Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Nothing to do with sin

Cooperate? Cooperate with the 100,000 Tieqi who killed the Shang Dynasty? An Xianzhao looked speechless and slowly turned back to Shi Yuanlong. The feeling seemed to be asking, how did he feel like this was telling a joke?

Shi Yuanlong couldn't help raising his hand and touching his nose, looking at Shen Yuhong and Shang Yongzhong.

Shen Yuhong said: "You can rest assured that Su Qi was originally the person of my Xiaoyao Palace. Brother Shi Sheng went, and I took over on behalf of the Xiaoyao Palace this time. The people of Haozhou will naturally cooperate with each other. Everyone is occupied, and the tiger claw of the Shang dynasty is no problem. It can hurt Nanzhou's vitality and it is much easier to clean up. In addition ... "

He pointed to Master Yuanlong, "Brother Yuanlong, you still need to work around Dachan Mountain. Before the incident, I tried to lure Huanglie to the side. As long as Huanglie was controlled, everyone in Dashan Mountain dropped the mouse. It will not dare to be chaotic, and then it will be simple to control the Shang Chaozong. The Shang Chaozong is in hand, the Nanzhou people dare not act rashly, and I will solve the rest. "

Shi Yuanlong looked strangely: "Did Brother Shen not know that the 100,000 Tieqi of Shang Dynasty had left?"

"Leave?" Shen Yuhong said in amazement: "What do you mean?"

Shang Yongzhong, who had just pointed out some good ways to annihilate him, was also stunned.

"What do you mean?" Shi Yuanlong raised his hand and made a funny walking gesture. "Leave, it means leaving. Brother Shen will not even understand this?"

Shen Yuhong said in a deep voice: "Brother Yuan Long, this joke isn't funny at all. If it's gone, how can it go?"

Shi Yuanlong replied: "The disposal of hundreds of thousands of prisoners, Ga Miaoshui should report to the court, don't you know?"

Shen Yuhong still didn't understand, "I heard that Shi Xinmao broke through the barrier and arrested nearly 400,000 captives. How to deal with it was a problem, and the court was also hesitant, but what does this have to do with those 100,000 iron riders?"

Shi Yuanlong: "Shang Chaozong still insisted on his own opinion and forcibly ordered the **** to go. Forty thousand prisoners, accidentally it is a disaster, can the **** be solved by a little manpower? Shang Chaozong let his 100,000 Tieqi escort, by Mongolia Shan Ming personally supervised the command. "

He looked at Shang Yongzhong, who was dumbfounded again. "So, the plan of the prince's annihilation might not be used."

Shen Yuhong throat knotted and asked, "When did you leave?"

Shi Yuanlong: "It's been a long time since they left. They went west, rebelled against the army and went east. The two sides went in opposite directions. This is not a little distance apart. Most people can't come back to the ravine you said. Drilled in the ditch. "

Shang Yongzhong was a little stunned and muttered to himself, "How can this be?"

The expression was a little lost, a little lost, but he stared at the map for a long time to figure out a good strategy, and it took a lot of his hard work. It was actually in vain, and there was not even a chance to come in handy.

The reason why I want to get rid of the one hundred thousand iron rides is the Yingyang Wuliewei, which is the big killer of the Nanzhou men and horses. Without the Yingyang Wuliewei, Nanzhou would not have such a big threat. .

What I didn't expect was that even Meng Shanming was gone. Naturally, when he started to deal with Yingyang Wuliewei, he would naturally move Meng Shanming. This was the left arm of Shang Chaozong. In the current situation, although the Shang dynasty did not dare to kill, but Meng Shanming and Yingyang Wuliewei must have taken the opportunity to get rid of them.

Who thought, the two pieces of meat that wanted to bite all flew away.

Nanzhou ’s strength is intact. The consequences can be imagined. Once the Shang Dynasty was killed, the threat would be far greater than Wu Gongling.

"Shi Xinmao's idiot, you should directly kill the 400,000 captives, and take care of me!" Shang Yongzhong suddenly regretted.

Shi Yuanlong turned his eyes straight and found that the hungry man who was standing and talking had no backache, killed 400,000 prisoners, and was still forced by the flames of war. Who dares to be the master easily? I'm afraid that Shang Jianxiong doesn't dare to make such a purpose, and it can only be done secretly in secret.

Shen Yuhong, who was also absent-minded, was awakened by Shang Yongzhong ’s remorse, and then asked urgently, "Brother Yuan Long, what about the Shang dynasty?"

Shi Yuanlong shouted, "He, he is still there. By the way, a large number of people at Dachan Mountain also escorted the captives, and the people at Dachan Mountain here are just a few. People, if you want to move Shang Chaozong, it ’s now simpler, and you do n’t have to worry about those twists and turns. There is no guarding force around him. You just have to catch it. I ’m on my side ... "He smiled , "Can also save something."

It's not a joke, but it really feels like a lot of trouble. I really want to work with the 100,000 iron rides. Although the plan is good, if something unexpected happens, the Tuzhou people on his side still don't know how much to lose.

"As long as he is still there." Shen Yuhong loosed his breath and thought that Shang Chaozong had also gone. This time it was the account of Chong Shangzong. He came here on behalf of Xiaoyao Palace this time, and also had some competition. To catch Shang Chaozong is the beginning of revenge and meritorious service, so as to take over Shi Sheng ’s forces in Haozhou. If Shang Chaozong is run away, then Haozhou ’s forces are really difficult to swallow. For easy things, there must be a talk in everything.

Looking back and appeased Shang Yongzhong, "Yeye is assured that as long as Shang Chaozong is in hand, we will find a way to force Niu Youdao to stabilize the situation."

Shang Yongzhong nodded silently.

The next thing is easy to handle, but it is not up to Shi Yuanlong to say what is what, you must first confirm the situation.

Now gathered here are Su Qitong of Haozhou and An Xianzhao of Tuzhou.

Shen Yuhong asked people to invite the heads of the three factions from Su Qitong and Haozhou, as well as Ga Miaoshui, who also invited secrets.

When the parties met, the situation was confirmed, and it was indeed the same as Shi Yuanlong said, 100,000 Tieqi was indeed gone.

At this point, Ga Miaoshui had already reported to the court, but when the news was estimated that Shen Yuhong was still on the way, they had arrived and failed to get the situation in time.

And Shen Yuhong and others were secretly acting on this trip, so they did not dare to let too many people know the news, so as not to frighten them.

Shang Yongzhong showed Shang Jianxiong's will to Ga Miao Shui. After Ga Miao Shui's detailed investigation, he understood the meaning of the court and gave it back with both hands.

The meeting was properly negotiated, and it was supported by the forces of Tuzhou and Haozhou. The matter was no longer a problem. Shen Yuhong and his party began to appear publicly, turned over a mountain, and left the account of the Shang Dynasty and the Chaozong Dynasty.

Accompanying Su Qitong and An Xianzhao looked at each other from time to time, they were bitter in heart and participated in the arrest of Ning Wang's son. They really didn't want to do it, nor did they want Shang Chaozong to end like that.

But now they can't help them, and the accompanying monks are afraid of accidents, and they have already monitored them.

"Why haven't people come yet?"

After the case in the account, Shang Chaozong raised his head and asked, thinking that he had sent someone to recruit Su Qitong and An Xianzhao. As a result, he did not see anyone show up at this time. ! "

"Yes!" It didn't take long for the herald soldiers to leave, and they backed away again, reminding me urgently, "Ye Wang!"

Shang Chaozong, who was staring at the map in the tent, looked up again. As a result, a group of people appeared outside the tent. The one who was standing in the middle was familiar to him. He knew him from an early age. The powerful Sima of the State of Yan.

Around his uncle, a group of monks stared at him in the tent.

Feng Ruonan on the side was a little unclear, so I looked out of the tent and then my husband.

"Chaozong, I haven't seen you for years. Why didn't you see the minimum number of gifts when you saw your uncle?" Shang Yongzhong shouted with his hands on his belly.

The Shang dynasty's cheeks twitched a little and slowly walked out from behind the case. Then they strode forward and left the camp. Tiger eyes looked around coldly, and saw that the place had been surrounded by the silent army.

A group of personal guards of Shang Chaozong had quickly come to guard around, and watched the surrounding with their eyes.

Huang Lie and other Dashan Mountain personnel also came quickly.

As a result, Shen Yuhong shouted loudly, "Huanglie, there is nothing about you here, don't ask for fun! If you are really impatient, just try!"

Huang Lie's footsteps stiffened, looked around, his expression slightly twitched, and then raised his hand to signal that a group of Dashan Mountain personnel stiffened to 'look lively'.

"Sure enough, I'm used to being outside. I don't even understand the rules of being young and respectful. I really feel sorry for Brother Jianbo." Shang Yongzhong closed his smile and stared at Shang Chaozong with a cold snort, slowly. Slowly looked back and said: "Grandpa, declare it!"

The sacred decree shook out in Ga Miao's water-sleeved robes, opened in public, and read with frustration: "Your Majesty the Emperor of the Great Yan Kingdom! The sect of the Shishang Dynasty in Nanzhou is a county king. , To blame the people, and cause people to complain! The Cangzhou rebellion, the whole country rebelled, but the Shang dynasty reversed its actions, intercepted the royal court rebels, so that the war was repeatedly defeated, it was for the thief! It has now been confirmed that the iron evidence has been eliminated immediately. He took the post of General Rebellion and was sent to Beijing for trial. He also took charge of the matter of counterinsurgency. Finish! "

The scene was silent, and many insiders were sad, and found that it was really once the accounts were settled, and the charges were established, and the charges were all ready-made.

Faced with this situation, Huang Lie was helpless, and could only secretly sigh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Why kill Shi Sheng well? Are the three factions so annoying?

Ga Miao, who put away the imperial edict, calmly said: "Yongping County King, take the edict!"

"Take the order? Haha! Haha ..." Shang Chaozong laughed suddenly, seeming to hear Tianda's jokes, smiled, and then shook his head in grief and indignation: "I forgot to resign for the death of Dayanshe, and he did not hesitate to offend three. Dapa, I didn't want to do it, but in exchange for a crime I wanted to add to it. Why don't you bother me! I'm sorry to die, but just go on like this, and destroy one Wugongling. Don't worry that there is no second Wugongling. Why can my Shang dynasty Jingping? "

Ga Miaoshui ignored it, and the imperial edict went to Shang Yongzhong.

Shang Yongzhong immediately bowed and greeted with both hands, "Secretary, take the decree!"

When the purpose was reached, he straightened his waist, waved his big hand, and ordered as Sima Yan, "Take down!"

Someone just rushed out on both sides, and with a snap, Feng Ruonan pulled his sword out of the sheath, blocking him in front of Shang Chaozong, and said sharply, "Who dares!"

She didn't take the **** emperor's will seriously. When she was in Guangxian County, she led her soldiers against the court.

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