Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Shock

Raised a pair of ring knives in his hand, and the side of the hand was close to Niu Youdao, looking at him timidly.

Looking at the white-winged Raksha who is still twitching on the ground, Guan Fangyi pressed his voice and said angrily: "Don't go yet, are you crazy?"

Niu Youdao: "Late!"

There were strange noises all around, and weird-looking "people" climbed out from behind the rocks or trees. In a few moments, dozens of butterfly brakes emerged, staring at them fiercely and fiercely. Slowly spread the butterfly wings behind him.

Most of the open wings cracked with white light, several with blue light, and one with a chapped red blood.

Blood Raksha? Guan Fangyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and Fu Zhuan had turned out between his fingers. "Wang bastard, go away. Fu Zhuan in my hand should be able to **** us."

Niu Youdao squinted at Yuan Gang, "Look at you."

Yuan Gang's cheek gang twitched a bit, broke his tongue, and opened his mouth with **** saliva, spraying it like a mist on Niu Youdao, and Niu Youdao was free.

Yuanfang is not immune.

Tuan Fangyi, who was in shock, was also sprayed with **** spit on his face, and reached out and wiped it on his face, with a pale blood in one hand.

She had wanted to cast a spell to resist, but seeing Niu Youdao allowed Yuan Gang to act, and realizing that Yuan Gang certainly had a reason to do this, she let her face be sprayed.

But when something was sprayed on the face, I thought of Yuan Gang's spit. She was a little crazy. She was a woman who loved beauty and inevitably loved cleanliness. She spurted a spit on her head, especially when she hated him. , Disgusting enough to choke.

She was too late to ask about the situation. The blood Luosha who stood on the rock and saw the fierce light suddenly had a fang and blood mouth, and issued a yell.

The other Butterfly Luoshas scattered around the surrounding area immediately swarmed and siege!

The cow with his hands on the hilt is calm and steady, but it can make people feel the calm and ready to go.

Yuan Fang's complexion and eyes were obviously nervous.

Since his debut, he hasn't been killed by Zheng Er Ba Jing. For example, during the first battle outside the Star City, he ran and hid, and dared to show his head after the Niu Youdao finished playing.

So he regretted it a little bit now, regretting not to be stubborn and wanting to run out with the cow. If he has any good knowledge, he still hides in the nest and calms down. It is too dangerous outside.

Guan Fangyi squeezed Fu Zhuan in his hand and was ready to resist at any time.

Yuan Gang had a diagonal knife in his hand, facing the blood Raksha on the mountain rock.

However, the fierce fight between Yuanfang and Guan Fangyi did not appear. A group of sprinting butterfly brakes stopped suddenly, and their wings flew, and they all fell in the ground outside. They all slowly retreated with a look of panic. What are you afraid of?

Guan Fangyi, who was tight-hearted, was surprised. It seemed to be the same with the three blue-winged Raksha who had attacked them before. Combined with the behavior of Niu Youdao and Yuan Gang, she couldn't help but leaned her head to look at Yuan Gang, and finally Realized that this abnormal situation should be related to Yuan Gang.

Seeing a group of similar retreats, there was no offensive. The blood Raksha who was standing on the mountain was angry. The paws pointed at Niu Youdao and others, and then issued a "Ya" scream, which was full of intimidation.

Butterfly Luozha stopped back in a circle, but it was in a dilemma. He dared not step forward to attack and feared that Blood Luozha would not dare to retreat.

Uh! Blood shadow flashed, seeing a group of similar people dared not to do it, Xue Luosha finally took the lead to do it himself.

However, the distance is also outside, and the attack direction of Blood Raksha is biased. He flew around a group of people and landed in a redirected position, but did not retreat like other Butterfly Raksha, but towards the cow. Dao and others yelled and couldn't understand what they wanted to express.

Yuan Gang, who had a slanting knife in his hand, stepped out and walked towards the Blood Raksha step by step, approaching.

The sweat in Yuan Fang's palms came out and found that Yuan Ye was Yuan Ye, so fierce!

Guan Fangyi's face was uncertain.

As Yuan Gang approached, Xue Luosha unconsciously withdrew one step, but quickly withdrew it, indicating that he was not frightened. "Ah!" Stretched his neck and shouted at Yuan Gang, seemingly threatening or warning Yuan Don't get closer.

Blood Luosha roared, and Yuan Gang immediately responded with a "roar". The emotion of the response obviously made people feel anger.

"Ah!" Blood Raksha roared again, his wings flicked, and his paws pointed to the white-wing Raksha who fell on the edge of Niu Youdao, as if to say something.

Niu Youdao frowned, and found that it was n’t what he thought it was, and vaguely felt that Yuan Gang was not so deterrent to the Butterfly Demon at the level of Blood Raksha. 'S palm slowly grasped the hilt.

"Alas ..."

When the knife flashed, Yuan Gang suddenly chopped a knife with both hands, and the tiger's roar exploded from the knife like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shocking people.

Blood Raksha subconsciously waved his claws across his head to resist.

The strong wind was surging, but the Three-Roar Knife was suspended in the air. The cold blade was only a few inches away from the two claws that the Blood Raksha resisted.

Blood Raksha slowly lowered his claws, looked up in horror, looked at the hovering uncut blade, and gently yelled Yuan Gang, seemingly unwilling.

"Roar!" Yuan Gang responded with another roar in his mouth. This time the anger was obviously stronger.

Blood Raksha immediately retreated slowly, and after a few steps, one turned around, his wings fluttered, and he yelled in the air, and a group of butterfly Raksha immediately fluttered away, and his wings disappeared and disappeared into the stone. Behind.

Yuan Gang turned his knife back and nodded slightly at the cow staring at himself, saying it was all right.

Guan Fangyi and Yuanfang were really dumbfounded. Just now, this one was a bit stupid to the two. Has a crisis resolved like this?

"Yuan Ye!" Yuan Fang suddenly greeted Yuan Gang with a flattering smile. It was called a nod and a waist, a pair of appearances that admired Yuan Gang's five bodies, which did not match his decent appearance.

After this scene, in his mind, he gave Yuan Gang a glance again and found a reason for self-consolation for his usual weakness in front of Yuan Gang. Yuan Ye was so fierce that he should be honest.

"Big man, do you understand the language of Die Luosha?" Guan Fangyi asked in consternation.

The situation just now seemed to her to communicate with Die Luosha. She now understands why Niu Youdao dares to fall, and dare to be prepared.

"No." Yuan Gang casually said.

Guan Fangyi didn't believe it. "You just talked to that blood Raksha just now."

Yuan Gang was too lazy to care about her. The two were always out of sight and had nothing to talk about.

Niu Youdao can't do anything when nothing happens. In this environment, there are some situations that need to be understood, and I misunderstood before.

I have had the experience of a big snowy mountain, and heard Yuan Gang ’s experience of manipulating the Scorpion Emperor in the sand sea. Before that, I saw the fear of Yuan Gang by the blue-winged Raksha. Only dare to follow the three disciples of the Thousand Beasts here because of their dependence.

But looking at the situation of the Blood Raksha just now, it seems that it is not exactly the case, and he is somewhat afraid.

Of course, there is another important factor to dare to come in, that is, Fu Fangyi on Guan Fangyi. Guan Fangyi seems to have a lot of powerful Fu Zhuan beside him. This woman's family background is unclear. And Guan Fangyi also said just now in anxiety that the Fu Zhuan body can protect everyone, proving that this woman's family is indeed deep.

That's why he took Guan Fangyi everywhere, with such a good bodyguard, it's silly not to bring it.

"You have a way to communicate with Blood Raksha?" Niu Youdao also asked.

Similar words, different people asked, Yuan Gang's reaction was also different, said slightly later: "I don't know, I didn't feel anything before, but gradually I seem to be able to feel the emotion expression of these monsters, I can also express my emotion expression Let them know, and I do n’t know the rest. "

Guan Fangyi and Yuanfang are like listening to the heavenly books, I don't know what he is talking about.

Niu Youdao is silently nodding. He knows that Yuan Gang refers to his hard qigong practice. As the progress of hard qigong practice deepens, some anomalies gradually appear.

He can also understand Yuan Gang ’s confusion, and no one who has ever experienced this has directed Yuan Gang, even if it has n’t been touched at all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Everything is guessed by Yuan Gang himself, his eyes blacked It's totally touching the river across the river, and it's reasonable to be confused.

It's just that the abnormality that happened to Yuan Gang also made Niu Youdao curious about the hard Qigong practiced by Yuan Gang. What is going on in Chi You Wufang? Is it really related to the legendary Chi You?

Niu Youdao thought about the legend of Chiyou in his mind. In the legend, Chiyou used fierce beasts as totems. He fought endlessly in battle. As long as he did not die, he would never fall down. He was extremely brave and could fight against the gods!

The doubts in my heart were temporarily put aside, and the environment here did not allow him to slowly think about other things, so he said to Yuan Gang: "You try again to see if you can communicate with those Butterfly Luosha again."

Yuan Gang puzzled: "Communicate?"

Niu Youdao: "Don't the things of Shahai help you? Be safe, just in case!"

Yuan Gang nodded, understood what he meant, turned away, and ran away in the direction where the blood Raksha disappeared.

Niu Youdao turned to face the other two, "The three Thousand Beastmen thieves shouldn't just lead us in. Whatever we do, we must have a purpose, and we must confirm whether we are dead or not, so there are eight Nine will come back, let's find a place to wait for them. "

"You still have to wait for them?" Guan Fangyi's face turned black. "You still want to settle accounts with them? This is the site of the Thousand Beast Gate. Don't trouble yourself. Get out as soon as you can. The old lady doesn't want to accompany you to death!"

Niu Youdao said: "It's not as terrible as you think. If the Thousand Beasts are going to deal with me, the three guys don't need to waste this long time. With the strength of the Thousand Beasts, there is no need to slowly lead us here. It should have nothing to do with the Thousand Beasts Gate. I have to figure out what the three guys are doing to me. If no one knows who the enemy is, that ’s the biggest danger. "

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