Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 464: Raksha Tide

Although the hiding place was some distance away from the search place, this place was really quiet. The roaring and screaming movements in the tree cave still caused the disciples of the Thousand Beast Gates approaching here to perceive.

"Master, there's movement over there!" A disciple of Ma Jin flashed back, pointing his finger at the tree hole in the distance.

Everyone looked at it, Ma Jin waved his hand, and a group of people immediately went towards the tree hole.

Before they approached, Blood Raksha had burst out of the tree hole and landed on the branch of the hole, and his wings slowly spread out and burst into a bleeding light crack.

Blood Raksha! The disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts stood around and Ma Jin showed a dignified look that he took seriously.

call! The slowly spreading wings suddenly opened completely, the blood was bright, and the blood Rama with trembling wings flew back to the sky and screamed "Yeah".

Soon, there were sounds of "Yeah" one after another in the vicinity and in the distance, which covered a wide range.

Others don't understand, but the disciples that Ten Thousand Beasts can put in have all received prior training in coping, and at a glance they knew that this blood Raksha was calling his associates.

Hearing the spread of the sound, even the disciples of Wanshoumen, who were planting light-driving grass in the distant forest, looked up at each other one by one, and the personnel quickly gathered close to each other.

"Close!" Ma Jin drank.

Dozens of Butterfly Rakshas in the vicinity have come across and shot at this group of people, and directly attacked.

Dark green **** popped out of the fingers of the disciples of the Thousand Beasts, slamming against the incoming Butterfly Brake, and the exploding dark green smoke immediately made the incoming Butterfly Brake groan and mess up. Attacking the lineup, some can't stand the stimulus and fly around, and some flutter and retreat.

Over the forest, the faces of the disciples who drove the four birds hovered, and their faces changed greatly. I saw that the light that incited the wings in the distance continued to emerge from the forest.

Even more of them jumped out of the forest nearby and shot directly at four birds in the air.

"Master, Luo Chachao!" A disciple shouted at the forest below.

After reporting the letter, the four drove the birds and quickly retreated.

There is no way, the birds are of great value, and fighting in the air is not the opponent of Die Luosha, can not afford this loss.

What's more, looking at this situation, you can't retreat anymore.

After retreating, the four people also continuously popped dark green **** between their fingers, using the exploding smoke to resist the chasing butterfly brakes, or avoiding the blocking butterfly brakes to open the way for the bird mounts, and the four birds cried in panic.

Raksha tide? Ma Jin, who heard the warning, suddenly looked up, his face changed drastically, and he said without hesitation: "Go!"

Chao Shenghuai also showed confusion on his face, but unexpectedly led to the Raksha tide. As a disciple of Ten Thousand Beasts, how could he not know the horror of Raksha tide in the Butterfly Dream Realm, and the thought of chasing the end to the end was instantly thrown into the back of the brain The brothers bounced out of the air quickly, and together with the others, they bounced on the covered branches above the dense branches that wanted to break through the cover and escape the forest.

However, it was too late for the following delay. Hundreds of Butterfly Rakshas covered from above and shot into the forest below, stopping them straight.

The continuous blast of smoke pushed the dashing brakes away, and a group of people rushed out of the forest and jumped out of the sky, and they were rushed by a bunch of winged brakes.

A blood Raksha escaped from the forest, hovering its wings in the air, and its claws pointed to Chao Shenghuai and He Brothers "Yeah".

There were more and more Die Luosha coming, nine disciples of the Thousand Beasts were caught in a huge panic, and it was useless to explode the pill all the way to open the road, forcing the eyes in front, there were waiting behind, rushing to stop, leaving The light-shielding grass protection area does not seem to be far away, but the feeling of being close to it is so out of reach that people are desperate.

After all, the number of "escape pills" carried on them is limited, and they can't withstand such rapid consumption.

The fierce fighting sounds, and nine people had to pick up their weapons and fight with Die Luosha desperately. There were continuous Die Luosha being chopped and rained down, but they could n’t kill them, and they could n’t rush out. The light wing incites the attack back and forth.

"Ah ..." A scream of sorrow sounded, and a disciple of Ten Thousand Beasts was dragged out by the back of his head with a paw, and was suddenly torn in the air by several butterfly brakes, flesh and blood flying.

At a glance, Chao Sheng was trembling with fear, but he didn't notice that he was grabbed by a claw stretched over his shoulder and overturned his body. The severe pain on his shoulder was nothing. What was more terrible was that he didn't know how many claws gave it. Hitting the branches and leaves all the way down, it was really terrified, and I couldn't even regret it.

Under the chase of a group of Phalaenopsis, under the cover of "Shusha Maru", four birds fled smoothly to the direction of the mountain cliff and escaped into the protective area of ​​light-driven grass.

The chasing Butterfly Luosha only chased a little distance into the protection zone, so he could not bear the stimulus of the smell and quickly turned and flew away, giving up chasing.

The four people on the bird looked back and looked at the light dots flying densely over the forest. They felt terrified. They knew that if they were to evacuate decisively and stay for a while, I am afraid they would not want to escape.

Well, they do n’t understand what Ma Jin did, and they caused Raksha tide.

They do not believe Ma Jin does not know the explanation of the master. If it is not necessary, don't do anything that angers Die Luosha too much, otherwise no one will eat it.

"Hurry up and ask for help!" A disciple drank.

They can only ask for help. They dare not go back.

He stayed here to control the birds and check the situation, and the other three quickly left the birds.

Hidden in the dark, Shang Qingzong and others hiding in the rugged mountain rocks were also shocked to witness the spectacular scene above the forest. I have never seen such a situation.

"Is this the legendary Luocha wave?" Luo Yuangong said to himself.

Su Po's face was solemn. "It should be. It is said that the Supreme People wanted to conquer here in the early years. After the Raksha tide was triggered, they had to avoid their sharp edges and evacuate."

A disciple asked: "Isn't the Supreme even the opponent of Die Luosha?"

Su Pohui: "Isn't it an opponent? The fantasy world is the world of Butterfly Raksha. The number of Butterfly Raksha is really too much. I can't kill them all, and I can't eat them up. I can only fail, otherwise It ’s not even the turn of the Thousand Beasts to take control. "

Luo Yuangong suddenly reminded, "Is Niu Youdao also ..."

He stopped half of what he said, and everyone looked at Tang Yi. Tang Yi stared tightly at his lips.

Wei Duo clenched his fists in both hands, and he was full of fear, and saw Niu Youdao and those disciples of Ten Thousand Beasts going inside. They all suspected that Niu Youdao had also fallen into the desperate situation of Luocha wave.

"We can't wait, we have to find a way to save him!" Wei Duo anxiously said something very smooth.

Everyone looked stunned and thought he had heard it wrong, but he was right.

Su Po: "How to save? As long as we run out, we die."

"Can't look at it, I ... I'm going to find someone, please!" Wei Duo turned away.

Su Po drank, "Come back!"

Regardless of Wei Duo, he has already flashed away ...

At this time, Niu Youdao and others had already drilled out the tree hole, and were shocked by the movement of the sky. They all stood on the canopy and looked out.

After Durasha, who wanted to rush to attack many times, bypassed and confirmed the safety, several people lowered their minds to wait and see.

In front of me, the vast and magnificent butterfly Luosha flying all over the sky was really amazing, and it was really dazzling, and the lights were all over the sky. I was dumbfounded one by one, and even Yuan Gang himself was a little unbelievable. Is this something he did?

Yuan Fang's eyes were full of worship.

Guan Fangyi's glance at Yuan Gang from time to time is really like looking at a monster. A heart is temporarily put down. With this monster in it, what else are you afraid of in this butterfly dream world?

Niu Youdao couldn't help but sigh, "Due to the limitation of the laws of the world, if these butterfly brakes can survive in the world, no one in the world can be their opponent."

Several people understood what he meant, not to say how powerful a single butterfly brake was. There should be many monks who were higher than butterfly brakes. The key is that this group of joint attacks is terrifying.

The ground boomed and rang, like a trapped beast, the horse landed on the ground now, and rushed in the jungle, killing and retreating all the way, covered with sticky green blood.

In the sky above, it is impossible to cope with the fast and fast flying attack of the butterfly Luosha from all directions, but landing on the ground can have some advantages.

He didn't know how many Butterfly Raksha he had killed, but he was still trapped in a intensive siege.

He rushed and killed alone, and no longer looked after the others, he knew that the others should be over.

Swoosh, five **** Ramashas suddenly rushed into the lineup of siege together ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A group of white-winged Ramasha and blue-winged Ramasha cooperate like stitches.


Surrounded by siege, Ma Jin, who was almost surrounded by invisible figures, suddenly uttered a roar of sorrow and a sword cut off the head of a blood Raksha, and the claw of that blood Raksha was inserted first. Blood on his neck spewed out of his neck.

In a flash, a few paws stretched out, tearing Ma Jin away on the spot.

Hundreds of disciples who planted light-driving grass were not spared, and none escaped under the tide of Raksha ...

The voice of "Yeah" echoed in the forest again.

The butterflies flying around the sky began to scatter and disappeared in a short while.

Winged, coming fast, and going fast, there was peace again between heaven and earth.

Under the canopy, a blood Raksha brought three blue-winged Rakshas to shuttle. A person came under the claws of the three blue-winged Rakshas. When they fell to the ground, they stepped on three people under their paws. It was Chao Shenghuai and the He brothers. The three were in ragged clothes and covered with wounds, but still alive.

Niu Youdao and others fell down the canopy, Yuan Gang and Xue Luosha roared and talked.

Looking up at this scene, Chao Shenghuai and three people were horrified. It can also be said that it was unbelievable. Can these people actually collude with Die Luosha?

"Chao Shenghuai, He You Jian, He You Long." Niu Youdao, standing with a sword and a sword, smiled and put the three people's names one by one.

Outside the illusion, Yuan Gang left the team and walked around for a while. It was n’t white. He recognized the three and asked other monks. Even Chao Shenghuai, Chao Jing ’s grandson, knew that, and returned to Niu Youdao informed.

Chao Shenghuai still didn't know life and death, and got a fake name Li to fool the cow.

Guan Fangyi gradually widened her eyes and glared at Niu Youdao, realizing what she knew, the **** knew that the three had problems!

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