Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 463: 1 group of exotic flowers

On the cliff, a large bird standing with its wings closed, its eyes gleaming left and right under the starlight.

Aside, Chao Shenghuai and the He brothers stood side by side, looking at where Niu Youdao and others fell.

"Oh ..."

A whistle came faintly. The distance was far and the sound was not loud. In this quiet and deep area, the ears were clearly heard. The bird "coo" narrowed his neck and stretched his neck to stare. There was also a reaction.

The three looked at each other, and they all looked suspicious.

He Youchang wondered: "How come there is a tiger roar?"

I don't know, the three of them stared in that direction again and watched for a while, but the unexpected violent movement appeared again.

How surprised was it, "What's going on? Why didn't it respond?"

He Youchang: "Could it be that Die Luosha killed the fight too soon, and it was too late to have fierce movement? The bear would not be killed by Die Luosha?"

Chao Shenghuai's eyes flashed for a while, "Let's go and see."

He Youjian stretched out his hand and stopped, "Don't be reckless, how do I feel this matter is strange?"

Chao Shenghuai: "What is your opinion, Brother?"

He Youjian pondered: "I always feel that the lead guy among them is a bit wrong. Although he is respectful to us, he is calm and calm, and it doesn't feel like a casual repair. There is also that the female's repair behavior is obviously higher than that of others, but It ’s the fellow ’s follower, do n’t you think it ’s weird? In addition, we treated like that just now, can they not know that the situation has changed? I do n’t see them hurrying away and running away. Instead, they sink down, something is wrong! ”

Things did not develop as they imagined.

The three people's eyes flicked, and they all looked to the left. It was hidden that several disciples of the Thousand Beasts emerged from the forest. They seemed to be standing at the top of the tree to visit. They were obviously shocked by the tiger roar.

Chao Shenghuai said: "Uncle Ma is over there. I ask Uncle Ma to bring my brothers and sisters to help me wait."

He Youchang: "Or forget it?"

There was a moment of anger on Chao Shenghuai's face, "Is it done, can I still look back? I want to see people alive, I want to see a dead body, and once people run out and complain, we won't be able to eat and walk around."

He Youchang was slightly sorrowful, and was a little annoyed in his heart. How could this attitude treat himself as a brother, but there is no way, the background of others is there, it is not easy to offend. He had to be patient and said: "Brother, my elder brother makes sense, the group of guys are indeed a bit abnormal. They may really conceal their identity, maybe they are really simple people."

Chao Shenghuai: "I said, Senior Brother, you use your brain to think about it, because the origin may not be simple, so you can't let them leave alive, and it is useless for ordinary people to complain. If someone who has a lot of weight, it is called trouble, and the matter is stabbed. We all had to be unlucky when we came out. There was nothing to hesitate, let's go! "After he finished, he snapped his fingers at the birds on the side.

The bird jumped off the cliff and fluttered, and he jumped first.

Knowing the other party's origin may not be easy. Have you dared to do it before? He Yu's eyes flashed with anger, but some words could only be held in his stomach.

He Youjian stretched out his brother's sleeve and shook his head slightly, gestured to bear it.

The two jumped out together and landed on the bird together, and the three drove the bird to the place where someone was on the left.

Several people stood on the canopy and looked up at the flying birds.

The bird flew back, flapped its wings on the canopy, and the strong winds of the instigated large wings caused the branches and leaves to shake, and the green smoke rising in the forest below was like clouds.

A few large incense burners were burned underneath. The rising green smoke came from those incense burners. The smell of the green smoke was the smell of the light-driving grass, but it was more intense and pungent.

The three also fell in front of several of the same doormen and greeted them together, "Uncle Shi."

The uncle with a slightly rich posture named Ma Jin, was temporarily responsible for the planting of light-driving grass in this area. His eyes glanced at the direction where the movement came from, and he said with a deep voice: "What happened to that movement just now, is it about you? "

It's hard not to doubt it. The birds just borrowed from here, knowing that they have been here.

Chao Shenghuai stretched out his palm and asked, "Uncle Master, can you take a step to speak?"

Ma Jin was not sure, but he floated to another canopy and stood.

Chao Shenghuai immediately walked away and discussed with Ma Jin.

Except for the He brothers, the people in the canopy here do n’t know what the two are muttering over there ...

On the cliff, a group of people hidden in the dark mountain finally made their heads and came to the edge of the cliff one after another. They were also attracted by the spectacular fantasy scenery in front of them.

"Sure enough, the word" illusion "should be played." Luo Yuangong heartily praised.

This group of people is Tang Yi and others from Shang Qingzong. Niu Youdao told Tang Yi to take people out of the illusion, but Tang Yi did not listen to him. The environment was not discovered.

In the hiding, I saw that Niu Youdao and others jumped off the cliff. I wanted to follow him to see what happened. As a result, I saw the disciples of Wanshoumen who walked with Niu Youdao return.

"Actually, I left the protective area of ​​the light-driving grass and entered here, wouldn't it be all right?" Su Po asked in surprise.

Tang Yi pointed in the direction, "Look, the people of Wanshoumen are also there. He was just with the people of Wanshoumen. It should be prepared, and there should be nothing wrong."

Luo Yuangong looked around. "They have the help of the Thousand Beasts. They can enter this area. We don't have it, and we can't follow it anymore!"

Su Po: "Something happened right away, and I don't know what it is. This guy's level is different now, and he has friendship with Wanshoumen. We can't keep up."

They followed quietly along the way and found that the disciples of Wanshoumen were guiding Niu Youdao to swim in the mountains and waters. This treatment was not seen by others, and they mistakenly thought that Niu Youdao had friendship with Wanshoumen.

It was also because Niu Youdao said that something was going to happen, and Tang Yi didn't obey to leave. She was also very kind and prepared to take the disciples of Shang Qingzong in case something happened.

Tang Yi looked around and pointed to the rugged land on the side of the cliff, took a group of people from the Shangqing sect to hide in the past, preparing to wait here to look at the situation and enter the fantasy land under the cliff. Not dare ...

"I don't know if the sky is thick and thick, and you don't even know who you are, so dare you do it? It's just nonsense!" Ma Jin stared at Chao Shenghuai and scolded.

Chao Shenghuai arched his hand: "Uncle Shi, the disciple knows the wrong thing, but if I really want them to go back and sue, I will be fined. My grandfather is embarrassed."

His grandfather is Ma Jin's master.

When this remark came out, Ma Jin's face was unclear, and there was an urge to slap this servant. This servant didn't tell himself that it was okay. He told himself that if he ignored him, he might not be responsible if he turned around , The key is to let the master think about himself? Some things are more cruel than the punishment on the surface.

Ma Jin gritted his teeth, "You should know that this place, we can't insist on breaking into it for too long."

This was a relief, Chao Sheng was overjoyed, and nodded again and again: "Uncle Shi said, if you look for it, there is no way to find it."

Ma Jinya tickled, if this was not the master's grandson, he had to pack up a hard meal, but there was no way, the matter had already poke himself, and turned back to the master's side to make a difference, it would be a good thing to make up It ’s another thing to go or not.

The two returned in a flash, and Ma Jin quickly summoned some disciples from the scene.

He brothers looked at each other and could understand each other's thoughts. It is good to have a background, even the uncle can drive it.

Soon, four birds carried twelve people into the sky and rushed to where Niu Youdao and others fell.

As soon as it reached the azimuth, four people were left to control four birds, and the remaining nine people landed in the forest.

As soon as he landed, he quickly warned all around. Nine people quickly saw the white-winged Raksha who fell dead on the ground. Ma Jin led Chao Shenghai three people to look forward and saw that it was killed under the sword.

Ma Jin looked around and said, "Let's see if we can find the trail."

A group of people took orders, and after looking around, they were all vigilant.

In the distance, there is no problem to accommodate more than ten people in the hole of a huge tree. Niu Youdao and others are in the hole.

You can choose to hide here because of the angle of view here.

Seeing that there are a group of more disciples from Ten Thousand Beasts participating in it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Niu Youdao frowned slightly, and was a bit confused about what the situation was. Is it really Thousand Beasts to deal with himself? Squeezing the situation back and forth, I feel unlikely.

Slightly pondering, he whispered his head: "It's not polite to push it to the head. I'm going to see what ghosts are doing at Wanshoumen. Those three guys try to take the living mouth away, the other ... kill!"

Guan Fangyi from the side jumped in shock: "You're crazy! Are you living impatiently?"

Niu Youdao said: "If it is really the Thousand Beasts Gate to deal with us, they guard the entrance and exit, do you think we can go out smoothly? It is better to make things bigger, it is better to attract the elite manpower of the Thousand Beast Gates, With the opportunity to fish in muddy water, maybe you can find an opportunity to slip out. "

Guan Fangyi's expression twitched, and today he taught him the ruthless side of this desperate man, and made him anxious to dare to do anything with anyone.


"Yeah ..."

Guan Fangyi looked back and saw that Yuan Gang was already communicating with the blood Raksha, and even called the bandage.

This tree hole was originally the nest of the Blood Raksha and had a strange smell.

"Lao Niang had a good time in Qijing. I met you two **** and fell for eight lifetimes. Sooner or later you will be killed by you ..." Guan Fangyi looked sorrowful and knew that she couldn't stop it, so she couldn't take it. What better way to come, can only be cursed aside.

Yuan Fang looked innocently from left to right, and was nervous. He was also scared, but at this time, he seemed to have little say, and it did n’t work. He could only watch with his eyes shut, praying to worship Buddha in his heart, Ask for security.

"What's the whisper?" Guan Fangyi turned around and whispered roundly.

Yuan Fang's weak way: "Reading Sutra!"

Guan Fangyi was speechless, rolled his eyes, and found himself mixed in a group of strange flowers, who are they?

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