Heavenly Genius

Vol 2 Chapter 967: Do you want to go back to Zijin Cave?

Sha Rulai slowly looked back at her, and wanted to ask her, this is not a matter of the Daluo Holy Land family, this kind of thing you have to repeat randomly at random? Are you kidding me?

However, after all, he didn't say anything.

Inside the Shouzhuang Mountain Villa, a man in the pavilion knocked on a door and said to the humane inside the house: "Yellow Guan Shi, Mr. Ding is back, let you go."

The yellow man in the house did not dare to delay, immediately got up and went out, and quickly walked towards the mountain.

His name is Huang Ban. He is a person from Dayuan Holy Land, and he is also a person who has been temporarily transferred to the Lingji Pavilion to listen to. Ding Wei took turns to take care of him and transferred him over to help.

In the main building of the villa, Ding Wei stood in front of the window and looked down.

Huang Ban entered behind him to salute, "Mr. Ding."

Ding Wei said indifferently to his back: "You will arrange their next experience. The things in the case are the ones I just brought and distributed to all parties."

"Yes!" Huang Ban should step down and walk to the case. He saw a stack of pamphlets on the case. He first opened it to see what it was.

Since it was for him to arrange, he would definitely have to figure out what was going on.

It turned out that there were pictures in the booklet, and it was the master of the Holy Land, the demon fox!

Although the Holy Land was the space opened by Shang Song at the beginning, there is a master in this world, that is, the demon fox, which is also the top-level existence in this world, standing at the top of this world's food chain. The Sacred Realm was originally called Fox Fairyland. After the entry of the next few saints, in order to control the forbidden guards of the demon fox, the monk's power was used to kill the demon fox.

However, the Holy Land is a world after all. The place is too big and the environment is complicated. It is impossible to kill all the demon foxes. However, the hunting of the demon fox has never stopped. The once master of this world can only hide in this world. Lingered in the corner.

Behind the drawing of the demon fox is the approximate area map, as well as text, which records the approximate hiding area of ​​the demon fox group.

Seeing this thing, Huang Ban was somewhat surprised and asked back, "Sir, will the next experience require them to hunt the demon fox?"

Looking down the window, Ding Wei nodded and turned his back to Xu Xu: "Yes, this is the next game they have experienced. But it is not only them, but also a team of hunters and killers, and the two sides will compete with each other. "

Huang Ban was stunned for a while, and then said with a smile: "Sir, is this still a comparison? On the understanding of the terrain environment and the demon fox, they have never been in touch. How can it be better to win the war with the corresponding number of people?"

Ding Wei said lightly, "What if the court is lost?"

"This ..." Huang Ban said huh: "How could it be better than losing."

Ding Wei turned around and looked at him, "If you still lose in the dominant situation, it proves that the people in the cabinet are not as good as those of you. Have you thought about the consequences?"

as a result of? Huang Ban stunned ...

Ding Wei came in a hurry, and left in a hurry. There were so many things under his control that he could not stay on this one. He just came over to get things done. But this time things are looming, and we have to make some arrangements from a personal standpoint.

Still in the pavilion that was forced to write things, Niu Youdao and others who were wondering how long they would be around here were recruited here again.

Huang Ban left Ding Wei after arranging things, and was reminded by Ding Wei. The nine holy lords were obviously dissatisfied with the 玥 玈 阁, and had revealed their intention to restructure the 玥 玈 阁Not prepared for coping.

As soon as the personnel of each school holding a booklet returned to the compound, the four persons of Fuhua, Langjingkong, Honggaitian, and Tianchang Impermanence immediately got into the room of Niu Youdao, and Shen Yidu then went away. .

Chao Jing could only look a few more times under the eaves on the opposite side. It was inconvenient to go.

"Don't ask me, I really don't know what's going on." The cow in the house facing the crowd complained repeatedly.

He refused to admit his life and death, and there was no way for everyone. Fuhua wondered: "Is Ding Wei's so-called good thing referring to this?"

Huang Ban told them just now that this training experience is a competition with the manpower organized by the 缥 玈 阁. If they win here, the people in the relevant positions on the 缥 玈 阁 side will be kicked out and replaced by them.

That is to say, the people who come to participate in the training this time may become the people in the cabinet, the key depends on their performance.

Niu Youdao: "Don't look at me, I don't know anything."

Duanchang flipped through the book, "Yao Fox! Legend has it that Shang Song opened this space, and signed a contract with the demon fox leader here. The demon fox family must not break into the world. Shang Song also promised that the monks of the world should not disturb the tranquility of the fox family Later, Shang Song was gone. Later monks in the world broke the promise. It seems that the leader of the demon fox family was also killed by that person, and the demon fox family has since fallen. "

Hong Gaitian said: "Pief is innocent and guilty of crimes. After all, it is not" innumerable fruit ". It is said that the group of demon foxes is called fox fairy fruit."

Niu Youdao slightly nodded, and related legends he also heard. In short, no matter whether it is infinite fruit, or fox fairy fruit, it is the forbidden thing strictly controlled by the holy realm, and it is also a holy thing for Jin Dan monk to break through the realm of Yuanying.

It is rumored that this thing can not only help the monks to break through the Yuanying realm, but also a holy relic of the demon fox's reincarnation and transformation into human form. This was originally the latter's thing, but it was forcibly seized by the former.

It is rumored that the demon fox family can transform the human form and have been killed, and now the remaining are all beasts hiding on all fours, but they are far more powerful than ordinary beasts. It is not too much to say that they are fierce beasts.

Shen Yidu shook the book in his hand to Niu Youdao and reminded him, "Elder Niu, in three days, give us three days to prepare for the study. We will leave in three days. What do you think or remind us as soon as possible? Good. "The meaning is self-evident.

Niu Youdao rolled his eyes, which is really unclear.

It was not clear here, but outside the Shou Que Mountain Villa, there were noble guests coming. Luo Fangfei came, and there were two waitresses behind him.

Her status was there, and the guard of the villa couldn't stop her, and watched her go in.

The Nianji Pavilion was originally formed by the joint staff of the Nine Great Supremes. There were also people from the Holy Land of Luo. When she heard that she was here, someone came to see her immediately.

Luo Fangfei, who walked in style, waved his sleeve as he walked, indicating that he didn't need to be polite, and at the same time asked, "What about Ding Wei?"

The man returned: "Mr. Ding is not here and has gone out."

Not there? Luo Fangfei was slightly stunned, and immediately asked, "Where do the people who participated in the training live, take me to see you."

"Yes!" The visitor immediately led the way and took him directly to the compound.

Luo Fangfei, who entered the compound, looked around and asked, "Where is Niu Youdao?"

"Uh ..." The man looked around, and finally pointed to one, "Here. See you in the cabinet, I'll call for you."

"No." Luo Fangfei refused the other party's kindness, and walked straight to the room of Niu Youdao. She was not a fool. She knew what she was doing and did not want to make it too eye-catching.

However, her appearance has aroused the attention of many people in this compound. The clothes and dresses are obviously not the people who are in the temple. They are certainly not the people who participated in the training. The personnel of the various parties who participated in the training are dressed in bright red.

And the people in the court are respectful before this woman, and it is clear that their status in the Holy Land is not ordinary.

"Dao Ye, someone is here." Qin Guan, who observed the movement outside, noticed and immediately reminded Niu Youdao and others talking inside the house.

Several people immediately stopped the conversation when they heard the sound, fearing that the outsiders would hear the inappropriate words and stared at the door in unison.

There was no report. Under the guidance of people, Luo Fangfei directly broke into the house and looked at the indoor environment without expression.

The leader shouted softly, "Daro Holy Land, Fangfei Pavilion Lord arrived, Niu Youdao, don't you come soon?"

Everyone in the house was a little surprised. I have n’t seen it, but I ’ve also heard that is it not the daughter of Luo Qiu, one of the Nine Supreme Masters, who is the master of Fangfei Pavilion in Daluo Holy Land?

Compared with others, Niu Youdao whispered in his heart, as if it were Sha Rulai's wife.

For them, Luo Fangfei ’s identity was really a real big man, and everyone stepped forward, respectfully bowing and saluting, and said in unison: "See the Pavilion Master!"

After the name of Niu Youdao, he attracted a group of people to see him. Luo Fangfei glanced at everyone. He was a little confused about which is Niu Youdao. He asked indifferently, "Who is Niu Youdao?"

Niu Youdao said busyly: "It's just underneath."

Luo Fangfei didn't have any arrogant sense of arrogance. He looked at Niu Youdao slowly with his cold eyes, "You are that Niu Youdao?"

What's wrong with this one? Niu Youdao defamated, I do n’t know what Sharulai ’s wife ran to find herself. Seeing that it meant to rush to yourself, I do n’t know if it ’s a good or a bad thing to find yourself. Carefully replied: “Yes!”

Luo Fangfei looked at other people again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How could a small room squeeze so many people, is there no room in Shouqianzhuang? "

This problem made Niu Youdao and others difficult to answer the call, but the leading personnel in the lead cabinet were informed and drank, "Not everyone in this house will go back to his own house and don't run around."

Fuhua and others immediately left without promise, and looked at each other when they went out, wondering what Luo Fangfei did to find Niu.

Ignore this question for the first time. In short, the four people are more suspicious that Niu Youdao has inside inside the holy land, otherwise why would Luo Fangfei not find someone else but Niu Youdao?

"What are you doing with a small book?" Luo Fangfei asked, staring at the things in Niu Youdao's hand. She had noticed the people who just went out.

"Fresh hair ..." Niu Youdao just started. The man in the cabinet had taken the initiative to **** the booklet in his hand, and instead gave his hands to Luo Fangfei. Niu Youdao was stiff and temperless.

Luo Fangfei took the book and turned it around casually, asking: "Are you going to kill the demon fox in your next experience?"

Niu Youdao is strange in his heart. Does this guy do not know what to do in practice? Mouth back: "Yes!"

Luo Fangfei threw the book back casually and asked by the way, "Do you want to go back to Zijin Cave?"

Niu Youdao, who received the booklet, was stunned. I did n’t know what this was saying, so he stubbornly said: "It ’s fake to say that I do n’t want to go back. My teacher is close to life. "He suddenly raised his head and raised his chest," righteous and awe-inspiring "looks like:" The matter of the Holy Realm is so great, it is still important to distinguish it. "

Luo Fangfei was simple and happy, and left after leaving, "Since you want to go back, then follow me."

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