go out, there were also people outside who informed the house to report back to the home so that they could respond and be considered responsible. .

As for the 13th old man who was responsible for guarding the gold wings, he stayed in the Beast City and did not follow here.

Of the ten people who followed here on the Shangqing Sect, Niu Youdao didn't consider himself as a person, but Tang Yi still led them to keep up.

After all, he was unfamiliar with the terrain here. After a while, Yunji lost his trace.

A party stood at a fork in the road, looking around, and occasionally other monks passed by.

In fact, it is not a fork in the road, but the light-driving grass planting in this area tends to be affected by the terrain, bypassing the steep terrain, like the branches of the branches extending in three directions.

I don't know which direction Yun Ji is going, it is difficult to make a choice in three ways.

Niu Youdao looked at Yuan Gang. Yuan Gang is a master in tracking footsteps. He can even judge whether a person is a man or a woman and the approximate height and weight according to the footprint. However, Yuan Gang also shook his head. The light was unknown here, and Yun Ji was flying by. It was a little difficult to find Yun Ji's footprint in a short time.

Guan Fangyi asked, "What are you doing with her? Who is that mysterious woman god?"

When Tang Yi and others followed, Niu Youdao didn't answer, and continued to look around. He couldn't find Yun Ji and wanted to choose a destination.

With orientation in mind, Niu Youdao turned to look at Tang Yi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ asked: "Why are you following me?"

Tang Yi stepped forward, "Don't get me wrong, we have no intentions. After all, there are still some risks here. You just think we are escorting you."

"Escort me?" Niu Youdao suddenly looked amused and ridiculed: "You can't even protect yourself, and you want to **** me? Since I dare to come in, I have the means to protect myself, I don't need you to bother. I will lead you Stop, do n’t follow me, go out immediately and leave the illusion. "

Wei Duo stuttered: "Tao ... Dao Ye ..."

"Shut up!" Niu Youdao stretched out his hand. "I'm bored when I see you. Get out of here!"

Wei Duo was speechless.

Tang Yi looked at him indifferently, and a group of disciples of the Shangqing sect followed him indifferently, and was suspected of struggling.

Irritability! Niu Youdao walked back and forth a few steps, a little convinced these people, and finally waved at Tang Yi.

Tang Yi came, everyone watched, followed Niu Youdao and walked aside.

The two stopped a little further from the crowd, Niu Youdao turned and asked, "What the **** do you want to do?"

Tang Yi: "Shang Qing Zong is indeed sorry for you, but Shang Qing Zong did not expel you from the teacher, you are still a disciple of Shang Qing Zong. The faults committed by Shang Qing Zong, I will take it all by myself. Whatever you want Yes, please look at Uncle Dongguo's face. Don't give up the Qing sect, beg me to beg you ... "Speaking of short stature, you must kneel to him.

Niu Youdao dragged her arm and dragged her up, "Come on this one! I said Tang Master, how much hatred do I have with you? Will not let me go, I want to kill me Not successful? Are you really confused or falsely confused? At that time, you still know that throwing me to the Shang Dynasty Sect and the Shang Dynasty Sect to clarify the relationship, don't you know that the Shang Qing Sect can't mix with the Shang Dynasty Sect? Is it intentionally harming me?

The people not far away watched the two pull through the starlight, Guan Fangyi pouted, and looked down on him.

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