Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 933: Participate in negotiations

Ignoring Qian Fucheng kneeling in front of him, looking around the crowd with cold eyes, waving his fingers, "You! Is it wrong with him? I didn't allow it at first, who was here to talk and help? You are selfish Do n’t know? "

It is a very rare thing to reprimand all the elders, especially those who point directly at everyone's selfishness, as the head of the head shows the anger in his heart.

The temple suddenly calmed down, silently, one by one, and it was really unreasonable.

Yu Wenyan reached out for the letter and smashed it directly on the kneeling Qian Fucheng's face. "You explain, what does this mean?"

Qian Fucheng picked up the letter paper on the ground and read the content. He looked up and asked, "Master, who sent this, is it right?"

Yu Wenyan: "Do you know I still have to ask you?"

Qian Fucheng: "This matter should be related to Zijindong. I don't know the delivery of the letter. I don't know exactly what happened." What I said was the same as what I didn't say

"Nonsense!" Yu Wenyan scolded, and looked down, staring at him kneeling down, "You said, how should Zong Men handle you?"

Qian Fucheng had a good attitude, "Let Zongmen punish him, be willing, and never complain!" He knew that he could not escape it, and it would be useless to help him speak out of such things.

Yu Wenyan is also polite, "From now on, he will be removed from the position of elder and be reduced to a mountain patron!"

In the end, Qian Fucheng confessed, and no one spoke for him. The key is that things were too big. Even Qian Fucheng himself pleaded guilty and couldn't help.

So far, it is of secondary importance to dispose of the money, and how to solve it is the most important thing. It is impossible to easily let Kunlin Tree fall into the hands of Zijin Cave when nothing has happened.

A group of people formally negotiated, and then quickly deployed staff to decide to rush to Zijin Cave to resolve the matter.

I was really afraid that Kunlin Tree could not control his mouth for a long time, and leaked Skyfire Promise.

This kind of thing can't be done by most people. Yu Wenyan, the head of the team, personally took the horse and rushed to Zijin Cave with his hands for the first time.

Qian Fucheng can be said to be running back and forth, and he has to run again to Zijin Cave. There is no way. He is the one who knows the incident and the situation on the spot. There must be an informed person here, so Zijindong ca n’t say anything.

Although he was knocked to the end in the door, he did not reveal anything to this trip. Before the matter was resolved, he did not want Zijindong to read the joke. Qian Fucheng ’s elders ’accessories and wearing surface had not changed temporarily.

Several large birds took people to take off together ...

The people of Tianhuo teach came very quickly. This was as early as expected in Zijin Cave, and they were already well prepared. They were not afraid of them coming. They were afraid that they would n’t take the Kunlin tree seriously, just waiting for them. Come.

As soon as the person arrived, Zijin Cave immediately sent someone to Maolu Villa to call for a cow.

Zijindong agreed to the condition of Niu Youdao. As long as the hostages were handed over to Zijindong, 20% of the benefits were promised, and he was also allowed to participate in the negotiation and witness, so as to avoid the gentleman's heart from the gentleman's belly.

Upon receiving the news, Niu Youdao immediately recruited Guan Fangyi, and secretly told her how to cooperate next.

After the explanation was clear, Niu Youdao hurried away. After watching Guan Fangyi froze for a while, Fang mumbled to himself: "You are young, how can you learn these old traitors ..."

At this time she understood what Niu Youdao's previous arrangement meant ...

The place where the people of Tianhuojia arrived to stay is to entertain the guests. After all, it is the leader of Tianhuojia who came to visit.

Outside the courtyard, Yan Li wandered, already waiting for the arrival of Niu Youdao here. When he saw the appearance of Niu Youdao, he immediately greeted the past. "What are you doing, why come now?"

Niu Youdao: "What's the hurry?"

Yan Li: "Yu Wenyan went straight to the theme as soon as he arrived. In order to wait for you to come, Brother Brother Zhang has been dragging there."

Niu Youdao: "Isn't this already here, let's go."

He had just stepped, Yan Li grabbed his arm and pointed behind him, "What about people?"

Niu Youdao is strange: "Human? Who?"

Yan Li suddenly said, "I said Elder Niu, don't joke with me, okay, what are you confused about? The Kunlins and his wife, they are all in, and the negotiations have all started. Bring it over? If you're done, let the person deal with Zongmen, don't you want to play tricks again? I can warn you, you can't deny the promised things, even if you go to Mr. Zhong It's useless. "

Niu Youdao: "What a **** trick, I said what's wrong with you, how can you distort people? I didn't even talk about it. I brought people to do what, and one day I saw people there. What should I do if I suddenly get poisoned? "

It turned out that I was worried about this. Yan Li oh said: "You can't help but think too much. What is this place? This is not Tianhuojiao. This is Zijin Cave. They are not willing to spread wildly here."

Niu Youdao said: "It's always a good thing to be careful. You can rest assured that I'll talk about it and say that I have paid the money and delivered it in one hand. I want to deny it and I can't deny it. Lapse. "

The two pulled into the courtyard.

In the courtyard, in the promenade, on the left and right of the promenade are two rows of benches combined with handrails, and in the middle are the aisles. The people of Tianhuojiao and Zijindong each face each other.

The attitude of Zijindong's people is not bad. Lincai, the leader of the palace, even smiled and told the other party what happened.

Tianhuo teaches everyone with an expressionless face. They are not interested in the fart procrastination of Gong Lince. They just listen to it. The appearance of Niu Youdao attracted their attention and looked away.

There are quite a few people who know Niu Youdao among the senior officials of Tianhuo Church. Yu Wenyan has also seen them. When Tiandu ’s secret realm came out, it was so eye-catching in Tiangu. It was difficult to ignore.

Despite knowing what happened, they can see that Niu Youdao himself is still a little unbelievable. Niu Youdao could actually defeat the Kunlin tree that has become a Skyfire Promise?

They also focused on Niu Youdao's costume of the elder Zijindong. They also knew that Niu Youdao became the elder Zijindong. But they couldn't help but look at him like that.

Niu Youdao came to sit directly on the bench at Zijindong. He also had the qualification to sit on an equal footing with the elder Zijindong. However, after sitting side by side with a bunch of old guys, he became younger and more eye-catching.

Niu Youdao also noticed that Tianhuojiao was looking at himself. He subconsciously looked at himself. He turned back and plucked the accessories that represented his identity as the elder of Zijin Cave hanging on the belt. He set it squarely and showed it to the person opposite.

Is this chattering or showing off? Zijindong's side paid attention to his behavior, his cheeks stretched, and some people scolded shamelessly.

Yan Li went outside the corridor and came behind Gong Lince, whispering in Gong Lince's ear across the railing, explaining why Niu Youdao didn't bring anyone.

Gong Lince nodded slightly, indicating that she knew, and then continued to talk to the other party.

Yan Li returned to the corridor and sat next to Niu Youdao. When he saw that he was calm, he was relieved.

The long talk interrupted for a while and then restarted, Yu Wenyan seemed to have no patience to continue listening, and said: "Brother Gong, after I heard a little about it, I will not waste my tongue. I have already come. I have already apologized, and I hope Brother Gong will give me a face and let me take people back. "

"Ah!" Gong Lince sighed, "Brother Yuwen, of course I am willing to give you this face, but you can't let me lose face, too? Your disciples of the Tianhuo Church seem a bit excessive, and a little disciple in the following area dares to dare I ran to my Zijindong sect to challenge my elder Zijindong and won. I swept the face of Zijindong and lost. He did n’t do anything. Is there such a good thing in this world? If I let it go like this, let me know how Explain to the disciples up and down? "

This question made Yu Wenyan very annoyed. At first, he did not agree to let Kunlinshu challenge him. A group of elders repeatedly assured him that Niu Youdao promised to challenge. If he did not agree, he would not cause trouble. Something went wrong.

The thing is that Tianhuo is unreasonable first, reasoning is unreasonable, and Tianhuo is not strong enough to be unreasonable to Zijin Cave, especially the treasurer of the world's money houses.

Yu Wenyan: "I have said all the good things, but I can listen to the meaning of Brother Gong's words. It seems that I don't want to be kind to this matter. Even so, it's meaningless to go around. I want to make it clear."

Gong Lince waved his hand: "Brother Yuwen made a heavy speech ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This matter is not that we don't want to be kind anymore, but that your Tianhuo disciples are not good at coming. In exchange, it was my Zijin Cave who brought you Tianhuo Will you easily let this kind of person go when the teacher goes up? "

Yu Wenyan: "This is an unreasonable thing for us, but we can't kill people too much. The fact that the major factions detained each other's disciples as slaves. I saw it for the first time. Was it too much?"

Gong Lince: "Brother Yuwen, this is wrong again. If the Kunlinshu couple is still a disciple of Tianhuo, I will never do such a thing to humiliate disciples of Tianhuo. One does not let him go! The problem is that before Kunlinshu challenged us Elder Niu, he willingly signed a bet. Once the challenge fails, it means that the couple took the initiative to leave Tianhuo, no longer a Tianhuo disciple, but Niu. Elder's servant. "

"If Kunlin Shu is doing this alone, I can only do it if he is ignorant and ca n’t do anything, but this is something that your elder Tianhuo teaches Qian Qian to personally bet on behalf of Tianhuo. Can the elders go out and act on behalf of Tianhuo Jiao? Can this be unsuccessful? And this thing was witnessed by the people of Qianzhuang in the world. The Kunlinshu couple is no longer a student of Tianhuo Jiao. It's a bit overdone. "

"Of course, if Brother Yuwen feels that there is something wrong with the man in the world's Qianzhuang, Brother Yuwen can sue the Jiujie Pavilion. It ’s not difficult, it will definitely help Yuwen brother. ”

Yu Wenyan: "It doesn't make sense to say a bunch of truths. What are you trying to know for yourself? I said, I want to clarify things, there is no need to turn around and talk about things. If I say something happy, what should Brother Gong do? Let me take people away? "

ps: Thanks for the "Xiqi Road to Peace" gift of small red flowers for encouragement.

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