Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1402: Time and space thunder lock, covering the sky and the sun

"Shocked to the sky!"

Yang Qingxuan held a halberd with both hands, shot his figure explodingly, and slammed it over!


The halberd slashed in the spirit dragon fantasy world, and the powerful phantom light tore the lightning apart. In addition, the purple fire whirled around his body, instantly turning into a sea of ​​fire, contending with the lightning.

With the two as the center, the world was instantly divided into two distinct halves, half of the world of thunder, and half of the ocean of fire, constantly bursting out terrifying brilliance, shaking in all directions.

"Those who offend my Lei family must be prepared to endure Thor's wrath."

Lei Jun's body kept bursting with thunder symbols, flickering in the air, and the small Wan Lei magneto-optical discs on the center of his brows also emerged, covering the sky, which was the harbinger of the Lei Family's forbidden technique "punishment of falling from prison".

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrunk slightly, and the red flames and black flames rushed out of his body, and began to merge with the purple flames. At the same time, he said coldly, "Speaking of which, you have always been entangled with me? I don't even remember how I offended you. It's silly."

Lei Jun said: "Forget it, it's okay, I can tell you, this world cannot tolerate two geniuses! When I found out that your talent is equivalent to mine, I already offended me, and at that time, you have already been sentenced by me. The death penalty!"

Yang Qingxuan said angrily: "It really is a big fool! Get out of the Gobi!"

The thunder light on Lei Jun's body instantly merged with the little Wan Lei magneto-optical disc, and a force of ruining the world poured down, "Punishment of falling into prison!"


After a huge earthquake, the world suddenly became quiet, and all sounds disappeared instantly.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at each other in amazement, only seeing the light and shadow jumping, and there was no sound at all.

The figures of Yang Qingxuan and Lei Jun were also completely hidden in the thunder and lightning, in a trance, not real.

At this moment, a three-color fire burst out of Yang Qingxuan's body, which merged with the virtual light, slashed out wildly, and split the world of thunder!

"Earth Huo Mingyi!"


Within the punishment of falling into prison, a purple-black gully was cut, and it was constantly torn forward, like a power struggle, to break through the world.

"It's useless!"

Suddenly Lei Jun's voice came from behind Yang Qingxuan, "Under this thunder light, I am a god!"

Yang Qingxuan's heart was shocked, and he said in amazement: "Why so fast?! It was almost teleported, and I didn't even notice it!"

"Do you think I am fast? Hahahaha, don't you understand? Don't understand, go be a fool!"

Lei Jun laughed wildly and patted him with a palm, "Lei Huan Hand!"


A palm hit Yang Qingxuan's body, blasting him to pieces.


Lei Jun was startled, his eyes froze.

Only a hundred meters away, Yang Qingxuan's figure emerged, coldly said: "Mental retardation! It is just the transfer of lightning field energy, which can be teleported to any node in the field energy, so it feels like teleportation. People can’t catch it. What’s hard to guess for such a simple thing? But I can control the time. No matter how you teleport, it also takes time. The word'transit' is originally a unit of time. I want to hit me by sneak attack, yes Are you mentally retarded or mentally retarded?"

"Damn it! Even if you can control the last time rules, but under my five-color **** thunder, it's just a chicken dog, **** Thor's Wrath!"

Lei Jun roared, and the sky full of thunder light continued to turn into five colors, shining the entire world with brilliant brilliance, countless thunder patterns scattered across the sky and the earth, like a vast array, the small ten thousand thunder magneto-optical disc was embedded in the center of the array, instantly Haoran's mighty force is formed.

"Thunder Array!"

"The Fury of Thor!"

Lei Jun raised his spear and pointed at Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disk, and suddenly a large and thick five-color divine thunder fell, covering the entire Yunxu ancient battle platform.

"How can it be so strong?!"

Shi Yan was full of horror, and said, "This Lei Jun is only in the mid-aircraft stage, and his cultivation level is equal to Yang Qingxuan's. There is no reason to be so strong! The Thunder Covering Array can more than double the energy of the Thunder, it is the Lei Family's secret technique and supernatural power. One, with the power of Thunder Jun, it should not be possible to stack the Thunder Covering Array and Thor's Wrath."

The glaucoma flickered in Wu Xian's eyes, and he said coldly, "The problem lies in the little Wanlei magneto-optical disk. This little Wanlei magneto-optical disk may be manipulated by Lei Yang."

Wu Qiyue said anxiously: "Can Brother Qingxuan still win?"

Wu Xian frowned and said firmly: "Of course, this is a battle of life and death. If you don't win, you have to die. I think Yang Qingxuan's appearance is not short-lived."

Wu Qiyue was speechless for a while, how this kind of analysis made people feel relieved.

On the ancient battle stage of Yunxu, Yang Qingxuan sacrificed the Wuji Xinghuang Yellow Banner and transformed a ten-meter enchantment, when the five-color **** thunder blocked it!


The power of the thunder was continuously shot down from the small Wanlei magneto-optical disk, and blasted on the Wuji apricot yellow flag. The light of the flag was erratic, and the thousands of golden lotuses rotated, blasting the thunder light layer by layer.

Lei Jun's eyes were so gloomy that he couldn't even dream that Yang Qingxuan had such a treasure.

But the corner of his mouth raised a sneer, and he constantly drove Xiao Wanlei's magneto-optical disk to drop the five-color divine thunder.



After more than ten consecutive falls, the Thunder's power not only did not diminish, but also increased, and the subsequent five-color **** thunder turned into a dragon, roaring down!


On Yang Qingxuan's Wuji apricot and yellow flag, the golden lotus began to shatter, and layers of five-colored thunder lights agitated in the sky.

"How could this be? Is this still the power of the air magic realm?!"

Above the entire sea of ​​clouds, all the spectators, the powerhouses in the void, and the spectators such as Zhong Jie were all shocked.

"Hahahaha, Yang Qingxuan, you are dead now! Even if I have the apricot and yellow flag, it is impossible to stop my thunder anger, hahahaha!"

Lei Jun was holding a spear, standing on the void and laughing wildly.

The entire Heaven and Earth Thunder seemed to be under his control.

Lan Ningxu dragged his chin with one hand and said to himself: "Uh, this is not a simple thunder formation, time and space thunder lock, this is the root of the Lei family's strength. No wonder this kid dared to stand up to life and death, Yang Qingxuan Are you going to hang up?"

In the void, the members of the Lei family placed a formation, surrounded them, each pinched the tactics, and punched Lei Yin into the formation.

The formation is shining with blue light, and when you look closely, you will find that there are countless dark chains floating on it, and the other end is deep into the void, disappearing.

The power of the Thunder Seal of all people is continuously transmitted from the chain.

With a sneer in Lei Yang's eyes, he said, "Lu Yukui's covering the sky and the sun perfectly hides the time and space Thunder Lock. At this moment, Yang Qingxuan is not facing Lei Yun alone, but the power of at least eight people! If it is eight people If the power is not enough, then add the old man's, even if Yang Qingxuan is the realm king, he will have to die on the ancient battle platform this time!"

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