Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 932: Convict

What kind of person are you? Yan Li could only say nothing, and picked up the teacup and thought about it.

What kind of person does not say first, what kind of money is delivered in one hand, thinking about it makes him feel weird, is this like the same martial arts person? Does this look like a conversation between elders from the same door? He was in Zijindong for many years, unheard of, this is the first time.

This also made him realize that Niu Youdao has not yet integrated into the collective of Zijin Cave, and Zijin Cave has not fully accepted it. He still subconsciously regards Niu Youdao as an outsider.

After thinking about it for a while, I put down the teacup and stood upright, saying: "I have written down your conditions, but I still have no way to promise you. I will go back and give you an answer."

Niu Youdao also got up and said: "Then I will send you."

"Don't bother you." Yan Li didn't know whether he was mocking or self-deprecating. He waved his hand and walked out of the pavilion quickly, and left first.

Watching him leave, Niu Youdao sat down again and slowly drank tea, obviously thinking about something and falling in love.

Guan Fangyi, who voluntarily sent the person back, entered the pavilion and shook the fan and asked, "Hand in hand and hand in hand, do you want the two of them or the money?" , A little confused.

Niu Youdao played with the teacup cover, "You like money, I'm in your favor."

Guan Fangyi snorted, and then asked again: "Really give them both?"

She didn't feel this before, but now this one has drawn a line with Zijindong.

Niu Youdao didn't answer what he asked, and said in a deep voice: "Send someone to contact Tianhuo over there and tell them that the Kunlinshu couple's thing is what I said and talked to me. I don't mention any conditions. Remember, just send the words. But, do n’t let Tian Huo Jiao know that it ’s my hand, and do n’t leave any evidence or handle. ”

Guan Fangyi was stunned and understood that it was probably a guise to talk to Yan Li. The purpose of this circle should still be to keep the couple, slightly puzzled: "That's why, why should you be strict If you are long-winded and look back at Zijindong, if you agree to your terms, how would you explain? "

Niu Youdao said: "Do you think I am willing to do this? I also want to do whatever I want. I also want to be simple and happy. Whoever can be simple is willing to deal with them in vain? But there is no way to stay here. The rules of the game, there is no way for those who break the rules to get a foothold here. I can't completely set aside them in this kind of thing, and take the two couples from Kunlin Tree, Zijin Cave is a force, and I also need the protection of Zijin Cave clothes."

Guan Fangyi understood this, but just did n’t understand, "Is the Kunlin tree couple so important? For them, is it necessary for you to work so hard between the two factions?"

Niu Youdao chuckled, "Meng Shuai and their army have a good saying, they will be hard to come by!"

Guan Fangyi frowned: "Will? It's just because this Kunlin tree can do such a thing. It's too self. I really don't see where he can be a general."

Niu Youdao shook his head slightly: "There will be two types, one is good at strategizing, the other is good at fighting! Skyfire Promise, can it be regarded as the highest secret art by Skyfire, can it be simple? This kunlin tree has been cultivated. The talent that has been rare for hundreds of years is not enough for this practice talent. Are you not expecting it? I am a little looking forward! Since it was sent to the door voluntarily, if I missed it, would n’t it be true? Tianhuo If you do n’t want to make good use of the internal constraints of teaching, why do n’t you go to me? "

Guan Fangyi silently said, "You think of yourself as the clear master."

After letting go of the teacup, Niu Youdao patted his thighs with both hands and booed with a short sigh: "The matchmaker, we don't lack our own power, nor the people who do things, but the lack of people who can really do things, and can face positive risks. There are too few people and there are few choices. The stall is too big, too many things, I ca n’t cope with it alone. Looking ahead, the road is still long, we lack talent, do you understand? No matter what kind of talent , As long as it works, I do n’t think it ’s too much. ”

Guan Fangyi: "I understand your mood, even if he is a personal talent, but you kidnapped them in this way, aren't you afraid that their husband and wife will resent you?"

Niu Youdao looked back at her, with a slight taste: "You seem to have been kidnapped from Qi Jing? Do you resent me?"

Guan Fangyi was stunned, and immediately became angry and angry, and then "Go to you", slap, Tuanfan hit him on the shoulder, turned around and turned away, "Too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

The skirt swayed gently, stepped down the stairs, and out of the pavilion, a smile appeared on his face, recalling the past, Qi Jing's past, all the way to the present, although there are thrills in the wind and waves, the days are not in Qi Jing One day's living method can be compared, don't have a taste.

Looking back, the man in the pavilion sat quietly drinking tea slowly, although it was quiet, but it was hard to conceal his demeanor.


Qingshan beyond the mountains, admiring the mountains and mountains, driving large birds to fall on a mountain, Qian Fucheng overlooks the mountainous buildings in the distance, where the Tianhuo religion is located.

Qian Fucheng's so-called hometown sentiment feels a bit similar now. When he arrives, he dares to watch from a distance, but he dare not go back.

In fact, he has stopped repeatedly on the road, and has repeatedly delayed a lot of time.

Still the same sentence, dare not go back, something like that, dare not face it, my heart is infinitely annoyed.

With regard to the Kunlin tree, he couldn't make a business trip, and he really couldn't make a business trip. There was a treasurer in the world who was a middleman, and he nailed him to death. He couldn't turn over, and he had no room for sophistry.

When something like this happened, as the elder of Tianhuo, he knew too well what the consequences would be waiting for him when he returned.

He was scared, and he thought about simply going away and forgetting.

Can be weighed again and again, but still give up, the pros and cons of escaping and not escaping are obvious.

If you do n’t run away, you will lose everything you have now, and you wo n’t fall into the sect door. There will be no other risks. The basic appetite is least worrying. Maybe there is a chance to come back when you encounter the right time. Own manpower.

But if he escapes, the nature will be completely different. Zongmen will inevitably pursue him to the end. The rest of his life will surely fall into eternal panic. His disciples will also draw a line with him and turn against him. The consequences are unimaginable.

At the time of suffering, a large flying bird swooped in, and two people jumped from the top to investigate, also because it was found that someone landed here.

It was Tianhuo who taught the disciples. Seeing him, the two disciples quickly saluted, "I have seen Elder Qian."

Qian Fucheng smiled a little far-fetched and took a deep breath. He should still face it, and finally got up again and headed towards Zongmen ...

A letter was sent to the residence of the head of the rear of the main hall of the Tianhuo Fire. It was the letter sent by Niu Youdao. Because of the hesitation of Qian Fucheng on the way, the letter sent later rushed to Qian Fucheng Has arrived in front.

Do n’t talk to Zijin Cave about the Kunlin Tree in the letter. Zijin Cave will open a lion ’s mouth. The initiative is in the hands of Niu Youdao. If you want to avoid losses, you can talk to Niu Youdao. Niu Youdao will not mention any conditions. .

This letter could not figure out who the sender was or who sent the letter, and could not understand the meaning in the letter, but Yu Wenyan, the head of the group, had already noticed that Qian Fucheng and others had gone to Zijindong.

He quickly summoned the elders to come, and the letter took turns in everyone's hands, so that everyone could read it.

A group of people were discussing the matter, and suddenly disciples came out to report, "Elder Qian is back."

Qian Fucheng came as an elder, and was eligible to go directly here.

The letter, combined with Qian Fucheng's unusual behavior, everyone felt bad, and they all looked back outside the gate.

Gong Lince yelled, and motioned for people to come in.

After the disciples went out to talk, Qian Fucheng's figure slowly appeared outside the door, and apparently walked in very disturbed. How could he see the slightest Tianhuo teach the elders to be more sullen and lost.

After he stood in front of everyone, Gong Lince said in a deep voice: "What happened? What about the Kunlin tree people?"

Qian Fucheng bowed his head sadly and said, "I am guilty, I made a big mistake, please take charge of the punishment!" After all, facing the ancestral master sculpture, he knelt down on the spot.

Everyone was surprised and looked at each other.

Gong Lince's face went dark, and she said in a deep voice: "I asked you what happened."

"After I went to Zijin Cave, Kunlinshu was anxious to challenge Niu Youdao, I was confused ..." Qian Fucheng knelt in front of everyone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The cause and effect after arriving at Zijin Cave were originally detailed, no Dare to conceal the slightest.

Now that it has been decided to come back and face it, there is no need to conceal it, nor can it be concealed. The Kunlin tree fell on Zijindong ’s hand. How can it be concealed, people will naturally know the situation as soon as they ask the situation. hide.

After listening to his story, the people took a breath, and everyone dreamed that Qian Fucheng was able to do such confusing things.

Not to mention them, Qian Fucheng did not believe that he could do such a thing before and after.

Even if Niu Youdao himself, he would n’t have thought at the beginning. He did n’t think that Tianhuo Church let Kunlin Tree run to challenge. The course and results of the matter were all found and promoted by Niu Youdao step by step. Things have reached this point.

"Brother Qian, you are confused, Niu Youdao refused to even test, why did you agree to this condition?"

"Sister Qian, are you crazy? Under such harsh conditions, haven't you thought about the consequences? Don't you know that Kunlin Shushu is pregnant with the highest mystery of Tianhuo?"

"You, I really don't know what to say about you. You said yes when you agreed. Why did you promise to let the people of the world's wealthy villages become middlemen? You have no room for remorse like this. My Tianhuo Church is very passive! "

A group of elders were heartbroken and blamed Qian Fucheng.

Qian Fucheng was scolded silently, and there was also a bit of sorrow in his heart. At first, a group of people had to let him go, but now everything has become him alone.

Of course, at this time, things have already happened, and his disposal power is in the hands of these people.

"Shut up for me!" Yu Wenyan suddenly screamed and shook the hall.

ps: Xie "suffering programmer" Dahonghua comforted.

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