Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1401: The dragon has reverse scales and never stops dying

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, everyone was shocked, and then each of his eyes beamed, revealing an expression of excitement.

On the ancient battle platform of Yunxu, there are not a few strong people in the past who signed the status of life and death, but this is only seen in the long river of history, if it is placed in a certain era, it is still extremely scarce.

At least in these hundreds of years of competition, I have never heard of anyone signing the status of life and death.

Lei Yu said fiercely: "Yang Qingxuan, can you dare?!"

The sea of ​​clouds with hundreds of thousands of people could hear the needle quietly, all staring at Yang Qingxuan expectantly.


Yang Qingxuan laughed wildly, and said awe-inspiringly: "I'm racking my brains to think how can I clean up you without letting you admit defeat. Now it's easy."

"Wow", the sea of ​​clouds erupted with excitement, one by one, like chicken blood.

The battle of life and death can bring out the full potential of a warrior.

In order to protect the existence of the top ten, Cangqi Lunwu set up a rule of admitting defeat. In many cases, Martial Artists often give up in order to rank and preserve their strength. The degree of competition is not satisfactory.

And once the status of life and death is signed, it is the explosion and confrontation of all the strength and potential between the two warriors, which is an endless situation.

This battle may be the most exciting battle in the entire universe.

On Qingli's palm, even Shi Yan and the others changed their faces.

Wu Qiyue and Shi Yuyan, who had always been confident in Yang Qingxuan, all had pale faces and their bodies trembled.

On Yun Hai, Pan Fatty cursed, "Lei Jun, you crazy dog! The boss killed him and sent him to death!"

In the void, Lei Yang stood with his hand in his hand, and said indifferently: "If Lei Jun can survive this battle, all the past will no longer be pursued. There is often no clear line between genius and evildoer. And if he is. If I can reach that height, I can tolerate other shortcomings."

The other Lei family martial artists changed their faces one by one, but they didn't say anything.

The corner of Dong Zhen's mouth raised a sneer, and said: "If this is the case, then there will be a life and death battle, endless death! The others will leave!"

After speaking, the figure flickered and appeared outside the Yunxu ancient battle platform.

The three of Lan Ningxu also flew out of the ring.

Everyone was too excited, and the three behind had ignored who was right and who bye.

On the ancient battle platform, only two people were left facing each other, looking at each other.

Lei Jun said: "You have been dead since the first encounter in the Black Sea, when I wanted to kill you. The time for these years, if you picked it up in vain, you can die in this ring today.

Yang Qingxuan sneered: "Have we met in the Black Sea? I have forgotten them. Over the years I have encountered too many, too many losers, I can’t remember which one you are. My memory of you , Just started from the top ten defenders."

"You...damn it!"

Lei Jun gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Originally, I wanted to give you a chance. As long as you kneel in front of me and surrender to me, I can spare your life. Now you don't have this chance."

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said, "Oh? It's a pity that I didn't plan to forgive you. You are doomed to die if you dare to hurt my woman. Even if you kneel down and beg me, you can't live!"

Lei Yun's pupils shrank, and the anger in his heart was suppressed to the extreme.

The entire Yunxu ancient battle platform suddenly fell silent, as if the world had stopped.

Then there was a loud bang, and the anger in Lei Jun's body directly turned into boundless thunder and lightning, and immediately enveloped the entire ring, and countless thunder dragons roared and shot down from all directions!

"You don't want to live another second! I can't stand another second!"

"Die! Die! Die!"

The overwhelming thunder and lightning, turned into countless thunder dragons, one by one was angry like thunder, pouring down!

All the warriors were shocked. Although I guessed that the shot must be a thunder blow, I didn’t expect it to be so terrible. The whole world turned into a thunder sea electric prison. Lei Jun’s body was constantly expanding and growing, and he held his right hand. The spear, like a **** of thunder, stood on the battlefield and roared: "Thousands of thunder are rushing!"

Yang Qingxuan’s pupils shrank abruptly, and he also didn’t expect Lei Jun to run away directly. He couldn’t care too much at the moment, pinching the tactics with both hands, and then spreading the five fingers of his right hand. The yellow barrier was opened like an umbrella, and then shrouded.

"What?! That's—!"

Within the void, upstairs in Jinqueyu, and even in the glorious hall, all the strong were shocked and screamed out loud.

"Sure enough, it's Wuji Xinghuangqi!"

"Isn't this flag in the Misty Star Palace? How could this kid have it?"

"It is said that the Eye of Dark Night is also on this child, plus the Halberd Sky Ruins, my God, how many holy artifacts does he have?"

"Is this God's darling? The strongest martial spirit, the three holy artifacts, unworldly supernatural powers, and supreme talent!"

Before the major powerhouses, they were all shocked.

Yang Yunjing stared at the huge crystal, making waves in his heart at the same time, and said in a deep voice, "How could this flag fall into his hands?"

In the void, Shi Yanning said: "The Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner was immediately sacrificed, and he did not hesitate to expose the sacred artifact. It seems that Lei Jun's power has already made him feel threatened."

Shi Yuyan said: "This is a life-and-death battle. It is endless. Naturally, you have to play all your cards, and you can't be sloppy."

Wu Shan said, "Although the Lei family is crazy and mad and full of evil, it is indeed an inexhaustible evildoer."

Wu Qiyue's eyes are rippling, and she is still thinking about the words just now, "You dare to hurt my woman, you are doomed to die". In such a crisis, her heart is actually very sweet, even some Joyful.



One after another thunder dragon shot down on the enchantment of the Wuji Apricot and Yellow Banner.

The ground of Yunxu Ancient Battle Platform was constantly shattered by the burst of lightning, but it was still unable to break the barrier.

"How can it be so strong?!"

Yang Qingxuan and Lei Jun trembled in their hearts at the same time, and instantly discovered that they had underestimated each other's strength.

"Can I win with the sacred weapon? The sacred weapon needs the strong to exert its power!"

Lei Jun's face sank, he took the Spirit Dragon Fantasy World in his hand and flashed away, "No matter how powerful the sacred artifact is in your hands, it can only make the orb dusty!"

"Reverse Galaxy!"

Lei Yun roared, and the spear burst into the air, carrying an endless thunder light, violently shooting towards Yang Qingxuan, the thunder in the world, all led by the spear, exploded on the barrier.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, he gritted his teeth, and took the yellow flag away. The true essence on his body instantly burst into the Halberd Sky Ruins!

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