Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 1417: Right or wrong


The Demon Slayer in Yang Qingxuan's hand, after hitting a sword, broke into a sword soul again, and fell into the grave.

Yang Qingxuan frowned. The true meaning of the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb is that it can regenerate the sword soul, but it seems to be time-sensitive.

With his ability at the moment, he can only be reborn for a moment.

But no one cares about this detail.

Even Yang Wuxin's shock and flying, falling on the ring, sliding out hundreds of feet of blood, no one paid attention.

When you are a dragon and a phoenix among the people, you are highly regarded and sought after by thousands of people.

At this moment, he was knocked out of the dust and turned into a bereavement dog, completely lost the opportunity to stand up, others even look at you and feel sick.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people felt a hint of chaos in the hearts of some people.

Upstairs in Jinqueyu, the top twenty-four of the top ten, all of them looked solemn, and they exchanged glances with each other, and even said very little, as if they did not dare to say anything.

The powerhouses in the void everywhere flashed one by one, seeming to be thinking about something.

Shi Yan and Wu Xian looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then lightly nodded.

In the Hall of Glory, Yang Yunjing stared at the huge crystal, his face was covered with frost, but his eyes were muddy and his inner emotions could not be seen.

Lu Yukui said in a deep voice, "Should I say lucky or unfortunate? Fortunately, I met this child at this time. Otherwise, in a few decades, the weather will be great, and we will not be able to kill by then. Your lord, please Don't worry, I will leave the rest to me. Even if he fully grasps the profound meaning of the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb, he will stop here."

With that, Lu Yukui turned around, and walked away with murderous eyes.

On the ancient battle platform of Yunxu, Yang Qingxuan collected the Taixuan Sword Tomb, and the whole world was restored to clarity.

Yang Wuxin struggled to get up in the distance, and kept saying: "My... Taixuan Sword Tomb is mine... I am the heir of the sword tomb... The son of the emperor... Hahahaha... Yang Qingxuan, you Bastard... I knocked out the dust... Hahahaha..."

Yang Wuxin laughed wildly, with a sword mark on his chest that penetrated through the inside, and a large amount of blood stained the front of his clothes.

The aura in the pupils spread out, and he was crazy and crazy.

"My Supreme Profound Sword Tomb...the strongest spirit...the dragon and the phoenix among the people..."

Yang Wuxin stumbled and smirked, "hahahaha" ran away.

Jiuxiao Canglan sea, still can hear the needle, there is no sound.

Yang Qing Xuanxu's five fingers loosened, and a sword intent disappeared, and he sighed for a long time. Originally, he was wondering whether to send Yang Wuxin on the road, but until the opponent ran away, he couldn't start after all.

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand and collected all the seven swords left by Yang Wuxin. With another wave of his hand, tens of thousands of sabers shook out from the ring, flew into the sea of ​​clouds, and returned to the hands of the original warrior.

After doing all this, Yang Qingxuan turned around and said, "Master Dongzhen, it's time to pronounce the sentence."

Dongzhen and Batianjun were already dumbfounded, they were full of stormy waves in their hearts, and even the results of the game were forgotten.

When Yang Qingxuan reminded him, Dong Zhen reacted, forcibly suppressing the horror in his heart, and said solemnly: "Yang Qingxuan wins this battle! In the next game, Zhong Jie faces Xu Weilong!"

Yang Qingxuan stepped off the ring under the eyes of everyone.

Up to this moment, Emperor Yang Yunjing had not appeared, and huge doubts spread in everyone's mind, speculating about various possibilities.

Yang Qingxuan returned to the bottom of the ring, and began to sit vacantly, a little red flame burst out of his body, and his body was repeatedly burnt.

It is the Jingye Bone Calcining Art, which uses the original fire to quench the body.

Yang Qingxuan had just swallowed a holy artifact, unable to digest it in a short time, and could only rely on flames to burn the remains of the holy artifact directly into the flesh.

It was because of the suppression of the Supreme Profound Sword Tomb that he could swallow the holy artifacts into his body at the critical moment of life and death.

It was the sword intent contained in that sword that was absorbed by Yang Qingxuan, which finally realized the complete Taixuan sword intent.

At this moment, there is some indigestion, and it takes a long time to absorb, and the Jingye Bone Calming Technique can undoubtedly speed up this process.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes were watching him quietly, and he was even no longer interested in watching the second game of the Four Finals.

"Hey, something is wrong with Xu Weilong."

Yang Qingxuan was in the process of forging his bones. He heard the exclamation sounds from all around him, and he could not be distracted until Lan Ningxu said a word to draw Yang Qingxuan out of his cultivation.

I saw that Zhong Jie and Xu Weilong had already hit the white-hot stage on the Yunxu Ancient Battle Platform. What surprised Yang Qingxuan was that Zhong Jie was actually downwind, and Xu Weilong suppressed every move.

"How could this be?"

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face became a bit solemn.

He knew Zhong Jie's strength. At this moment, Yu Xing Huang Dao was also unblocked, but he still couldn't get rid of his disadvantages, and Xu Weilong could not fight back.

Xu Weilong's realm was at the pinnacle of air magic, one level worse than Yang Wuxin, but in every move, he almost exerted the power of the extreme realm.

After watching for a while, Yang Qingxuan finally found the clues, and said in surprise, "Is the power not diminished?"

Lan Ningxu glanced at him and smiled: "Your observation is very careful. In terms of strength, the two are evenly matched. But Xu Weilong's every move is an explosive attack, and it can continue without decay. It can be played for a long time. , Zhong Jie naturally couldn't hold it anymore."

Yang Qingxuan said in amazement: "How is this possible? Even after taking the pill, it can't last for so long, right?"

Lan Ning said: "Of course it is possible, and there are many ways. But how Xu Weilong did it, although I have a few guesses in my heart, but I am uncertain. Maybe you will have to wait for you to get on the court before the mystery can be revealed. Up."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, originally there was no pressure at all for the next game.

Whether it was against Zhong Jie or Xu Weilong, it was a win-win situation, but Xu Weilong's performance at this moment made him feel a little bit bad.

Lan Ningxu looked at him a few times, and suddenly smiled: "That sacred artifact hasn't been digested yet, so you should settle down to practice and try to break through the first level before the battle, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Yang Qingxuan was startled, and secretly said: "How does he know that I have touched the bottleneck?"

After being taken into the body by the power of Yasha last time, and Ziyuan's life and death help each other to break through, once again felt the bottleneck shackles.

The speed of the realm improvement this time was so fast that it was entirely caused by the sacred artifact entering the body.

After Yang Qingxuan used flames to burn the flesh and the remnants of the sacred artifacts, his cultivation soared, and he quickly sensed the bottleneck in the late stage of the air technique. The speed surprised him.

You must know that Yang Qingxuan swallowed soldiers into the body but the sacred artifact, although it is a sacred artifact that is not on the list of sacred artifacts, it is by no means comparable to ordinary yuan artifacts.

After hearing Lan Ningxu's words, Yang Qingxuan hurriedly fell silent, and continued to forge his body with red flames, refining the power of the sacred artifacts, in order to break through before the battle.

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