Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 658: VIP guest arrives

The truth of the source, Niu Youdao will not easily leak out, "This is not important. What is important is that Xiaoyao Palace has confidence in the subsequent rebellion. It does not matter whether the prince is used or not. It is necessary to settle the account with the prince."

Guan Fangyi rolled his eyes and said, "There are still hundreds of thousands of horses in Nanzhou. How dare Chaoyao come?"

Niu Youdao said: "There will be no chaos, the thief will capture the king first, and he is going to take the lord off first. I want to be caught by surprise!"

Guan Fangyi puzzled, "Give you a draw?"

Niu Youdao said: "I'm not around the prince, I haven't been there with the prince, it's hard to understand. Long Xiu estimates that I will find a way to deal with the prince's killing and ascension, and I really want to deal with it. The prince is open After killing the elders of Xiaoyao Palace, the face of Xiaoyao Palace was lost, and Long Xiu could not sit and watch. But I was afraid that it would be blocked by me when the event was coming and the major event was fixed, so I decided to start at this time. It is indeed true It's Gao Ming, who really caught me off guard. I didn't expect them to suddenly be able to do a coaching change at the level of rebellion. "

Guan Fangyi suddenly looked weird and jokingly said: "Listening to what you say, Long Hugh is a bit jealous of you? Our Dao Ye is really not humble."

This makes Niu Youdao say, the strength of the two sides is not proportional, he does not think that there is any reason for Long Xiu to be afraid of him, but this is the opinion of Takasumi Cheng, Long Xiu said that his Niu Youdao is the most unpredictable change . After the court agreed, Shang Yongzhong and Xiaoyao Palace collaborated, and Gao Jiancheng had figured out the plot there, and passed the detailed news, letting him prepare early.

Seeing that he was silent, Guan Fangyi asked, "What should I do?"

Niu Youdao pondered and said, "I caught Shang Zhaozong and forced me to show up. It is estimated that I should be looking for me to settle Nanzhou. Once Nanzhou is in good condition, it is the death of the prince."

Guan Fangyi sighed, "Ah, this prince! Fortunately, you have known the news in advance, and quickly notify the prince to get out."

Niu Youdao also wanted to do this, the first thought was like this, but I thought about it, I really want to do it like this, Gao Jiancheng may be exposed, and Gao Jiancheng is in a position that is enough to reach one million masters, and can't easily make any mistakes. He must find a way to protect it and not let any doubts fall on the high-profile ones.

After pondering for a while, he asked back: "There are still disputes over the hundreds of thousands of prisoners there?"

Guan Fangyi nodded, "The news from Gongsunbu said this way."

Niu Youdao nodded: "Exactly, this is an excellent excuse. The message to the prince, the rebellion was continued by the prince, let Meng Shanming lead the 100,000 iron ride back. The captive matter made the lord decisive, led by Meng Shanming Hundreds of Thousands of Iron Horses escorted the hundreds of thousands of prisoners back to the place of the previous war. Most of Dachen Mountain's hands were evacuated along with Meng Shanming. Tell Wang Ye and Meng Shuai that this is Wang Ye's own decision and cannot let others know that it is mine meaning."

"This ..." Guan Fangyi wondered. "At this time, is it more and more easy for the lord to be in danger by subtracting the guarding force around the lord?"

Niu Youdao said: "What he does must take risks by himself, and cannot be borne by others. He has been too smooth in the past few years, and he should be punished. Meng Shanming must be transferred away, otherwise Meng Shanming I wo n’t sit back and watch him in distress. I do n’t want the coach to fall under this kind of conspiracy. I must first ensure his safety. "

Guan Fangyi didn't understand why he did this, and anxiously said: "Dao Ye, Shang Chaozong and Meng Shanming can evacuate at this time!"

Niu Youdao turned his head and swept his eyes, "Hurry! Do it now!" There was no room for discussion in the tone.

Guan Fangyi sighed, unable to understand what he was thinking, but knew that there must be a reason for his decision, and he could only turn around and execute.

After a golden wing was released, she came back and asked again, "Don't you inform Huanglie?"

Niu Youdao said: "You can rest assured that the main force has evacuated. In the face of the trouble of Xiaoyao Palace, Huanglie will not go to desperately for the prince, and will honestly retreat. He does not need to ask. The more people who tell, the easier it is to leak. Message. "


In the place where the army was assembled, not long after a gold wing fell, Gongsun Bu hurriedly came to the main account, saw Shang Chao Zongzheng and a group of generals discussing the next plan of rebellion, and waited aside first, when Shang Zhao Zong's eyes looked , He gave a wink.

The emperor of the Shang Dynasty knew what was going on, knowing that there must be some new instructions from Niu Youdao, and he quickly put an end to the plan and let everyone back.

At this time, Gongsun Bufang presented the news from Niu Youdao.

After reading the secret letter, Shang Chaozong was also a little suspicious, pondered for a while, and slowly nodded: "Respond to the letter, and do it immediately."

Gongsun Bu arched his hands and turned away.

Meng Shanming in a wheelchair asked, "Did Lord Dao have orders?"

Shang Chaozong stepped forward and gave him the secret letter.

Meng Shanming read the letter and was taken aback, "At this time let the power around the prince evacuate?"

After hesitating slightly, Shang Zhaozong said slowly: "Dao Ye will not be aimless. At this time, there must be some reason for doing so."

Meng Shanming frowned, and he knew the truth, but he thought it would be easy for the prince to put him in danger, but he was really confused about Niu Youdao's intentions and was silent.

Shang Chaozong turned around and drank, "Please ask the emperor's head to come."

"Yes!" The herald soldiers outside should step down.

Soon, Huang Lie led a few elders to come quickly, entered the tent and smiled with a smile: "My lord, what did you tell me?"

Shang Dynasty Zong Chongqiang said forcefully: "I have decided that I decided to take those captives back and settle them first ..."

He said the plan, Huang Lie was stunned for a moment, and asked: "Our men and women escorted the captives, what do you do, Lord?"

Shang Dynasty Sect said: "The Emperor's Master is assured that I will not harm myself, I will make my own decisions."

After the internal coordination was completed, the Shang dynasty sect immediately issued a general order. This order caused other people to be amazed. Unexpectedly, the Shang dynasty decided to pardon those captives.

He forced an order, and the other princes were hard to say anything.

However, Ga Miaoshui strongly objected that the Shang dynasty should not arbitrarily take charge of these captives, and must wait for the court's arrangement.

But his objection is useless here. The army should implement it, and it will not implement his opinion.

Later, Meng Shanming personally commanded the army, took the captives, and watched the way away.

Later, under the protection of Huang Lie and others, Shang Chaozong, together with the commanding center of Haozhou Su Qitong's men and horses, commanded the army to continue to chase down Wu Gongling rebels.


After all, the horses and horses will be tired, and the army will inevitably suspend rest on the way.

A group of guests came quietly outside the temporary camp account of Tashi Shi An Xianzhao of Tuzhou. Shen Yuhong, the elder of Xiaoyao Palace, and a group of masters of Xiaoyao Palace, came quietly from the side forest.

Yuan Long, the teacher of Lingjian Mountain, who was responsible for sitting in the horses of Tuzhou, heard the news. After seeing Shen Yuhong, he said strangely, "Brother Shen, why are you here?"

An Xianzhao then greeted him from the camp account and was about to retreat. He thought about avoiding the matter of the two monks.

Who knows Shen Yuhong raised his hand and greeted: "Master An, please stay."

A group of people here are inexplicable and do not know what to do.

An Xianzhao wondered: "What did Elder Shen tell you?"

Shen Yuhong pointed to the Chinese military account. "There are many people outside. Can you go in and say something?"

An Xianzhao looked at Shi Yuanlong, who wondered: "Brother Shen, what's the matter?"

Shen Yuhong smiled and reached into his sleeve, and took out a letter from the two letters in his sleeve to show him.

Shi Yuanlong opened the letter and found that it was the letter from Meng Xuan, the leader of Lingjian Mountain. All the letters in the letter explained it, but his face changed suddenly, and then he extended his hand. Dai Anxian called the Lord. . "

The irrelevant person withdrew from the screen, and when the others entered, and the curtain was put down, Shi Yuanlong and Fang Chen said: "Do you want to move to Shangzong?"

The observer from the state of Tuzhou, Shi Anxian, was shocked to know the intention of these people.

Shen Yuhong said in a deep voice: "Brother Yuan Long forgot to let Brother Brother Ning die in the hands of King Ning?"

Shi Yuanlong raised his eyebrows a little, and the matter passed long ago. What did you do with me?

Shen Yuhong continued: "Now that the Shang dynasty is ignorant of heaven and earth, and actually moved to the head of my Xiaoyao Palace following the example of his father, it is really impatient. How can I let him run wild in the Xiaoyao palace, when we dare not pack him ? "

Shi Yuanlong read the letter again, "You have to move, I have no opinion, but I want to remind you that he is not so active, and accidents may cause trouble."

Shen Yuhong smiled and turned back, "Your lord, there is no need to cover up at this time."

Lord? Everyone's eyes followed and saw that among the people who came with Xiaoyao Palace, one of them lifted his hand and tore off the mask on his face, revealing the true face. It was Yan Guoda's Sima Shang Yongzhong, who smiled and arched his hands to everyone: "Forgiveness of sins, forgiveness of sins, forgiveness, please forgive me."

Shi Yuanlong was surprised, "Prince German?"

Aside from the state of Tuzhou, Shi Anxianzhao was also surprised, realizing that it was not just Xiaoyao Palace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The imperial court also had to start against the Shang Dynasty.

In view of the nominal relationship between superiors and subordinates, he hurried forward to the ceremony, "Last will see Sima!"

"Eh, don't need to pay more, don't need to pay more." Shang Yongzhong smiled and helped him with his hands, and patted his arm, "General An, we haven't seen it for some years, the style is better than that, haha!" .

An Xianzhao accompanied him with a few words of politeness. He was not a group of people at all. Although they were the Sima of the State of Yan, he was the one with the weight of the soldiers below.

Shen Yuhong said: "Your lord, it's not polite now, let's talk about things."

"Okay, okay." Shang Yongzhong nodded, glanced around, stared at the hanging map, pacing to the map, and groped for a while, said, "There is a line about fifty miles away In the long and narrow mountain range, when the Shang Dynasty Zong's 100,000 Tieqi entered, the master would collapse the two ends of the mountain range, and 100,000 cavalry would not be able to exert a vertical and horizontal movement, and became a turtle in the urn.

Looking back at the crowd and laughing, "Of course, this matter also needs the cooperation of General An's team."

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