Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 966: Fong Fei Court

Especially when there are not many people sent from each party, it is so precious to have a confidant disciple to lay down hands in such a situation of three melons and two dates.

He didn't think it was an exaggeration, but Niu Youdao was dumbfounded. After the reaction, he realized that there was such a coincidence. This one was afraid that it would be hard to misunderstand.

I thought the other party had misunderstood it. Now with this addition, Niu Youdao murmured bitterly, "It is estimated that the explanation is unclear."

Chao Jing didn't know what he meant, so he tried to ask, "What does brother want to explain?"

"Nothing." Niu Youdao waved his hand. "Nothing."

He was nothing, but Chao Jing came from, immediately asked in a low voice: "Boy, what's going on with this experience? You have to ask me to give me a thorough explanation."

After the list of Holy Realms was changed, he wanted to go to Zijin Cave to talk to Niu Youdao like Yu Cang. Some things he dare not say in his letters, but he was really inconvenient to meet with Niu Youdao. Fortunately, Niu Youdao Also on the list, he will come in anyway, and he will not be in a hurry, this is the only way to meet this time.

Niu Youdao sighed: "Elder Chao, I really don't know what happened this time, and you don't think about it, how could I have an inside story about the Holy Land."

Chao Jing did not believe, "Boy, you made me prepare the reliable manpower to enter the Holy Land in advance!" The meaning is meaningful, obviously, you said you don't know what happened in the past?

Niu Youdao is not the first time to explain a similar problem, I really do n’t want to explain it, but I ca n’t explain it, **** thought he had an inside story in the Holy Land. How dare you admit that in case this group of guys came out in the Holy Land Something shook him out, saying that he knew the inside story, then the problem was serious, and the people in the Holy Land had to hold him and peel off his skin to investigate the traitor.

This kind of thing can't be admitted with or without it, nor will it be admitted to death.

He sighed aloud: "Misunderstood, all misunderstood. Do you remember what happened in the secret realm of Tiandu? It was originally nothing for me, and the result got me in. Then I came out with a holy realm experience. I was worried about what happened. But plan ahead. Your disciples are not for you. I want to take advantage of it in case of any surprise. Who knows that the training list has been changed, so there is such a misunderstanding. You really misunderstood. " Call a bitter mother-in-law.

Chao Jing looked unbelief, "I understand the idea of ​​my brother, I understand it, you can rest assured, what I do for you is not visible, it is impossible to betray you, but it is really confusing if you don't understand what is going on in this experience. Bottom. For example, for those things that Ding Wei asked us to write today, I did n’t make any preparations in advance, which made me unable to cope with it, but you guys, you easily dealt with the pass, and you know that you are naturally good to deal with ... "

Seeing Niu Youdao's eyes widened, he quickly changed his mouth: "Of course, I didn't mean to blame my brother. Things have passed. I shouldn't write everything. It's useless to regret. I just hope my brother will take care of it later. Do n’t let me deal with it in the future, brother, I ’ll really die if I go on like this! I do n’t think you want me to explain it here, otherwise you wo n’t remind me to arrange reliable manpower first, since you have arranged that way , I must be able to help you a little bit here, do you say that? "

Niu Youdao was choked enough, "I said, you really can make associations, but you are slow to respond and can't respond in a timely manner. What's the matter to me? I say it again, I really don't have any insider information! Well, what am I going to say before you can believe it? "

No matter what he said, Chao Jing would not believe, Chao Jing would not accept this, knowing that he would not admit, "Dude, I put my words here, and I am not a person who does not know the illustrations, as long as I have experienced you this time Can help me pass this trip, this trip to the Holy Land, but I have been instructed to go all the way and go all out! "

"..." Niu was speechless and right, one by one came and asked similar words, one by one did not believe how to explain, also explain what, explain fart! But he emphasized again and again, "You don't care what you think, but I want to make it clear, I really don't have any insider, you misunderstood!"

Chao Jing nodded, "Understood, understood, all understood! But multiple helpers work together, let's help each other, is that always true?"

You know a fart, why not die? Niu Youdao wanted to kill him, he said he was dry, or was he playing the piano with his head, and shook his head, "Yes, you are right, can we help each other?"

Chao Jing finally breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "I am relieved to have this attitude from my younger brother. If you are inconvenient, please notify me in time. If it is inconvenient, give a clear hint."

Niu Youdao waved his hand. I do n’t want to talk about this fact anymore. I do n’t know. People have to believe it or not. What can you do? Divert the topic and ask, "Ding Weirang, did you really write those things?"

Chao Jing raised his hand and squeezed his head. He said, "I can't write, but it's impossible to write to the death. It's obvious that even if we are grandchildren, we can't satisfy those people, and we can completely cut ourselves off." Can't you succeed? Like you, it's just to avoid the weight and write lightly, but you can't leave yourself as clean as you. "

Niu Youdao nodded slightly, similar to what he asked from the other side of the sea, even Chao Jing, and it is estimated that other people's coping styles are also inseparable.

It's just that everyone said so, and I don't know how the Holy Land will react after reading what you have written.

Because of this, he began to wonder what the real purpose of Ding Weirang's writing was ...

The holy place of Daluo, the elegant and quiet place of Qionglou, the night is deep, and the Fangfei Pavilion is deep in the heavy building.

On the terrace, Sha Rulai sat in front of the case. A pot of fine wine was empty against the moon. She raised her glass to look at the starry sky. The wine was made with the secret recipe of cattle.

There was no smile on his face, and he had no expression for a long time. In the words of the cattle who had seen him, it was like who made him owe his money.

Luo Fangfei's light shirt and thin clothes, the graceful posture under the gauze under the lights is looming, and the models come, kneeling and sitting beside Sharulai, the head of Yun Long gently leans on his shoulder, softly, with a charming meaning Saying, "Brother, late at night."

Sha Rulai had almost no reaction and toasted.

He didn't get the response he deserved, but unfortunately, Luo Fangfei felt a little wronged, but he immediately accepted the charm and sat down, graciously pleased to pour wine for him, and then took a small cup of complacency from the tray , Instead of clinking glasses: "I have a drink with my brother."

Sha Ru came casually, wondering if it was not her mind.

Without drinking a few drinks, a woman flew down on the terrace, put a cloth bag in her hands, and reported: "The patriarch, the transcript you want is here."

Luo Fangfei, who put down the glass, got up, took the cloth bag, and pulled out the contents. The cloth bag was thrown back, and a roll of rolled paper was spread out in his hand. He looked at the writing on it, and asked casually, "The Lord looks Has it passed? "

Hearing mentioning Luo Qiu, Sha Rulai reacted a little and glanced sideways, and then continued to drink herself.

The woman returned: "I have seen it. The main thing is for people to copy it from the Lord."

Luo Fangfei: "Sovereign Lord can say what to do next?"

Woman: "It should be no, I am not good enough to inquire about the words and deeds of the Lord."

"Well, come back!" Luo Fangfei's gauze sleeves flicked to the screen, and then sat down next to the case on the terrace, and began to read the contents of the paper.

These papers are nothing else, it is exactly what Ding Wei from Shouque Mountain Villa asked the factions to participate in.

Immediately after the things were written, nine copies were transcribed and sent to the Nine Supremes. Luo Fangfei learned of the news, and in the identity of his daughter Luo Qiu, people made another copy from Luo Qiu. Reach.

After a quick review of the content written by the various schools, Luo Fangfei placed the specially drawn one on the top, and sat next to Sharu. He put his hands on it and smiled: "Brother, look at Niu Youdao. The thing, the elders of the 28 families who came to practice, are the most lightweight written by this guy. "

Sharu stared back and forth at her, seeing that she was uncomfortable. The thing that Luo Fangfei held in her hand was a little embarrassing whether she should continue to hold it or put it down.

However, Sha Rulai finally received the paper and checked it by Xingyue Guanghui. After reading what Niu Youdao wrote, she continued to read other people's writing.

Seeing Brother taking it seriously, Luo Fangfei showed a happy face ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She rarely had anything that could make Brother happy, and all sorts of things were almost without any confidence in front of Brother. Now she was very pleased to see her brother, and she moved on her knees and took the initiative to fill up the empty glass for the brother. She sat quietly beside her and watched the silhouette of her brother under the moonlight.

After reading everything written by everyone, Sha Rulai looked at Niu Youdao again.

Indeed, everyone has pointed out the problems of this school. Only Niu Youdao wrote all the things that are "short of parents".

But when you look at it again, you can see that the answer written by Niu Youdao has already been given. That is, shortly after Niu Youdao joined Zijindong, he did not even have the power to participate in decision-making. Any insider, so I wrote such a unique thing.

Putting a stack of papers back on the desk, Sha Rulai asked, "Ding Wei asked them to write?"

Luo Fangfei said with a smile: "The experience is decided by the saints, how can he be the master, it should be the saint's advice."

Sha Rulai: "What do you want them to do next?"

Luo Fangfei shook his head: "I don't know, including letting them write this this time, there is no wind in advance, Ding Wei should be the earliest to receive advice."

Sha Rulai came silently and suddenly asked, "I heard that Niu Youdao changed your list and specifically appointed it?"

Luo Fangfei smiled and said: "Brother Brother asked if he was on the list? Since Brother Brother is interested, let him come in. I want to see what kind of person is interested in Brother Brother."

Sha Rulai: "I just asked him if he was made by Zijindong, and did not let you force him to get in."

Luo Fangfei smiled stiffly, and then Yan Yan smiled and said: "If Brother is not happy that he is here, I will let him go back."

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